Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Who is What ? ...


( nr 316 ) Sunday Telegraph of 25 Nov. 2012 has published shocking REVELATIONS about the next Church of England New Archibishop : Secret life of my 'alcohol-dependent' father. Bootlegging, forged identity, Italian friends, etc. Top scan: new archibishop and his wife ... .
SERGEY NALOBIN is on the second from top scan, which  also shows ( British) Conservative Friends of Russia in DUMA in Moscow.The Guardian on Saturday 1 Dec. 2012 ran : Revealed: how the Kremlin got its diplomats to woo the Tories. Sergey Nalobin's father, Nikolai ( KGB general), was also deputy head of the FSB department investigating economic crimes. 'Sergei Nalobin's brother also worked for the FSB before entering private business, reports from Nalobins' home region, Tyumen, claim'. Nikolai Nalobin was the boss of Alexander Valterovich Litvinenko, according to his widow Marina Litvinenko. What about the wife of Nikolai Nalobin ? Other women in the family?
VREDITELSTVO is a Russian word for doing harm, damage (on a large scale) in society. The two scans above are: 1. The Soviet Encycl. Dictionary of 1986 does not have vreditelstvo entry. 2. The search on Google for Vreditelstvo shows RUSSIAN article on several websites about Vreditelstvo i Sabotazh in (primary and secondary) school education with the Mathematics Textbooks as an example.
THEY ARE ALL BLOCKED ! Reasons stated: pornography, hacking.
The Times of 26 Nov. 2012: Secret church memo on women demands U-turn. The threatening demand came from William Fittall, secretary-general of General Synod. Who wants ultra-feminists and lesbians in the church? Not me.
Daily Mirror of yesterday: Lethal X-ray machine at dentists (TEN times the normal level of radiation).
The court papers on American government website about DAVID LARSON case are blocked here in Britain.
Strange death of Oxford Astrophysics Professor Steve Rawlings. Check his family,colleagues, his publications.
Next post 19 December or earlier.
[ Wed. 5 Dec.2012] : Made small corrections above. David Larson's website went at some point of time funny or phony - must have been tampered with, if not David Larson himself. Torture by remote control using amateur radio licences. Read post ( nr 248 ) of Monday, 8 February 2010 and post ( nr 245 ) of 18 Jan. 2010.
From post ( nr 287 ): an 11 year-old boy was drugged after abduction by a 45 year-old homosexual man Adams in LEEDS; aunt Claudette Lewis thinks her nephew had been "brainwashed", etc.
My post LY plus ( nr 309) of 15 August 2012 has been at the top of the reading statistics for some time.
[Thursday 13 December 2012] - MOSSAD is a CRIMINAL organisation.
When I wrote: KGB=Mossad, it was 'violently' hacked in Portsmouth Central Library. MOB is part of that equation (see nr 268 ). The Guardian vs Russian Embassy affair is a revelation. Two articles by Luke Harding about Conservative Friends of Russia are inoffensive and factual. They definitely do not warrant an opus of a Press Statement, widely criticised on Internet for stale content and bad English. It's definitely an overreaction. Hmm... There must be smth. there 'to be hidden'. I just read Malcolm Rifkind entry in Wikipedia. Russian Embassy, KGB (Mossad), Kensington, Chelsey, Lithuania.
Lithuanian/Russian prostitute and her husband (in Royal household) story which appeared in
NEWS of the WORLD, was not included in the tribute report for NoW published by MoS (?). News of the World criticised Theresa May for her stand/role in  relaxation of checks on people wanting to work with children.
I did write about it on this website. Who ordered British papers NOT to write about horrendous sex-abuse of babies and toddlers in Amsterdam nursery by a Latvian homosexual Robert Mikelson and his Dutch partner? Theresa May revoked the British citizenship of a Russian Spy Anna Chapman. It was a high drama move, reminiscent of Russian PM Evgeniy Primakov making a u-turn in mid-air and returning to Russia.
But it was also in a sense a hush-up, as we did not hear precisely what her espionage activities were. She worked at one time in Barclay Bank, but the bank denied it. Someone wrote on Internet that she sold ... child-sex tours to Russia for western businessmen. Name Sergey came up in that story. The information online about Sergey Nalobin is ludicrous. I call it PLAY FOOL.
Yes, the language used is neither good enough English, nor a mediocre translation of good or standard Russian. AI, NLP ? Peter Viggers was a Conservative Gosport MP for ages.
[Friday 14 Dec. 2012] - 2 corrections above: May and reminiscent. My search for Nalobin on Russia Today website 2 days ago produced zero results. So-called Russia ... . Should check spelling of Latvian Mikelson (Robert), who actually was trained computer encryption expert and used different/false names.
[ Tue. 18 Dec.2012] - The date for my next post on this website is moved from 19 Dec. to 30 January 2013 ( or earlier).
Merry Christmass and a Happy New Year !

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