Friday, 11 October 2019

Addenda Forty Eight.

( nr 416 ) -  Amsterdam - Haarlem - GOSPORT ? ...
Plenty of Anglo-Dutch links. New York, New Amsterdam, etc.

Only today I read bio of Wybren van HAGA and saw that he has English mother.
The two occasions when I saw men who'd vaguely resemble Wybren van Haga and/or David Cohn are:

1. Remember so-called Diamond Heist ? Were there two similar robberies? Plumbers, underground tunnels, team of old men (pensioner gang). There were some peculiar people on bus between Fareham and Portsmouth. Then a couple of men in our block of flats stopped to ask smth. One might have been a Polish man who lived/owned flat 32 upstairs.

2. A more recent encounter (I wrote about it) just in front of the Gosport Library, when a man had asked me for the directions to CAB - Citizen Advice Bureau, but was looking at me. CAB refused to investigate the Military Doc. (RAF - Royal Air Force) having been planted on me. Online I saw someone's attempt to muddy waters and see RAF as Red Army Faction.
The people involved included former British Navy Intelligence officer (Julian Robinson), local man (retired teacher?) who might have been linked to Sociology Faculty Portsmouth Uni. ( ww2 Belarussian Jews), actors and theatre from Russian Mafia film Brat and Brat-2.
CAB patron is Princess Anne, who holds controversial "parties for girls".

My post Addenda Four -
GOLD bars moved from Amsterdam to Haarlem? Why?
Are there criminals planning Gold Heist ?
New Year in Holland? How many?
I remember the Chinese New Year end of January, as the only alternative celebration and fireworks in the Hague that caused consternation.
Possible links via third parties:
1. DELFT Electrotechniek: Tania Tihonova (Aquino), KGB story, WW2, Estonia, Tallin, Oleg Rakito, etc.
2. SHELL - Elena Beyliss, Lukoil, etc.
PHOTO of Wybren van Haga from

International  POLICE  arrests in UK:
Names released-
Amsterdam Trade Bank among other business names in a Court Case in SPAIN against M. FRIEDMAN :

[ Sat. 12 October, 2019] -

The top Amsterdam housing and estate owners: - report by Michiel Couzy and Maarten van Dun.
Mysterious name Kennard ...
Mrs Kennard, Mr Kennard, Clinton-Kennard Co. smth., ....
British military man Kennard decided to change his name to Fu-Kennard - .... - long url from MSN - newsmanchester.
Dutch military ...
WYBREN VAN HAGA is also a Dutch military officer with international contacts and experience.
One of the numerous reports in Dutch Media - from Hart van Nederland, where his e-mail to one of his tenants is an eye-opener to his understanding of CONTRACT and his animosity to Journalists and Media:

Correct me if I am wrong.
Britain has no Constitution, it is "Kingdom" and NOT a Constitutional Monarchy.
The newly concocted (?) term settlement belongs to ....era of settlers and colonists ages ago. The idea that EU citizens should apply for "settlement" or "settlement status" (?!) in a country where passports are taken away from its own citizens is frankly preposterous.
Are British citizens in EU countries asked to apply for a "settlement status" ? ...
I am curious.
Residence permit on different grounds, temporary and permanent, citizenship, etc.
British pensioners, for example, are known to live in Spain and other countries, where they receive their British pensions (money goes further and low energy costs).
Smth. strange about FDF ( Farmers Defence Front ?) in Holland... Their website simply says : join us, etc. Very similar to EDL - English Defence League:
 Also similar to SOROS subversive organisations, those PROTEST- BLOCKADE-OCCUPY- etc.
Any secrets about so-called protein feed? ...
Peter Mooring :

Wednesday, 2 October 2019

Addenda Forty Seven.

( nr 415 ) - Posted some photos on my other website:
French FARMERS in ROUEN to loose their harvest as a result of fire in chemical factory in Normandie:
Gosport is "twinned" with ROYAN in France.

Gosport and Royan ORG UK:

Rouen-Royan ... .
Greenland: the secret US base becomes visible as the ice melts -
Scotland: DRUG problems in PRISONS -
BBC - sudden, unexpected and unexplained death of BBC journalist Hanna Yusuf aged 27:
Yesterday Theresa May had her birthday.
The day before yesterday was Jewish New Year - 5780.
Holland and Russia:
October Four 1992, 1993 -

[ Thursday, 3 October, 2019 ] -

My post ( nr 287 ) from 2011:
WTO gave permission to US on Wednesday to impose 25 percent  import tariffs on European products as from 18 October:
See link to the list published by Robert Lighthizer in link above.
15:21 - Shall ask for a scanner to post a letter from FOX and SONS (signed by Michael Raper - Senior Branch Manager) - ref. seller coming to view property on Monday 7th October at 3:30 pm. Rep. Fox and Sons shall be present.


Former Dutch TV-presenter Vivian Reijs experienced hartstillstand ( her heart stopped) last week and was rescued by ambulance personnel:
Interesting impressions regarding US sanctions/tariffs against European countries today.
As if Media sites or their controllers are not sure how to react. CNN ? Russian sites I looked up give an impression of almost panic in some quarters. Very confusing.
Not only Vladimir Putin has birthday on 7 October, but OLIVER NORTH, who I read online was ... compromised by KGB-STAZI.
And of course, it is not so much about French wine, Scottish wisky or Dutch cheese.
The Global TECH- Mafia is in trouble ? Military Mob international ?
Air planes : Airbus, Boeing, etc.
My observation of very strange parties at the back of of our block of flats at St. Matthews Court.
I soon observed that it was a combination of org. crime with military spionage incl space satellites and submarines.
Rubbish hiding synthetic drugs laboratories.

De facto SIGNALS:
- fires, fireworks,
- screens big and small - mobiles,
- antennas, cables, cars with apps or gadgets,
- laser weapons, etc.
- graffiti, abstract art or even tattoos may hide secret messages.
A more 'stationary' form of signals are the changing "bar codes" on endlessly renovated (?) buildings,
black windows in all kinds of buildings, blind windows, secret underground tunnels. Also some drastic change in the background - new white gravel geometric shapes, tinkering with colours in computer programmes. In fact all that DISABLES whatever space infrastructure is out there in space and INSTALLS some new tech-mafia staff.
Not to mention all tech working with a remote control.
So, it is not just safety per ser, it is smth else:
On the sea coast of The Hague ( Scheveningen ) so called Fireworks/ Fire of Joy:
Told the librarian (blond woman) this afternoon that she reminds me of Irene (sp?) Bouwhouse. She said she has no Dutch background. I.B. went to London to work in a hotel. Jan Bouwhouse - former headmaster of Dutch boarding International School Eerde. He flew to London to interview teachers in summer 1987.
[ Friday, 4 October, 2019] -
Scan of Chinese characters on the as the new arrangement by Hampshire IT. Is it G5?

Another Dutch woman with a distant resemblance to the blond woman who is not Dutch, is the (former) Dutch Defence Minister.
While I am on this topic, I saw a photo of the (open lesbian) Dutch Home Minister ( ... Swedish name?) that resembled a Russian woman in The Hague, - Tania from Sochi in Crimea (first marriage to an Indonesian man, second - to a Turkish man). She worked in Raetheon (sp?) firm.
The News - local paper of yesterday:

1. Front page photo of the new British aircraft carrier HMS Prince of Wales testing her engines to the max in ... the North Sea (!). See above about Dutch Fireworks that were 13 meters too high. Was HMS passing by?

2. The free-lance journalist appeared on page 25 in the Readers' letters section as R. Thomson  St.Faith's Close, Gosport. His was the Letter of the Day: 'The stark truth is we have a government that cannot govern'.

3. Another letter from a reader is 'Alternative view' by Charles Mos of Laburnum Grove, Portsmouth. Any link to the Dutch Richard de Mos ? Groep-de-Mos, Hart voor Den Haag.
Any analogy ?

1. A strange party with strange visitors at the back of St. Matthews Court (21-32) turned out to be on the day a Russian submarine passed by. Ref. one Churchill was helping Russian sailors on the Isle of Wight as told by a man by the Gosport Lake.

2. A strange 'barberque' with strange fire that 'exploded' (see photos earlier) and set fire alarms inside the building. Cinders (?) left marks on the window glass. Laser gun with infra-red sight/sensor that was fired at me by Bob and Michael (others colluded) produced strange/unusual pains that lasted over two months.

1 Mini Amsterdam shop in Gosport High Street.
2. Russian "Little Country" for boys (?) by Ilia Reznik.
3. Little oligargh  ( Russian?) mentioned in Gold mine (?) case in Africa.
4. A woman in Charity shop in Fareham (ru: gnusavy golos) talking about ... a 'very young girl who is very rich'.
5. An accountancy/legal firm in Fareham Library advising pensioners that trusts can be set for children and even babies (!) can be given a status of an employee in a family business.
6. Case of Greta Thundberg.
7. etc.

MAFIA matters:

It took a European Arrest Warrant to arrest Domenico Rancadore in LONDON -

501 crimes:

Who am I renting Flat 26 in St. Matthews Court from ?

Helping children? ...
NGO ...
Charity this ...
Charity that ...

501(c)(3) organization -

Carnegie UK Trust in Scotland ? Fife ... An old man in Glasgow, neighbour of Annette Adefue (nee Wild). Mr Fife sent a book by Turgenev to Moscow University hostel address - to me and my ex-husband (photo on this site).
Russian Jewish medical doctor G. E. Izmailovskaya, with a KGB husband worked in SPACE MEDICINE institute in Moscow. One of her two daughters worked in Carnegie Institute in Moscow.
[ Friday, 4 October, 2019] - Star Wars ! - a few posts on my website.
[ Sat. 5 October, 2019 ] - I corrected above: Dan Fife and not Five.
Post 292 from 2011:

[ Monday, 7 October, 2019 ] - I entered Fox estate agents this morning and spoke to a young man, who turned out to be the Senior Branch Manager, Michael Raper. He shall be the representative of Fox when the seller (unnamed in the letter above) comes at 3:30 this afternoon with a Gas Engineer.
When I asked who "the seller" is, it turned out to be my landlady, Mrs Kennard, although M. Raper mentioned Mr Kennard. We agreed that my landlady Mrs. Kennard (her alleged husband already has a record of criminal behaviour in this case, etc.) and Mr Michael Raper shall come to my place at 3:30 this afternoon. I shall certainly ask for an ID and professional certificate of the Gas Engineer.
Last time I saw Mr Kennard ( long ago ...) before he ran off saying he had no time to enter Parker and Torrington office, he entered the FOX office and slapping a young man on the shoulder, said to me: This is Michael, he will sort out everything. Said he was going to India.
MAGIC: the dripping of water from my kitchen tap stopped yesterday !
So, Peter ... (Dutch Peter) was right about rougue pump being the reason.
May also be the same team responsible for my new washing machine not working for years, as it could not be tested due to a sudden problem with plumbing, which remained a mystery.
Mail on Sunday yesterday with most interesting details and history behind problems with letters, telephone calls and e-mails in the family of Prince Harry and Meghan.
Many women in the story: a close network of five women (sisterhood), who are not named, the couple's communications secretary Sara Latham and their private secretary Samantha Cohen.
Dutch citizens in the United Kingdom:
I have been to FOX office 3 times today. There was no trace of M. Raper's tel call on calls missed record. I was told my landlady Mrs. Kennard cannot come as she is taking care of her elderly mother.
M. Roper said he'd come with the Gas Man. When I asked for the name of Gas company, M. Raper said Mr Kennard has not yet found one. They came at 16:07. M. Raper, another young man from Fox office and Mr. Kennard (kept a distance). I was told no Gas Man was available and they'd need to make a new appointment. I'd hear from them. When my daughter saw them outside, she told me to open the door. There was no door bell, no tel call (I put my tel. on). I went outside and demonstrated that my door bell worked. They said nothing when I asked them why they did not ring the bell.
Men who use mascara (?) ...  Actors ?
I should put austerick mark by "good manners" ref. father of the young man who moved into flat 29 and seemed to have moved out (was told his ex-wife was Galina from Ukraine).
Remember how people wondered why Bill Clinton kept laughing and giggling as he stood by the side of Boris Eltsyn ? Well, the "reason" might have been laughing gas, that he inhaled wittingly or unwittingly.
One of the Kathaksung stories was about his wife and daughter apparently having been recruited by CIA (who worked together with Chinese secret services) and taking part in the harassment and sabotage of his life.
Ref. Communications -

1. If the mother of Susan North ( Skipton, North Yorkshire) received my card and wrote an answer, I did not receive it. Susan, her husband and Raphael Cohn worked together on Cambridge Project (geology, climate and housing value or insurance).

2. If the Nigerian (Yoruba) lecturer/postgraduate of Computer Science (Portsmouth University) received my e-mail and sent an answer, I did not receive it.
GOSPORT taxi with tel number: 710500.
I read somewhere that 500 Jews were burnt alive in front of the Notre Dame cathedral - medieval history.