Tuesday, 11 June 2019

Addenda Forty Two.

( nr 410 ) -  Reader of RMN sent a photo of 5g ( 5G) tower:


Another closer photo of 5g tower:

[ Wed. 12 June, 2019] - Scan of three photos, with 5G tower and the view from both directions of the bicycle path, that the school girl in black coat took. She kept to the right (!) while taking a sharp turn to the right. I wrote in the previous post on  Fri. 7 June, 2019: A girl (about 13?) in a black coat on a bicycle nearly ran into me this morning, about 8:15 am.

The 5G tower/pole/mast has a white number 116 painted on it.
Names linking ?
Lionel Crabb (went missing in Solent bay or Portsmouth) in April 1956.
One "theory" is that he was recruited by the Soviet Navy and got a Russian name Lev Korablov.
In Russian Lev is Leo and Korabl is Ship.
Southampton, Kent Street, 1992: Sharon Ship was lucky to fight off attempted abduction of her baby son Matthew by 2 men and a woman -
There are numerous towers-poles-masts in Gosport visibly/marked as CCTV, street lights (?) and now seemingly new controversial 5G tech. installations hidden in the open.
TALKING street lamps (!!!) in Portsmouth were discovered by University students, who recorded subliminal, almost sub-audial text (chant, refrain) and posted its amplified version on Internet. About 2012? The words were not very clear, apparently mind-control, hypnotic sounds.
I also noticed strange work done on street lights near St Matthews Court by people who came in white van and had a uniform with tiny logos, not readable from a distance. I wrote about it on this or other of my BlogSpot sites.
Women Criminals !
Satanic Rituals, Sadistic abuse, Secret or Masonic Societies ... by women for women in UNIVERSITIES !
Read Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority booklet RITUALS (Revised August, 1977) on http://file.wikileaks.org/file/ click on file alpha-kappa-alpha-ritual-circa-1977.pdf
[ Thursday, 13 June, 2019 ] - Did I hear this morning in St. Matthews Court (on my way to Gosport Library) : .... We are taking loan on the property ... We are reporting you ... .
The newly installed electr. box (beige/brown) by the appt. bloc nearest to 5G pole may be part of the tech. mafia activity.
Interestingly, that parking area by the Gosport (Prince of Wales) Masonic Lodge became the stage for one of the bad taste theatrics that followed Sharon Ship story in Southamton. I read the men had long beards and the following morning there was a couple of old men with beards  ("traditional"?) running about next to the Masonic Lodge, happy and comic.
British Establishment yet again blocks/sabotages news and info about Sadistic Lesbians, Child Abuse, etc.
The article with photos from Hal Turner website would not print (network stalled, printer had to be turned off and on) and AP article reporting arrest of 1,700 for child porn, sex trafficking does not load with a new format message: Access Denied. You don't have permission to access .... khou.com ...
From RMN:
Lesbian Couple Stabs Nine-Year-Old Boy To Death:
1700 arrested:
My posts from 2014 and 2015:
Nelson and Lloyds ?
Boy six, in a van with man.
Addenda One.
PS. Forgot to name my neighbour Bob from flat 22 downstairs, who was outside with his car and tool-box. Started murmuring threats when I took his picture.
Years ago he told me his son committed (?) suicide and his second son is in Afganistan.
[ Friday, 14 June, 2019] - British Ambassador to Iran,

Rob Macaire,  has been invited to Cartoon Exhibition:
SCO Summit in Bishkek:
Bishkek is a capital of Kyrgyz Republic.
SCO - Shanghai Cooperation Organization of 11 countries (since 2001), originally Shanghai Five formed in 1996.
Alver Valley School in Gosport: CCTV at the end of the building:
Ellis Integrated Systems Ltd. tel 01329-829777
01329 ... Stubbington?

[ Tuesday, 18 June, 2019] - Five scans of 6 photos:
5G pole (?) with number 116 painted on it and no further identification;
a woman living in flat 30 - just above me (haven't seen the baby of late);
Bob from flat 22 - just below me;
brown box (new) and "window" (old) in St. Matthews Court compound;
the back garden in our block of flats (12 flats: 21-32) in a peculiar mess.



NXIVM - no trial ? ...
 - link to FKTV video ( 11 min.) -
[ Wed. 19 June, 2019] - British Ambassador reprimanded:
Japan Today:
My posts from 2008 and 2015:
Strategy of Tension ?...
NXIVM - still unexplained acronym.
Phizer medication in UK: NEXIUM and NEXIUM Control - brand (!) name unexplained.
Controversial Russian/Ukranian writer Didenko (actually Boris A. Didenko-Kravchenko) wrote in Russian stylized book "Tsar-Gorod" ( Moscow 1994 ) as a reverse translation from HEBREW.
The book bristles with acronyms, metaphors, etc.
On page 132 he discusses methods of spionage, surveillance and control.
Methods proposed by military masonic revolutionaries of 1825 December revolt in Russia, he writes, have been actually tested, tried and used in the past - by controlling women in harems by eunuchs - castrated men.
I saw a Latin meaning for DOS (part of NXIVM) approx. as a Controller, supervisor in a House of Women.
Shall post scans later this week or next.
Phizer by the way, is where Ada Akpan ( another Soviet Jewish doctor who worked in Lagos Military hospital same time as Olga Patta) went to work. She first went to Israel and later - to US. Olga Patta told me that Ada Akpan was the reason why she, Olga had to "escape" and was chased by Nigerian Miliary Police to Murtalla Mohammed Airport.
 Another Soviet doctor, Georgian (?) wife of Charles Alade, joined the Lagos Military Hospital.
The name of Boris Didenko is missing online.
Another book he wrote is "Hischnoe Tvorchestvo" Moscow 2000.
Saudi Arabia:
United Nations call for probing of Khashoggi  killing:

[ Thursday, 20 June, 2019] - Scan of Nexium control -

Scan of 2 books by Didenko:

Hong Kong Chef shop has opened on Stoke Road in Gosport last Saturday.
My post from 2013:
Loeb, Loeb and Loeb. -
[ Sat. 22 June, 2019 ] - Hampshire IT sabotages printing of News about:

1. Carl Beech (ref. VIP homosexual sadistic abuse of boys).

2. Yorkshire arrests of gang members grooming young girls.

The printer had to be "re-booted" when I tried to print the page of Stephanie Finnegan, the Court Reporter of the Case in Leeds. Places: Kirklees, Bradford, Huddersfield, etc.
Church of Scientology accused of child abuse and human trafficking in a new lawsuit, report on Independent and msn.com by Chris Riotta. Long URL.
[ Tuesday, 25 June, 2019] - My post from 2010:
From DAILY ECHO of Thursday, June 20, 2019 -
Day to Remember:
1756 - Night of the Black Hole of Calcutta. Some 146 English prisoners were put into a cell measuring 18ft by 14ft on a hot June evening when the Nawab of Bengal captured Fort William. Only 23 survived the night.
British DUTRUX ? ...
The long time sexual, satanic sadistic abuse of children involves Masonic Plus degenerates, which explanes why and how low life criminals get away with it and authorities often ignore/cover up child abuse in broad day light. The low life supply and pass on the children to VIPs, higher-ups.
Yorkshire Police arrest 44 of child sex grooming gangs from Kirklees, Huddersfield, Rotherham, etc.
 Info and details are suppressed by IT Hampshire down South.
 Switzerland represents US in Iran. Swiss ambassador in Tehran is Markus Leitner.
ABB Head Office in Switzerland. Red Cross, WHO, etc.
Smth. strange in the Dutch media: the reporting of old Dutch marathon (long distance skating) called Elfstedentocht in a new(?) swimming variant is limited to questionable and exclusive limelight on only one man, Maarten Weijden. Maarten De Boer ? Deboer is on his cup/forehead.
I remember there was a supermarket De Boer in Ommen, Overijsel.
Yesterday there was a major disruption of police emergency tel numbers in Holland and problems with cashier machines in Albert Heijn supermarket.
Belgian Crime waves started in a supermarket (Bende van Nijvel website).
Years ago I met a Dutch man from Wageningen in the University of Portsmouth Business Department.
How many American military bases in Japan?
HYPNOSIS in Satanic Ritual Abuse of Children.

Greenbaum Speech - link to pdf article in
Link to www.empty-memories.nl/science/greenbaum.pdf
Elfsteden(zwem)tocht champion's name is Maarten van der Weijden.
[ Thursday, 27 June, 2019] -
 Bought two newspapers today:
The Daily Telegraph and Daily Echo.
Ross Perot - American Presidential candidate is 89 years old today.
He is my favourite.
A search for Ross Perot on this website has 5 finds (2007-2018): numbers (nr) 48, 60, 137, 372 and 392.
[ Friday, 28 June, 2019] - Had an "engineered" dream (about my brother !) today, between 3:15 and 5:25. Yesterday in bus E2 a man entered at Fareham station (?) and sat behind me. When he got off opp. Swimming-Sport centre, he hid his face while walking "towards" me outside.
Mossad (team) woman in WHSmith shop in Fareham. A man by E2 stop in Fareham, who talked to me long ago by Gosport Library. When a boy crying was hit very hard by a blond woman (mother?) which made him cry terribly from pain, the man said there and then that he does not see/hear anything to worry about.
Early this morning: had a talk about Total Security (TSS, light blue and yellow on white shirt) man, who freaked out (ran off) when I asked him about receipts being optional, on request in new cashier machines (programming). He looked to me Ukranian, Jewish, Israeli.
Also had a "say" in Waitrose this morning.
I see at computer number 16 a man I named Ukranian GRU, a man in blue jacket.
The obscene Spinnaker Tower has "Emirates" painted on it, although the letters are now smaller than before. Original colours - light blue and yellow. When I was there, it was full of Mossad people. The so-called souveniers and games for children are both Satanic and Dangerous. Portsmouth is "twinned" with Haifa (?) in Israel.
I do not wear political colours,  others may do so.
DNEPROPETROVSK in Ukraine is now called Dnepro (?).
Bus links to Southampton and Portsmouth in Magic Tours.
I remember a hand made album/monograph in Univ. of Portsmouth library - a toady token of "friendship and cooperation" from Dnepropetrovsk ( or Donetsk?)) Univ. Vice-Chancellor to Portsmouth Uni. V-C Prof. Craven (who came up with the idea of business involvement in Universities). There was a photograph in that album from Children's Hospital with a young girl practically naked, photographed in a way, that would appeal to pedophiles.
 Eindhoven in Holland became known as a Russian City (Russian used to mean Soviet, CIS or GOS). I read that huge share (over 90%) of small businesses and start-ups there were owned by women. I think something was mentioned about Dneproperovsk, as I coined a name "Niushka iz Dnepropetrovska" around that time for one lesbian (?) woman with very short blond hair. She looked Slav and provincial to me.
The women or so-called women there would be linked to international conference in Rotterdam: Sisters of Peter the Great, also Mama Cash organizations.
I went there with Vincent Pennock.
Then came Georgia president SAAKASHVILI - a young man who was shown to "eat" his tie in a video. He had a Dutch wife. There is an American General Saakashvili (?).
[ Mon. 1 July, 2019] - I shall have an extra Talk (before next Monday) coming Wednesday, 3 July, 2019] also in Fareham between 11 and 12.