( nr 408 ) - This morning in a Charity Shop by Waitrose supermarket: Told a woman she lifted a small boy (crying) from the floor by grabbing, holding him with her hand between his legs, on his genitals. They do it right "into your face"... . She said after a short pause, that he had his nappy on.
LESBIANS: DM online report Shocking violence as all-girl gang kick victim 18, ... by Ed Riley article 6876277 with videos and photos cannot be printed in Gosport Library - fake signal PDL GL memory full is given as reason. Names: Aimee Purdey 18, ex-girlfriend Simone McDermott, Melissa Marriott, Siobhan Wait, Victoria Houghton.
Also blocked from printing:
1. Sexual and Physical abuse of boys ( BBC report by Adam Clarkson 47751515 ) in Stanhope Castle school.
2. The Sun report by Jon Rojers about scalping (!) of Lani Use, 5 year-old girl in US.
Is the article about British Royal doctor Alan Farthing, who was engaged to Jill Dando also blocked?
My post from 2015: Earthquakes and Politics -
[ Wed. 3 April, 2019 ] - Today printing is blocked for news about: Malaysian ex-PM Najib, sexual grooming (PC Noble), brainwashing of Shamima Begun from Bethnal Green, London, ... .
NXIVM hacked world "leaders" -
The video -
At about 12:55 ( 25 minutes ago) I walked out of ALDI without taking/being given receipt.
Very unusual and significant. The man (cashier or "cashier") is now notorious. I always thought him being American, but did not give him "name". He associates with the father of a woman who was a tenant neighbour of Leonid Timochouk when in Kent.
Recent days: broken glass in a plastic bag, red coloured rag (kitchen towel), etc.
A new (about 2000?) word Judo-Christianity is actually Jewish Anti-Christianity.
Judah vs Christ, etc. There is a Primary Catholic St. Judah school between Fareham and Southampton.
Marines. Royal marines: British and American naval men who fought on the side of THE CROWN, British Royal house, British colonial masters, against American Independence.
American Marines were granted by British (in recognition of their services) ... Freedom Charter (?) of Gosport, which gave them Right to buy LAND and may be other rights.
[ Thursday, 4 April, 2019] - some hacking on both Hotmail and Facebook.
Addenda Twenty Four. -
[ Saturday, 6 April, 2019] - Went to Winchester yesterday.
POW stands for Prisoners of War, but TOC stands for Traitors of the Crown. From a quote on the E2 bus ref. history of Gosport: Pirates, Rebels and Traitors. The notorious Fortune Hospital on Lees Lane was opened in 1713, but all too soon became a prison - Forton Prison.
Over 1500 American seamen and British supporters of the American War of Independence ... were held there as POW and TOC.
Cannot find that info on gosportsociety.co.uk
Amazing Polly videos are very interesting!
Some familiar names came up: Marina Abramovich, Ratnik, etc.
[ Tuesday, 9 April, 2019] - King Abdullah of Jordan cancels his trip to Romania.
AIPAC, PM Viorica Dancila, President Klaus Iohannis -
Report about a fox in someone's garden, which had her head stuck in a jar ( large, containing protein feed ?) and knocked on the kitchen door asking humans for help, totally vanished. Whose house was it ? KGB Oleg Gordievsky feeds foxes in his garden. What kind of food does he offer them?
Does he also make some natural foods ?
By the way, wild animals are known to run into houses while escaping bigger predators.
Alison Mack pleads guilty in Sex-Cult Case -
by Victoria Bekiempis :
More acronyms? ESP, DOS, NXIVM (or Nxivm?) -
NXIVM has also 4 Roman numbers.
Name Mack comes up in family tree of BRONFMAN ( Jewish family, roots in Russia). WJC - World Jewish Congress. Current president KANTOR is an ex-Soviet (?). EJC - European Jewish Congress, etc. Israeli-Russian (in Russian) online paper mnenia.zahav.ru ( mnenia is Russian for opinions, zahav may be Yiddish or Ukrainian ?) quotes Kantor as saying: Iran is at the roots of Anti-Israelism and Anti-Semitism. My post 293 from 2011:
[ Wednesday, 10 April, 2019 ] - Today 10-4 or 4-10 date. Day, month, year ! My special website on special events in 1992 and 1993 (October 4) in Netherlands and Russia:
And one post there is: What's in a date ? -
Jewish family tree - Bronfman - Mack - Lambert (!) - more names. Matriarchy: we must remember JEWISH WOMEN "controlling their men" and they often acquire non-Jewish names by marriage. Hillary Clinton has some roots in Britain and Jewish roots in Russia.
Mak in Russian means Poppy. Dutch Pop or Poppy means Doll or Dolly.
FOXES are seen on logo (?) of criminal Sam Elliott in my post Addenda Thirty One:
A fox (years ago) climbed into the children's bedroom upstairs and injured two sleeping babies or toddlers by scratching their faces. Greek parents if I am not mistaken. Was reported by msm.
MI6 building is near Vauxhall station in London.
Kabbalistic numerology?
NXIVM remains unexplained.
Combinations of letters and/or numbers are used widely, for example F-16 airplane, 911, TASS, etc. Could be diabolical, have secret meanings. WW2 secret tech. projects had some coded names. The head of TODT (?) was assassinated somewhere in Poland. Who took control ?
Russian-Ukranian Didenko (also Kravchenko? ) wrote a book "Tsar Gorod" which is full of strange codes very similar to NXIVM. Contents is almost encoded by acronyms and very strange Russian language, containing strong and swear words. The Russian book is .... translation from HEBREW as indicated in the text. The publishers if I remember correctly were FARY - V, which I questioned as it was not clear which English word was Russianized: Fairy or Ferry. A different Russian spelling would apply in both cases. I later came across some Feri modern witchcraft used by homosexuals.
LIBERALS in Russian Empire contributed to 1917 revolution. Liberals of the SATANIC ilk.
Writer Nabokov (ref. Lolita) was a grandson of liberal Minister of Justice in Russian Empire.
Hence Anti-Christian Revolution of 1917. The 1905 revolution (Solzhenitsyn's book Red Circle) was censored even about 2000. I remember trying in vain to read online text (from Henry Makow's website?) H. Makow's website was shocking vibrant red colour (background). Tavistok institute, etc.
So-called RODNOVERY or Modern Slavic Religion is absolute nonsense. Only in English online, but written by "Russians" or others. Satanic. Work of the Alphabet Agencies, New World Disorder Cabal. High Tech Mafia involvement.
RESONANCE is one Physics phenomenon, which the CABAL's Tech-Mafia is trying to obscure by wrong definitions. Dumbing Down at work. If as smb. wrote, resonance in Quantum Physics is "something else", then it should be called Something Else.
I have used real life stories from SUPERNATURE book by Lyall Watson in my teaching of Physics, as well as my own experiences. Awful accident happened in Paris during experiments with LOW FREQUENCIES produced with a a large model of a police whistle.
I also suggested an idea of tower blocks and ugly architecture incl. sculptures being potentially resonant. Old Physics textbooks Q: why are soldiers not allowed to march when crossing a bridge? A: the bridge can go into resonance and collapse.
When a fridge becomes noisy, changing position of some jars or bottles solves the problem. The specific resonance frequency depends on mass, shape and distribution of mass, especially when we deal with objects, that can not be approximated to "point mass". Applied Physics, Engineering do have Physics as their base.
One thing that shocked me in London in 1986-1987 was the confusion between Weight and Gravity in English text-books. Weightlessness does not mean absence of Gravitational Force.
So-called Popularization/Simplification is often a very big Lie, dumbing down at work.
Fancy some Professors (!) teaching that length of human shadow depends on the distance or height of the Sun, arguing that Angle may be a too difficult complicated concept for students.
Many documented examples in Maths and Physics.
Addenda Thirty Two:
[ Thursday, 11 April, 2019] - Something about receipts ... Returned 5 DVDs from Winchester Library, but no receipt could be printed for me, only some pro-forma receipts for Winchester. Got a handwritten receipt.
"Putting people in their places" scan where a paper arrow I pasted to show The Stone (see above) has changed its color - from bright orange to white. Years ago during National Trust lecture in Alverstoke I noticed that color orange on a slide changed into yellow on projection.
Disappearance of the INTERPOL chief ... I think there was also a third event just before that incident, namely, a visit of British Prince Edward and his wife Sofia to Ireland. I think Prince Edward is the Grand Master Mason of .... do not remember the exact name of the Masonic Lodge.
Addenda 32 cont. - ( nr 400 )
Post ( nr 247 ) of Thursday, 21 January 2010 -
[ Friday, 12 April, 2019] - Victor ORBAN made an online statement yesterday and announced establishing (registered in London) new Information-News Agency. It was taken offline and I only read sentence about Christian Civilization. And CABAL freaked out !
Even this post I now repeat as the comp went offline (suddenly and in a flash). Why not open a civilized debate and discussion? ... Who feels threatened and so afraid? ...
By the way, is colour ORANGE also censored?
I noticed that Clockwork ORANGE text had a bad mistranslation: Russian word tolchok means toilet seat. Sadistic homosexual violence. And there was a Free Orange State somewhere.
Actually normal colours ( rainbow) were tampered with: some colours and shades are missing in any set of pencils, for example.
NXIVM story which I pronounce as en-eks-ay-vi-em has interesting moments:
1. Raniere was deported from MEXICO last year. Child abuse and child pornography?
He ran at least 2 nxivm sites there and stayed with Mack in a private villa in Mexico City.
2. Beyond sex and sadism,
Keith Raniere asked if someone was prepared to kill.
3. Natasha (Nkumah/Kopytina) is in MEXICO with her daughter and grandchildren, where she was steered to by the cabal. Her grandson is in a French school. Censorship can be a sort of block and blackout, on- and offline. The cabal freaked out when I was describing her condition (in Lagos) which I think was a combination of torture with remote control and microchips. Early torture experiments in the Soviet Union? Hungarian Pharma?
Resonance at play: earthquakes, volcano eruptions, fracking, etc. Lyall Watson described an island with low frequency earth tremor, where people could not stay long: so great was the induced fear, anxiety and depression.
We don't hear much about AFRICAN UNION.
Raniere was deported from Mexico in March 2018.
From NXIVM doc: Since defecting, several DOS (dos and esp parts of nxivm) victims have received "cease and desist" letters from a Mexican Attorney. Founded: NXIVM in 2003, ESP and DOS around 1998. Pyramid multilevel "marketing".
[ Saturday, 13 April, 2019 ] - Local history: British submarine "Affray" sank with 75 men - a mystery. See the monument near Gosport Ferry.
NXIVM Stoned:
Are Bill & Hillary Clinton involved with Child Trafficking ? -
the link:
[ Tuesday, 16 April, 2019] - My next Talk (11-12, Monday, Fareham) is in 2 weeks time.
Happy Easter !
[ Thursday, 18 April, 2009] - Christian Saint St. George ( 23 April ) - defeated the Evil Dragon.
Gosport pub called George & Dragon (reduced to G&D) has on its sign only Dragon and No George.
Crosses disappeared from most Churches in Gosport, and Trinity Church has Israeli Star of David on its pinnacle.
" Stories of the Press gang abound in the narrow streets of Gosport. One of the most remarkable is that related in Hampshire Telegraph in 1809. "There was a very hot Press on Tuesday night by which five hundred seamen were obtained. At ten o'clock at night Captain Bowers assembled a party of marines with as much noise as possible to quell a pretended riot at Fort Monckton on the Gosport side of the harbour. As the news spread, crowds crowds ran to the Fort and when the Captain saw that he had obtained his object, he silently placed a party of marines at the end of Haslar Bridge, the only way out, and took every man who answered his purpose as he returned from the scene of the false alarm. "
Reading online info about ex-MI6 officer Richard Tomlinson, his deposition or testimony before a French Judge Stephan during inquest of the death of Princess Diana and Dody Al Faed, son of the Harrods owner Al Faed in Paris in 1997.
Alphabetic list of MI6 officers on http://web.archive.org/web/20030501171402/ .... (long url) has some interesting names, such as Michael Roger FOX, who had some embarrassing episode in Africa. I wonder what that episode was. One middle name Reynier makes me think about K. Raniere, whose mother was ballet dance teacher. What was her maiden name?
The infamous PIE - Pedophile Information Exchange was run by a British diplomat (consul?) in CANADA.
[ Wed. 24 April, 2019] - Exile (?) of Father Lanzetta of Franciscans of Immaculate At End - post dated Tuesday, July 7, 2015 at the The Eponymous Flower site:
Ignatius "Frank Pius" Lanzetta and his five brothers formed bootlegging and drug trafficking gang (Wikipedia entry or last edited on 2 April 2018, at 14:02 (UTC).
My post from 2012: Who is What ? ... -
My post from 2015: Addenda Two. -
INDIAN neighbour ? The "Indian" neighbour (as I called him) who moved out of flat 27 might have been from Bangladesh or Sri Lanka - is linked to the Blue Jacket man, whom I called Ukranian GRU.
[ Friday, 26 April, 2019] - Two scans:
1. DVD borrowed in Winchester and returned in Gosport. I had to ask for a library stamp.
Receipt is written in pencil by a woman whom I'd call "Kaliugin?", as she emphatically mispronounced the name of General Kalugin (in US?). Not long after the RAF ( British/Royal Air-Force) document was 'planted' on me in Gosport Library, she was there placing book about Gen. Kalugin near the copy machine. The actual form of application for UK passport was on the table next to it.
2. Page 63 (Gosport History book, need a ref. ) with passage about Press Gang operation in 1809.
LAMBERT names of interest.
Yesterday I decided to look for Lamberts MEP and page philippelamberts.eu/qui-suis-je/cv-photos/ had a puzzling "page non trouvee" in capital letters, which I could not read.
I decided to consult WHOIS and there was a OVH sas company: Octave Klaba CEO, etc.
On Bloomberg page a large and obviously fake page appeared. On a black background the was a lengthy form to fill. The list of names was blocked by that white on black window, but on the left I saw: OVH sas, 2 Rue Kellermann, Roubaix, 59100 France (HQ). Founded in 1998. ovh.com/fr
OVH cloud, etc.
By the way, I discover many websites originally registered in the nineties for ten years and now renewed annually. That includes Belgian website Bende van Nijvel.
Christianity and Islam.
My post from 2012:
[ Mon. 29 April, 2019] - Criminal LATUSHKIN: I spoke about him today ref. Bloomberg page giving Talljnskaya ul. Moscow address, his business as food, agriculture, staple (?) products. Other info (years ago): Minsk (or Smolensk?), Belorussia, DOG breeding club, etc.
My opinion is that British run Smolensk Mafia.
Local elections in Gosport only in Brockhurst ward.
Received papers for European Elections.
Around the time when reports came from Holland about hundreds of birds dropping dead from the skies during G5 testing, I noticed birds here exhibited what looked like a heart attack, pain or dying: crying, beak wide open, wings flapping.
The Tech-Mafia is behind deplorable condition of Internet and the push for so-called privacy, which was zero from the very beginning, as smb. (ref. Microsoft) had pointed out.
The library is closed tomorrow.
[ Wed. 1 May, 2019] - Just submitted EU elections form to Liz BURGESS of the Electoral Services on the 3rd floor of Gosport Borough Council. I mistakingly called Linda Burgess, but she did not notice.
The colour is back on my stats page !
14:22 - Came to post SCANS. I am at the comp. 17 in Gosport Library. A young man sitting behind me (and his father ? at comp. 18) first ate burger (as given out on High Street) and now would not move some distance, as I have asked him politely. The scanner would not give a Preview, although the window is normal. It also produced a very unusual, loud, long and strenuous sound, as if trying and failing to do its job.
Some interference somewhere.
The two went away, no improvement. A young man at comp.14 looks very familiar.
I am trying comp. 18 now.
THEY don't want me to post the following:
1. Stat (Audience) in colour.
2. Printout from Event Bright (eventbrite.co.uk/e/soc-student-conference-2019-tickets-57722684102? .....) that gives a WRONG e-mail of the Organiser of SoC Student Conference 2019 as Oluwatobi.fajani{at}Port.ac.uk - to Follow/Contact.
The correct e-mail of Mr. Oluwatobi Fajana is on the STAFF page of School of Computing, University of Portsmouth:
3. Exclusive DAILY MAIL today ( pages 1, 4and 5 ) by John Stevens, Jason Groves, Jake Hurfurt and Gemma Buckley about Lubov Chernukhin plus.
PHOTO on page 4 depicts 8 women: Karen Bradley, Northern Ireland Sec.; Baroness Evans, Leader of the Lords; Caroline Nokes, Immigration minister; Amber Rudd, Work and Pensions Sec; Andrea Leadsome, Leader of the Commons; Liz Truss, Treasury Chief Sec; Theresa May and Lubov Chernukhin.
I bought today The News local paper and other papers.
G5 and Birds:
Video: www.brighteon.com/6015423649001
PUPPETS+ ( My post from 2007):
[ Thursday, 2 May, 2019] - Zero result on search for Chernukhin bio ( Lubov, etc.) name on Wikipedia ! I used bing.com and Wikipedia Org.
The only mocking result is a footballer Chernukhin, born in 1988 and Wikipedia gives almost identical short entries for footballer Chernukhin in English, Russian, Tadjik and Vietnamese.
From DM report:
1. The group photo on page 4 has actually 13 and not 8 women. Five unnamed 'mystery' women.
2. Black and White Ball last year held auctions.
3. Mrs Chernukhin is believed to have married Mr. Vladimir Chernukhin in November 2007.
4. Mr Chernukhin was a state employee until 2004. He was formerly in a 16-year relationship with Lolita Danilina, who was also dragged into the court battle, although he did not marry her.
5. Five-star Goring hotel in Belgravia, London.
6. The Goring is where the Duchess of Cambridge spent her last night as a commoner ahead of her wedding to William.
7. ... City financier Nat Rothschild created a £ 275, 000 -a -year job for Mr Chernukhin in 2004 to enable him to get a British visa.
8. Lubov Chernukhin was educated in US: Merrimack College in Massachusetts (1990-1995) and Stern School in New York (MBA 1997 and 1999).
[ Friday, 3 May, 2019 ] - my post from 2014:
Nelson and Lloyds ? -
Cancellation: coming Monday 6 May 2019 Think Aloud (in Fareham 11-12).
[ Tuesday, 7 May, 2019] - Scan of so-called Ladies Night photo:
Another report in Daily Mail by Guy Adams (Investigates) appeared on Sat. 4 May, 2019:
"Theresa's £ 900,000 unreliable witness".
More names: Chernukhina's maiden name is Golubeva. I had a classmate Asya Golubeva. Vladimir Chernukhin ... a fully paid-up member of the "Chelski set" of uber-wealthy Russians based in London. Kazakh tycoon close to Prince Andrew. The textile factory in Moscow still not named. Lubov Chernukhin had spells at major international banks, incl. America's JP Morgan Chase and Holland's ABN Amro. In 2007 Mr. Chernukhin bought Midland Bank building in London. His wedding to Lubov took place in the Brydon Room at Chelsea Old Town Hall. There were two witnesses: Aigul Nurieva and Mikhail Kasyanov.
Mining company Polyus Gold, Alexandro-Nevskaya Manufaktura LLC. Etc.
Bought weekly ( 4 May 2019 ) magazine New Scientist this morning.
Pages 44-47: "The space-wide web" by Mark Harris, a technology journalist based in Seattle.
Colour distortion and interference again. Colour beige or cocoa predominates.
On stat page Unknown Region with 203 pageviews wedged between United States (312) and United Kingdom (59).
My post from 2009:
[ Wed. 8 May, 2019] - scan of Lubov Chernukhin photo from Daily Mail:
Semitism - Anti-Semitism ...
Belgian Org. Crime Waves:
url - http://bendevannijvel.com
Pensioner Edwig Steppe ( parketmagistraat ) wrote an "open" letter last year stating that his bosses (oversten) incl. Procureur des Konings, ordered him to stop investigation into links between CCC, Bende van Nijvel and Strategie van de Spanning.
He stated that they had No Right to do so.
Belgian papers reports and some videos.
I watched yesterday TWO videos (2019) - 1 and 2 May.
[ Thursday, 9 May, 2019] - Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem
was set on fire at the very same moment as Notre-Dame :
History of the Gypsies -
Gypsy - Jewish relationship ? -
Very Good - we understand one another -
Tuesday, 2 April 2019
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