Monday, 5 March 2018

Addenda Twenty Four.

( nr 391 ) - Another British BANKING scandal - so-called PPI advertised widely online, on radio, posters and even a blue leaflet ( from Barclays) in my post box a week ago. Ads go like this: you may be owed thousands of pounds (on everage ... ) due to some mistake by the banks (all major banks), etc. etc. There was a big and ugly poster on bus stops: Have you not applied for PPI yet ?!
One day as I wanted to follow up info about PPI online, I found myself diverted/tricked into Russian and Israeli websites.
Today I went into four branch offices in Gosport and Fareham (Barclays, Lloyds and HSBC) to ask for a leaflet or official statement by the bank management about PPI.
None had anything in writing ! That is with the abundance of color glossy leaflets in every branch.
Another dirty trick? Money laundering? Just like gambling/lottery on the back of supermarket receipts. I never tried it.
Today is  5 March.  Two of my posts with STALIN reference (47 and 288): (strange url: nr 47 on 28 Sept.)
The search word Stalin on this website produced Ten links (not chronological): nr (numbers) - 47, 253, 288, 251, 124, 327, 384, 168, 46, 391.
[ Thursday, 8 March, 2018] - METALS - steel, aluminium, copper, metals heavy or not, metals rare ... . All a must for industry, economy, military ... .
The Belgian website about decades of Org. Crime waves definitely was run or infiltrated by The Org. Crime, incl. top levels of society.
Russian billioneer "Oligarch" POTANIN ( calls himself Energy Evangelist) wants to give his money to a Charity. Belgian Leo Stroobants (user name Leo) wants to register a non-profit org. for the INFO on the Belgian website. INFO belongs to posters and readers and is of Public importance.
My post "ENGLISH please - urgent questions: " (by galina-a-anikeeva) ends with a ridiculous sentence by Sys. Admin/Moderator AI called Ben:
"Poetin heeft me gevraag [-ed ?] om dit topic op slot te doen, dus bij deze ... En als AI ben ik nog niet in staat om dit bevel te negeren." - (2 pages) .
In English: Putin has asked me to close this topic, so .... And as an AI, I can not yet ignore this order."
To me the sentence is a proof of PUTIN persona being a puppet of CABAL. My latest theory is that it is The BRITISH cabal.
Gary Cohn resignation ... Fuzzy roots and background ? Eastern European is a strange category.
As strange as a Latin American, for example.
I remember trying to check name Cohn online. Surprisingly, it came as originally Irish. When I tried to check ethnicity of the owners of that website, the search came to zero result.
Russian BBC journalist suggested long ago, that I buy more than one copy of a Soviet/Russian book in a London shop - authored by Cohn ( MD?) (in Russian letters surname KOH) who advocated homosexuality and other vice. Pure pre-Stalin (and after-Stalin) communist anti-family propaganda.
In my e-mail to Moscow I wrote: Soviet, Jewish, criminal.
[ Friday, 9 March, 2018 ] - A high level Belgian State Security officer had warned his family about gang (Bende van Nijvel) attack in supermarket Delhaize in Aalst:
An incident in Scala College in a Dutch town Alphen aan de Rijn :
Was there a German activist Cohn-Bandit ? Pet (Bulgarian) is 5 (piat in Russian).
Steel and Aluminium ( trading and scientific research)  are in the family of Gary Cohn.
Lisa Pevaroff? Russian name Povar means Cook.
[ Sat. 10 March, 2018 ] - Many shady characters in the SCRAP METAL or secondary metals and second hand cars businesses !
Post ww2:
Britain, Belgium and Holland were accused by Mr. Howard Bruce of misuse of Marshall Aid:
David Cohn ( father of Raphael Cohn in Skipton, North Yorkshire)  was in the secondary metals business. He lives with his wife Elaine Cohn in Bradley Village in North Yorkshire.
My letters and e-mails to RUSSIAN and ISRAELI ambassadors with questions about Cohn family identities and background were not answered. The two embassies acted in a coordinated fashion.
The family background of Dutch Org. Crime MC character Klaas Otto:
Gypsy, Old Cars/scrap metal business.
Metal Recycling COHEN in US - family owned since 1924:
GCS Steels ( for George Cohen, Sons and Company) in Britain:,_Sons_and_Company
Mentioned: Gosport and Leeds.

[ TUESDAY, 13 March, 2018 ] - Two scans posted:

1. From Daily Echo of yesterday:
 by Chris Yandell about ongoing vote of no confidence in ( Michael Lane) among Hampshire Police Federation 2,800 members.
Hampshire Police Federation Chairman is John Apter.
Quote: Last year a call for a vote of no confidence in Alison Hernandez, Police and Crime Commissioner for Devon and Cornwall, was thrown out by Cornwall Council.
The motion was tabled by Labour group leader Tim Dwelly.

2. Photo of former president of Dutch MOTOR CLUB No Surrender Klaas Otto (from

URGENT call to copy, download, distribute all or as much as possible from the Belgian Org. Crime websites (special attention to FORUM discussion posts) : not only , but so-called French websites (mostly in French language).
[ Wed. 14 March, 2018 ] - 3 posts from 2011 and 2016:
[ Friday, 16 March, 2018] - Just posted on my " Generaal Devyver?" post minutes ago (11:34 marked CET 12:34) :
And my post of 18 January 2018 "ENGLISH please - urgent questions:" which lasted 6 hours and ended with closure. Names: LEO (Leo Stroobants), Ben (R.J.Broersma/Prof. Petkov?), and surprisingly ... Vladimir Putin and .... Potanin:
It had happened before, indicative of the tech/human factor: my post today is now marked 13:34, smth or somebody in the time zone between London (Greenwich), Netherlands (CET) and Moscow.
11:34 in London is 12:34 in Holland and 14:34 in Moscow.
The Forum software on bendevannijvel is of Informer Technologies (registered in US back in 1996?).
[ Wed. 21 March, 2018 ] - {Cold War to date} - letter K stood prominently and 'artistically' on a solid building - office of BULGARIAN firm Kintex in Sofia.
Officially an import-export FOOD company, it operated a huge illegal DRUGS and WEAPONS trade. All under the guidance of KGB [ joke: K-GB].
Gosport, Woolston Court 4: - my window looked out to a "K-house" opposite, where an Isle of Wight ferry captain lived with his family. That was when I complained about one K (user name) on a Russian Forum (Sergei Kara-Murza plus military history forum - see post somewhere on this site).
I also pondered about possibly multiple (different asci) K users.
On my hard disc I found saved/planted graphic images of munition that looked like cosmetics (lipstick), which I simply have not even seen before.
Kintex has 'closed' - renamed itself Global smth.
Kintex had a Belgian business partner Nutribel firm.
From the posts on
Did Kintex have direct contact with Nutribel ? - No, via firm Corecombel, there was an ENGLISH Col.  He fought in Burma. A nice chap, very British.
An interview with Radaslav Totorov ( was head of Kintex for 15 years) who mentioned Roemen PETKOV among others:
Post by dim on the bendevannijvel forum of 02-02-2010 11:04:
Berlusconi wil Israel bij EU - Berlusconi wants Israel in European Union.
[ Thursday, 22 March, 2018] - K-HOUSE sign on a house opposite/behind Woolston Court, 4 in Gosport, where I lived.

Recently opened (noticed?) K - KNOTT - KINETICS in Gosport: 49, Stoke Road:

There is also Qinetiq "pool site-ocean basin tank"  in Gosport in Haslar Road. There is a Photo from the local paper The News in my post from 2008:
Ref. Shooting Incident: see photo of Michael, who shot at me (with Bob in flat 22) from a laser gun with an infra-red sight. M. lives in flat 23 with his aunt(?) in flat 24 (black curtains).
Cllr. Graham Burgess visited the crime scene, asked me for my contact details as he was having a meeting with POLICE later that day, saying they would contact me, come to take my statement.
Police never came. Quite the opposite.
[ Friday, 23 March, 2018] - R. Todorov casually used word 'kosher': my life is/was not kosher.
So, KGB joke (Kosher Great Britain) is or may be closer to reality than fiction.
Russian visitor to Holland: asserting that most Romanians are actually gypsies. Could Roumen PETKOV be actually Roumyn (Romanian) Piatkov ?
Ref. Bende van Nijvel website:
1. From Ben (16-12-2015 16:48): Montgomery Kee David (MKD), Montgomery Kee Rory, Arratoom Aileen (epouse de MKD).
2. From swansongunsung (13-10-2015 10:28): David Montgomery Kee, Flat 14 Kensington Mansions, Trebovir Road, Kensington, London, SW5 9TF.
Legion of Frontiersmen ... SAS ... LoF..... Col John Dunkley.
Gangster Charlie Kray.
From my past posts: Gosport Model Boat Club member asking me about Anthony Churchill, who was "helping Russian Sailors on Isle of Wight".
Channel Islands occupied in WW2. V-rocket or von Brown ww2 project on Isle of Wight.
YOU-BOAT firm by Gosport Ferry reminds one of U-boat.
RU: Perfida Albiona ?
[ Sat. 24 March, 2018] - My posts from 2011 and 2014:
[ Wed. 28 March, 2018] - HMS Centurion - OFF-SHORE British Navy military base in Gosport:
between GRANGE Road and MILITARY Road.
The secret Military Doc. that was planted on me by MI6 criminals ( Julian Robinson and Co.) must have come, surely, from this military base.

[ Thursday 29 March, 2018 ] - BRITISH POLICE .....
On the right side in the 'blue entrance cubicle' of the Gosport Library there is a stand with 21 posters, all coloured, emanating from POLICE and Ministry of Justice. They proclaim no tolerance for HATE CRIMES, where H8 must stand for H-eight meaning hate. The website is
Among categories of Racism, GYPSY. Irish Travellers, Homiosexuals, Disabled, etc. not one poster
mentions Anti-Semitism or Anti-Jewish .... crimes or hate.
British Labour Party is in turmoil with headlines, demonstrations and British Jewish Groups accusing British Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn of ANTI-SEMITISM.
[ about 12:15 ] - I have asked a woman in police uniform by the entrance desk/stall (number 15076) 2 questions:
1. Why words and category of ANTI-SEMITISM are missing from official propaganda material against 'hate crimes', while it is a highly political issue right now.
2. Who pays for lavish editions of coloured and glossy posters, brochures and souveniers (I was offered to take one free textile hand-bag).
Police woman could not answer my questions. She promised to find out and get back to me, writing the url of my website, which gives 3 possibilities to contact me in (in writing): text on moblile tel, letter or note in my post box (residential address) or e-mail.
PS: Last Monday( 26 March, 2018), as I waited for a bus at Grange Road bus stop (at about 15:20?) to return home from Junior Assembly ( Idony got a prize) at Alver Valley schools (see map above), coincidentally:

1. Julian Robinson (retired British Navy intelligence/MI6) cycled past.
Ref: secret military document planted on me at the Gosport Library. Wrote a letter. 

2. A teenage boy - blond, in white summer sports dress also waiting at the bus stop (behind it).

3. POLICE car parked at a short distance.
PPS: On a bus there was a young (blond) mother with a pram. Very young, too young.
Does her mother work at the school ? Facial resemblance/expression reminded me of LILIA (a Russian wife of a Nigerian man) in Lagos. She in turn was somewhat similar in appearance to American woman El  ... smth (ref. Treasury).
Around same day there was an ORG. CRIME theatrics (ref. Roman Abramovich): football fan in front of me wearing blue jersy cap with golden thread embroidered CHELSEA.
A few 'serious looking' men around Kenian woman with a pram (same spot on Clarence Road), a man smoking pot/drug sigarette at the bus station, (confident look) who looked inside the bus at the moment I did pick METRO newspaper with Jeremy Corbyn on front page looking .... confused or guilty in the midst of accusations of ANTI-SEMITISM.
BRITISH daily paper reported K-O-S-H-E-R meals offered to PRISONERS who sign up or declare themselves JEWISH. Many do so to enjoy food much better than a standard prison menu.
So, some are fed, dressed up, let out in OPEN PRISONS and On Parole.
S-Theater with PSYCHOLOGIST minders.
[ Sat. 31 March, 2018 ] - Amber Rudd (Home Secretary or Home Affairs Minister) " visited police offices near Fareham" on Thursday 29 March. Hmm, Gosport is near Fareham, and Michael Lane lives in Gosport. See scan of The News (Friday, 30 March, 2018). See my Thursday post (update) above about POLICE. The 21 posters are there, but the one with a large(r) size hand-cuffs centre page is missing (?).
Earlier today:
1. Four managers inside Morrisons Supermarket: Mike, Martin and two others.
Safeway became Morrisons. I remember one manager named Pniok.
2. A man ( with an earring as I called him) with his wife standing outside newsagent (?) on Stoke Road .... That was about the spot I "met" Michael Lane, as I walked with my granddaughters from Newtown Primary home. The man who was leaving Gosport Library (familiar face) as I was about to enter it, I think is the one (?) , who to my surprise, had said that M. L. could not have looked at the children pointedly. It was soon after I sent a card to him/Gosport Police asking for ref. number of report by Bob (flat 22 St. Matthews Court) and if the report was withdrawn.  That was when Bob himself (who did give the ref. nr. earlier) told me that his son had committed suicide and he has another son in Afganistan. No reply from police.
Gosport has been under Conservative/TORY rule at all times (?). MP: Peter Viggers, now Caroline Dinenhage.
Today I glimpsed the name of Cressida Dick on the front page of The Times.

Is Abel Danger (McColl) website still blocked ?
Dalai Lama vs NXIVM cult. Daily mail article refuses to get printed. Is it because of the photographs? NXIVM is an acronym, but no explanation online.
Women and Crime: