Tuesday, 24 April 2018

Addenda Twenty Six.

( nr 393 ) - See Addenda Twenty Five - ref. POLICE show last Saturday. Scans of Michael LANE ...

S-theatre today. This afternoon I heard a voice/accent of an African woman! Coach? Script writer?
Jail birds (prisoners) in Britain are now into OPERA. Sun newspaper yesterday published EXCLUSIVE: LES MIS LAGS. Drug-plagued H.M.Prison High Down.Hit musical at up to £70 a ticket.
I just realised, that David Collins, the independent consultant (fire safety risk) hired by Parker Torrington Ltd. did not "carry the appropriate ID"  as notified in Notice (Sat. 21 April). He's been living in Gosport for 20 years.
Anti-Christian. St. George's Sunday parade of scouts in Gosport had not a single Christian symbol.
No report in the local paper. Some scouts were very young (5 years old?).  
The A4 leaflet with programme
In the HYMNS (rev. Andy Davis) there lines:
(3) I danced on a Friday, When the sky turned black, It's hard to dance, With the devil on your back, They buried my body, .....
(4) They cut me down, And I leapt up high; ....
[ Wed. 25 April, 2018] - had a nice talk with Cllr. Graham Burgess. My website is blocked by Gosport Council (internally) for ... Hate and Racism (!).
Thus Cllr. G. Burgess has never seen photos and info I posted there. He shall look at it at home.
Our next meeting is 9:30 a.m. Monday 30 April, 2018.
Scan of Independent FIRE RISC inspection notice from Parker and Torrington Ltd. and the ID (he said e-mail) he provided in handwriting (enlarged):
 HATE Laws (?) Propaganda by Conservative Government in Gosport Library:
Scan of St. George's parade in Gosport (Sunday 22 April):
Scan from a DUTCH scientific paper describing WITCHCRAFT as:
1. Global network of Satanic Sects,
2. Early Organized CRIME: ... they were (regularly) getting assignments to HARM their neighbours.  
[ Thurs.26 April, 2018] - Scans of 4 photos of the Sunday PARADE posted.
Gosport Mayor Councillor Linda Batty (in red robe) is named "The Worshipful Mayor" in the event programme (see 2 scans above).

[ Friday, 27 April, 2018 ] - Just posted a postcard to JAMES COMEY, now retired director of FBI.
I bought his book "A HIGHER LOYALTY" in Portsmouth yesterday (still reading).
On page 114 (ref. policy discussion on torture):
" We protested that just because something was deemed to be legal - based on an opinion we disagreed with - and allegedly effective did not mean it was appropriate."
This is from the highest legal and law enforcement authority !
I have so far put the following argument against Hate Laws:
Hate and/or hatred are feelings, emotions.
You cannot legislate feelings.
The posters (see scans above) are so Orwellian, I wonder about the people/artists who designed them and, more importantly, people who initiated and formulated Hate Laws.
What about pictogram with handcuffs and other details? ...
Is it not offensive to people it is supposed to protect?
In my opinion, it is also counterproductive.
A caricature of what was a ban in USSR of criticism of a political system and 'the leader'.
Anything else was allowed and even encouraged. Some variations/interpretations and allowances over time.
PS: The Gosport postcard got stuck to the top cover of the copy machine, when I made a copy of it.  Static electricity, but never happened before. Two people stood nearby and saw it.
What a small world !... Another quote from page 114:
" ... Condi Rice, who had been national security adviser when the interrogation program was conceived and was now the secretary of state, replacing Colin Powell, "was not interested in discussing the details"."
I saw once on Facebook a family photo of Mezuo Nwuneli (Mezuo, Nkem and Nancy are children of my American friend Lynn Nwuneli ) with Condoleeza Rice. I understood that his mother in law is an ex-Soviet Jewish emigrant who had married a Nigerian from a famous Igbo family.
Condoleeza Rice (Wikipedia) studied RUSSIAN. I wondered how she made that choice.
I met NKEM in London, but we could not really talk in that café in Oxford Circus. People sitting at the next table were so loud.
 Myself and Lynn were introduced by our husbands - both journalists.
 She had asked me to come along as she was to take their staff meeting papers to Lalage Bown (sp?), who was "flaunting her sexuality" .... Many lecturers lived on University of Lagos campus and our homes were extensions of our offices.
Addenda Twenty Two:
Unilag photos in 2 posts from 2010:
[ Sat. 28 April, 2018 ] - Posted my agenda/questions to G. BURGESS at our meeting last Wednesday, which lasted 15 minutes.   
Elections next week: another POLICE and Political SCANDAL in Gosport ?
On the www.gosport.gov.uk NO info about candidates, who nominated them, etc.
I used search function 3 may 2018 elections candidates.
With over 1600 police officers in Hampshire voting NO TRUST in Michael Lane, what is happening in OTHER Police forces ?
Back in April 2016 elections Local Gov. { Soviet in Russian} did not even mention, that apart from local councillors Police Commissioner was to be elected.
My post POLICE commissioner candidates on another blogspot site of mine:
Two more posts from 2016:
Addenda Four
Natasha K+  
Voting may be more of Voting Criminals/Cabal OUT.
[ Monday, 30 April, 2018 ] - Cllr. G. Burgess (appt.) this morning:
1.  He visited my website and did not like what he saw.
2. He said there is nothing Gosport Council can do for me.
3. He suggested that I speak to the Police and wanted to show me where the telephone was - a few  meters away.
4. I replied that British Police is infiltrated by criminals and that is why Amber Rudd resigned.
5. Cllr. Burgess told me that was not why she resigned.
6. End of conversation/appointment.
The scan of draft/agenda I wrote this morning:
[ Tue. 1 May, 2018 ] - Election candidates lists are displayed under dark glass in Gosport B. Council.
I was told info is not (1) on their website. I got the copies on top floor (election services).
Noticed a highly interesting map of Gosport: local development plans up to ... 2029! Suggested it is moved where one can see and read it better (not possible over large table).
Addenda Twenty Three:
[ Wed. 2 May, 2018 ] - Two posts from 2011 and one from 2015 (288, 296 and 331):
[ Thurs. 3 May, 2018 ] - Who is What:
Conservative Party leader in SCOTLAND is LESBIAN and lives with a woman, got a fertility treatment (from recent  i-paper).
My post from 2014 (nr 327) Boy six, in a van with man -
[ Friday, 4 May, 2018] - British Establishment censors/blocks/hacks (usual ways in Gosport library plus more) report of EXPLOSION in Stamford Hill, London during Jewish Lag BaOmer celebrations - as mobile phones (handsets/cell phones) were tossed into bonfires.
Link to report by James Cox (The Sun) in:
I suggested earlier (but before Michael+Bob neighbours (plus woman) fired a high-tech laser gun with infra-red sight at me) that:
1. Mad noisy parties with strange guests (criminal/military/foreign looks, one woman looked like a Russian jail-bird ) were linked to Russian/other submarines in the area. 'Excited' use of telephones.
2. High-tech Fire (unusual 'form') plus satellite dish, plus stare at huge screen in flat 22, plus mobile tel. - ALL may be some sort of SIGNALS or commands in the military sense (with military space satellites).
A mobile phone is a mini-computer. The so-called DARK net is traced with difficulty because (as I read online years ago) the computers (hard discs) that upload pornography+ are destroyed, incinerated, thus destroying info about ciminals' location.
Another detail: men tried to stand/sit UNDER the roof of a (proper) waste disposal hut - at the back of St. Matthews Court 21-32.
From the Dutch news:
[ Sat. 5 May, 2018 ] - made some minor changes in the text of yesterday. 
Select quotes from "A Higher Loyalty" by James Comey:
p. 158: " I HAVE NEVER MET Hillary Clinton, although I tried. .... To this day, I don't know why the meeting never happened."
p. 159: ( "Whitewater") " I was a junior lawyer ... . My focus was largely on the suicide of the former deputy White House councel, Vincent Foster, and the handling of documents in his office. .... I left the assignement when our son Collin died in August 1995 - ..."
p. 206: " I say that with a wife and daughters who voted for Hillary Clinton and walked in the 2017 Women's March in D.C. the day after Donald Trump's inauguration."
Will Patrice Comey write a book? I look forward to it.
From Irish Independent (Friday, 4 May, 2018) -
Hundreds of mourners from the Traveller (?) community gathered in Kent. Henry Vincent (37) died after he broke into the South London home of pensioner Richard Osborn-Brooks (78) and his wife Maureen (76) last month. Despite a large police presence, the scene turned ugly shortly after the 30-minute service ended, with some mourners attacking members of the media.
Youths, covering their faces with hoods, broke away from the cortege to pelt the press with eggs and rocks. ... Two groups of 30 mourners (?) ran at journalists after surrounding them. A photographer was punched in the face.
CATHOLIC Church in Ireland.
Archbishop Eamon Martin has sent a strong signal that the Catholic Church will oppose any attempt to remove the right of schools to teach sex education through the lens of their religious ethos. ... Catholic vision for relationships, chastity, marriage and the family - marriage of a man and a woman.
Church opposes 'same-sex marriage'.
From Amsterdam Fire Service boss Leen Schaap and Amstelveen Mayor Bas Eenhoorn:
No place for members of Motor Clubs ( Hells Angels, Satudarah, etc.) -
Small world ? Family Cohn (Elaine, David and Raphael) in North Yorkshire gave unmistakable signals of friendship/family ties to ....Hillary Clinton plus.
With Israeli and Russian ambassadors ignoring my enquiry, I sent an e-mail to Moscow: Soviet, Jewish, criminal ... .
[ TUESDAY 8 May, 2018 ] - For my Hyde Park free speech ( Thinking Aloud) today:
1. PENSION - I left two blank (and signed) letterheads at my flat in University of Lagos for resignation and sorting out my Unilag pension. Both Sandy and Lynn were interested in buying my furniture, and I decided Lynn needed it most.
Later Diana Pidwell told me that it is 'hopeless', etc.
Local woman (to my hearing): if you have no pension, you should get married.
2. Model of observer effect and point of view.
3. Somali men vs MI5 (MI6) recruitment. Independent, 2009.
4. NYT report on Robert Meuller probe (Michael D. Cohen).
My post (nr 288):
[ Thurs. 10 May, 2018] - corrected the date of last entry here( above) : Tuesday 8 May.
Made an extra Free Speech/Hyde Park Corner/ Thinking Aloud presentation this morning - downstairs in Gosport Library. Made important 'updates'.

Saturday, 7 April 2018

Addenda Twenty Five.

( nr 392 ) - Palestinian photo journalist shot dead today. Many more casualties:
[ Mon. 9 April, 2018] - British Government IT network "refuses" (blocks) printing ALL news articles on Israel + Palestinians: from Daily Mail, Bing.com, AP, AFP, Reuters, etc.
TOPICS: Threats, innuendo in Israel questioning of Palestinian teen; Why Israel feels threatened ...; Right of Return ... .
Addenda Twenty Four:
[ Tue. 10 April, 2018 ] - Holland, Rotterdam, April 10-12, 2018: IDEC conference.
Shall speak about it later.
13:40 - Forgot to say, that my ad (Culture-Logic) in European newspaper (1995?) was published with a ... wrong tel. number. They made a mistake, I corrected it (per fax) but they went on to publish the wrong number. What was censored? Perhaps TEXT - crucial to Language and Thinking. Just like SPACE and TIME were not accepted for a report at the Bilingual Conference in Moscow ( Belgium-Netherlands-Russia).
[ Wed. 11 April, 2018] - On people of Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Apple, etc:
Before ANYTHING they DID or DID NOT DO (under investigation right now) they are guilty of maleficia (sp?), evil designs (moral, technical, psychological) of their computer programming.
The designs are evil, anti-Christian, undermining God, Nature and Human Civilisation.
"Mass Deaths by Opioids ..." post by Jon Rappoport, link in:
16:39 - four scans of my presentation at the April 1997 MOSCOW conference "Language and Culture". Proceedings 1999, ISBN 5-02-022599.

[ Thur. 12 April, 2018 ] - Drug-addicts (wittingly or unwittingly) include people 'on top'. I remember US pres. candidate Ross Perot pointed to apparent drug-induced state(s) of Bill Clinton.
He also had an idea of direct gov. method by families joining computer network to vote per question or issue. Would have made all those sponsors/donors/etc. redundant. Donors, by the way, donate to all parties, so that they can benefit whoever wins.
Another way to help election process: have OPEN (not closed) voting boxes with party/candidate name written on the box/urn. Additionally have one SECRET/CLOSED box for voters, who want to keep their choice SECRET.
The COOK of Russian president V. Putin may have been adding some special, addictive or narcotic substances to the food he cooks. A photo and his special status point to that. Old staff. In Russian: Ih traviat I zombiruyut. May apply to other polititians.
From " Folklore of HAMPSHIRE" (2010, isbn 978 0 7524 5179 4) by Penny Legg, p. 96-97.
A witch Julie Forest: I feel there is a great need for witchcraft in the 21st century. Christianity has lost a lot of its popularity and power and needs to be replaced by something else."
[ Friday, 13 April, 2018] - Palestinians protest in Gaza:
Blok and Lavrov in Moscow:
British submarine AFFRAY was lost on 16 April, 1951 near Channel island Alderney. A monument with names of the officers can be seen on the embankment in Gosport near Gosport Ferry.
[ Monday, 16 April, 2018] - REAL NEWS (obscured by hasty bombings ...) :

John Apter, chairman of the Hampshire Police Federation had put vote of No Confidence in Police boss Michael Lane and received an overwhelming support !
PM (Conservative) Theresa MAY supports adoption of children by homosexuals.

American general Mattis (sp?) is described as a homosexual - "never married". The NATO (boss?) British general appears on a photo (with an Albanian) as somebody with serious problems.

My early observations in Gosport about " S-theatre" and women involved in crimes (old vice women and young ones controlling men) - all correspond to Col. McColl's (sp?) expose of LLOYDS Lesbian Pedophile network: hard crimes and sexual blackmail.
What I call(-)ed Irina Plus Spionage/Criminal network belongs there.
A one-liner (old): gorod vedm, prostitutok, sodomitov I stukachei.
My post 289 from 2011:
My post Addenda Ten:
My post WOMEN and CRIME:
Hampshire Police Federation:

American Embassy Plus:

Holland and Russia 1992-1993:
DUTCH 911:
[Tue.17 April, 2018 ] - Young Americans and young Russians killing each other in Syria ?!....
Death of Maxim Borodin in many reports: on BBC, www.news.com.au etc.
His paper (New Day) is based in ... Ekaterinburg and has a very short report.
That city has interesting 'links':
1.  Russian general (forgot his name) talked about 'patriotic upbringing of young Russians'
2. Nuisance visits from a 'Russian' woman who worked for (ex?) Soviet Jewish owners of Casino in the Hague, who was 'hired' from Israel.
[ Wed. 18 April, 2018] - (cont.) - The general ( from Ekaterinburg )was accused by some Russian journalists of giving command (tel) to shoot the Mal. Airplane. In his refutation, the Russian general said he was long retired and only (!) busy with the 'patriotic upbringing' of youth. That reminded me of nationalist, patriotic, pro-Putin, Berezovski-sponsored Youth Movenment IV (ru:Iduschie Vmeste). Members were to have brainwashing per mobile telephones (psychologist advisers, etc.).
When I lived at 198 Saffierhorst, Mariahoeve, The Hague, I had by strange coincidence/proximity comments about how spacious my apartment was. One was from British diplomat Adam Noble, who after my Russian lessons successfully passed top level exams. Another was from a young Soviet Jewish Ekaterinburg woman, who emigrated to Israel and was then employed by an (ex-) Soviet Jewish couple (owners of Casino in Scheveningen) as a 24/7 nanny for their young baby daughter.
One day, family friend and a good Samaritan Joseph Fontaine-Pennock (sp?), the father of Vincent Pennock who was kind enough to help my daughter with French lessons and myself - with financial accounts, etc., told me about the Jewish woman in their neighbourhood. He first heard her speak Russian and asked if she was Russian. She angrily(!) replied that she was not Russian, but Jewish! How could anyone think she was Russian?!
I agreed to take her out shopping, and she became a pest, declaring that we are now friends, that I am invited to visit her family (of six) in Israel, that her family will come to visit and stay with me .... .
She, by the way, told me that the baby girl she looked after, slept in her bed (!).
I 'visited' several Russian and English language website yesterday, reading about murdered Russian journalist Maxim BORODIN.
Came upon a sick attempt in RUSSIA to hide WW2 history!
D-Day: 6 June 1944 has a memorial opposite Gosport Ferry.
In 2016 some people in St.Petersburg decided to establish obscure Day D in Russian. British Gov. IT blocked printing of their website, but I have it printed from another site:
D is supposed to stand for writer Sergei Dovlatov.
It also fuzzies another important history of a young Russian military engineer (satellite communications), who came/defected to Holland a few years ago. His name was ... Damlatov (?).
Through computer mistake in prison system he was moved to a deportation prison, where he is supposed to have committed suicide.
Some links:
Long url (can't be seen) from Australian website:
Spoke to Tony Elbourn today (ref. Chess Club).
Rotten Lib-Dem V. Zhirinovski at work? Yougoslavia and now Syria ? ...
By the way 1917 revolution annulled Russian Imperial Laws (which were already eroded by liberals:  Nabokov &Co.), thus legalizing sodomy and other vice.
STALIN government made homosexuality, etc. a crime again in the New 1936 Constitution.
The split between Stalin and Tito (Yougoslavs) and Albanians is nowhere explaned.
Could tolerance or cultural acceptance of homosexuality, pedophilia, etc. in Balkan countries/region have been a factor?
[ Thurs. 19 April, 2018 ] - Was there some BlackOp or so-called POLICE training in Gosport yesterday at about 8 o'clock in the evening? Blue unmarked car? ... .
Monica Knight ( Polish woman) looked rather upset, her younger friend (short blond hair, round face) looked also upset, but calmer.  There was light in Police office of the Gosport Borough Council. Did they receive telephone calls? Satellites Plus know all comings and goings.
New Dutch Minister of Home Affairs Ollongren (sp?) is a lesbian woman, who lives openly with a woman and child. That info was on Wikipedia English language entry and not in Dutch language, when I checked it. Her photo was a look-alike of a Russian woman in the Hague (Tania from Sochi, Crimea), who worked in Raetheon (sp?) American company. A blond woman in Morrisons (I spoke to her this morning) whom I 'placed' in Finland, seemed unusually happy/glad, as if she knew about new gov. appointments.
Developed (collected) my photos yesterday in Fareham.
Hmm, some people are upset about my taking pictures? ... .
See 6 scans of 8 pictures:




From top:
1.  Bob (neighbour from flat 22 - ref. shooting at me with Michael from flat 23/24) sitting in the Paula's Vegan Bakery - opposite Fox Pub.
2." Russian woman Irina" - made a sharp turn to Evans shop when she saw me with a camera.
3. Some "HATE"posters - George ORWELL style from ....British Government !
4. Children with criminals: one in Portsmouth, another by FAREHAM library. Fareham library spot is 'next' to where there was a pornographic Russian Ballet poster with two boys prostitutes standing 'under' that poster.
5. A man I have no name for (ref.CAPITA bld.). Used to avoid my camera before. Change of attitude!
Two more characters not here (yet): silent and hostile "Italian Mafiosi" and Kenian woman, who shouted at me and even went hysterical.
The fact that they are in a public space, full of CCTVs and photo cameras in every mobile tel. held by people  (outdoors or indoors) does not cross their minds.
Made correction above: added t to I.
There is a pub in Gosport called Gypsy Queen.
Some photos have 'people of interest' very small and hardly visible. For example: a family (?) of man, woman and child (girl) - turning the corner opp. Morrisons into the High Street.
The man I called "the man with an earring". Years ago after a 'stare' episode on bus (children with homosexuals), I waited for a bus (Safeway or Morrisons) that was delayed. A police and an ambulance came with a siren. As I looked at the back of a bus station, there was a dead body of a young heavily pregnant woman lying on her back behind the bushes, flies above.
My daughter was pregnant at the time.
 Two incidents in ASDA shop:
1.(Inside) the woman shouted: somebody is going to hit you!
2.(Outside) the man shouted: smb. will hack your fingers off!
[ Sat.21 April, 2018] - Just happened to 'run into' Cllr. Graham Burgess in the Morrisons supermarket this morning. Made an appointment to see him in his office Wed. 25 April at 9:30am.
The street scene ( or S-theatre as I call it ) the other day (Police BlackOp) on my way home from Gosport library:
1. Police woman (angry?) with 2 dogs walking past library entrance;
2. The RAF (Royal Air Force) helicopter (silver-red) over FOX pub might have caused air turbulence (no wind) that lifted black plastic garbage bag piece shaped as a square right in front of me.
Since yesterday my fridge "sings" - fluids rumbling and ice forms inside. High-tech joke?
My posts from 2016, 2017 and 2018:
(14:18) - I am in Fareham Library now. A dvd game on sale (20 pounds) for children (!) in the WHSmith shop (opposite Fareham Bus Station) is Exploding Kittens, "for those who are into kittens and explosions". Took picture.
I also took pictures of a big POLICE SHOW this morning in Gosport. Apparently it is meant as an attraction/publicity for " police commissioner Michael Lane". Not a word about NO TRUST from Hampshire Police officers!. Not a word about 1600 strong vote in National Papers, - see scans of articles above in this post (Addenda Twenty Five).
Sweden. Young DJ Avicii died in OMAN. I remembered how Swedish woman politician Anna smth. was stabbed to death in a Supermarket years ago. Should ask Monika on Facebook about Avicii.
Saw the Kenyan (?) woman with children in the Fareham Shopping Centre. I think I saw her husband time ago in Gosport.