Thursday, 8 December 2016

Addenda Eleven.

( nr 367 ) - Shall number sub-statements for a change:

1. Unwittingly Father Nikon in The Hague "introduced" me to a young man, who was the closest "associate version or variant" to Russian Mafia, that I have met, seemingly open and naïve. Father Nikon has asked me after the service to help him drive the young Russian to his lawyer - who lived in the Schilderswijk, I think. The lawyer and his wife were from .... some place in the Carribean.

2. Markets: Upstairs in the Centraal Station in the Hague I heard during a market day 'pure' Russian spoken. It was a Russian man and I bought an authentic Australian Bumerang from him.

3. Russian men were 'visible' in Fareham market not long ago.

4. Yesterday I mentioned MOSSAD WOMEN and wrote: "Jews, French, Francophones ..." before I read about ISRAELIS in town - their Football Club in Southampton (?).

5. Roman Abramovich I heard runs/ran so-called ROMAN CUBS (?) for teens. I have seen rather suspect group of BOYS near Portsmouth COURT building and suspect groups of GIRLS in the Victoria Park. Any links?

6. Victoria Park: perhaps most extraordinary theatrics (live sculpture) was there by the old monument after I called attention to a photo from THE SUN newspaper, where by the pool side an arm of an under-aged boy was seen. Was it "Roger and Janet" article ?

7. FAKE embassies .... I wonder if that extraordinary 'offer'/question "Would you like to be an ambassador?" from the Music/English homosexual teacher (house next to Woolston Court in Gosport) was related to org. crime.

8. Ref. Roman Abramovich: the group of boys, who were actually PRE-TEENS (around 10-11 years old?) wore Pompey (Portsmouth Football scarfs in blue and white) and had some facial hair or bristle PAINTED on their faces.The Court case was HATHAWAY (homo-pedo-incest-nudist) org. crime.
Their demeanour was ...sceptical(?). The girls wore "Vougue" outfits, beyond their age, so to speak. They 'moved' close to young boys on the playground, who were there with their MUSLIM fathers.
When MUSLIM women appeared in the park, coming to their husbands and children, the "GIRLS" quickly moved away.

9. BLACK colour: balaklavas and black dogs for nefarious activities at night, such as retrieving contraband in waterproof packages attached to the underwater part of a boat or a ferry. Contraband may be narcotics, drugs, plastic explosives, microchips, nanochips, arms, etc.

10. Portsmouth Court case (HATHAWAY, Melissa NOON) - around Nov. 2011:  my posts 298 and 299 on this site and one on the "002 ..." site:

11. I could see K-house sign opposite Woolston Court in Gosport from my sitting room window at appt. 4. Online there were RUSSIAN forum goings-on between "K" user and others incl. myself.
'Good Samaritan'  (captain of the Isle of Wight ferry) lived in the K-house with his wife and children.
BOAT MODEL Club: by the Gosport Lake a man told me: ".... Antony Churchill is helping Russian Sailors on the Isle of Wight. "
 Another user (Russian?) "Leonid" was 'tracked' down to KOREA or/and ISRAEL. Jewish Republic in Russia (capital Birobidjan) is not far from Korea. A young Jewish man at the PHOTO section in BOOTS in Portsmouth pronounced my name in pure Russian.
WW2 secret (Von Braun ?) project in the Isle of Wight.
 Channel Islands under German occupation in WW2.

12. Dead dogs (23) found in the fridge: illegal trade, Eastern Europe, Northern Holland: 

13. Sunday Times (11Dec. 2016) by Tom Harper - Home Affairs Correspondent:
Cressida Dick ( ref: shooting of  electrician Charles de Menezes ) applies to head the Metropolitan Police.
She was born to 2 Oxford academics, studied (they never write what) there.  .... smb. familiar with application process .... two leading roles in British policing already occupied by women.
The Home Office declined to comment.

14. I did not know Haifa in Israel is twinned with the city of PORTSMOUTH.

15. The Church collapsed in Nigeria (Uyo, Akwa Ibom State). Never heard of Reigners BIBLE, can't find any info.

16. Just posted a scan (did so earlier on this website) from Daily Mail, 30 Dec. 2015 ( by Sebastian Shakespeare):  Roman Abramovich with his wife Dasha Zhukova and her friend Jen Meyer, wife of actor Tobey Maguire (aboard their £1.5 billion mega-yacht Eclipse.

17. Vladimir PUTIN and his BLACK LABRADOR - pictures online.

18. CAB now in UK stands for citizens advice bureau. CAB internat. - Criminal Assets Bureau ?

19. International Maritime Organisation:  4 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7SR.
As of 2002 (FCO London Diplomatic List) four member countries also have "designated principal permanent representatives to the org." - Cambodia, Korea, Liberia and RUSSIA.
PS: 'Made in Cambodia' and DEBRUSS LLC office address in Moscow on one label (textile-dress).
Links to NAZAROVA and her husband M.M. Friesner in PANAMA city.

20. Posted scan of the dress label on blue background:
 Made in Cambodia on top and the Moscow address of DEBRUSS LLC:
ul Admirala Makarova, dom 41, stroenie 1, MOSCOW  125212  RUSSIA.

21. Labradors - WATER dogs - scan posted (on green background)  from the DUTCH wikipedia entry.

22. IMO (Int. Maritime Org.) in 2002 lists 123 staff members. One is Mr. V. Lebedev -
Senior Technical Officer, Navigational Safety and Maritime Security Section, , Sub-Division for Navigation and Cargoes, M.S.D.
LEBEDEV (-A) multitude of names: 24 entries in Sov.Encycl. Dict.
I saw LEBEDEVA (woman) on a list of Bilderberger guests in around 2005. One Lebedeva, Tatiana (1850 - 1887) - narodnitsa (We, the People) took part in assassination attempt on Alexander II. Political parties had military 'wings' or sections.
KGB Lebedev in LONDON, etc.etc. The first African students I met in Moscow were Somali students in FRUNZE military academy (via Lena nee Lozhikova).
KGB=Mossad=Mafia.  Also: MO-K-SS-GB-AD.
2 previous posts here:
Women and Crime (nr 365):
Life, Lies and Crimes (nr 366):

23. E-cigarette  EXPLODES: two videos in a Belgian paper article:
Vaping Lounge in High Street: product Copyright 2016, Shenzhen IVPS technology Co.Ltd.
MADE in CHINA: domestic heater DeLonghi (bought in Argos, Gosport) mysteriously stopped working. The fuse is intact. De'Longhi Appliances s.r.l. Via L.Seitz, 47, 31100 Treviso - Italy. Made in China  Ser. nr. 62524 JN.

24. Ole DAMMERGARD ( controversial) said smth. interesting in one short video about THEM being potentially LYNCHABLE, whereby they, having been "cut into pieces" are "fed to the dogs". 
Disposal of dead bodies in Russian Mafia film BRAT is shown as a serious matter.
Well, how many dogs would a criminal need for such a task? ....
Ah, what about a VERY BIG DOG  in addition to a BLACK LABRADOR as mafia tools?

25. Chinese Kong Cheung Tailor (Stoke Rd. - Prince of Wales Rd.) in Gosport opened in mid-sixties.
And IRINA sewing business in .... ?

26. Vera HUGHES and Nigel did some dog-breeding while in Brighton or .... - on Sea in Essex (?).
Nigel was her fourth husband. Twice divorced in the Soviet Union, her Nigerian  husband died in Orthopaedic Hospital, Yaba, Lagos. Vera had worked in AEROFLOT traffic control dept. in Moscow. I remember she took sides with a Nigerian woman who moved in with an Italian man, with whom at the time another Russian woman and her baby were staying. One of those dramas.
Vera features prominently on my wedding pictures.
Remembered: SHORAM - on/by Sea. Hughes: namesakes? Donetsk was formally Youzovka. Russianised Youz for Hughes, British (?) family.
Both David Cohn family and Van, Diana Pidwell's partner moved NORTH from CHELMSFORD, assoc. with MARCONI.

27. Jewry Street, Winchester, Wed. 21 DECEMBER 2016:
Thugs and Clowns in uniform and otherwise.

1. Loch Fyne (Seafood): 18 Jewry Street, SO23 8RZ. tel. 01962 872 930
2. Wagamama/Sakura (Chinese-Japanese rest. ?): 32-33 Jewry Street, SO23 8RY tel. 01962 864 178.
3. Ian Middleton (?) number .... .
4. Woman, who said I had a nice writing pen, number .... .

Just corrected the date above from Sat. 17 Dec. to Wed.21 December 2016. On Sat. 17th there was a (failed) cabal's scenario which included events and people in Delft, Paris and Gosport.
By the way, Fyffes (commercial shipping?) of Portsmouth is bought by Japan and
WAGAMAMA in London was involved in "flash mob/hidden camera" tricks the day I went to American Embassy and contacted FBI.
Next to the two restaurants is United (Methodist and United) Church, which attracted my attention with .... very old but visible " BRITISH HALL" with "British and Foreign Schools" and "Entrance for Girls" underneath, - the right side of its old Church Building.
From 2009:


28.  [ Wed. 28 Dec. 2016. 14:33 ] -  See point 27 above. Just found the notes I made of the NUMBERS of two people in police (?) uniform, who did not behave like police, but in concert with the thug (ref. "health and safety issue" as I called it).
Woman: 96784, man - 99264.  I wrote the numbers with my purple pen on the back of the receipt from Winchester Library (payment of 1 pound for one DVD borrowed, which I returned today in Gosport Library). The time on the receipt: 21/12/2016 13:02. I walked on the right side of the pavement past Loch Fyne restaurant.


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