( nr 290 ) SCANS going up :
- Boys 4 and 7 sexually assaulted in McDonald's toilet - Daily Mail 29.3.2011 article by Tamara Cohen.
- A former Hampshire charity boss unmasked as a convicted paedophile has launched a legal bid to claim cash for being "unfairly" sacked - Daily Echo, 28.3.2011 by Jon Reeve.
- Portsmouth: I took a photo of a destroyed fountain with gorgeous "Queen's Beasts" statues around it in Central Portsmouth. Where did the Beasts go?... .
- ... three Palestinian militants killed in air strikes were planning to kidnap people - Sunday Mail, 3 April, 2011 article by Bruce Walker.
- cont. from my previous post 289 : I am still reading and 'processing' TheSargeants.net website. Two scans here - of the KGB pass (KGB LSSR) of Boris Karpichkov and the front page graphics, where subliminal (visibility changing) photo of the missing British girl Madeleine was quite a shock to me. www.thesargeants.net/dblog/articolo.asp?articolo=365
Not least because my name is mentioned there plus the news (to me) about Russian (?) espionage scandals in Skipton, Yorkshire, I tried to guess and find out about who owns the site and who is (or are) the BLACKWATCH. First search on whois ( incl IP) produced zero result, then some ref. to dnslive (co.uk) but no result either, except a big international presence of an Israeli webhost: www.ip-adress.com/ip_tracer/livedns.co.il and www.robtex.com/dns/livedns.co.il.html
It reminded me of some detective online work ( by participants) on a Russian forum years ago, when some very active Russian speaking participants (spammers) were traced to Israel and Korea, which was a great surprise to people like myself.
The first association with the black square on their logo (?) was the famous painting by Malevich.
The red cross (Maltese?) is vertically compressed.
- Two top scans of photos I took in Gosport of a Madeleine Pub on a St. John's Square with a play-ground for children. The Church of England (CoE) " St. John the Baptist" is facing it across the Forton Road in Gosport. Two bits are literally pasted on my photos: the pub sign and my drawing/sketch of the sculptured sign of St.John's Square - I haven't developed the photo of it yet.
1925 Moscow - French visitor Henri Beraud ....
MoS (The Mail on Sunday) 3 April, 2011: Review (Part 1) by Calendar Girls star Celia Imrie:
My electric shock nightmare at the hands of the CIA's evil doctor [ psychiatrist William Sargant].
Her book "The Happy Hoofer" to be published April 14.
My comment on rmn forum www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=201025 was actually to the main post(s) by Steve, rather than "VERY REAL method" by another reader.
I shall try to post another comment there today or tomorrow.
PS: Internet is ver-very slow for some weeks now. I also noticed that editing of this site has become more difficult and url for separate posts is sometimes impossible - url line almost endless. Perhaps my 'updates' interfere with filing?
Next week - in Skipton, family visit.
[Thursday 7 April 2011]: a photo of Red Cross St. John's Square sign added on top (Gosport - Forton Road - Madeleine Pub - St. John's Square playground - St. John the Evangelist Forton CoE, Diocese of Portsmouth).
[ Sat. 9 April 2011] - I have sent my third post - as a comment to www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=201346 this morning. The original post is by Steve - (Another) Reporter makes nonsensical comments on air (Friday 25 March 2011).
My Own Experience: on this website, in posts 186, 187 in January 2009 I described seeing smth. online, printing it and not seeing it when reading the printout. May habit of highlighting words when reading provided the clue: I 'blanked out' the paragraph. As I marked the 'lost' sentence, I made a copy of the original printout - an evidence of my own mis-reading.
Looking and not finding smth. may have the same 'mechanism': looking and not seeng n times.
Imagine somebody looking at and not seeing his laptop - being left behind on the train.
My proposed models of MK/brainwashing on simple and practical lines:
1) Mathematically, a+2b-c changes to scramble (later to opposite) by incremental adding and subtracting elements, e.g. 2a+b-3c.
2) From a prank of one student on another: the wires (contacts) on a calculator reversed.
Boris Karpichkov would know (?) why the case of Robert M. from Latvia is such a 'terrible secret'( ?) here in UK.
Local papers Daily Echo, The News and Daily Mail today report on a major incident in the control room of a submarine.
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