Wednesday, 3 October 2007

(nr. 50 ) October 3-4 , 1993 White House in Moscow 'on fire' - a brutal suppression of a national/parlamentary protest against Mr. Yeltsin's regime. There were many provocateurs in the bloody events.
'Leaders' - Gen. Rutskoi and premier (or speaker?) Ruslan Hazbulatov (a Chechen).
There were reports of armed trained Beitar (Jewish) groups active in Moscow.
E/M weapons 'crowd' control technology was used/tested.
Tomorrow: 15th anniversary of the Dutch 911: a cargo El-Al plane crashed into a residential building in Bijlmer(meer) near Amsterdam on October 4 , 1992.
Cargo included uranium, sarin and its full contents is not disclosed after lengthy investigations (to the best of my knowledge).
An appt. has been booked for me in the Fareham Job Centre Plus at 10.20 tomorrow - vacancy FHM 13611.

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