Wednesday, 19 July 2017

Addenda Eighteen.

( nr 380 ) Two scans of  My Rewards Chart large glossy chart posted. Bought in Gosport High Street, in Zodiak Discount shop, - next to Catholic St. Mary's Church.
[ Thurs. 20 July, 2017 ] - One of the reasons they (The CABAL) are so afraid of and paranoid about free speech is that it potentially is a "spanner in the works" or sabotage of their MK or NewSpeak technology.
NLP , NVP, NAP, NSP (ref. language, vision, audio, semantics etc). While they push their nonsence on us, what is also very important, perhaps, is that they block, deceive, divert our attention from the obvious.
French General Pierre de Villiers resigns:
MK Ultra Reality Control:
15-min video: Jordan Sather - '7.17 - A Haitian Official ... :
Some online difficulties:
1. A map of St. Judah Ward in Portsmouth is blackened, literally ...
2. Website of British Constitution Org. is 'down'.
3. Melissa Dykes (link above) search result - zero.
[ Friday, 21 July, 2017 ] - Two scans posted: the blackened out St. Jude Ward on Portsmouth map and 2016 May St. Jude Ward elections candidate - Prof. Tony CHAFER of Social Sciences Dept. Portsmouth University.
I attended some of their public/open lectures and seminars, which were highly interesting, around 2006-2010. There was a special research group or section about Jews in Belorussia in ww2.
 Women and uniforms, WW2, a German (by name) EU researcher or reader made his presentation, in which he made some strong statements not to be found in his official booklet, such as a new "European History" was to begin after ww2, etc. Some serious questions were raised about the rationale of POLISH military in Britain during ww2, etc.
I was surprised Tony Chafer gave me a non-verbal negative response to information about LATVIAN homosexual Robert MICHELSON, who sexually abused over hundred young children in Amsterdam nursery. The youngest was 19 days old, boys and girls, although he had preference for boys. British media de-facto was silent about the case. RM was already on police register in Germany and had worked in Kenia as a volunteer in orphanage.
BLAST from the PAST: July 4, 1940:
US politics and security.
Some lingo-cultural notes about Two Russians (from Russia):
Name Rinat Akhmetshin may be Central Asian or Caucasian: Akhmet or Ahmed.
I only heard N. Veselnitskaya speak Russian ( to American journalists?), and
"sidit v telephone" does not sound like Russian being her first language.
ISRAEL: 10 min. video from Really Graceful- reader George- youtube -
1992: KGB Journalist Victor Louis, Dies - The New York Times -
[ Sat. 22 July, 2017 ] - Any comparative statistics ? Boys and Girls births:
 - the article above was difficult to print: "suspended" - new Orwellian message. Another new or recent development is crackling noise interfering with videos ( sound), pretty much like radio jamming.
That RUSSIAN (?)  woman lawyer N. Veselnitskaya may have links with NATASHA KUHRT and other RUSSIAN or ex-SOVIET women in King's College London, UK.
Some are from Central Asia - names and behaviour. More next week.
I also remembered now who N.V. ( on some photos I have just seen )  vaguely reminds me of. My ex Victor Udom had a friend in Moscow - Chakovskaya (first name ? ...) who married an Armenian man and had a young daughter. We later heard that she died in a car accident.
By the way Moscow University foreign students of JOURNALISM were .... bothered for want of a better word by Victor Louis ( see above).
[ Mon. 24 July, 2017 ] - Computer-generated TEXTS are to be found on a number of websites ( that are prolific and sip into newspapaers ) , which are un-realistically PRO-RUSSIAN and aggressively ANTI-AMERICAN. Time to examine the role of BRITAIN now and in historic past.
By the way, at the time of Portsmouth Uni. VC Prof. Craven, there was a military training for BRUNEI people - horrid lot, unless there was an Israeli presence, as I remember.
The Sorcha Faal and Company fall into that category. I remember years ago (when I wrote on Expatica) I had a strong feeling that people running What-Does-It-Mean website (there were constant ref. to it) were very 'close' - in Gosport, Hants, UK.
 The site is registered in CANADA, just like Henry Makow's website.
Who called Canadian Indians (pretty much like American Indians) First Nation(s) ?
Another lingo-crime.
There was a visiting team from Riga University and visitors from  St. Petersburg with Prof. Ton Ellermeyer ( at Physics Teacher training Dept.)
  Interest shown in computer simulation micro-plates which were developed there for simulation of Physics Experiments.
Photo of Robert Michelson - homosexual from Riga, Latvia ( computer expert) in my post of 11 Dec. 2010:
POLO club, Lagos, Nigeria. A high-rank Nigerian Military Officer:
" I am from a Slave Tribe. The British have promoted me, but my people don't accept it. Etc. "
[ Tue. 25 July, 2017 ] - British Navy ? - Bruce PARRY began his adult life as an officer and Physical Training instructor in the Royal Marines.
He left to become an expedition leader, then worked in the film industry. Home in Ibiza.
Two scans posted - front cover of the book (2007) ISBN: 978-0-718-14918-5 and Contens page listing countries visited: Gabon, India, Indonesia, Ethiopia (3 times), Mongolia, Venezuela, Brazil, Bhutan, Solomon Islands, Russia , Tanzania, Malaysia.
Scan of Robert Michelson police photo added. THANKS to FBI !
Complaints of mothers of abused children were rejected, etc. Only identification of a young boy from child pornography photo by FBI helped to arrest Robert Michelson.
Re-reading "Russians in Belgium" (in Russian) which I bought in University of Leuven. History before 1917 Revolution. ISBN 5-02-009564-8.
[ Wed. 26 July, 2017] - Mother of an abused boy speaks out to AT5:
Robert Michelson told young boys to undress and touch or sit on each other's genitals.
Tampliers: compare different types of saddles:
The so-called Russian/Pro-Russian websites (Sorcha Faal and Co.) that indicate the text being approx. translation from Russian into English, strangely avoid publishing  the original Russian text ... . What does "Deep State" mean ?
Marie Costa - educated in NIGERIA,
came to England in 1957 to train as a nurse and midwife, joined the Board of Governors of University of Portsmouth in 2006.
Two scans of her entry in the Board of Governors Portsmouth Univ. (on the purple background) from my printout dated 14/11/2013.
[ Thursday, 27 July ] - Nigerian President BUHARI has been away from Nigeria in LONDON, for about 80 (eighty) days for medical reasons.
 Today 7 Governors visited Buhari in Abuja House, London to find out about the nature of his illness. Exclusive VIDEO (1m 1s)  
"7 Governors in London for Buhari" is on the Guardian website:
My posts from 2010, 2016 and 2017:
British Military and Sexual abuse of School Children - CADETS were 150 years in 2010.
Parents and children were advised NOT to make reports to Police:
Ref. BBC Panorama documentary.
[ Sat. 29 July, 2017 ] - OGUGUA is the middle name of Marie Costa: Marie Ogugua Costa. I remember there was a Da Silva family in Lagos, but never came across Costa.
A long list of "Nigerian Medics" includes Soviet/Communist trained doctors and nurses.
GPS does not work Under Ground. South Limburg:
Persistent 'sabotage' of printing articles: about Debbie  Wasserman-Schultz, and "California uses dogs to sniff ..." - all recent from RMN forum.
Col. Ernest FORTUNE: mysterious British commander who handed British soldiers to the Germans in WW2 (ended in AUSWITZ camp) . Story told ( first hand) by WW2 veteran Griffiths from Stubbington, former neighbour of my daughter. I wrote about it on this website.
Yesterday I noticed that a story about FORTUNE hospital in Gosport (Laes Lane?)  disappeared from the interior 'decoration' of E2 bus (Eclipse, Fareham-Gosport). "Pirates, rebels and traitors ... American Civil War, etc." Years in 1700 and later. I wondered about some word play with 'pirates' only a couple of days ago. Ref. Gosport Society.
Dogs to sniff out ... Soy-free eggs...:
Cold War, Moscow, USSR: foreign students in Patrice Lumumba University, Moscow State University, Academies - Frunze (military) and Timiriazev (agriculture) as I remember.
I was surprised Nigeria imported Chicken Feed from abroad. I was told it made hens lay eggs without male presence. There was also some experimental soya work in International Inst. of Agriculture (UN ?) in Ibadan. Recent visit to Victoria Park in Portsmouth: the happy family of Cock and Hens laying eggs in a small 'house' disappeared. I saw a miserable  and sick-looking cock placed in a cage with ... rabbits and guinea-pigs. In North Yorkshire a pond with ducks was turned into a horror theatre: the only female with ducklings was attacked by numerous male ducks. One chick less every day ... . Must be part of "Princeton experiment":

WOMEN getting away with murder and many other things ...
I asked a non-question a few months ago: Are we to choose between Jews and Homosexuals?

I remember the RMN forum went rather quiet after Barak Obama 'fired' a number (how many?) of Jews from his cabinet, as he was under great pressure or 'orders' from them to appoint/promote people from their lists.
Dismissed with immediate effect (In Dutch: ontslag op staande foot). RMN user(s) later posted fake news about Obama being impossible to work with, thus people leaving his government en masse. Interestingly, JEWISH WOMEN escaped his wrath.
 Jewish culture is matriarchal: women rule over men, control them.
What about Michelle Obama? ...
[ Mon. 31 July, 2017 ] - Topics and questions this last weekend:

1. Are Royal Marines manipulated and exploited in a similar fashion to Ireland?
    They were given Freedom of Charter (?) - freedom to buy land, etc.
2. Are some people collecting passports, land, property, mining rights? ...
3. Is  Albion a secret manipulator of current international events ?
4. Polish and Hungarian Mafia? Ref. two people on Gosport Ferry: We are NATO - Hungary. Badge Tiger-Tiger and "Up-Close-and Personal" on a yellow ribbon, which they quickly removed.
Found out only today that there was an article about Portsmouth clubs Tiger Tiger and Prysm in The News by Ben Fishwick (Wed. 5 July, 2017). Polish, Polish and Polish today ... I may still have Grazhina (sp?) and Aart Hunenstein's address in Groningen (to forward). Diana's friend Pat Lowe has Polish daughter in law and one of her sons works as a psychologist in UK prison.
More tomorrow.
Former DUTCH Police Boss Gerard Bouman died in US during vacation:
[ Tue. 1 April, 2017] - Jamming of sound on Debbie-Gate video ( 1and 1/2 min):
- Imran Awan had access to EVERY member of Congress - SOLD SECRETS to Foreign Agents.
I recently wrote about Hungarian names having Surname first, before the First (Christian) name. Thus SOROS George, not George Soros (in Hungarian style).
I definetily saw 'Emmanuel Udom'  years ago. Surprising to see only recently 'Udom Emmanuel' in contrast (?) with names of other Nigerian State Governors.
[ Wed. 2 August, 2017 ] - Difficult to log in to Hotmail. Shall send a postcard.
Three photo scans posted on my website Spot-a-Gosport:
"Polish-Polish" theatrics (S-theatre) this Monday in Portsmouth had a surprising twist on Commercial Road near WHSMITH and Boots as I walked past: I saw a quarter profile of a look-alike of a British Tory polititian (Cabinet Minister in M. Thatcher gov. ?), on my left-across-forward.
AI breaking point? ... .
Football Clubs contracts: " ... club's decision not to sell him this summer ... " - ref. Virgil van Dijk case. Who and when drafted those contracts? Law Society approved?
Philip and Nicola Cookson of Beech Grove Alverstoke in Gosport were the first to ask me if I knew Russian woman IRINA, adding a recommendation to get to know her.
Nicola attends Alverstoke St.Mary church, but Philip one Sunday by the Gosport Ferry told me he was on his way to his Church, - The Real thing (old, original) as he put it, - in a private residence.
[ Friday 4 August, 2017 ] - STS Defence Ltd.
A "woman" - the one in black, smoking went into the reception entrance - today: read update on
Moscow - USSR: foreign students also in MEDICAL Institutes ( 1st and 2nd ) and 2CHEMISTRY Institutes. One was called Institute Tonkih Himicheskih Tehnologiy - ref. to (strange name at the time) possibly to homeopathy, nano-tech. or so-called smart materials. My guess.
From ADDENDA (2 pages) in my Oxford Dictionary of 1980 reprint of 1976 Sixth edition:

1. child. ~ benefit, State benefit replacing family allowance.
2. gay. -homosexual.
3. holocaust. (Esp., H~) w.ref. to mass murder of Jews by Nazis 1939-45.
4. paedo-, *pedo-, ~phile, -person displaying paedophilia.
5. Rastafarian ... (Member) of a Jamaican sect regarding Blacks  as a chosen people. [f. Ras Tafari, title of Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia d. 1975, venerated by the sect as a god, ..
6. sex. 1. Hence ~ism, prejudice or discrimination against people (esp. women) because of their sex; ~ist (2) n.
7. snake. 1. the ~, system of interconnected exchange rates for currencies of E.E.C.  countries.
8. tranny n. Transistor radio ...

PS: Ethiopia having historic links to USSR ( Tech-Mafia) and pre 1917 LIBERALS. 
GOSPORT: "Jamaica 1975 Cottage" in Jamaica Place (Street).
Reverse or dyslexic reading of 75 is 57.
[ Sat. 5 Aug. 2017] - Not sure about "number" of Chemistry Institutes in Moscow ( Institutes renamed Universities). The mother of Leonid Timochouk worked in NII (Sc. Res. Institute) of Information... (computer?) Systems smth.
I remember reading in Moscow paper about Belgian Royal(s) visiting Aircraft Plant (Aviatsionny Zavod) where his father worked.
2002 : Commonwealth Secretariat (British of 1966 Act) has two offices in London.
C. Secretary-General : His Excellency Rt. Hon. Donald McKinnon. m. Clare de Lore.
European Telecomm. Satellite Org. (Paris Office) has one name:
Mrs. Birgitta. Naslund. Exec. Secretary. (2 dots seem like typing error).



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