Tuesday, 18 September 2007

( nr.39 ) Trotsky ID ? I read somewhere that the woman he married - nee SEDOV (or SEDOW) was related to ROTHSCHILDs. Arranged marriage ? Antony Sutton suggests Trotsky (Bronshtein) was a German, but not really elaborating. Hitler wasn't a 'German' either...
With ref. to my post 35: the book gives some details of Trotsky/Bronshtein's childhood in Southern Russia. As for my quote about the assasination plot on czar Alexander II, I was surprised not to find Alexander II between Alexander I and III in a Soviet Diplomatic Dictionary.

BIJLMER(-MEER) El-Al crash 15 years ago...

Watched some of the Dutch Parlamentary Hearings videos
(re: Dutch 911- October 4, 1992 air crash) yesterday everning and this morning. I recorded it first to learn better Dutch, but enjoy it every time I watch it again: it's a psychological thriller of sorts, with splendid real life 'actors'.

Some links: http://www.het-klankbord.demon.nl/fotogal.htm
He-He ... Not only the links above refuse to come 'live' (smth. got changed in my settings since yesterday - there is an admixture of German on the dashbord), but the website itself does not load well. And I printed some pages from
www.het-klankbord.demon.nl only yesterday.

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