( nr 214 ) Above is the scan of The Guardian article in 2006 ( March 9) by James Randerson about Taser International suing two scientists - technical experts, who raised safety concerns about Taser weapons.
I am reading the first book by Anatoliy Golitsyn for the first time. The first ( and second) impression is very mixed. It does have interesting information and is an eye-opener. One can connect the scenario Kay Griggs describes with the 1958-1960 plan. By the way, Shelepin can not be found in the 1986 (corr.) Soviet Encyclopedical Dictionary with 80 000 entries.
It does explain many things that were mysteriously mismatching.
Also, I think it has obviously been heavily "edited", censored and has some untruths - tactical or sincere. Translation could be much better.
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