Friday, 10 October 2008

( nr 174 ) Only yesterday found out about Bishop Diomid of Chukotka in Russia, who was recently excommunicated by Moscow Patriarchate. His published an open letter on the web on 22 Feb. 2007, but I could not find any trace of it, in English or Russian.
What are Oleg Gordievski's roots? Is his wife Leila from Baku, Azerbijdjan ?
Watched his Hard Talk interview by Tim Sebastian the other day. I could not believe one word of his story.

The photo of Neal Kashkari on The Truthseeker has reminded me of my own 'allegory' of .... people from a wide perimeter around the Black Sea, Georgia, Chicago...
By the way, there was a description of Mr. Boris Berezovski as Southerner - youzhny chelovek.
There was also a speculation about Andropov's Greek roots.
Greece, Turkey ...
By the way, Gosport has or had a nickname Turk Town.
Watched a Dutch documentary (1998/9) about a middle-aged Ukranian lady Hanna Mikhailenko, who was imprisoned 1980-1988 and tortured (!) by KGB for refusing to become an infiltrator. She spoke in Ukranian and there were Dutch subtitles. Shall watch it again.
Next post Monday 13 October.

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