(nr.47) STALIN, etc. Some interesting turns in the discussion on NL Expatica Forum:
" 8 March, 1711" - http://my.expatica.com/c:nl/forum/viewtopic.php?t=96206
From "The Unknown STALIN" by Zhores A.Medvedev & Roy A.Medvedev:
"The whole notion of a 'Zionist conspiracy' against the Party leadership has been invented by Stalin at the end of 1948 as a continuation of the campaign against 'cosmopolitans' begun in 1946. Scores of people were arrested in 1949 as part of this anti-Semitic campaign along with almost all the members of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee, including Molotov's wife, Polina. The celebrated Jewish theater director, Solomon Mikhoels, was killed during a visit to Minsk in January 1948, according to a special scenario devised by Stalin [an automobile accident].
.... The anti-Semitic campaign continued .... 1948-1952, with the 'discovery' of a mounting number of plots. ... [Georgian-Mingrelian case] several of the accused were compelled to testify that Beria was concealing his Jewish origins. ... 'group of terrorist doctors' .... Jewish doctors who had allegedly been recruited by the international Jewish bourgeois-nationalist organization 'Joint'. Among the arrested doctors were some who were actually Russian and also rather prominent, and they were linked to other organizations. Stalin's former personal physician, Professor Vinogradov, and the head of the Kremlin medical service, Dr.Yegorov, were said to be long-term agents of British Intelligence.
... Sunday 1 March, however, turned out to be the last day of this anti-Semitic, anti-Western onslaught. ... But on Monday, 2 March neither Pravda nor any other central paper contained a single anti-Semitic remark or any trace of anti-Zionist material. ... The anti-Semitic campaign was over."
And 3 days later, March 5, 1953 Stalin was dead (buried March 9).
This morning "wrong parking": OU 54 WNN.
Yesterday I 've spoken with Peter Westhorpe, who is back from vacation at the JobCenterPlus.
Friday, 28 September 2007
Thursday, 27 September 2007
(nr.46) GORBACHEV ???? the article is a good example of the CABAL agenda and LIES.
As I noticed from my first ever visit to the "West", all memory and history about what really happened in 1917 and about Lenin+ is swept under carpet. Stalin is demonised in a very emotional and hateful manner, in contrast.
The 'controversy' omits one HUGELY important event: LEGALIZATION of SODOMY, so-called FREE LOVE and SEXUAL EDUCATION (molestation and violation of children) in schools.
The latter was advocated/implemented by a "woman" Prof. SCHMIDT, among others.
Under STALIN this SODOM was declared a crime.
Just like another "ethnic taboe" aspect of the Lenin-Trotsky government and subsequent upheavals, which led even in the last stages of the crumbling Soviet "Empire" (crumbling by plan and design) to "people talk" in half-tones: " A KaGeBe-to - zhidovskoe !".
By Dmitry Solovyov "Gorbachev warns Russians against rise of Stalinism":
As I noticed from my first ever visit to the "West", all memory and history about what really happened in 1917 and about Lenin+ is swept under carpet. Stalin is demonised in a very emotional and hateful manner, in contrast.
The 'controversy' omits one HUGELY important event: LEGALIZATION of SODOMY, so-called FREE LOVE and SEXUAL EDUCATION (molestation and violation of children) in schools.
The latter was advocated/implemented by a "woman" Prof. SCHMIDT, among others.
Under STALIN this SODOM was declared a crime.
Just like another "ethnic taboe" aspect of the Lenin-Trotsky government and subsequent upheavals, which led even in the last stages of the crumbling Soviet "Empire" (crumbling by plan and design) to "people talk" in half-tones: " A KaGeBe-to - zhidovskoe !".
By Dmitry Solovyov "Gorbachev warns Russians against rise of Stalinism":
Wednesday, 26 September 2007
(nr.45) PrisonPlanet.com articles continue to be blocked quite regularly - by a Hampshire IT service or their representatives. Yesterday and today, for example, Alex Jones' interview of Cheryl Hall (Vaccine Reactions and Medical Cover-ups) is blocked,
because it is "categorized as: Violence". The page with "subscribe" is blocked regularly from my observation, too. They did not block, however, "UK Police Claim Filming them is an offence". Food for thought ...
As for my appt. at the Gosport JobCentre+ today, no news about my request to see (digital) paper work, but my allowance shall be delayed for a week (max), because Steph. Simpson decided to send a complaint judging my " job searching activity" insufficient.
I had made an oral complaint about her work and competence (to CEO Peter Westhorpe) soon after she took over from Chris Moxham, with whom I never had any problems.
All this happens while Mr. Westhorpe is on vacation (?) .
The name of God was removed from the town's motto: "God's Port - Our Haven" as part of the Millenium Project. The new bourough "motto" is wordless and considered worthless by many.
There is even an insistance, that Gosport is actually Goose-Port, because of the goose market.
Any significance to 'goose' ?
because it is "categorized as: Violence". The page with "subscribe" is blocked regularly from my observation, too. They did not block, however, "UK Police Claim Filming them is an offence". Food for thought ...
As for my appt. at the Gosport JobCentre+ today, no news about my request to see (digital) paper work, but my allowance shall be delayed for a week (max), because Steph. Simpson decided to send a complaint judging my " job searching activity" insufficient.
I had made an oral complaint about her work and competence (to CEO Peter Westhorpe) soon after she took over from Chris Moxham, with whom I never had any problems.
All this happens while Mr. Westhorpe is on vacation (?) .
The name of God was removed from the town's motto: "God's Port - Our Haven" as part of the Millenium Project. The new bourough "motto" is wordless and considered worthless by many.
There is even an insistance, that Gosport is actually Goose-Port, because of the goose market.
Any significance to 'goose' ?
Tuesday, 25 September 2007
(nr.44) Dutch words so far:
Bijlmoord - the headlines in the Dutch newspapers, ref. to a gruesome murder on Sept. 8 of a 22 year old Dutch student in the city of Roosendaal by an american with an axe. Bijl - axe, Moord - murder. Bijlmoord= axe murder.
INKIJK = Look-in (kijk=look) . In mid-nineties there was an investigation by the Dutch parl. commission into illegal activities by police, judiciary and private investigators, which included
staged burglaries and illegal entries/searches of private houses.
I hope to have a look at my files in the JobCentrePlus tomorrow. I have asked CEO Peter Westhorpe in writing (2 weeks ago) to see my assessment records as from Jan. 2007.
Bijlmoord - the headlines in the Dutch newspapers, ref. to a gruesome murder on Sept. 8 of a 22 year old Dutch student in the city of Roosendaal by an american with an axe. Bijl - axe, Moord - murder. Bijlmoord= axe murder.
INKIJK = Look-in (kijk=look) . In mid-nineties there was an investigation by the Dutch parl. commission into illegal activities by police, judiciary and private investigators, which included
staged burglaries and illegal entries/searches of private houses.
I hope to have a look at my files in the JobCentrePlus tomorrow. I have asked CEO Peter Westhorpe in writing (2 weeks ago) to see my assessment records as from Jan. 2007.
Monday, 24 September 2007
( nr. 43 ) MATCHBOX ! - the British equivalent of the infamous PAPERCLIP operation in USA. There must have been 'equivalents' in France, USSR and other countries.
" An 11-year old boy underwent a partial change of identity upon remote stimulation of his brain electrode [which] .... induced feminine striving and confusion about his own sexual identity."
on pages 8-9/14 from:
"Wrong Parking" yesterday - R 266 UHL.
" An 11-year old boy underwent a partial change of identity upon remote stimulation of his brain electrode [which] .... induced feminine striving and confusion about his own sexual identity."
on pages 8-9/14 from:
"Wrong Parking" yesterday - R 266 UHL.
Friday, 21 September 2007
Thursday, 20 September 2007
( nr. 41 ) The British 911 article from The Guardian:
Van-den-Berghe ?
Van-den-Berghe ?
Wednesday, 19 September 2007
( nr. 40 ) Bijlmer+ I had to get into earlier links in a roundabout fashion. People in the back rooms/offices are clearly overdoing it. And I am in BRITAIN...
"Here is another link (shall it work here? ) to "Toppolitici op het Bijlmermatje"
www.refdag.nl/oud/bin/990308bin15.html One of the high drama moments in the "Dutch 911" hearings was the then PM Ruud Lubbers' testimony about his visit to the Israeli Ambassador.
"Here is another link (shall it work here? ) to "Toppolitici op het Bijlmermatje"
www.refdag.nl/oud/bin/990308bin15.html One of the high drama moments in the "Dutch 911" hearings was the then PM Ruud Lubbers' testimony about his visit to the Israeli Ambassador.
Tuesday, 18 September 2007
( nr.39 ) Trotsky ID ? I read somewhere that the woman he married - nee SEDOV (or SEDOW) was related to ROTHSCHILDs. Arranged marriage ? Antony Sutton suggests Trotsky (Bronshtein) was a German, but not really elaborating. Hitler wasn't a 'German' either...
With ref. to my post 35: the book gives some details of Trotsky/Bronshtein's childhood in Southern Russia. As for my quote about the assasination plot on czar Alexander II, I was surprised not to find Alexander II between Alexander I and III in a Soviet Diplomatic Dictionary.
BIJLMER(-MEER) El-Al crash 15 years ago...
Watched some of the Dutch Parlamentary Hearings videos
(re: Dutch 911- October 4, 1992 air crash) yesterday everning and this morning. I recorded it first to learn better Dutch, but enjoy it every time I watch it again: it's a psychological thriller of sorts, with splendid real life 'actors'.
Some links: http://www.het-klankbord.demon.nl/fotogal.htm
He-He ... Not only the links above refuse to come 'live' (smth. got changed in my settings since yesterday - there is an admixture of German on the dashbord), but the website itself does not load well. And I printed some pages from
www.het-klankbord.demon.nl only yesterday.
With ref. to my post 35: the book gives some details of Trotsky/Bronshtein's childhood in Southern Russia. As for my quote about the assasination plot on czar Alexander II, I was surprised not to find Alexander II between Alexander I and III in a Soviet Diplomatic Dictionary.
BIJLMER(-MEER) El-Al crash 15 years ago...
Watched some of the Dutch Parlamentary Hearings videos
(re: Dutch 911- October 4, 1992 air crash) yesterday everning and this morning. I recorded it first to learn better Dutch, but enjoy it every time I watch it again: it's a psychological thriller of sorts, with splendid real life 'actors'.
Some links: http://www.het-klankbord.demon.nl/fotogal.htm
He-He ... Not only the links above refuse to come 'live' (smth. got changed in my settings since yesterday - there is an admixture of German on the dashbord), but the website itself does not load well. And I printed some pages from
www.het-klankbord.demon.nl only yesterday.
Saturday, 15 September 2007
( nr. 37 ) Albion in Disgrace.This article is missing in the archives of the online version of "The News" - www.portsmouth.co.uk The school in question is a state secondary school. I have typed the text of the article in nr. 25 post ( Thursday, 30 August 2007). The outrage of the parents and all concerned is stonewalled by polititians of ALL parties - locally and in the Whitehall.
Sat. 10 August, 2019:
Corrected ref: (in bold) - from a mistaken/wrong ref. of (nr. 25) Friday, 31 August, 2007).
Verbatim text:
Sat. 10 August, 2019:
Corrected ref: (in bold) - from a mistaken/wrong ref. of (nr. 25) Friday, 31 August, 2007).
Verbatim text:

Friday, 14 September 2007
(nr. 36 ) French 1910 Prints - technological predictions for year 2000:
Thursday, 13 September 2007
(nr. 35 ) Terror 24/7 ? TONG in CHEEK 'analogy' for the current lingo-concepts-names, such as 24/7, "We The People", Women's Equal's Rights/Leaderships, Team Work and Odessa.
From "Assasinations -the politics of murder" by Linda Laucella:
" In August 1879, leaders of the militant group Narodnaya Volya (The Will of the People) set their plan in motion. They divided into two groups, disguised themselves as shopkeepers, and rented two buildings along the railway route traveled by the czar. By day they established businesses, by night they dug tunnels and planted explosives along the railway tracks. On November 18 two death traps had been prepared. The second, insurance if their first assassination attempt failed, was twenty-four hours down the railway line, where they were prepared to attack again.
As the czar's train approached the first death trap, members of the Narodnaya Volya waited for the signal from their respected leader, Andrei Zhelyabov, a born serf who was educated at the University of Odessa on a scholarship. The train rolled into position and the signal was given, but the explosives failed to detonate. Although Zhelyabov and his conspirators were disappointed, they sent word to commander Sophia Perovskaya at the backup death trap."
There is an unofficial 'theory' that V.I.Lenin was adopted as a child by the Inspector of Education Ulyanov's family, when his father (from Odessa) was sent to prison/exile.
On a Dutch http://www.nu.nl/ there is a BIJLMOORD word in the news. Reminds one of BIJLMERMEER (?) - the place near Amsterdam where EL-AL aiplane had crashed years ago - a veritable 911 for Holland.
From "Assasinations -the politics of murder" by Linda Laucella:
" In August 1879, leaders of the militant group Narodnaya Volya (The Will of the People) set their plan in motion. They divided into two groups, disguised themselves as shopkeepers, and rented two buildings along the railway route traveled by the czar. By day they established businesses, by night they dug tunnels and planted explosives along the railway tracks. On November 18 two death traps had been prepared. The second, insurance if their first assassination attempt failed, was twenty-four hours down the railway line, where they were prepared to attack again.
As the czar's train approached the first death trap, members of the Narodnaya Volya waited for the signal from their respected leader, Andrei Zhelyabov, a born serf who was educated at the University of Odessa on a scholarship. The train rolled into position and the signal was given, but the explosives failed to detonate. Although Zhelyabov and his conspirators were disappointed, they sent word to commander Sophia Perovskaya at the backup death trap."
There is an unofficial 'theory' that V.I.Lenin was adopted as a child by the Inspector of Education Ulyanov's family, when his father (from Odessa) was sent to prison/exile.
On a Dutch http://www.nu.nl/ there is a BIJLMOORD word in the news. Reminds one of BIJLMERMEER (?) - the place near Amsterdam where EL-AL aiplane had crashed years ago - a veritable 911 for Holland.
Wednesday, 12 September 2007
( nr. 34 ) Hughes is the correct spelling, I think, of the British industrialist in czarist Russia, whom I wrote about in yesterday's post nr. 33. As for my hypothesis about The British, it is amazing how many 'dots' are joined in the global and personal landscape.
I have been trying to explore the possibilities of this site, like adjusting time, etc. So, some experimental changes may occur.
I have been trying to explore the possibilities of this site, like adjusting time, etc. So, some experimental changes may occur.
Tuesday, 11 September 2007
( nr. 33 ) People, Places and History.... Mining industry is closely related to politics. Donetsk is a mining town. Previously known as Youzovka - YOUZ would be a Russian (dialect) pronounciation of HUGHS (family from Britain) - a foreign industrial investor.
Gosport town has a part called ELSON. It reminds me of a Russian paper writing years ago, that Mr. Boris Yeltsin has had his name slightly adjusted from El-tson or El-son, whatever that might mean, if true.
It baffled me years ago to discover, that the so-called TWINNING CITIES often had no real logic or connection to be 'twinned'. Whereas names of people and places just might explain a lot of history.
Going to Portsmouth for an Open Day at an accountancy firm.
Gosport town has a part called ELSON. It reminds me of a Russian paper writing years ago, that Mr. Boris Yeltsin has had his name slightly adjusted from El-tson or El-son, whatever that might mean, if true.
It baffled me years ago to discover, that the so-called TWINNING CITIES often had no real logic or connection to be 'twinned'. Whereas names of people and places just might explain a lot of history.
Going to Portsmouth for an Open Day at an accountancy firm.
Monday, 10 September 2007
( nr. 32 ) Al-Paeda HQ, I think are where I am currently, - in Albion. On Expatica mr. fook posted "The Dutrux murders" where I made a contribution this morning:
ODESSA features prominently in the story of 1917 ANTI-RUSSIAN Revolution by an Englishman, naturalized (?) American Andrew C. Sutton . Link to Ch.6:
The POLISH Connection: the father of Mr. V.I. Lenin's "wife" Nadezhda Krupskaya took part in the Polish uprising. The bloody henchman (secret police) Mr. Dzerzhinski was a Pole. In the Soviet Union there were anecdotes/jokes about "love" between the two men.
ODESSA features prominently in the story of 1917 ANTI-RUSSIAN Revolution by an Englishman, naturalized (?) American Andrew C. Sutton . Link to Ch.6:
The POLISH Connection: the father of Mr. V.I. Lenin's "wife" Nadezhda Krupskaya took part in the Polish uprising. The bloody henchman (secret police) Mr. Dzerzhinski was a Pole. In the Soviet Union there were anecdotes/jokes about "love" between the two men.
Friday, 7 September 2007
( nr. 31 ) Tiny Devices, Tiny Minds... an article by Julian Cribb in Australia :
Wanted to post a comment, but experience some "australian" (?) difficulty and wrote about it on the Australian Forum in Belgian Expatica:
'Australian' Question: http://my.expatica.com/c:be/forum/viewtopic.php?t=94787
Wanted to post a comment, but experience some "australian" (?) difficulty and wrote about it on the Australian Forum in Belgian Expatica:
'Australian' Question: http://my.expatica.com/c:be/forum/viewtopic.php?t=94787
Wednesday, 5 September 2007
( nr. 29 ) Woodrow Wilson .... I read somewhere (net) a long diplomatic correspondence ref. President Woodrow Wilson being manipulated by/a puppet of the British.
" President Woodrow Wilson was the fairy godmother who provided Trotsky with a passport to return to Russia to "carry forward" the revolution. "
From ch.2 of the book on : www.reformation.org/wall-st-bolshevik-rev.html
" President Woodrow Wilson was the fairy godmother who provided Trotsky with a passport to return to Russia to "carry forward" the revolution. "
From ch.2 of the book on : www.reformation.org/wall-st-bolshevik-rev.html
Tuesday, 4 September 2007
( nr. 28 ) British Israel ... American Congressional records: " Before 1917, foreign influence came mainly from Anglo-American groups. Since the World War, these groups have been fortified by the international financiers and the internationalists, or the so called minority group." From the link:
I wonder if an interesting date of 17 Sept. 2001 might have been misread at some point as Sept. 11 ( I, like most Russians, write 7 with a horizontal stroke, without which, seven looks like one).
I wonder if an interesting date of 17 Sept. 2001 might have been misread at some point as Sept. 11 ( I, like most Russians, write 7 with a horizontal stroke, without which, seven looks like one).
Monday, 3 September 2007
( nr. 27 ) Spam has appeared in my "... 11 May " topic on Expatica after I mentioned the "24/7 scandal" - read my post nr. 25 here about ' innovative teacher', Cheryl Heron. Our MP Peter Viggers is very much 'part' of the project.
Spam probably was removed from the "Pedo party ?! " topic (by avsie) , as I have a notification by e-mail about a response (to my post Sat. Sept. 1 : British - the root of the problem ?) , but nothing is there (NB the "empty pages" have appeared again in that thread - I posted on page 18, and pp. 19-21 are "empty").
Has Paul Baird received my e-mail ? His guest-book did not work when I tried to post there.
His website: http://www.surveillanceissues.com/
Are BRITISH the root of the problem ? As I wrote earlier, I begin to suspect just that.
In other words I 'feel' I 'understand enough'...
By the way, Gosport (God's Port) had a historic nick-name: Turk-town. (I listened to "Unmasking the British" this morning). Incidentally, there was a Boris Johnson's look-alike the day I posted on my CultureLogic site ref him and our MP (just for the record).
Spam probably was removed from the "Pedo party ?! " topic (by avsie) , as I have a notification by e-mail about a response (to my post Sat. Sept. 1 : British - the root of the problem ?) , but nothing is there (NB the "empty pages" have appeared again in that thread - I posted on page 18, and pp. 19-21 are "empty").
Has Paul Baird received my e-mail ? His guest-book did not work when I tried to post there.
His website: http://www.surveillanceissues.com/
Are BRITISH the root of the problem ? As I wrote earlier, I begin to suspect just that.
In other words I 'feel' I 'understand enough'...
By the way, Gosport (God's Port) had a historic nick-name: Turk-town. (I listened to "Unmasking the British" this morning). Incidentally, there was a Boris Johnson's look-alike the day I posted on my CultureLogic site ref him and our MP (just for the record).
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