(nr. 71 ) Mad Women - this topic was discussed on the web some FIVE years ago.
Mrs. Tracy Blackburn traces the problem to the offset of the First World War and writes:
" ... the decision making concerning all social issues is now been left to (mad) women..."
Mrs. Jean Butterworth points the decline of nuclear family to Thatcherism years.
She names 'lowlife' Lady Butler-Sloss and Lady Justice Hale and recalls a Daily Mail article
(7 yrs ago at the time) on 'Justice Hale true backgrounds'.
Equal Opportunities Commission was set in 1976 ... Some 4 years later members and Chair were overwhelmingly female. "... sexism in reverse e.g.: .... women in the UK earn 19% less than men, - what they really mean, is per head of working population doing different jobs, and not the same jobs, as they want you to believe. ....
... Since the late seventies ... both Tory and Labour ... will only listen to big business, while sidelining the wishes of the majority. If this is not bad enough, within all 3 parties they all have elected gays and radical feminists MPs in very influential positions. ... Most radical feminists responsible for all maddening social and anti-heterosexual male policies, are to be found within the Front Bench, the government's Women's Unit and the Ministry for Women, all who form part of the Cabinet Office."
There is quite a bit of 'equality for women!' demands lately in the media and from local politicians.
Wednesday, 31 October 2007
Tuesday, 30 October 2007
(nr. 70 ) Still very busy dealing with paperwork.
I shall post now in the Migrant Issues topic on German Expatica Forum - ref. today's news on government statistics. Maybe it is on their website (?) : www.dwp.gov.uk
I shall post now in the Migrant Issues topic on German Expatica Forum - ref. today's news on government statistics. Maybe it is on their website (?) : www.dwp.gov.uk
Monday, 29 October 2007
(nr. 69) A pile of letters (bureacracy at its worst from JobCentrePLUS and the Gosport Local Council) occupies my time now.
My post in the topic by 'woodyvoinche' (Manchj. candidate vs cloning - One into Many as compared to Many into One) has disappeared from (Belgian?) Expatica Forum.
I can't find it in the 'list of all topics by hantser' or in the posts by 'woodyvoinche'.
Thanks to trolls, we now know it's an important issue.
My post in the topic by 'woodyvoinche' (Manchj. candidate vs cloning - One into Many as compared to Many into One) has disappeared from (Belgian?) Expatica Forum.
I can't find it in the 'list of all topics by hantser' or in the posts by 'woodyvoinche'.
Thanks to trolls, we now know it's an important issue.
Friday, 26 October 2007
(nr. 68 ) 14 year-old was bullied. From the Dutch Expatica News - Stabbing in Amsterdam on 11 October and an arrest of a Dutch businessman in Switzerland. The two links:
Thursday, 25 October 2007
(nr. 67 ) SciMedNet website cannot be accessed (?) :
PS. I subscribed to the network as an associate member for a year around 2003.
PS. I subscribed to the network as an associate member for a year around 2003.
Wednesday, 24 October 2007
(nr.66) Scientific & Medical Network - in the "Gaia" spirit, it attracted a lot of bright people and good ideas, but has become controversial. Perhaps we have grown older and wiser, more sceptical. Lookig back ...
From the "Wider Horizons" first published in 1999 (ed. David Lorimer, Chris Clarke, John Cosh, Max Payne and Alan Mayne) :
George Blaker: "We took the view that the Churches could not bring about this change, .... they were immovably shackled to a fixed past ....
... 20 years later we might have thought that instead of Churches perhaps the football or tennis or film stars or pop musicians ... might have done it.
... But in the conditions of 1973 we thought that scientists and doctors would be a better bet!"
Among the founders of the Network are Polish Priest Andrew Glazewski and Arthur Koestler.
From the "Wider Horizons" first published in 1999 (ed. David Lorimer, Chris Clarke, John Cosh, Max Payne and Alan Mayne) :
George Blaker: "We took the view that the Churches could not bring about this change, .... they were immovably shackled to a fixed past ....
... 20 years later we might have thought that instead of Churches perhaps the football or tennis or film stars or pop musicians ... might have done it.
... But in the conditions of 1973 we thought that scientists and doctors would be a better bet!"
Among the founders of the Network are Polish Priest Andrew Glazewski and Arthur Koestler.
Tuesday, 23 October 2007
(nr. 65 ) Theodor Reuss and Aleister Crowley: 1910-1914-1920.
Heroin addiction, racism, British secret agents and pedophiles -
Page 6 of 7 - www.bariumblues.com/jpl.htm
Heroin addiction, racism, British secret agents and pedophiles -
Page 6 of 7 - www.bariumblues.com/jpl.htm
Monday, 22 October 2007
(nr. 64 ) Pope vs Emperor ( from The Oxford Dictionary) - Guelph, Guelf, (gwe-) n. Member of medieval Italian Party supporting Pope against Emperor (opp. Ghibelline) ; hence ~ic, -ism (3) n. [f. It. Guelfo f. MHG Welf name of founder of princely family of Guelphs, ancestors of British Royal Family] .
Thursday, 18 October 2007
(nr. 62 ) RED: cross, line, diamond... I noticed the Red Rombus ('diamond') on the Isle of Wight Ferry logo the other day. Did they change Red Cross into Red Diamond? Is the Red Cross now called Red Diamond? Crazy, isn't it ?
Just some sample from the Dictionaries (Historical and Underworld):
red(-)liner. ca1840-80.... 'The Red Liners, as we calls the Medicity officers, who goes about in disguise as gentlemen, to take up poor boys caught begging' ...
red cross. An English ship: nautical coll: C.17.Smith, 1626.
* red line,the. Prostitution: white-slave traffic:
* red cross or Red Cross. Morphine [ White Cross - Cocaine ]
red light, v. To kick (a person) out of a moving train: ... the practice originated in order to cheat circus labourers and other roustabouts out of their wages. ... The ejection is made after the gullible victim has been 'taken to the rear platform "to fix the rear light". ...
Just some sample from the Dictionaries (Historical and Underworld):
red(-)liner. ca1840-80.... 'The Red Liners, as we calls the Medicity officers, who goes about in disguise as gentlemen, to take up poor boys caught begging' ...
red cross. An English ship: nautical coll: C.17.Smith, 1626.
* red line,the. Prostitution: white-slave traffic:
* red cross or Red Cross. Morphine [ White Cross - Cocaine ]
red light, v. To kick (a person) out of a moving train: ... the practice originated in order to cheat circus labourers and other roustabouts out of their wages. ... The ejection is made after the gullible victim has been 'taken to the rear platform "to fix the rear light". ...
Wednesday, 17 October 2007
(nr. 61 ) OKC Timothy McVeigh: the truth to emerge -
Tuesday, 16 October 2007
(nr. 60 ) Banks vs Police: there was smth. in British media a few months ago about banks 'taking over' handling (credit-) bank fraud, although I can't remember all details. Here is my experience: I used my Barclay card last Saturday Oct. 6. Monday morning (8 Oct.) I came to ask if I might have left it in the Cash machine. They double-checked and said 'no'. Since no money was withdrawn, I felt positive it was at home. On Thursday morning 11 Oct. I cancelled it by tel. from the Barclay High Street branch. The new card was in my post Fri/Sat, despite the Postal strike. Yesterday morning I had a letter (dated Mon. Oct. 8) in my post box from Gosport Police station (Property Officer) informing me that .... "Property ....(namely a Barclays bank card) has been recovered and may be claimed by you ...within 28 days ". It turned out a member of public found it in the street. However, the Police ( Andy Gallagher) apologised to me because he destroyed my card by mistake that very day in the morning. He explained, that when they contact the bank in question, they practically always receive an instruction to destroy the card(s), but in my case the bank asked them to send the card to me and provided my address. They never told me that.
THE GOSPORT library IT network is down today till 17.00. I am in Portsmouth now.
What a way to discredit ROSS PEROT so soon, calling him 'David Rockefeller's friend', who 'was used ... to make sure W.R.Clinton was installed ':
THE GOSPORT library IT network is down today till 17.00. I am in Portsmouth now.
What a way to discredit ROSS PEROT so soon, calling him 'David Rockefeller's friend', who 'was used ... to make sure W.R.Clinton was installed ':
Monday, 15 October 2007
(nr. 59 ) Some addenda/corrections (here and on Expatica):
1. Not Hoofdorp, but Haarlem (address of Expatica Communications BV).
2. S-Theater in Gosport "extends" to Stubbington ( where I go to visit my daughter).
3. 11 oct. lecture (see nr.58) : the first pie-chart of UK energy depicted coal and gas sharing the bulk and small renewable and nuclear sectors. No oil ! One person agreed with me that it is omitted, another tried to explain/justify it.
Going to collect my (lost ?) bank card at the Gosport Police Station. I got a new one already. Good I did not spend more time than I did searching for it at home !
1. Not Hoofdorp, but Haarlem (address of Expatica Communications BV).
2. S-Theater in Gosport "extends" to Stubbington ( where I go to visit my daughter).
3. 11 oct. lecture (see nr.58) : the first pie-chart of UK energy depicted coal and gas sharing the bulk and small renewable and nuclear sectors. No oil ! One person agreed with me that it is omitted, another tried to explain/justify it.
Going to collect my (lost ?) bank card at the Gosport Police Station. I got a new one already. Good I did not spend more time than I did searching for it at home !
Friday, 12 October 2007
(nr. 58 ) Porsche 911-GT2 is launched in Stuttgart next month (from German Expatica News). It has extra 300 hp compared with the 1970s 911 Turbo.
On a user level, the website design (Expatica one example) that is 'emerging' to the annoyance of many, can be described as a Mutant Octopus with some hidden tenticles.
As for the lecture on Nuclear Power sustainability yesterday in Portsmouth, I agree with the listener (with a French accent), who questioned the trivialization of nuclear hazards, which is what I think it was.
And one can see the true color of the Greens and also of the local branch of the Friends of the Earth (my personal verdict).
And, since the lecture slides included a photo of Mr. Roman Abramovich (with an 'everybody wants to be rich' line), that reminds one about Mr. Litvinenko and the British media's graphic presentation of his sufferings.
The language was 'radiation poisoning', whereas usually we distiguish between 'poison(ing)' and radioactive contamination/sickness.
And why is it all forgotten (?) about Mr. Berezovsky's claim, that it was KGB/Mr. Putin.
And so much was written about a strong friendship between R. Abramovich and Mr. Putin.
And all this, as a plucky teenager, interviewed by the BBC on youth crime put it, -
On a user level, the website design (Expatica one example) that is 'emerging' to the annoyance of many, can be described as a Mutant Octopus with some hidden tenticles.
As for the lecture on Nuclear Power sustainability yesterday in Portsmouth, I agree with the listener (with a French accent), who questioned the trivialization of nuclear hazards, which is what I think it was.
And one can see the true color of the Greens and also of the local branch of the Friends of the Earth (my personal verdict).
And, since the lecture slides included a photo of Mr. Roman Abramovich (with an 'everybody wants to be rich' line), that reminds one about Mr. Litvinenko and the British media's graphic presentation of his sufferings.
The language was 'radiation poisoning', whereas usually we distiguish between 'poison(ing)' and radioactive contamination/sickness.
And why is it all forgotten (?) about Mr. Berezovsky's claim, that it was KGB/Mr. Putin.
And so much was written about a strong friendship between R. Abramovich and Mr. Putin.
And all this, as a plucky teenager, interviewed by the BBC on youth crime put it, -
Thursday, 11 October 2007

(nr.57) Not sure about the quality of this scan: Expatica Soapbox by 'mikeyt'.
When I tried to delete it, a much better view 'photo' had appeared. Just leave it for the time being. Date: 08/10/2007 Top left: "Soapbox, Discussion Forum, The Netherlands, Holland, Expatica" URL - http://my.expatica.com/c:nl/forum/viewforum.php?f=106
Noted/discussed in my "11 May" topic on Expatica.
Wednesday, 10 October 2007
(nr. 56 ) One week jsa deduction is the outcome of the Gosport JobCentrePlus (Steph Simpson) report. I must follow it up with a complaint and an appeal (collected more forms and info) and not get bogged down in this 'morass'. I took down verbatim the questions she was asking me today.
Tomorrow is the first public lecture this year by 'Portsmouth and District Physical Society' at the Univ. of Portsmouth - Is Nuclear Power Sustainable? by Dr. Jim Smith, who regularly works in the Chernobyl 30-km Zone. www.port.ac.uk/physsoc
Tomorrow is the first public lecture this year by 'Portsmouth and District Physical Society' at the Univ. of Portsmouth - Is Nuclear Power Sustainable? by Dr. Jim Smith, who regularly works in the Chernobyl 30-km Zone. www.port.ac.uk/physsoc
Tuesday, 9 October 2007
(nr.55) UN-EU-..... the history and prototypes. In a follow-up to my comments about Antony C.Sutton's book about Bolsheviks and the American role in 1917 :
"The Colonel House Report (1919) " -
Reading the Parlamentary Ombudsman info and waiting for the form (internal procedure complaint) sent to me from the Head Office (postal workers on strike).
JCPlus appt. tomorrow at one o'clock.
"The Colonel House Report (1919) " -
Reading the Parlamentary Ombudsman info and waiting for the form (internal procedure complaint) sent to me from the Head Office (postal workers on strike).
JCPlus appt. tomorrow at one o'clock.
Monday, 8 October 2007
(nr.54 ) Expatica developments: my "....May 11 " topic has now crossed 20 000 clicks. The last page (12) is "empty". Page 11 is fine. Two topics of mine disappeared from the International German Expatica Forum on Oct. 5 and 6.
I found them in NL "Soapbox" with 'mikeyt' as a 'moderator' :
This is my second post today. I have been to the CAB and JCP again. My (regular) appointment at the Gosport JCP is coming Wednesday, 10 Oct.
Wrong Parking today: LG 56 GNO .
I found them in NL "Soapbox" with 'mikeyt' as a 'moderator' :
This is my second post today. I have been to the CAB and JCP again. My (regular) appointment at the Gosport JCP is coming Wednesday, 10 Oct.
Wrong Parking today: LG 56 GNO .
( nr. 53 ) Definitely IMPORTANT ! Gottingen-Yale-Bosnia ...
Names: Suzanne Jovin, James van de Velde , Antonio Lasaga, etc. in " Murder and Child Pornography at Yale":
Names: Suzanne Jovin, James van de Velde , Antonio Lasaga, etc. in " Murder and Child Pornography at Yale":
Friday, 5 October 2007
(nr.52) The Gosport Job Centre PLUS notes so far:
1. I received (last Sat.) a copy of "Action Plan"created by S SIMPSON (GOS) MRS on 23.05.2007 mentioning 'Attend Gateway course' , which needs completion and my signature (a date 27.09.2007 at the bottom). Ref. my request for my files.
2. The letter (dated 26th Sept.2007) I was given by S. Simpson, signed by her and on behalf of (pp. ?) Sharon Baird, begins with: A doubt has arisen ....
The next day I came twice to collect :
a) ESL48 form, which should have been enclosed, but wasn't,
b) JSAL5JP that actually 'gives more details', which they did not/could not find
'upstairs or online'.
3. The interview I attended yesterday in Fareham was arranged by Gosport JCP (I received the letter the day before yesterday) with the Brook Street agency staff and I am waiting to hear from them. Meanwhile I visited the website www.brookstreet.co.uk and registered there (yet to receive confirmation if any).
1. I received (last Sat.) a copy of "Action Plan"created by S SIMPSON (GOS) MRS on 23.05.2007 mentioning 'Attend Gateway course' , which needs completion and my signature (a date 27.09.2007 at the bottom). Ref. my request for my files.
2. The letter (dated 26th Sept.2007) I was given by S. Simpson, signed by her and on behalf of (pp. ?) Sharon Baird, begins with: A doubt has arisen ....
The next day I came twice to collect :
a) ESL48 form, which should have been enclosed, but wasn't,
b) JSAL5JP that actually 'gives more details', which they did not/could not find
'upstairs or online'.
3. The interview I attended yesterday in Fareham was arranged by Gosport JCP (I received the letter the day before yesterday) with the Brook Street agency staff and I am waiting to hear from them. Meanwhile I visited the website www.brookstreet.co.uk and registered there (yet to receive confirmation if any).
Thursday, 4 October 2007
(nr.51) The interview went well. They promised to contact me shortly. Shall they?
I have received "Private tutor urgently needed" e-mail from a website, where the registration form did not work. Something is wrong with the website 'AlphaTutors' ... Is it the face?
It turns out V.I. Lenin has used 160 (?) psydo-names.
His parents had relatives in Astrakhan and Stavropol (from a book I borrowed in the library yesterday).
I have received "Private tutor urgently needed" e-mail from a website, where the registration form did not work. Something is wrong with the website 'AlphaTutors' ... Is it the face?
It turns out V.I. Lenin has used 160 (?) psydo-names.
His parents had relatives in Astrakhan and Stavropol (from a book I borrowed in the library yesterday).
Wednesday, 3 October 2007
(nr. 50 ) October 3-4 , 1993 White House in Moscow 'on fire' - a brutal suppression of a national/parlamentary protest against Mr. Yeltsin's regime. There were many provocateurs in the bloody events.
'Leaders' - Gen. Rutskoi and premier (or speaker?) Ruslan Hazbulatov (a Chechen).
There were reports of armed trained Beitar (Jewish) groups active in Moscow.
E/M weapons 'crowd' control technology was used/tested.
Tomorrow: 15th anniversary of the Dutch 911: a cargo El-Al plane crashed into a residential building in Bijlmer(meer) near Amsterdam on October 4 , 1992.
Cargo included uranium, sarin and its full contents is not disclosed after lengthy investigations (to the best of my knowledge).
An appt. has been booked for me in the Fareham Job Centre Plus at 10.20 tomorrow - vacancy FHM 13611.
'Leaders' - Gen. Rutskoi and premier (or speaker?) Ruslan Hazbulatov (a Chechen).
There were reports of armed trained Beitar (Jewish) groups active in Moscow.
E/M weapons 'crowd' control technology was used/tested.
Tomorrow: 15th anniversary of the Dutch 911: a cargo El-Al plane crashed into a residential building in Bijlmer(meer) near Amsterdam on October 4 , 1992.
Cargo included uranium, sarin and its full contents is not disclosed after lengthy investigations (to the best of my knowledge).
An appt. has been booked for me in the Fareham Job Centre Plus at 10.20 tomorrow - vacancy FHM 13611.
Tuesday, 2 October 2007
(nr.49) Djugashvili is the Georgian surname of Stalin. Again, I can't remember the name of an American (also NATO ?) top military figure with a Georgian name.
And Georgian Republic president (an American Georgian?) has a Dutch wife.
And, on a humorous note, I wonder if a Georgian Assistant I had in the Hague (multinational oil project) is reading this.
The links to "medical coverups/'vaccinations' " material on PrisonPlanet.com continue to be blocked in the public Gosport Library (UK government) computer network.
Sadistic Control of Mind and Body - from 'the early 1920's' :
"Wrong Parking" yesterday - R 553 YVW (re: newspaper kiosk in hapless theatrics since almost a year ago).
And Georgian Republic president (an American Georgian?) has a Dutch wife.
And, on a humorous note, I wonder if a Georgian Assistant I had in the Hague (multinational oil project) is reading this.
The links to "medical coverups/'vaccinations' " material on PrisonPlanet.com continue to be blocked in the public Gosport Library (UK government) computer network.
Sadistic Control of Mind and Body - from 'the early 1920's' :
"Wrong Parking" yesterday - R 553 YVW (re: newspaper kiosk in hapless theatrics since almost a year ago).
Monday, 1 October 2007
(nr.48) Ross Perot spoke about Soviet Jewish lobby in American Congress and a photo he held before a camera depicted someone with a Georgian name, which I cannot recall. At the time, charismatic Mr. Shevarnadze was a Foreign Minister in Russia ("Russian Federation") and we had a Georgian Ambassador in the Russian Embassy to the Netherlands.
Many prominent Georgians in world politics and business.
A former Georgian Communist Komsomol youth leader Badri Patarkatsishvili (not an easy name to remember) is mentioned in Wayne Madsen's article: 'Boris Berezovsky's Other Friend'
Could 'cosmopolitans' Stalin fought be linked to 'internationalists' mentioned in the US Congressional Record of Aug. 1940 ? See : Page 1( highlighted text on 2/3) -
Children singing (at the time of Lavrenty Beria's arrest) :
Beria, Beria!
Poteral doverie!
A tovarisch Malenkov
Nadaval emu pinkov!
"Wrong Parking" - OU 54 WNN - second time Friday 28 Sept.
Saturday 29 September - N 550 MYJ and R 266 UHL.
Many prominent Georgians in world politics and business.
A former Georgian Communist Komsomol youth leader Badri Patarkatsishvili (not an easy name to remember) is mentioned in Wayne Madsen's article: 'Boris Berezovsky's Other Friend'
Could 'cosmopolitans' Stalin fought be linked to 'internationalists' mentioned in the US Congressional Record of Aug. 1940 ? See : Page 1( highlighted text on 2/3) -
Children singing (at the time of Lavrenty Beria's arrest) :
Beria, Beria!
Poteral doverie!
A tovarisch Malenkov
Nadaval emu pinkov!
"Wrong Parking" - OU 54 WNN - second time Friday 28 Sept.
Saturday 29 September - N 550 MYJ and R 266 UHL.
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