Thursday, 27 March 2008

(nr 120 ) Terminology + The lecture by Jan Franlund, Chairman of the Swedish Maintenance Society UTEK, was very interesting. Food for thought in problem solving area plus technical translation matters in EU. I'll certainly add the category of problems which come up again and those which can be eliminated once and for all.
Has the Master Copy in English of the CEN EN 13306 been influenced by the original French text of the CEN - Comite Europeen de Normalisation ?
One British scientist (lecture in Alverstoke) was reassured and happy to hear, that the Dutch advise to 'normalize' (waterways) did not imply abnormality per se, but ref. to standards of maintenance.
(in Russian) - GOSPLAN, GOSSTANDART, .... What went wrong there ?
One disturbing trend in NewSpeak is doing away with good old words like Quality , Efficiency and Guarantee. Standards has a meaning of its own, and Targets as well (hitting the target as in shooting).
Never liked the appearance of the so called Human Error, which suddenly claimed legitimacy.
Here is smth about 'standards' of today - about HOUSE FIRES !
" I think your fools for denying G.W. you know it could kill us all & you're just adding to it." - from the Sixth Grade Students' letters about Global Warming:
Next post tomorrow, 28 March.
PS (13:46) Quite obviously fraudulent e-mail titled
"Hotmail Warning (Verify Your Account To Avoid It Closed) !!! " is not filtered by the Hotmail and was waiting for me today in my INBOX.
It's from "Customer Service (dimitrathoma[at]"

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