Friday, 29 February 2008

(nr 114 ) Brainy History - the events of today:

Controversial or questionable architecture in the Gosport Library includes toilets, the fence around child care area, bookshelves, etc.

The article in The News of yesterday "Warning to check locks after spree of burglaries" highlights locking of doors, but not windows.
In 2003 (?) I accidentally locked myself out of the Woolston Court apartment (Jenny and her husband of Churcher Close became good samaritans that evening) and made a guess, which turned out to be surprisingly, true.
THE WINDOWS! From a half-open position, by turning the window handle an extra 90 degrees, one can open the window fully (!), that is, without first shutting it and then opening it differently.
Doing it from outside shoudn't be difficult.

Three articles on the CRISIS in EDUCATION today in The Independent:
My next post Monday, 3 March, 2008.

Thursday, 28 February 2008

( nr 113 ) They are playing Games ! - I have heard soon after moving from Holland to UK. The part of the UK, which seemed to have nothing in common with the Albion I knew, or rather, I thought I knew. My last free-lance "job" in Holland: a telephone call from Britain brought the offer (accepted by me) to translate/interprete at the DE BURGHT CONFERENTIE 2002 (Eng-Ru part of it). As was often the case, participants or 'clients' would ask for the business cards of interpreters involved, and the British delegation did ask for mine. Under the watchful eyes of the Dutch organisers I could not do that, as interpreters had to represent the ( subcontracted) Dutch Agency.
So, having moved to UK and having had my naive intention of 'playing Mother Theresa' for money, which would pay the bills, rudely annihilated, I decided to send CHANGE of ADDRESS letters to recent UK clients. Here came a surprise....
I thought the "UK Gen. G. Johnson - voorzitter" could be easily found via MOD, but no address on its website was meant for outsiders. So, I sent my letter to Gen. G. Johnson via Room 222 Whitehall, which seemed to be a postal distribution point. The letter came back with a note: Returned to you as Gen Johnson cannot be traced by this office.
Another surprise was Return to Sender sticker on my letter to Adam and Katrina Noble, FCO, King Charles Street, London SW1 2AH. I was a Russian language teacher recommended to Adam by the British Embassy and via the Dutch-British Chamber of Commerce in the Hague.
Mr Hennesy was not in the office. And soon after that there was a non-verbal message from a Bosnian "prostitute" and a pure verbal suggestion from Mr. Robinson of InBiz, that it might be very useful to know somebody from MI6.
And, back to my post yesterday, an advice came from/via Gosport JobCentre to register with the Police as a free-lance interpreter, which I was never tempted to do in Holland. The reply informed me, that they had just changed their rules and they only use people from 'The List', and I need to be a member of the Institute of Linguistics. I phoned them and asked for the membership application forms to be sent to me. The young lady (with an accent) began persuading me ... not to apply (!), because.... I won't be accepted, she said.
This sort of rubbish is an effective turn-off, of course. What a world of difference with the Dutch NGV (transl. assoc.), of which I was a member for a number of years.
On my first visit to Holland in 2002 I commented on
1.Something about women 2. local anthropology 3. deprived and depraved children 4. traumatised men and what I referred to later as S-Theater.
Wrong parking yesterday - S-897-JTP.
Next post tomorrow, 29th February - the last winter day.

Wednesday, 27 February 2008

(nr 112 ) Very busy today. Tomorrow more on "Job" searching going wrong.

Tuesday, 26 February 2008

(nr 111 ) Dutch numbering .... I have only recently realised my numbering of posts may seem strange to some readers. Well, that is how the Dutch abbreviate 'number' and I have used without thinking.
Yesterday The Guardian has published news about the crisis at IPCC - The Independent Police Complaints Commission: more than 100 lawyers quit.
The article by Nick Davies -
This morning HOTMAIL.COM does not load - Service Unavailable without further details.
Entry has been blocked in recent weeks to some articles on - notably Kevin Booth on American Drug Wars, also
Daniel Obachike's website, etc.
I haven't got any explanation yet about THES (The Times Higher Education Supplement)newspaper missing at the library and at the newsagent for several weeks.
Last week I was allowed to stop the training course 2 weeks earlier. See Hadrianus Woller's question about it and my answer in nr 105.
I have an appt. at the Gosport Job Centre Plus tomorrow afternoon. Of 2 selected for me vacancies (on the 15 Feb.) one had a deadline that day (appl.forms) and the second was for a PNC BUREAU ANALYST/ADMIN at Hampshire Constabulary. I requested the appl.forms, sent an e-mail when I did not receive them in time (asking if there was an admin. error or it was the 'Royal' Mail) got no answer. The JobCentre regurlarly checks if JobSeekers do apply for recommended vacancies. More tomorrow.
Next post tomorrow 27 Feb.2008.

Monday, 25 February 2008

(nr 110 ) Paul Kernaghan - Chief Constable of Hampshire:
So many if not a majority of top government officials and polititians start with a Law degree, and not only in UK.
Some news/headlines from the local paper Daily Echo in Southampton ( ) :
"Hampshire - the opium poppy capital of the UK" by Andy Tate today, and two stories from the 21 st Feb issue - another super-giant architecture project on the British South coast called Solar Piramid (after laser blue beam in Southampton, etc.) and "MP outraged over Mann's extradition" - Dr Julian Lewis, New Forest East MP fights for human rights of the Old Etonian Mr Mann, arrested in 2004 in Harare with 66 other alleged mercenaries.
While following links from Masonic history, I came across local (almost) withcraft characters, linking to Aleister Crowley - Old George, who established a total of nine hereditary covens - in Norfolk, Essex,Hertfordshire, Sussex and Hampshire.
Wrong parking: S-44-YLV wed.20 Feb. and HN-51-GHG Sat. 23 Feb.
Next post tomorrow - 26 Feb.

Tuesday, 19 February 2008

(nr 109 ) Northern Rock is another big news item in UK: the giant bank (budget twice that of Defence) has been in serious trouble since September 2007 and this week an emergency legislation is to be passed in Parlament for the Bank to be "temporarily nationalized" (the announcement came last Sunday).

Some very interesting facts in 22 pages long article "History of the Jews in Russia and the Soviet Union" on Wikipedia:

Next post Monday 25 February, 2008.

Monday, 18 February 2008

(nr 108 ) Kurt Nimmo wrote "Absurd Cop Video Warns of "Seven Signs of Terrorism" which prompted a torrent of comments. Please read comment 108 from Gabriel A. King who comes up with "The 7 signs of an infiltrated nation duped in a mass psyop" -
Another must-read from Jerry Mazza about "Business Spies..." -

On February 14, 2008 The Daily Telgraph and The Guardian published on front pages the news about 'suspicious' death of a billionnaire Badri Patarkatsishvili (52) in his Surrey home ("dropped dead in front of his wife"). The British police decided it was of natural causes.
My next post tomorrow 19 February.

Monday, 11 February 2008

(nr. 107 ) Joan Veon wrote an interesting article about "Agenda 21".
Many a time some polititan or VIP would come up with an idea or a proposal, which is regarded as his/her own, while so often the origins are deep-rooted in a 'higher' authority, which is often United Nations (in turn started and run by people/personalities). Some young polititians move so fast because they are made to order (?) by much older ones (male or female). A Dutch magazine Elzevier published series of articles about controversial Pim Fortuin, who told the interviewer, that it was FPM Ruud Lubbers who first suggested that he should go into politics. Perhaps Ruud Lubbers had his own inspiration or support when he was young. Just a supposition. The link to "Sustainable Development, Agenda 21 and Prince Charles" by Joan Veon (Aug. 13, 2004) -
Watched recently "Falling Down" video (Michael Douglas) and wondered if there was some social engineering conducted in both East and West in the early eighties - some well established people at the top of government or private sector suddenly loosing their positions, because they are deemed economicaly or politicaly "not viable". I compared it with the Soviet film Chastnaya Zhizn (Private Life).
Another video I watched (for the first time) - 'West Side Story' gives some history of the 'mob multicultural' and men/women aspect of it.
ORWELL censored in a Russian translation !
I have Orwell's book "Burmese Days" in Dutch (only). So, having quoted from it in Dutch on my old website and having translated the quote into Russian, I decided to check the original English and official (?) Russian translation on the website. I stumbled into two interesting mis(?) translations: one is a "moderated" description of the old prostitutes in Chapter 5, another (I don't have the reference by hand) is the obscuration of U Po Kyin' strategic reasoning about the power/importance of expatriate women and wives. And the paradox is the translator is a woman - V.M. Domiteeva. We would not know if her translation was edited.
Next post next Monday, 18 February, 2008.

Monday, 4 February 2008

(nr. 106 ) Some news from the British Media:

1. The Daily Telegraph (NB: I have not received any feedback from the Dutch counterpart, De Telegraaf, apart from 'uw bericht is verzonded' acknowledgement re: Expatica Forum).
Sat. Feb. 3, 2008 : David Freud, 58 (Sigmund Freud is his great-grandfather), the investment banker, has radical solutions for the "labour market", proposing that the private sector be put in charge of the long-term unemployed, among other things. The Incapacity/Disability cases are of particular concern.
Mr. Freud was hired as an advisor by James Purnell, the new DWP Secretary (following resignation of Peter Hain).

2. The People (Sat. 3 Feb., 2008) headline "Did PM's anti-bombing jammer cut the engines on hol jet?" (powerful jammer is used to block remote control bombs).
Another headline - " 9 rapes on 3 boys: royal butler held".
Paul Kidd (54) , faces 18 charges. Kidd was the Queen's personal butler for four years from 1976 and was then senior footman to the Queen Mother.
I shall post next Monday: 11 February.

Friday, 1 February 2008

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