Wednesday, 24 June 2009

( nr 221 ) Pages 72-75 from "Psychology - the science of mental life" by George A.Miller , copyright 1962.
..."Thus a hypnotist may tell the subject to trip and stumble accidentally against the first bald man he sees after he awakens. The awakened subject has no reportable memory of this instruction, he behaves quite naturally in every way; but when the signal - the bald man - appears, the subject stumbles against him, apologizes, and goes on unaware that his stumbling was not accidental."
...." A hypnotist attempted to produce a blister on the right forearm of a young woman by suggesting to her that he was applying a piece of red-hot metal to it [ !..] .
The suggestion apparently had no effect, and the hypnotist went on to other things, forgetting to cancel the blister-producing idea. The patient went home, but returned several days later suffering from a burn on her right forearm where a blister had formed on the very spot previously chosen by the hypnotist. The patient had no memory of the suggestion. She had 'accidentally' spilled scalding water on her arm when lifting a pot with her left hand to make coffee. The accident finally terminated a suggestion that the hypnotist thought had been completely ineffectual. Similar stories can be adduced by any experienced hypnotist."

Tuesday, 23 June 2009

( nr 220 ) Yesterday 22 June I received an e-mail from DWP with the news of a positive (re)consideration of my entitlement to Pension Credit. The payment has been issued (yesterday) and the letters plus documentation are in the post.
Edited 24 June.

Friday, 19 June 2009

( nr 219 ) The scan of DT article "Mystery list of British soldiers found hidden at Auschwitz death camp".
I added four photos to People and Places file in
The top photo is of Vincent Pennock - an outing to Noordwijk or Noordwijk-aan-Zee.
The two scans on top are from "Propaganda in de Tweede Wereldoorlog" by Zbynek Zeman.
News heard today on the radio: Marlene Dietrich was not so popular, and was actually banned at one time from singing the Popular War song. What about other singers? We know little about them.
The widow of Alberto Calvi, the 'God's Banker' said her husband did have many enemies. He argued with people. She said: if they see that you are against them, they kill you.
A construction worker interviewed the other day, who was blacklisted for years by his employers, said that you don't have to be a "trouble maker", it's enough just not to get along with somebody. Call it vibes or the gut feeling ... .

Wednesday, 17 June 2009

( nr 218 ) The scan from the first book by Anat. Golitsyn with a reference to ORCHESTRA / SYMPHONY strategic and tactical model.
Bloemetjes buiten zetten ! - what an irony: I discovered today that my pot plants, which I placed outside in the back garden (lawn) last week, all shrivelled up, discolorated and acquired unnatural rust and indigo spots. Must have happened last night or in the last 48 hrs .... .
Talk of atmospheric precipitation.
From recent news: new head of MI6 from November this year; many more changes in British government, incl. DWP ministers; Baroness Scotland declining to consider tougher sentences in Baby P. case; Vanessa George, a married woman with two children, who worked in a local ( Plymouth) nursery, charged with sexual offences against young children; some news about Freedom of Information Act, which I am yet to read about.
Voronezh it seems, was used as a "staging area for attack on Stalingrad", thus under occupation for some months in 1942-43. I remember a question in official Soviet forms about any length of time spent in occupied territories (re: an applicant or a family member).
No trace of Col. Ernest Fortune (on the Web) who handed over British troops to the Germans in Dunkirk(Allied Normandy landing). I heard the name from a veteran in Stubbington who spent time in Auschwitz concentration camp and took part in the "Death March" in 1945.
N. Khruschev and the abstract art ... Six abstract paintings were published in satirical magazine Crocodile and readers were asked to guess which 3 paintings were done by artists and which 3 - by psychiatric asylum inmates. I got it all wrong ! It might have been a prank on the part of the authorites, though. However, when I wrote in defence of abstract art in a school essay, I was given a top mark. But it was a 'special' school. I critisized the criticism, actually, rather than defending abstractionism. I have never been a dissident. [ed. 18 June 11:43]

Tuesday, 9 June 2009

( nr 217 ) My conjectures from recent posts about Golitsyn - Shelepin/Voronezh - S-Symphony - CCTV 3-D tracking/harassment/MC+ and the 'division of labor' in S-Joint have led straight to important discoveries very close to home.
Search for "Gosport Voronezh" leads to high-tech defence cooperation in "anti-terrorist" gadgetry: SOZVEZDIE.SU and QinetiQ with one branch in HASLAR Gosport. See 3 scans above.
I might as well say that Brian Gerrish experience (construct/impersonation) had a non-English flavour. There was a cosmopolitan admix. On the eve of the "Congress" (which I wrote I could not attend) someone insistently knocked on my door at about 10.20 pm. It never happened before or after that. There was a suggestion that there are "very nice people" in my area whom "I should meet".
Internationale scam. Scum training/ lumpen-proletariat groomed, empowered and intensively "trained".
Shelepin came from KOMSOMOL leader ranks. World Federation of Democratic Youth was registered in London 10 November 1945. HQ in Budapest (?).
Voronezh in Russian Wikipedia (printable) is 39 pages long.
The International Youth Festival in Moscow in 1957 is described as an event leading to Children of Festival born in 1958. There is no way IMO that instant contacts (love/sex/perversion?) in 1957 could have happened spontaniously. There must have been entrapment/blackmail. Blackmail then or at a later stage.
Zoya Kosmodemianskaya story echoes WW2 British Security sending young women to their sure death ref: Tim Sebastian interview of Leo Marks (sp?)
I have placed 3 more letters on my website

( in CV+cont. and Conference+ files ) - letter from Shell in Dutch (change of policy on use of translation agencies and not independent translators) and 1985 correspondence with Brighton MP before going to Montreal Canada for a Solar Energy Congress.


Friday, 5 June 2009

( nr 216 ) Scans going upwards: Anatoliy Golitsyn .... Mikoyan and 26 Baku Commissars - scans from the SED ed.1989.
No Shelepin entry in SED.
Four pages from A.Golitsyn's book one : p.133 - Shelepin, Andropov, Polyanskiy ... p. 47: Mironov and Shelepin, p. 247 - The British Communist Party, p.353 - on Pope's assasination.
Wikipedia entry in Russian on Shelepin has his photo and is much longer than one in English. Same holds for Zoya Kosmodemianskaya.
IT/ICT unemployment .... From the Gestreste ICT'er grijpt snel naar fles - from the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD). So, computer specialists now come third after the top two (media and entertainment) in consumption of alchohol (habits).

Tuesday, 2 June 2009

( nr 215 ) Above is a scan of an expose of harassment, threats and blackmail by MI5 in Britain.
From the 3rd case: ..."Katherine tried to threaten me .... If you do not want anything to happen to your family, you will co-operate". 'The Independent' newspaper of 21 May, 2009.
The current standoff between British Electorate and the Government is in some respect reminiscent of stories of police catching big criminals on traffic offences. The money aspect ( benefit fraud) is a tip of an iceberg. Indeed in some cases good people are caught in embarassment they do not deserve. But there are deeper issues, that of Anti-Christian and Anti-Family legislation, passed quite UNdemocratically ( by minority) by people whose credentials need to be checked. Who encouraged MPs to claim as much as possible? I even begin to wonder if the famous upheaval in Euro Parliament (re: Paul van Buitenen (sp.?) ) was not a tactical evasion of deeper issues. The Dutch MEP of course deserves our praise. The legislation, which is grossly anti-social and causing irreversable damage to people, family, best institutions of human civilisation needs to be "looked at again" (my apology for this sarcasm).
Below is another comment on Golitsyn's book, cont. from the previous post.
Anatoliy Golitsyn (is it his real name?) mentions 3 kinds of deception tactics or strategy: legal (!), revolutionary and activist. No portrait of Anatoliy Golitsyn can be found anywhere ... .
He contacted American and British officials back in 1968 ! "Owing to the length of manuscript, a substantial part of it has been held over [?] for publication at a later date." Hmm ... Where are his original writings in Russian?
RED SYMPHONY ! A model of the global subversion, destruction and takeover is described as a COMPREHENSIVE CENTRALISED SYSTEM of players and actors, all with different skills, tools and roles to play, contributing to the play/game/scenario/plot/programme/plan.
All taxonomy is there: individual vs group, age, class, profession; geographical, economic, political, scientific, cultural, linguistic, etc. parameters. A Total Matrix. Overall Coordination.
Sub-programs for Diplomatic service, local politics, false/controlled opposion - name it.
By the way, the HIGHEST ( in EU or worldwide ?) number of CCTV surveillance per persion in UK may be explained according to the Symphony (Satanic Symphony) Model as follows: British science/mechanical engineering/industry has been famous for a top quality PRECISION technology and products.
A dense network of CCTV (plus microchip interface) can be seen as a precision or butterfly effect system of surveillance, harassment and other effects.
The World Youth Festivals with one in 1957 held in Moscow, were definitely targeted by the conspiracists. Common Purpose - CP - Communist Party. Communism or Togetherness was 'born' outside Russia. The C. Plan was relying on close contacts with Extreme-Left in the West.
EIGHTY ONE commiunist parties had signed a Manifesto of coordinated long term plan of global action in 1960.
Youth, student exchanges do not highlight programmes which ran in the lower and middle, not higher educational establishments: technical schools, horeca training, factories and even prison (?) education.
In Jan.1959 Mikoyan went to America to ask for 2 bln. dollars for industrial modernisation.
By the way, SAVE THE MALES is a possible translation from Russian of "Beregite Mushchin" - Soviet film. A few years ago I sent a comment to Henri Makow which should have (by default) appeared on his website. It did not. There was no tech.error message. I criticised his views (after initial admiration) in that e-mail.

Monday, 1 June 2009

( nr 214 ) Above is the scan of The Guardian article in 2006 ( March 9) by James Randerson about Taser International suing two scientists - technical experts, who raised safety concerns about Taser weapons.
I am reading the first book by Anatoliy Golitsyn for the first time. The first ( and second) impression is very mixed. It does have interesting information and is an eye-opener. One can connect the scenario Kay Griggs describes with the 1958-1960 plan. By the way, Shelepin can not be found in the 1986 (corr.) Soviet Encyclopedical Dictionary with 80 000 entries.
It does explain many things that were mysteriously mismatching.
Also, I think it has obviously been heavily "edited", censored and has some untruths - tactical or sincere. Translation could be much better.