Tuesday, 28 August 2018

Addenda Thirty.

( nr 397 )  - Mitre Court House - Bishop Street, Portsmouth. Mural incredibly telling: Red Flower with a black shiny center, petals falling down, taking shape of crosses and birds (pidgeons?) of peace (?). Dates: 1914-1918 and 1939-1945:

Two matrasses on our floor (flats 25-28), heavy steps heard in the last couple of days.

Yesterday in Gosport: Pentecostal "Christ is Coming" performance - from all over Hampshire or South. Ref. WATERSIDE Community Center, Gosport.

The MUISIC !!! Some very powerful Old Tribal (War?) AFRICAN music was inserted in the PRAYER (Evangelical) music.
The comedian Yuri Nikulin actually was used in Russian Political TV clip (early nineties), the idea being that a popular actor shall transfer his popularity to the Party he was 'advertising' during elections.
Another ad was showing a FACE (plus voice) changing from Woman to Man incl. age and facial variations - all in seconds.

Architecture of HATRED ? Students' Hostel for University of Portsmouth.

[ Wed. 29 August, 2018 ] - FRENCH minister Nicolas Hulot resigned.
 Is this Mr. KENNARD ???!!! -
When on the Committee of Physics Society, I told Prof. Mortimer (sp.?) about TORTURE with REMOTE CONTROL using amature RADIO waves. He surprised me by being emphatically unimpressed/indifferent. He added that he himself is into amature radio and does this with Russian friends. PDF doc. -
[ Thursday, 30 August, 2018] - Letter from Scott Koch (CIA) to David A. Larson:
Mylene de la Haye:
[ Friday, 31 August, 2018 ] - REUTERS photo of Nicolas HULOT in the middle:
 1991 - August 19 putch in MOSCOW.
By coincidence, same day in New York - RACE riots in Brooklin, fighting beween Black and Jewish communities.
1991 plus Star Wars.
 [ Mon. 3 Sept. 2018 ] - SPEAK-hour today in Fareham (12-1, +/- hour):
1. Frank Field - an AGENT? ... Who is he?
2. Waitrose-M&S-Israel issues.
4. Shihwarg aka Shura.
5. FAKE pregnancies and Witchcraft (Org. Crime).
6. Colombia, Carribean, Communist, Criminal, etc.
7. SUNDAY MIRROR: Deamer case.
8. Other.
[ Tue.4 Sept.2018] - Saturday ESSAY by Oliver Bullough Daily Mail, Sept.1, 2018, pages 18-20:
How the streets of London are paved with dirty money. .... This anonymous door is 29 Harley Street - home to an incredible 2,159 shadowy shell companies.
US: a woman with a baby (...) trying to escape from police:
Yesterday in ASDA I said "fake pregnancy" as walked past a young woman (near children's clothes). Nobody in vicinity, she heard, but was static, no emotions. As I turned the corner, I decided to turn back, and saw her walking away very fast.
Very bad theatre staged by so-called neighbours and their friends in the evening (upstairs plus Bob): baby/bird crying, a woman in black dress tried to look at me via thin gap/space as I sat by the slightly open window. I was targeted and did not respond as they expected, I shut the window. Took pictures.
Crying stopped immediately.
"They" wrote an idiotic note today where the words I had said yesterday about FORRESTAL (US Navy) and his wife are "thrown back at me" - mental health, section smb., - all very Low Life mentality.
[ Wed. 5 Sept. 2018] - The Letter scanned:
 Diana Pidwell told me during her visit to Skipton:
1. Victoria being in AUTO state (hypnosis+) when telling me I'd not see the children, unless I come to SKIPTON to visit.
2. Ralph Cohn is manic-possessive in addition to Asperge Syndrome, etc. (ref. family history).
She asked me to telephone later (her usual councelling hours?) to tell her what happened when Victoria came from Maternity Hospital and David and Elaine came with a cake.
Diana expressed her agreement, sympathy with me ref. Elaine's abnormal behaviour.
My posts from 2014 and 2017:
South Africa plus -
January 2017 -
EXTRA presentation today in Fareham.
[ Thursday, 6 Sept. 2018] - British Hart Charity shop: Provocative MAP on a Puzzle:
The British Empire - 2017.Designed in UK. Printed in China:
[ Friday, 7 Sept. 2018] -
No Pedo Bashing ! -
Bilderberg 2018 -
George and Dragon pub in Portsmouth was known as "Russian"....
George and Dragon pub AREA in Gosport - satanic, anti-Christian.
Addenda Nineteen:
May 2010:
[ Sat. 8 Sept. 2018] - On Blogger Statistics page colours (map of countries) faded about the time of RMN news about US (NASA? NSA?) servers being taken down. Today the map is invisible.
Years ago I wondered why Nat.Trust (?) plus people in Gosport were annoyed when I noticed that colour orange became yellow when projected (public lecture). Even earlier, natural rainbow colour palet was messed up. Colouring pencils in defective and disarranged sets. Plus spectrograms .... Food for thought. On the blogger stat. page appeared Unknown Territory (new). And this morning I read news about Russia wanting to investigate some leak (?) on a Space Station.
Medical scans, colour codes, name it! 
The May, 2010 link (002-gaa- ...) above comments:
1. The Gosport Mayor was car mechanic (?) turned HUPNOTIST (NoW).
2. African Diaspora de facto BOYCOTTED the event in British Museum ... . Brasilian dancers: solo danceress in yellow dress turned out to be a man (wig off at the end). Group dance of very colourful young people, many blond, mixed race, etc.
 He died (was assassinated) August 10, 1991.
Thus only nine days before so-called Collapse of the Soviet Union (Putch in Moscow 19 Aug. 1991).
Jewish Lubavichi sect ?) is .... based in Siberia? There is a well-known photo of Vladimir Putin in their company.
1991 plus Star Wars. -
From D. Casolaro's book draft and proposal (online): The completed book should be ready for publication by the summer of 1991.
[ Tue. 11 Sept. 2011] - On my way to the Gosport Library I called at the PALFINGER just across the road from St. Matthews Court. It is the same (?) Norwegian International company.
The General Manager is a WOMAN. She said I could find her name on their website.
On the STATISTICS pages of this website (blogger.com) for about/at least a year NORWAY has been on top of Referring URLs and Sites, but never appeared on  Pageviews by COUNTRIES.
Today "Unknown Region" tops Pageviews by Countries with 113.
The top on Referring URLs and Sites is http://camparadise.net
This morning: The "giant" I met opposite Fox Pub worked in recent S-Theater in Gosport Library (as he sat directly behind me (o8?). A man in a purple top by the Copy Machine (walked off when I said smth/about Russian Lobotomised Agent). The Clear Eyes (Yasnoglazik) sat by the Copy Machine with a handwritten paper (somewhat similar handwriting to The THREAT letter I received).
I took out a photo of my "neighbours" in the back garden and asked him if he knew them.
The giant was a prop for the Mossad man (bluish eyes) who was also "active" in the Mossad Team in Fareham Library (ref. my handbag left/found etc.).
Difficulty printing ... . What is the the woman' name ? She is the General Manager. The man outside 
Palfinger Marine called her on Intercom smth. like Cam/Kam.
[ Wed. 12 Sept. 2018] - Very big fish caught !
The blogger stat. pages are in the same state. Shall scan and post. Are all BLOGSPOT writers affected in the same way? The name of GM woman's name is not on their website. Another lie she told me was that Palfinger is "the same" firm. I do remember Schat-Harding Umoe was also global, but definitely more in the high-tech military fashion.
NORWEGIAN embassy is still at 25 Belgrave Square, SW1X 8QD London, UK.
But the ambassador is ..... another WOMAN ! Her name is Mona Juul.
I told the Gen. Manager woman at Palfinger that the THREATS are coming from feminists/lesbians and clearly are linked to Palfinger Plus.
Another indirect link is to Stoltenberg and NATO.
Breivik ... .
British Arctic veterans and Russian medals affair.
One winter mountaineering trip I took part in was to Kola Peninsula, border with Norway.
LESBIAN MAFIA attacks men plus:
 My blogger stat. page from Sept. 8, where pageviews by countries normally has green colour of different intensity or depth:
Another stat. page I printed just now with http://camparadise.net on top:

I think the Blogspot site Conspiracy Analyst is by a Dutch journalist (woman?). My comment under Anonymous name but with a ref. url to my site is dated August 30, 2011 at 3:26 AM -

BRITISH POLICE dropped huge numbers of criminal cases, BUT the Anti-Christian HATE crimes are not "screened out". Women in Uniform? - The Sun paper of 10 Sept. 2018 (url to follow.)
[ Thurs. 13 Sept. 2018] - The SUN article by Gemma Mullin:
When exactly did they introduce that screening out of crime formula? Who developed it?
ITALIAN woman from North Yorkshire Education Dept. was at the party in Diana Pidwell's house. She was there with a girl (about 8 years old).
ITALIAN family was present in the maternity ward where my daughter gave birth to Aurora. Their daughter or granddaughter was due to give birth, but the family had to leave early as they came by charter flight. A female doctor Dr. NEMTSOVA was there. In what capacity?
Russian Boris NEMTSOV had daughter (lesbian?) with medical degree from Odessa.
Word QUISLING is banned in British Parliament. Why? Norwegian Vidkun Quisling (Fyresdal, 18 July 1887 - Oslo, 24 October 1945).
[ Friday 14 Sept. 2018] - The scan is from my post LY plus (2012):

Monk Rasputin was excommunicated by Russian Orth. Church, but the decision 'overriden'  by liberals in the Imperial Government.
One of such Anti-Christian liberals was the Minister of Justice - grandfather of writer Nabokov (ref. Lolita). And the irony of assassination of heretic monk was, that Prince Yusupov (sp.?) was a homosexual.
Fake marriages of women with homosexual men were called morganatic marriages.
Pussy Riot women are SATANIC women of Russia.
By the way, the word giant (see above) in Russian is ... verzila.
The Guardian online video (Pussy Riot interview) disappeared (?) and I could not find it again. So I sent an e-mail to The Guardian asking for a link/URL. I did not get an answer. Did they get my e-mail?
P. Verzilov hospitalised in Moscow:
[ Sat. 15 Sept. 2018] - CORRECTION above: Yusupov, not Golitsyn.
Émigré Russian paper in Paris "Russkaya Mysl" was (is?) known as "Evreyskaya Mysl" (Russian Thought - Jewish Thought). About 1990 there was an ad inviting Russians to participate in housing construction projects in Moscow. The project was run by Russian (Imperial-Military) Engineers Society.
My interest was ignored. They also deducted 300 fl. instead of 30 fl. from my account (another ad).
MANY (from Tsarist Russia) military engineers in Belgium.
Jew Gordievski has brother in Austria.
Montenegran sisters, who were into "occult" were married into Imperial Russian family.
Monte-Rock. Negro-Black. Many other dark secret channels of infiltration.
Medical Mafia (who are the founding members?) thought up (with their reptilian/rodent brains) a scheme of secretly microchipping  SOLDIERS in Vietnam and Korea.
I feel nauseated by Wikipedia entries where at least half the space is taken by endless lists of medals, decorations and 'honours'.
Idiot Verzilov must have been 'doctored' not to talk about his minders, etc.

Yesterday I noticed that none of Wikipedia entries mentioned:

1. Protection for WOMAN JUDGE during earlier court case against Pussy Riot women in Moscow, because she had received THREATS from these degenerate women.

2. NUDITY in public places being their 'brand'. Very similar high-tech performance from Communists-Anarchists in London in 2003(?).

3. Satanic, Anti-Christian 'performance' (last year?) in Vatican City, when a baby, effigy of Christ  was snatched from the stage. The guards were amazingly slow and almost horrified by nude witches. Were they co-actors?
10:59 - A man in a light pink t-shirt at comp. 12 reminds me of Andy Butterworth. I wonder how he looks now.
WOMEN criminals.
Holloway prison for women in LONDON.
Holloway Sisters (women bikers in Holland) did not go to confront and threaten Mylene de la Haye, Dutch woman journalist.
They sent men, bandits.
[ Mon. 17 Sept. 2018] - I looked through rmn forum topics, list of, contents page 15 pages long on monitor display. As I recognised topics I have seen last time, something happened !
The list or display suddenly jumped UP. I moved it down and the post/topic I was looking for was there! Chemtrail Factory ... -
Another 'mark' of cabal's Dis-Ease is that the post is enlarged horizontally (too big for printing), while often (recently) vertical print (too small) hard to make readable as 'system' stalls' when I choose horizontal layout. Another bug (also elsewhere) is in % of reduction or enlargement of print - it is/becomes reversed.
Some Improvement on my website STAT pages!
By the way, I remember there was some background color change (3 years ago?) coinciding with news about US (mil.) engineers coming to Portsmouth and Gosport. Also Black (?) American Engineers. And recently (mossad ) - scanning disabled with black/white reversal: background color black.
Russian writer Zamiatin, who wrote "We" was actually (if I am not mistaken) a Naval Engineer and worked in UK (?).
I am at comp. 05 now in Gosport Library.


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