Saturday, 27 October 2018

Addenda 32 cont.

( nr 400 ) - I declare sadistically abused child - a girl of about 8-10 years old,
 blond, blue eyes, missing !
The scan from Gosport ASDA supermarket receipt of my shopping indicates date:
Thursday, 25 October, 2018.
Time: 17:25:21.

Minutes earlier hart-breaking cry of a child was heard - not the first incident in ASDA.
And there was the MADMAN dragging the girl, who was crying in utter terror, trying to get free. As I was in the central area and the man walked towards me, I stopped almost in front of him and he stopped. I held the girl's hand and she stopped crying. Omitting some details for now, there was a group or cloud of adults - shoppers and staff, who were part of a crime.
As I  asked the man: What is going on? Why is the girl crying? He shouted: Because she is autistic !!
Me: the girl stopped crying.
Man: you are not the mother !!! (ref. my holding child's hand) ... You are assaulting me! ( I never touched him and stood still).
Two adults a man (Indian?) and a woman turned against me, ....
By the cassa I now realise the staff (one notable woman - tall, black hair, wearing black) plus others actually distracted my attention and prevented me from seeing where the girl was taken to.
I have 2 more shopping receipts, as I went first to Waitrose (receipt time: 17:42 25/10/2018 and then to Morrisons (time 17: 58 ?).
MASONIC lodge had bright lights inside with many cars in parking lot.
Did they change their number and week days of monthly meetings?
I do remember Prince of Wales Lodge, number longer than 903 and THURSDAYS (last or third?) as their meeting days.
Address: 5, Clarence Road, Gosport PO12 1BB. tel: 02392 582557.
The blond and blue-eyed girl (about 9 years old) wore PINK and WHITE.
[ Mon. 29 October, 2018] - I went round ASDA supermarket in Gosport this morning and took pictures (back from Fareham where I developed them -12:43).
More sinister cannot be:
 lots of wild growth, barbed wire, the back of ASDA compound cannot be seen or approached, as it backs into houses, Garages (MOT, scrap metal), Boxing Club, etc.
Huge detour to take to return to the main entrance via Car-Wash place (between ASDA and Waitrose).
[ Tuesday, 30 October, 2018] - Eight ASDA photos scanned below:    

[ Wed. 31 October, 2018] - British Establishment ignored my Leads to Gosport post (was removed) about disappearance of Madeleine McCann.
Now there is a court hearing in Winchester about sadistic murder of a baby boy Stanley, who was 24 days old. He died of horrific injuries on March 28, 2017.
ACCUSED: mother Roxanne Davies of Lee Road, Gosport and her ex-partner Samuel Davies from Southampton. Health visitor - Laura Bishop, paediatrician - Dr Atul Tiwari.
Sally Howes QC defends Davies.
Baby Stanley was visited at Garland Court in Forton Road, GOSPORT.
Garland Court apartment block (high-rise) is between former Madeleine Pub (now Tesco) and St. John's Square sign and children's playground. Opposite are St.John's Church and ABLE steel fabrications. Garland Court (grey) now is literally covered up by strange Axis Construction firm.
Both Crimea and American Synagogue shootings had all signs of S-theatre in texts and images.
Sheriff Israel has many questions to answer:
BULGARIA: 15 government officials arrested for passport frauds. Thousands (mostly people from Ukraine, Moldova and Macedonia ) were issued with Bulgarian passports illegally :
NIGERIA: Eleven people disappeared from cargo vessel MidOcean (IOM) Ltd. Nine are safe on board. The cargo vessel was attacked by pirates near Nigerian port Onne.
Polish state media says at least 8 kidnapped people are POLISH:
I scanned and posted some printouts which were removed by the CABAL-CRIMINALS:
[ Friday 2 November, 2018] - Criminal ASDA has the following opening times:
Monday: 8-11, Tue.-Friday: 7-11, Sat.: 7-10, Sunday: 0:00-4:00.
Some dots and details ref. current news:
1. Polish firm CROSNA based in Isle of Man, making small airplanes.
Art-picture gallery CROSNA in Moscow.
2. Incidents of laser attacks on military pilots bringing wounded soldiers from Afganistan near Manchester Airport.
3. There was a story of an elderly man having made a knife attack (no serious injury) on his wife. Both lived in Garland Court block of flats, the wife had a Russian name.
4. "Russian woman IRINA": her business is not far from St. John's Square and adjacent Garland Court.
5. Gosport Library staff: I observed involvement and sensitivity of two women yesterday.
Kushner, Kuchner, Kacher, Kachi in India, Georgian accent, two women getting on well with each other, Punjabi men in High Street market, Mark Hook, Burgess, Linda Burgess, etc.etc.
6. Anti-FBI post on RMN forum from Elefteria poster: name may be derived from Russian acronym LFTR pronounciation.
7. So-called May Laws in Imperial Russia, which limited rights or freedom for Jews to settle in countryside, were enacted on May 3, 1882 (15 May new style). Some numerology? British PM Theresa May arrived in Nigeria from London with President Buhari, who was 'sent on leave' by Nigerian Parliament, accompanied by 39 business representatives. I have not seen the list/names. 
Battleship "Prince of Wales" was launched at Birkenhead on May 3, 1939.
See my posts removed by British (Gosport?) Establishment on again123:
Had a chat with Area Manager of Gosport Library Julie Caldwell ref. LORNA's name
- approx. 13:15-13.20.
From RMN post by Elefteria: Robert Mueller's Sordid History Of Illicitly Targeting Innocent People .... Mueller-Connected Boston Mobster Whitey Bulger Killed in Prison ... As He Was About to Out FBI Officials ... -
 Spoke about WW2 ceremony disrupted by Screaming David in Holland (in 2010?), bus 9/9a S-theatre (David? , Clare Short? , plus in front of recently opened Mini Amsterdam shop on Gosport High Street on my way to the Library. A man by the Catholic Church (meeting on narrow path) made some diabolic movements, smiled. Polish issues?
[ Sat. 3 Nov. 2018] - Another prolific RMN poster SORCHA (ref. Kremlin, etc.) also puzzled me.
Russian for MAGPY (sp?) a black-white bird, is SOROKA. Some folklore about soroka and her treatment of 'children'. Pedophile info exchange magazine was called Magpy (?). Logo of PIE shows white adult and black child.
Could Magpy in some East-European language be ... sorocha or similar ?
Scotish minority (roots in witches who sought protection from persecution) moved to London and renamed itself PIE - Paedophile Information Exchange.
EGYPT: Police/Ministry of Interior organized sales of potatoes at low prices. HOARDERS of potatoes conspired to drive prices up.
Russian Count Orlov, who patronised GYPSIES, was also horse-breader. Bred Orlovskie Skakuny - racing horses.
Interesting read yesterday in Daily Mail about Arron Banks and his Russian wife Katerina Paderina.
My impression about Elefteria poster is that it is a woman and she is Jewish. Years ago when Barak Obama roots and nationality were questioned, there was one poster, a woman  (which forum? ...) who was a politically active Soviet emigrant to US. Two diplomas: law and smth. else, which is also "Soviet". Some obsession with Ayin Rand and lingo about "costing" of planet Earth (!), all natural resources. Crazy stuff !
My post from 2008:
It turns out the loud-mouthed, American sounding group of people this morning, sitting next to computer area were not booked, did not leave their names/reference. Friends of Gosport Library.
Interesting topics discussed: China, languages, Brune school, etc.
Anti-American stuff ! Gosport is quintessentially British Establisment: Tori (Conserv.), Royal family, Navy, MI6, mysterious JOINT trainings, military medicine, etc.
Rotten Royals = Gnilaya Aristokratia.
Russian writer Nabokov, who wrote "Lolita", was the grandson of the Liberal Minister of Justice in Tsarist Russia. Poland was part of Old Russia.
Old posts: 2009 -
  2010 -
  2015 -
 2018 -
[ Mon. 5 Nov. 2018] - Correction (ru):  rysaki, not skakuny (see above).
10:19. A man next to me at comp. 03 has a huge red plastic bag and also huge bottle of milk.
Names and online records:
1. Kolonel bij de Rijkswacht Herman Vernaillen werd 26 Oktober 1981 slachtoffer van een aanslag.
2. Two overlapping Russian forums NVK and NVZ, one socio-political, ref. Sergei Kara-Murza, the other - military history:
Sorcha Faal ? Faal for Alfa ?
GOSPORT is full of CHARITIES, one is in Alverstoke, for AUTISTIC children, adults.
Mental Health brochure from Fareham Library(ref. Psychopolitics in Lenin Universities abroad by Lavrenty BERIA):
8. Etc, etc.
 There was a Russian website

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