Thursday, 1 April 2010

( nr 256 ) EASTER collection (scans) - photos, postcards and images from "Russia in original photographs 1860-1920" by Marvin Lyons.
Yesterday I have searched/checked for Malnik and Melnik variations of Alvin Melnik's name, and, surprisingly, the variants came up interchangingly in the same text(s).
His Jewish parents came from Russia, so he has some roots there. The word melnik means miller (from mill or melnitsa in Russian), and Malnik stems from mal- root for maly/malenky, meaning little or small. I have no knowledge of Polish/Byelorussian and other Eastern European languages.
There was one Melnik (or Melnick) - a Soviet diplomat in UN around WW2 period (?).
Dr. Murray's solicitor in Michael Jackson's case is Mr. Chernoff - another Russian/Jewish name in origin. 'Cherny' means black in Russian.
On another note, I have met people in UK with Dutch names, who seem not being aware of this.
History of Ethics and Religion is a wonderful subject.

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