( nr 369 ) - There was a brief mention of a 'largest ever' NATO exercise in Poland about a week ago.
Current political statements make it all even more confusing.
Where and when were TAZERS invented? I remember two (?) British POLICE officers took the matter to Court arguing the weapons were dangerous/sadistic. If so, would appeal to some 'unbalanced' types. Is stroomstootwapens Dutch for tazers? New type or version? - Watch videos:
Women and Crime. -
Two scans posted: 1. ( from today's Daily Mirror article by Victoria Murphy ) 2005 photo of Prince Charles, Donald Trump and Melania Trump.
2. Daily Echo article ( names underlined) " Lord Chief Justice in city" - on February 14 Court of Appeal Criminal Division shall sit in WINCHESTER.
Just remembered that in the (Times?) article about TAZERs their origins/development was traced to Israel. Weitzman (sp?) institute.
WW2: Soviet textbooks never mentioned Jews as being targets in WW2. The first time I have heard about it was in the "West".
Soviet textbooks called WW2 "Great Patriotic (Velikaya Otechestvennaya) War" - war waged by the Imperialist (capitalist) West against USSR, against Communism. There were however pictures and exhibits of atrocities, committed by "Fascist Germany" and Patriotic songs such as "Buchenvald" and "Hotiat li Russkie Voiny?" (Vladimir Troshin).More: French Professor in Unilag with his South-East Asian ( looking) wife and two pet monkeys - dressed as a boy and a girl, who puzzled me by showing Zoya Kosmodemianskaya photo. They lived in Eleke Crescent just like Nwunelis, and Lynn and myself thought they were excentric but sweet couple.
[ Thursday, 2 February, 2017] -Just added five scans of photos taken in Jewry Street, Winchester - Dec. 2016. The incident with the thug, who had an electric cutter (like pizza cutter) and a thin rod in his hands, was in the "footsteps" of the interest I took in the British and Foreign School (British Hall, Entrance for Girls). It was a an architectural wonder on the building of The United Church - Methodist and United Reformed. Anglo-Dutch history, as I confirmed inside, looking through the album of newspaper cuttings, etc.
I did mention to the staff that I was interested in Sisterhood Hallway and their criminal activities - a news story in Holland.
The Foundation Stone of Gosport Central Library was laid on 2 February back in 1972.
Mega News in today's papers: Archbishop Welby of Canterbury apologises for links to 'child abuser'.
Channel 4 News (I don't watch TV) will tonight show footage of Mr Smyth. 75.
Key words: sado-masochistic abuse of boys, barrister John Smyth QC, Christian charity that ran summer camps, Winchester College, South Africa, etc.
From the Belgian website Bende van Nijvel a topic discussing OCCULT theory, rape of children, etc: www.bendevannijvel.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=1319 ( some names: LUCIS TRUST, Theosophy, Russian woman Blavatskaya, Henry Kissinger, Templars, OTO, British spy Gerald Yorke, specialist in Psychological Warfare from Israel Oskar Schlag, etc.)
MORRISONS supermarkets: Sir Ken Morrison died yesterday. Yorkshireman, from BRADFORD.
Tragedy in BRADFORD:
Elaine and David Cohn ( parents of Raphael Cohn) met in Bradford (?).
As I searched for Sisterhood Hallway in Winchester Library, I made notes. One scribble in my note-book: We are Us; Stronger Together - Devon J. Hall -
[ Sat. 4 Feb. 2017] - 14 arrests by British Police:
Capita not better than G4S ? Not surprised. See photo of John Bull in front of CAPITA office building in Gosport - top scan in my post in July last year:
By the way, talking about Churches, there is a St. Judas Primary Catholic School - between Fareham and Southampton or Winchester. Which Church (or Synagogue?) was in Mariahoeve De Haag between Saffierhorst and Kleine Loo/WinkelCentrum ? Very similar looking people (getting 'unpleasant') here in English South Coast. I'd say there are at least 3 types of 'bearded' men around, all in a way, or in different ways, conspicuous ( at one time or another).
[ Mon. 6 Feb. 2017] - Found my post with the Guardian article ( by James Randerson) about TAZER: "Stun gun makers sue experts over safety criticisms" -
Child Abduction cases in Southampton ( where bearded men were mentioned) :
Daily Mail article about MOTORCYCLE gangsters in Britain: The photo of a man ('Black look') wearing dark glasses and covering his face quickly disappeared (digital 'updating'):
A 'friend' Tobin on my Facebook account is a woman whom Diana Pidwell recommended (we were to visit her in Blackpool, but she wasn't in). That registration remained blank. I haven't been 'visiting' Facebook for ages.
[ Friday, 10 Feb. 2017] - Police clashed with (Ultra-) Orthodox Jews in Jerusalem (Israel) and New-York (USA) yesterday. They are exempt from compulsory conscription in ISRAEL - 3 years for men and 2 years for women. See photos in the Dutch 'Reformation Daily' newspaper:
Finished reading "A death in Tuscany" by former Italian Police Chief Michele Giuttari - about the horror of Eastern/Russian Mafia in Italy (Albanian, Moldavian, Romanian, etc.)
ISBN 978-0-349-12008-9
[ Thurs. 16 Feb. 2017] - Just added (fifth) scan "Trudeau's to Trump" from Daily Telegraph of 14 Feb. ( Kevin Lamarque/Reuters) : Justin Trudeau, the Canadian prime minister, was given pride of place next to Ivanka Trump at White House talks with with Donald Trump and female business leaders, underlining the influence of the president's daughter on her father's administration.
There was a Dutch/Russian conference in Rotterdam to which I was invited by Vincent Pennock : Sisters of Peter the Great. Interesting: Mama Cash funding, Hairdressing and Beauty businesses, Belgian women, Dutch women, Russian and Chechen women from Soldiers' Mothers Society. Last but not least some misunderstanding with/about Galina Starovoitova, Russian polititian, who was murdered/assassinated on her return to St. Petersburg in Russia.
[ Friday, 17 Feb. 2017] - It's from Russian Lukoil engineers that I have heard about Russian Tzar Peter the Great's homosexuality being no more a secret. Homosexuality and so-called morganatic marriages (in Russian) were only alluded to in my time. Blue Peter? Blue (goluboy) is a metaphor for pederast in Russian. RUSSIA, AMERICA and most other countries are in a state of silent civil wars. Pro- and Anti- Cabal or NWO. Therefore it is presently meaningless to say Anti-Russian smth.
Dutch city Eindhoven got a 'Russian city' description, just as some places in UK.
Hairdressing salons were mentioned in a case of a Nigerian (?) woman involved in child trafficking and 'sexual violence'. There is a city of Benin in Nigeria and a Republic of Benin in West Africa. I could not figure out where that woman was from. Threat of native witchcraft (juju) was used as coercion. And the 'Latvian lady' Leonid Timochouk had met ( in Brighton?) was a beautitian, as I understood. Later I saw their names on the top of French-Latvian Agricultural Bank in Paris.
LUCIFER - Theosophical Society magazine, started in Sept. 1887. Pretty Satanic, with Esoteric Woman Elena Petrovna Blavatskaya at the helm.
From the Dutch issue of Lucifer ( nr. 6 - 13e jaargang, December 1991): Alle werkzaamheden binnen het Genootschap en de daaran vebonden Stichting International Study-centre for Independent Search for truth ( I. S. I. S. ).
There was also a 1960s b/w video posted on RMN about ISIS standing for Israeli Secret Intelligence Service.
Word-play: Black Sea - Black Water? Montenegro - Cherna Gora - Black Mountain - Black Rock.
In Russian: Live water and Dead water. In South Africa : Witwater.. - White Water.
[ Sat. 18 Feb. 2017 ] - Who were the woman ( on her mobile ) and the man this morning? As I was returning from Portsmouth ( Bay F of National Express ) they were on Gosport ferry and split by the traffic lights: the man went to the Bus Station and the woman 'disappeared' on the High Street. Typical S-theatre, linked to ISRAEL. Wonder what is on her mobile ... .
Accidents reported daily worldwide, sometimes underreported. Nuclear reactor in Belgium still not certified safe. What about accidents or near-accidents in the Neighbourhood ? I remember two cases in the White Lion Walk street. Are police making a map? Too busy perhaps? Some interesting or unexplained incidents?...
On a Russian Forum (nvz or/and nvk) years ago there was one Leonid from Korea/Israel (?) who made most provocative/threatening statements. I think his IP was traced to those countries. Korea, Vietnam, Japan ... .
My posts from 2008, 2012, 2015 and 2016:
[ Mon. 20 Feb. 2017] - From USA TODAY of Friday, 17 Feb. 2017: "Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. Wee see a lot of money pouring in from Russia." - Donald Trump, Jr. in 2008. Russia ties go back 30 years ... . 1987: Trump was invited to Moscow ... Trump told Playboy magazine ... 1996: ...dozens of condominiums in Trump World Tower were bought by Russians. 2007: Trump debuted his Trump Super Premium Vodka in Moscow. 2008: Trump's son, Donald Jr. travelled to Russia ... but no deals materialized. Names: Trump SoHo - Bayrock Group - Tevfik Arif, former Soviet official. 2013: Aras Agalarov, etc.
Friends of Israel? ... .
Wednesday, 1 February 2017
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