( nr 289 ) Unilag (University of Lagos) pictures - myself with another very good friend of mine - Dr. Ramatu Abdullahi of the Psychology Dept. ( later Prof. and State Governor) and her two children. She has gone too early! [ Tue. 22 March, 2011 ] My new interest in Psychology was greatly helped at the time by Ramatu, Lynn and Diana - discussions, books, team-teaching.
Two spelling errors in Daily Telegraph reporting "60 children saved from paedophiles":
Amir not Emir (first name of Mr. Ish -Hurwitz of Holland) and the name of the pedo organisation in Holland is Martijn (Dutch for Martin) and not Martian.
Bright Orange Sky (the scan is pale for some reason) in the Hague 2000(?). It was also a time of
'strange noises', such as: 1. electric wires in the cupboard near fuse box making noise, 2. low noise from cargo airplane (?) which became audible only when I opened a balcony door one hot summer night. And a different noise in Florida:
The missing man Dirar Abu Sisi is in Israeli prison ! Electric engineer from Palestine abducted from a night train Kharkiv-Kiev in Ukraine. Two articles - in Dutch and in English.
The first half of The Daily Mail article by Helen Weathers about the tragic case of Smith & Smith family (Lianne and Martin) .TV hypnotist Martin Smith is in Spain awaiting trial.
Daily Mail writes extensively on Epstein and Gislaine Maxwell investigation.
VODKA ..... Yesterday I watched Dutch documentary ( ref. Kees Driehuis) about disappearance of the Soviet Jewish immigrant Boris Fastovski in Amsterdam on 11 January 1995.
He (with 3 others) ran a profitable business exporting BLACK DEATH VODKA . I wonder who 'owns' the label or patent/copywrite. It turns out that there was persecution of Jews during Black Death riots, such as '500 Jews of Nuremberg massacre during Black Death riots' :
The case involved Bank in Luxembourg, female mafia suspect, F-16 search, etc.
Bosnian Police Seize 2 Million Child Porn Photos:
The 46 year-old arrested in Derventa, North Bosnia. Found a suitcase full of children's clothes.
CNN LARRY KING LIVE : in 1998 (?) Larry King exposed UN SCANDAL. He talked to the leader of Paedophile Society, who described his "happy" sexual rel. with his brother since when both were children. This Pedo Soc. was "smuggled" into the UN by Soc. of Homosexuals [ whatever the exact name was at the time ] which, having some status in UN admitted the Pedo Soc. as an associate (?) member.
Most assumed that POLICE will deal with such scum/scam.
[Thursday 24 March] Yesterday I discovered smth. very interesting on a site, started with a "Madeleine Report" which goes on to discuss many other issues. Search for Galina Anikeeva on:
my name comes up in posts 21 and 22 with a link to my blog post nr 269 of 27 August 2010.
Last year I questioned and was critical of the procedures of ID verification/registration in Skipton and disagreed with locals, who defended them as traditionally/quintessentially English/British.
"Latvian" comes up ref. Karpichkov (Latvian KGB) and Tayla Goodman ( ? ) stories.
What about Latvian Mossad ? ...
Latvian Mafia ? ...
NB: I extended several posts in recent months beyond the date of its publication. Readers should please check for addenda in the last post, when a new post comes up. Thanks.
24 March 2011. 12:58
PS [17:22] - I corrected the numbers of posts with my name on TheSargeants.net (link above) from 13,14 (wrong) to 21 and 22 of 34 - on page 12/17. There are also mixups there, e.g. two different posts number 9.
The front page there has a subliminal image of .... Madeleine on a black square. It fluctuates on screen slowly and is visible on the printout. Who is the graphic designer?
29 March 2011: SUPER-INJUNCTIONS .... Mail on Sunday (27.3.2011) article by Martin Delgado "Public servant on 'child sex' charges - but MoS is barred from telling you anything about him" : " ... Bizzarely, a second defendant in the case has not been granted anonymity. ....deep concern in legal circles ... The man, who is understood to be in his mid-30s, is in custody after being arrested in the past few months. He and his co-accused are understood to be facing a total of up to 70 charges. 'X' appeared before magistrates in December and is due to make another pre-trial appearance at a Crown Court later this week. ..."
Wed. 30 March, 2011:
PETER MYERS writes -
Gay Marriage, Open Borders, .....
Trotsky advocates abolishing the Family, Stalin its restoration.
Thursday 31.3. 2011: I have just made minor corrections above.
Gosport Pub " Madeleines " opened in 1960 (?) replacing old pub " Queen Charlotte" .
Booked scanner for Monday morning.
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