Friday, 5 January 2018

Addenda Twenty One.

( nr 388 ) - Wrote postcards to:

1. Susan North (Skipton, Yorkshire),
2. Anikeev A.A. (Moscow, Russia) - cards 1/10 and 2/10.
3. Jef Vermassen (Lede, Belgium).
[ Mon. 8 Jan. 2018] - This morning:
 another encounter with "the man with the earing" just before 8 a.m. outside ASDA in Gosport.
Posts 377 and 383 :
[ Tue. 9 January, 2018] - Scan of an open letter: To Whom It May Concern (written today):

 1. - Worse than Grenfell Tower. etc.

[ Thurs. 11 Jan. 2018] - corrected acronym in my open letter above (THIMC).
From BVN: ... names: Sokolowski, Beresofski, Pilarski, Bonkoffsky ...
Fortunato Israel was de voorgangster van Lydia Montaricourt.
.... In 1989 werkte callgirl Fortunato Israel nog altijd als  'directiesecretaresse', ditmaal in Malta ...
ASCO en Mediterranean Meat Company ...
An article from the Dutch "De Groene Amsterdammer":
11 January 1995, Amsterdam: disappearance of Soviet Jewish emigrant Boris Fastovski:
Mentioned in my posts 289 and 374:
[ Sat. 13 Jan.2018 ] - I find it strange, that almost simultaneously (yesterday and today) and without continuity, MONEY compensation idea sprang up internationaly: 911 and cancer in US, Earthquake/Fracking in Groningen in Holland and some Legal Aid Plus for victims of BVN (waves of gangsterism) in Belgium. An American woman refused to accept money/compensation offered, because in some sense, it is a Hush Money or Zwijggeld (money paid with undertaking that the 'issue' is resolved, no more questions, complaints or discussions).
She wanted to know the Truth about why her husband had died. She herself died in a plane crash.
Today, on the online BVN ( Bende van Nijvel) Belgian Forum, as an idea of registering VZW (society not for profit) is under discussion, member Tru Dat ( see post 57) writes about things happening 'behind curtains':
An actual REAL conference of people reading and writing on BVN forum was proposed before.
I shall ask for a new password next week. Anybody from BVN forum in Gosport? ...
As I remember, the issue of illegal and undeclared chemical weapons and uranium on board Israeli cargo EL-AL plane, which crashed into the high-rise residential building near Amsterdam in 1992 was never resolved/acknowledged:
By the way, teachers in Eerde were told that SHELL company was originally registered as a charity or not-for-profit organisation. Is that true? There were two Shell Companies.
If I am not mistaken( if-if ...), it is Stichting in Dutch Law which is defined as a Task/Aim/Project  kind of organisation.
[ Mon. 15 Jan. 2018] - sent a request for a new password to BNV forum this morning.
From my early reading on I noticed:
1. That Belgian website was run/originated in Holland, Groningen (?).
2. That many respectable forum members (police, detectives?) expressed legitimate concern about presence of those (criminals) who are there watching, wanting to know, WHO knows/remembers  WHAT. [ Similar perception was noted after Srebrenitsa event. ]
My user name there is galina-a-anikeeva and I have posts on BVN forum and this website.
CONFERENCE was proposed by many. I would be happy to hold an informal off-line conference  with one or more people and help with translations from Flemish/Dutch if required. My French is zero.
[ Tue. 16 Jan. 2018 ] - Yes, as I wrote earlier, has registrar Key-Systems GmbH,
Admin: R.J. Broersma of Duocast B.V., Postbus 2325 Groningen 9704 CH, Nederland. Last year reg. extended for one year till 17 March 2018. In my posts (links below) I also mention related American site ( jargon Russian for Informer is STUKACH ) and four names: two Russian and two Ukranian.
Tech-Mafia post of 22 April 2016:
Bende van Nijvel post of 14 March 2015:
NB: ZIONIST BRITAIN never let go of Thirteen Colonies (America).
To check who/where/how any website is registered, go to and fill in the URL in the upper right window, (without the www or http:// ), for example, for the Bende van Nijvel website.
University of Groningen ? ... Broer and Broersma ? ....
[ Wed. 17 Jan. 2018] - Another Professor from Groningen University: Prof. Nicolai Petkov !
He is a professor of Intelligent Systems and Computer Science:
my post Earthquakes and Politics:
So far no reply to my request for a new password to BVN forum.
Did get the new BVN forum password.
 How many "Leo Stroobants" ? ...
[ Thurs. 18 January, 2018 ] - Scan of Original Thirteen Colonies - early British Empire, map and a flag with 13 stars and 13 stripes:

ENGLISH please -urgent questions: is my latest post on the Bende van Nijvel website:
On the FORUM index (has 8 rubriks - from FEITEN to BEHEER) my post is in rubric 6 "DIVERSE" under Vragen. Total topics stand at 1,704 and posts at 36,817.
Tiny tech. detail: it is now 12:04 in England, I posted at 11 smth. on BVN site. My post came first as "Today 12:17" (printed) but now reads "Today 13:17".
Scans of time 12:17 and 13:17 ( on yellow background) posted. 13:17 meanwhile disappeared?

One hour difference between UK and CET (Holland and Belgium) and further two hours difference between CET and Moscow.
[ Friday, 19 January, 2018 ] - My post "ENGLISH please ... " is closed by admin of ...with a "machine joke" ref. Putin. Ben-Bot has an army of bot-helpers.
The post by LEO about VZW is also closed.
"Putin & Co." is run by British Establishment.
M-words: MALTA, Mediterrinean, Mafia, Mob, Military, MASON, Medical, Money, MEAT, etc.
From Dictionary of the Underworld by Eric Partridge: 'Meat' - for women (sexually), prostitutes and white slaves ... Licensed Houses (?) - Public Houses? Also: mutton-monger - whoremonger.
[ Sat. 20 Jan. 2018 ] - MOSSAD is of course, an M-word. Made some spelling+ mistakes on BVN site, notably Staatsveiligheid ( vel vs veil ).
New location of my post in Prullenbak:
I wonder about supporting computer programmes (software) on so many other online forums.
Three relevant posts on this website from 2010, 2011 and 2017:

I have read somewhere that CIA-contractors (ref. Torture with Remote Control+) are 'concentrated' in Houston, TEXAS, USA.
[ Mon. 22 Jan. 2018 ] - Fighting Terrorism is no more a priority of US Defence Policy as announced last Saturday.
There is a Belgian Pub/Restaurant "Huis" in Southsea, Portsmouth (ref. article in local paper).
Discovered since last Saturday: there are two (in-log) desk-tops/icon sets on IT-Hampshire network.
Recently changed Hampshire CC library ticket (Franchesca said it was the problem with the bar-code) must be changed again: hybrid combination of old/new number/password works (but partially), though the old ticket(s) were to be automatically disabled with the issue of a new one.
I remember L.T. wondered how I discovered that his online setup worked with ... ANY password. Well, simply by accident.
[ Tue. 23 Jan. 2018] - Gas leakage in London: 1500 people evacuated:
3 posts from 2011 and 2012:
Later today: MALTA, MINSK etc.
13:10 - I am now at comp. terminal 05 in Gosport Library and 3 people in front (comp. 11) include family of Michael ( The Michael) from flat 23, 24. He and his parents walked ( at 11:00) from St. Matthews Court to the High Street. Laser pen? This is BRITISH ESTABLISHMENT at work.

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