( nr 295 ) Breivik - the British Connection.
I received a very STRANGE e-mail ( 2 pages scan above) from Paul Cameron, Ph.D., Chairman, Family Research Institute in Colorado Springs, USA. Pure provocation.
Is that real Paul Cameron ? Collecting money to go to Poland, Estonia and Moldova this Autumn ?
Another e-mail signed "Andrew Berwick, London, England -2011 " was sent to 1002 e-mail addresses. One recipient was a Belgian MP Tanguy Veys. Apparently the e-mail was sent at 14:09 (CET ?) -almost two hours before bomb exploded in Oslo.
The full English text of this e-mail is contained in an article " Wie kreeg er mail van Breivik? Een. nl adres" by Marc Leijendekker published 27 July 2011 (14:17) in the Dutch paper NRC:
EDL demonstration in Portsmouth, Hampshire, UK.
(to cont. this or next week)
[ Tue 9 Aug.2011] - I have posted a question 'Agent Provocateur?' on a Forum of
Renew America -
All current PsyOps, provocations, treason, mind control ultra and anti-social engineering are becoming so obvious, that many dirty secrets about WW2, Russian Revolution, Cold War and perestroika, etc. are not only being exposed, but show amasing patterns of similarity.
Some points/questions of importance:
1. The highest-tech weapons SDI+ are apparently in very wrong hands, whom I call
2. Nixon, Lindon LaRouche, Kissinger, Arbatov (The Head of Soviet Think-Tank for America
and Canada), others .......
3. Was the supposed end of Cold War useful for infiltration and subversion of both sides by
Cabal International ?
4. Special strategic interest in Scandinavia. Was Olof Palme assasinated by them ?
The first reports about Breivik terror mentioned 'Social Democratic Party camp', but later - Labour Party. Sveriges Social-demokratiska Arbetar Partiet - Soc-Dem-Workers Party in Sweden. I am curious because in the Soviet Encycl. Dictionary there is a confusion about political Party names.
5. From "all the best" letter: ."...The actions of the Norway mass-murderer, Breivik, probably 'changes things'. Almost certainly, hundreds of young men will be inspired. His on-line 1518 page manifesto is readable and many will find it 'makes sense'. A blood-bath of elites and their children because they have neutered men and jammed our faces into the ultimate 'unmanliness' of homosexuality is probably on the way.
Fear changes things. In the case of the gays, the fear of being called 'homophobic' and other nasties has helped quiet Evangelical and Catholic opposition. The fear of death will probably do more. ....... Fear causes many to 'pause and do a rethink', so our coming trip to Estonia, Poland and Moldova in October/November takes on even more importance. ..... We need $5,500 for expenses for this trip. Not much if you are a wealthy organization, but a lot to us. ......."
I shall try to post more legible scans of this e-mail somewhere plus the NRC article/another e-mail which was sent out to 1002 addresses incl. so-called right-extremist organizations (my link to it is inactive).
[Thurs. 11 Aug. 2011] I can't delete excessive spaces/gaps between lines of text, which appear spontaneously and stubbornly remain or even become larger.
EDL stands for English Defence League. They are supposed to be racist, fascist and bad - that is how British Media tries to depict them or may be, tried (?).
I went to have a look last month on their demonstration in Portsmouth and realised how airbrushed their imagery was in media. In reality, they were (the core group) ..... patsies, for want of a better word. Drunk, drugged .... I recognized the peculier pallor (sp?) and something about motorics. Emphatically and theatrically ragged , visibly homosexual, tattooed, wearing EAR RINGS.
Some are recognizably 'football hooligan' types and I almost spotted charactes who were unpleasant to me in Gosport ref. my Speaker's Corner activity, which centers around Robert M. mega-crimes, which British media is still gagged about.
A few normal, decent types were there. They explained, that they were not racist, but were again Sharia Law (zones).
I read somewhere that Jewish Organizations (e.g. ADL - anti-defamation league) sponsor EDA.
British football is linked to Soviet Jewish emigration - Roman Abramovich, Gaydamak father and son. I did not know that BEITAR (or BETAR) organization is tied to Israeli football :
Beitar Jerusalem F.C. BEITAR Snipers were reported to have been active during bloody failed coup in Moscow, Russia - events 21 Sept. - 4 October 1993. Both sides in the conflict called other side - FASCIST.
I now believe WW2 was orchestrated and run by Cabal International, - too many similarities with what has been going on now.
Too many gaps and lies about WW2 history.
In the Soviet history we learned that ww2 was instigated by global imperialists and was against Communists, i.e. Soviet citizens. Only abroad did I hear for the first time that Jews were the target. To sum up what is known now (to me), the groups targeted by FASCISTS were:
1. Criminals
2. Communists
3. Jews
4. Homosexuals
5. Gypsies
6. Other ( illegals, vagrants, etc.)
British Channel Islands were occupied by Germans. First Fascists were Italian, they declared war on Italian Mafia.
Italian Mafia was recruited by Allies (USA Navy recruted them first ?)
There were, it turns out, even Russian Fascists, which explanes what teachers told us in primary school.
Cabal International is behind United Nations and European Union.
What is called Psychopolitics, MK-ULTRA, cloning, etc. was what Cabal International was busy with throughout WW2 plus enormous infiltration of people/agents who stole identities of other people during and after the war.
So-called MI6 training in Gosport featured lively interest in Arctic Dogs only a while ago.
Read about Gosport Pub Madeleine, St. John's Square and an Israeli website with a sinister logo on it. I stumbled on it because my name was mentioned there. And more - Skipton in Yorkshire, Blackwatch, some retired Israeli military/Mossad, Latvian KGB, etc.
Friday, 12 [not 11...] Aug. 11:00.
Wed. 17 Aug.2011: I posted 'Forgery ?' - a READABLE scan of the e-mail above:
Sat. 20 August 2011:
I posted "Possible LEADS to Madeleine" -
where a member - Dolly found and posted a link to url of saved content of the Israeli website (page)
[Tue 30 Aug.2011] - My post "Gosport LEADS ? ...." on another Forumotion.net:
[ Wed. 7 Sept.2011] - Next week in Skipton: 12-16 Sept.
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