Thursday, 14 January 2010

( nr 244 ) Scans above - going upwards:
- two examples of DATES being messed up/ambiguous. Do you remember the so-called millenium bug, when many IT businesses allowed access to their hard(-soft)ware?
- two pages with photos of David Blankett from "David Blankett" by Stephen Pollard, 2005.
- pages from 1984 and 1985 editions of the " Diplomatic Dictionary (vol.1) with slightly differing entries for Arbatov G.A. and Definition of Aggression history.
- more illustrations with comments from "Joodse Wijsheid".
- The photograph of homosexual detainees in 1938 in Sachsenhausen concentration camp - the Pink Triangles did not appear on the, which (re-)published the article -
Kay Griggs tells a story about Pink Triangles in her interviews.
MK-Ultra (later MK-Search) had 149 (!) subprojects, "ranging among the subjects of biology, drugs, sexual activities, technology, physics, psychology and even motion pictures.
Techno Sodom and Gomorragh topic:
"The technology" is about uploading rubbish to human brains and bodies, torture included (there must be a link somewhere on a Mann Technologies ( ?) crimes in USA.
The ultimate victims of sadistic degenerates are CHILDREN, BABIES - even before they are born.
Next post next week.
PS: added Sat. 16 Jan. 14:56 - the "Mann" ref. website is LARSONMEDIA.NET

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