Tuesday, 26 February 2008

(nr 111 ) Dutch numbering .... I have only recently realised my numbering of posts may seem strange to some readers. Well, that is how the Dutch abbreviate 'number' and I have used without thinking.
Yesterday The Guardian has published news about the crisis at IPCC - The Independent Police Complaints Commission: more than 100 lawyers quit.
The article by Nick Davies - www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2008/feb/25/police.law1
This morning HOTMAIL.COM does not load - Service Unavailable without further details.
Entry has been blocked in recent weeks to some articles on Prisonplanet.com - notably Kevin Booth on American Drug Wars, also
Daniel Obachike's website the4thbomb.com, etc.
I haven't got any explanation yet about THES (The Times Higher Education Supplement)newspaper missing at the library and at the newsagent for several weeks.
Last week I was allowed to stop the SAFE.org.uk training course 2 weeks earlier. See Hadrianus Woller's question about it and my answer in nr 105.
I have an appt. at the Gosport Job Centre Plus tomorrow afternoon. Of 2 selected for me vacancies (on the 15 Feb.) one had a deadline that day (appl.forms) and the second was for a PNC BUREAU ANALYST/ADMIN at Hampshire Constabulary. I requested the appl.forms, sent an e-mail when I did not receive them in time (asking if there was an admin. error or it was the 'Royal' Mail) got no answer. The JobCentre regurlarly checks if JobSeekers do apply for recommended vacancies. More tomorrow.
Next post tomorrow 27 Feb.2008.

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