Thursday, 26 March 2009

( nr 202 ) I have been creating/editing new blogspot sites.

Now the temp. one (what-not-023) is empty, but there is already a lot of material on

The picture above is of me, Lynn Nwunelli and Elspeth Hunponu-Wusu in Unilag - to be found in UNILAG+ section.
Oleg Rakito, whom I have mentioned alraedy (in post nr 136) is on my wedding pictures - he is the one with the microphone, blond, blue/grey eyes.
I do find Margaret Ehiemere on the Internet. Is she back in US ?
I might have lost contact number for Svetlana Kalistratova.
I hope she is doing well.
DWP and Job Centre+ deserve a special space or website. I have written about those already, and shall provide further update and analysis.
Next post 7 April or earlier.

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