During boiler testing Ballard asked Kennard (after saying: its boiling!) about WARRANTY a couple of times. Silence from Kennard and my story about docs taken away by Kennard.
When I asked Ballard later when the new boiler would come, he told me it was between him and K.
Kennard did not wear overalls (with artful paint stains) this time.
British Military Mob: following FIRE+SHOOTING (at me by Bob and Michael) ) incident, a Royal Marine man stood at the back of St. Matthews Court (21-32) with a hosepipe and concentrated on trying to remove burnt stains from the upper right corner of my window. A cleaner VAN (parked outside, opposite) was involved in quick cleaning of the burnt grass early in the morning.
RJFranckeiss Electric Ltd. came this morning
to do some work downstairs and for my daughter in flat 28.
[ Sat. 11 August 2018 ] - It's MUELLER Time:
PS: An article about the shop where Manafort buys his suits refused to get printed.
The Soviet film maker Gaidai wrote scripts of comedies featuring Nikulin, Vitsyn and Morgunov.
American Pensioners website ( in Nashville ?) was vandalised with pornography via Swiss company Eros smth. by Vittorio Gaidai (ref. Dutch Expatica forum about 2006 ?).
Apart from the shock, were there any consequences for the pensioners and their pensions?
[ Tue.14 August, 2018] - I was surprised yesterday not to find history of Alexandria, Virginia (see Alex Wong/Getty Images photo above) ref. GREECE. Alexandria Library burnt. Arson?
Greek Navy, mysterious Greek Fire (? - water burning), etc. The woman holding "It's Mueller Time" placard, wears her wedding ring on her right hand, Greek/Russian Orthodox Church way. If divorced, the ring moves to the left hand. Jackie Onnasis not among prominent Greek Americans ?
The American video from Jill Noble about night refugees became "not available". There she says they were told the refugees (all) had dangerous infectious disease. The link to RMN post 73643 is in the beginning of my post Addenda Fourteen:
Scan of 3 pages from "The Man Died" by Wole Soyinka: international (!) rumors of his grave illness and death spread behind his back ..... Forged letter from his GP Dr. Koku Adadevor (who did not know anything about it) stating Wole Soyinka suffered from chronic syphilis ....
Dr. Adadevor whistled and said it must have been a medical doctor who drafted that letter - a clever choice of disease, leading (naturally) to sudden disintegration both mentally and physically and death.
To cont. tomorrow:
1. Russian woman Anastasia Pomiateeva who is behind Royal Marine Stephen SEARLE's murder of his wife.
2. I was put on a plane back to Lagos on/after the Wedding Day of Charles and Diana in July 1981.
Home Office did give me a visa (permit to enter UK).
A woman in British Embassy told me it was because I was Russian and not Ukranian.
The letter later stated that the reason was ..... "infectious disease" (!)
[ Wed. 15 August, 2018 ] - The long weekend (Thursday to today) brought manifestations of KABBALISTIC influence and MK (mind control), such as sensitivity to light, etc.
The word Eclipse has two meanings, astronomical and witchcraft.
The scanner in Fareham Library malfunctions: the background color in the Preview/Scan window turned BLACK and 4 photos I took yesterday and today are impossible to scan (too light or too dark).
Brightness and Contrast impossible to adjust.
I just noticed that a young woman opposite (comp. 11), who just left, looks like a daughter (?) of the man at the staff desk (bluish eyes, beard) who also left.
The 4 photos are: 2 of the mess in the communal back garden (2 supermarket trolleys, etc), the Russian weekly paper ANGLIA (England) slipped under my door and 3 people sitting outside: Bob, another man and a woman with very short dark hair.
A minute after I took that one photograph, there was a knock on my door: the woman (I did not hear her name) who said she was from upstairs, said to "please delete the photo I just took".
The same peculiar promptness of reaction to my taking photo(s). I also (again) have an impression, that they have watchers across the road and in the Lion Walk building.
RUSSIAN WOMAN ... All 3 names Anastasia Nikolaevna (?) Pomiateeva are Russian. The printing from www.cambridge-news.co.uk where some personal details are given, is blocked since yesterday.
She was born in London. She has a Russian father. Could her mother be ... Korean?
I found name Alexie Pomiateev on Kuk Sool Won (Korean Martial Arts) website - UK 2012, First Dahn.
July, 1981 - Lagos, Nigeria.
I bought Nigeria Airways charted flight ticket Lagos-London-Lagos and applied for UK visa. Telex from London (visa or permission approved) came to British Embassy in Lagos. Before getting my passport stamped, I went (as was required at that time) to my bank and exchange currency: Naira to Pound in the form of Travellers Cheques. As I returned to the UK embassy, it was closed that afternoon and the following day (no announcement or advice) due to the Royal Wedding.
I could not return or get refund for the ticket, so I decided that at Gatwick(?) the emmigr. officials could and would quickly telephone and check that I did have visa/permission.
There was an Indian man at the desk with one eye (could have happened another time), whose stare was unnerving. He stared at my necklace of ivory elephants. I was asked to sit down and wait.
There came a WOMAN in blue British Airways (?) UNIFORM and without saying a word, grabbed my heavy suitcase and. on high heels, her head bent down and shoulders hunched, she almost ran. I had difficulty keeping pace with her. When we were on airfield with the Nigeria Airways plane in sight, I ran and overtook her. As I stood on the tarmac (?) and looked down at her, she motioned me to come down and take my suitcase. I said: You bring it up! Her face turned red as a beetroot, puffing, she came up and placed the suitcase at my feet.
There was a formality - a form given to me about refusal of "leave to enter"(?) and possibility of Appeal. In the British Embassy I was told that the reason for my deportation was infectious disease !
I thought British "civil servants" were disgusting .... I also wondered in my mind if that deliberate ... hooliganism was a sort of revenge for my husband's slapping British Diplomat's face years ago. I was not there, but it was on my account. Did I send and Appeal? ....
[ Thursday, 16 August, 2018 ] - In one Polish film (1960s) a young man walks into Director's Office and gives him several heavy slaps across the face. The man just wipes his face and says/does nothing - he acknowledges, that he "deserved" it.
Another anecdote from a Russian Lang. Forum years ago: a man lost his job and was very upset. He soon spotted his former boss in a public place and went to ... punch the man, which made him euphoric. The Russian phrase was: Dusha tri dnia pela! (My soul sang 3 days long!).
May be a cultural/gender psychology.
FOUR scans/photos which I could not post yesterday:


[ Friday, 17 August, 2018] - Another addition to 2 websites ( Clinton-Kennard and MI6 spook) I called "fishy" - Margaret Ann Lembo !
Her business: The Crystal Garden.
Immediate links: New Age, Satanism, Theosophy, Feri (homosexual witchcraft), Scottish Minority (Paedophiles), Scottish (nannies, widows, Communist Party, Masons, etc.).
I wonder about Dutch Princess IRENE (called Red Irene), who lives in South Africa.
Her son Carlos in Parma, Italy. There were strange/criminal incidents in Holland recently where mother and son have a house (Eerde teachers were invited for a stopover from Amsterdam). Wijk bij Duurstede? ...
Russian Witch Elena Blavatskaya, who was thought to be /suspected of working as a spy for Imperial Russia.
Cabbala (Jewish witchcraft), etc. KGB=Mossad=Mafia.
Certainly part of military spionage, sabotage, influence and ...CONTROL.
12 GRU officers on FBI list.
WW2: Mussolini declared war on Mafia.
My post from 2011:
The trial of two young women (trained assassins, Indonesian and Vietnamese?) who assassinated Korean Leader's brother (a military officer) at the airport by smearing some liquid on his face. The men, who were with them, were released or escaped.
[ Sat. 18 August, 2018 ] - The 2 women declared they thought they were in a kind of TV filming at the airport ... . The liquid must have been some esoteric oil.
I am sure CrystalRiver (RMN forum) is linked to Crystal Garden. The was a post (RMN?) about US medics org. online with the name ..... nix- (smth.) which I discovered relates to prostitution. NXIVM cult name is nowhere explaned. Acronym, word, roman letters?
The child abuse in Chinese Nurseries or kindergardens as discovered by parents involves marks of injected brown liquid.
Scottish Minority moved to London and re-named itself PIE - Paedophiles Information Exchange.
MI6 and British diplomat in CANADA involved.
Kofi Annan (ex-head UN) died aged 80. He was quoted saying (ref. KABAL):
They are destroying Nature and Human Civilization.
My posts (9) of April, 2009:
Yakubu GOWON:
[ Mon. 20 August, 2018 ] - Many people out there with family name Searle ... .
Year 1951: Monument to British submarine Affray (sank with 75 men on board on 16 April 1951) is 1 minute walk from Gosport Ferry. One Searle (born 23 Dec. 1900), son of late Sir Malcolm W. Searle, Wijnberg, S. Africa, was in 1951 Commodore, R.N. Barracks, Portsmouth. He became Rear-Adm. in 1952. Scan of Who-is-Who (1058) entry:
[ Tue. 21 August, 2018] - CABAL hiding info about Catholic Saint LEGER, as I tried to find it online. Dutch word for Army is Leger. In all languages dozens of places called St.Leger, but not about Catholic Saint Leger ... . Will people in Catholic Church on our High Street know? Shall ask.
Sex abuse in Catholic Church?....
Search for 3 Cardinals on my website produced 3 posts:
American Embassy Plus:
Family AND Civil Union:
Women and Crime:
[ Wed. 22 August, 2018 ] - Disappeared quickly when I searched for St. Leger: Catholic Saint and American General ref. Revolution/Independence war(s).
1. My brother's ex-wife is Natasha nee NIKULINA.
2. My niece Zhenia's birthday is 7 October.
3. TIMING: there was Gosport S-theatre suggesting: Malchik! Malchik! apparently ref. to Zhenia's little son.
4. Some family friends are from Moscow Circus (?).
5. Some relatives are in Kazan (+Israel), Smolensk, Novomoskovsk, from Kaliningrad, Kliazma, etc.
MATERNITY HOSPITALin MOSCOW (where my daughter was born):
Moscovskiy Roddom nomer 1 imeni GRAUERMANA. They closed it, turned into Farmacy, it's next to PRAGA (Prague) Restaurant. Arbat, Moscow.
There was a nasty old woman there - nianechka - maternity cleaner, nurse assistant, who was all over the place. Her kind in Gosport: IRINA plus network.
6. Twins, actors, clones, etc. A BBC radio talk about Jewish Adoption Agency, who placed TWINS in 2 families: one in poor and deprived, another - in higher middle class ... .
7. GOSPORT scene reminiscent of Early Soviet book/film "12 chairs " by Ilf and Petrov (hero Ostap Bender, Stargorod with many barbers and funeral buros, old and foolish Russian aristocrat, O.B. not interested in women, fake/cover businesses and charities: Help for Children, Horns and Hoofs). Another book by Ilf and Petrov: Zolotoi Telionok (Golden Culf). Actor Nikulin, corrupt Russian Priest, crossing Turkish Border into Southern Russia.
Also Russian fairy tale: Gusi-Lebedi (geese and/or swans by the Lake).
8. Ludmila Putina is from Kaliningrad - former Koningsberg.
9. Some 'coincidences' with Leonid Timochouk and further talks with Valentina in the Hague and other Russian women.
In one Gosport Church there was a SHOW meant to inspire forgiveness. An Irish Policeman became friends with a criminal, who disfigured his face with a knife.
Was it St. Thomas Church? Either the Priest or his right hand was Jewish.
Evangelic Preacher in Bay House school preached forgiveness. When asked if paedophiles should also be forgiven, he answered: YES.
That was when I lived in flat 4, Woolston Court.
Roman Catholic Church S. Mary's has Night Fever (or Fervor?) events.
Both David Cohn and Diana Pidwell's Van have very spacious workshops.
The image of Old Lesbian-Witch with a young girl on a broom in the post of 12 Feb. 2011 is taken from a painting "Lancashire Witches" by an English painter. There is a historic WITCHES place/church at PENDLE - place on the border between Lancashire and North Yorkshire, half way between Blackpool and Skipton. Diana told me that the witches are still active, judging from the cases she handled.
LAGOS Nigeria, 1975-1987 - friends (expatriates, mixed marriages, etc.):

- scan of business tie: Fire Risk Engineering - Awolowo Road, Ikoyi, Lagos.
Where is Smoky Ashton and his family now? He was from Yorkshire.
[ Thursday, 23 August, 2018 ] - Another Bank Holiday in UK coming Monday. My next Speaker's Corner in Fareham (12-13:00 hrs) on TUESDAY 28 August.
[ Friday, 24 August, 2018] - like a teletype :)
1. When a woman did not recognize her husband when he came back from Police training, was it her husband 'zombified' or was it his twin/clone/double?
2. How many children/grandchildren do I have ?
3. One KGB-rat woman from Gosport Library made a point of "get a British passport" years ago by displaying KALUGIN book and Passport Office (applic.) papers - all next to/on the copy machine upstairs.
4. Who wants/was ordered to apply for British Passport?
5. I am sure my first Soviet Foreign passport (lost and returned) was copied.
6. Any multiple passports Udom/Anikeeva? Different spellings, mistakes?
7. When I went to Schipol with Leonid Timochouk (not Timashuk ?) to meet Moldova (Jewish) mathematician, I noticed a Soviet/Russian diplomat watching us. L.T. then told me that a ...light/oreol can be seen if one tilts the head - to recognize "nashi" or "our people".
8. Low/High tech. plus intimidation used by CABAL agents to prevent anyone taking their pic. is a way to make themselves invisible, as they can disable CCTV, get surrounded by 'cloud of their own people', intercept mobile pic., etc. Plus Psycho-War, plus fear of a curse, etc.
9. Watchers on the ground may be additional to High-Tech.
10. Questions about the Model Boat Club in Gosport, as I stopped to have a chat with them.
SARAH (?) in Fareham Library (plus Mossad people) were behind "lost handbag of mine". She made further attempts (twice). I had passwords among other things, such as names of my classmates, etc. One name Itskovich I saw in USA Today.
First Western tours in USSR: It's a Mad, Mad, Mad World, Canada on Ice, South African dance group. Paul Robson, Van Klibern.
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