Saturday, 27 October 2018

Addenda 32 cont.

( nr 400 ) - I declare sadistically abused child - a girl of about 8-10 years old,
 blond, blue eyes, missing !
The scan from Gosport ASDA supermarket receipt of my shopping indicates date:
Thursday, 25 October, 2018.
Time: 17:25:21.

Minutes earlier hart-breaking cry of a child was heard - not the first incident in ASDA.
And there was the MADMAN dragging the girl, who was crying in utter terror, trying to get free. As I was in the central area and the man walked towards me, I stopped almost in front of him and he stopped. I held the girl's hand and she stopped crying. Omitting some details for now, there was a group or cloud of adults - shoppers and staff, who were part of a crime.
As I  asked the man: What is going on? Why is the girl crying? He shouted: Because she is autistic !!
Me: the girl stopped crying.
Man: you are not the mother !!! (ref. my holding child's hand) ... You are assaulting me! ( I never touched him and stood still).
Two adults a man (Indian?) and a woman turned against me, ....
By the cassa I now realise the staff (one notable woman - tall, black hair, wearing black) plus others actually distracted my attention and prevented me from seeing where the girl was taken to.
I have 2 more shopping receipts, as I went first to Waitrose (receipt time: 17:42 25/10/2018 and then to Morrisons (time 17: 58 ?).
MASONIC lodge had bright lights inside with many cars in parking lot.
Did they change their number and week days of monthly meetings?
I do remember Prince of Wales Lodge, number longer than 903 and THURSDAYS (last or third?) as their meeting days.
Address: 5, Clarence Road, Gosport PO12 1BB. tel: 02392 582557.
The blond and blue-eyed girl (about 9 years old) wore PINK and WHITE.
[ Mon. 29 October, 2018] - I went round ASDA supermarket in Gosport this morning and took pictures (back from Fareham where I developed them -12:43).
More sinister cannot be:
 lots of wild growth, barbed wire, the back of ASDA compound cannot be seen or approached, as it backs into houses, Garages (MOT, scrap metal), Boxing Club, etc.
Huge detour to take to return to the main entrance via Car-Wash place (between ASDA and Waitrose).
[ Tuesday, 30 October, 2018] - Eight ASDA photos scanned below:    

[ Wed. 31 October, 2018] - British Establishment ignored my Leads to Gosport post (was removed) about disappearance of Madeleine McCann.
Now there is a court hearing in Winchester about sadistic murder of a baby boy Stanley, who was 24 days old. He died of horrific injuries on March 28, 2017.
ACCUSED: mother Roxanne Davies of Lee Road, Gosport and her ex-partner Samuel Davies from Southampton. Health visitor - Laura Bishop, paediatrician - Dr Atul Tiwari.
Sally Howes QC defends Davies.
Baby Stanley was visited at Garland Court in Forton Road, GOSPORT.
Garland Court apartment block (high-rise) is between former Madeleine Pub (now Tesco) and St. John's Square sign and children's playground. Opposite are St.John's Church and ABLE steel fabrications. Garland Court (grey) now is literally covered up by strange Axis Construction firm.
Both Crimea and American Synagogue shootings had all signs of S-theatre in texts and images.
Sheriff Israel has many questions to answer:
BULGARIA: 15 government officials arrested for passport frauds. Thousands (mostly people from Ukraine, Moldova and Macedonia ) were issued with Bulgarian passports illegally :
NIGERIA: Eleven people disappeared from cargo vessel MidOcean (IOM) Ltd. Nine are safe on board. The cargo vessel was attacked by pirates near Nigerian port Onne.
Polish state media says at least 8 kidnapped people are POLISH:
I scanned and posted some printouts which were removed by the CABAL-CRIMINALS:
[ Friday 2 November, 2018] - Criminal ASDA has the following opening times:
Monday: 8-11, Tue.-Friday: 7-11, Sat.: 7-10, Sunday: 0:00-4:00.
Some dots and details ref. current news:
1. Polish firm CROSNA based in Isle of Man, making small airplanes.
Art-picture gallery CROSNA in Moscow.
2. Incidents of laser attacks on military pilots bringing wounded soldiers from Afganistan near Manchester Airport.
3. There was a story of an elderly man having made a knife attack (no serious injury) on his wife. Both lived in Garland Court block of flats, the wife had a Russian name.
4. "Russian woman IRINA": her business is not far from St. John's Square and adjacent Garland Court.
5. Gosport Library staff: I observed involvement and sensitivity of two women yesterday.
Kushner, Kuchner, Kacher, Kachi in India, Georgian accent, two women getting on well with each other, Punjabi men in High Street market, Mark Hook, Burgess, Linda Burgess, etc.etc.
6. Anti-FBI post on RMN forum from Elefteria poster: name may be derived from Russian acronym LFTR pronounciation.
7. So-called May Laws in Imperial Russia, which limited rights or freedom for Jews to settle in countryside, were enacted on May 3, 1882 (15 May new style). Some numerology? British PM Theresa May arrived in Nigeria from London with President Buhari, who was 'sent on leave' by Nigerian Parliament, accompanied by 39 business representatives. I have not seen the list/names. 
Battleship "Prince of Wales" was launched at Birkenhead on May 3, 1939.
See my posts removed by British (Gosport?) Establishment on again123:
Had a chat with Area Manager of Gosport Library Julie Caldwell ref. LORNA's name
- approx. 13:15-13.20.
From RMN post by Elefteria: Robert Mueller's Sordid History Of Illicitly Targeting Innocent People .... Mueller-Connected Boston Mobster Whitey Bulger Killed in Prison ... As He Was About to Out FBI Officials ... -
 Spoke about WW2 ceremony disrupted by Screaming David in Holland (in 2010?), bus 9/9a S-theatre (David? , Clare Short? , plus in front of recently opened Mini Amsterdam shop on Gosport High Street on my way to the Library. A man by the Catholic Church (meeting on narrow path) made some diabolic movements, smiled. Polish issues?
[ Sat. 3 Nov. 2018] - Another prolific RMN poster SORCHA (ref. Kremlin, etc.) also puzzled me.
Russian for MAGPY (sp?) a black-white bird, is SOROKA. Some folklore about soroka and her treatment of 'children'. Pedophile info exchange magazine was called Magpy (?). Logo of PIE shows white adult and black child.
Could Magpy in some East-European language be ... sorocha or similar ?
Scotish minority (roots in witches who sought protection from persecution) moved to London and renamed itself PIE - Paedophile Information Exchange.
EGYPT: Police/Ministry of Interior organized sales of potatoes at low prices. HOARDERS of potatoes conspired to drive prices up.
Russian Count Orlov, who patronised GYPSIES, was also horse-breader. Bred Orlovskie Skakuny - racing horses.
Interesting read yesterday in Daily Mail about Arron Banks and his Russian wife Katerina Paderina.
My impression about Elefteria poster is that it is a woman and she is Jewish. Years ago when Barak Obama roots and nationality were questioned, there was one poster, a woman  (which forum? ...) who was a politically active Soviet emigrant to US. Two diplomas: law and smth. else, which is also "Soviet". Some obsession with Ayin Rand and lingo about "costing" of planet Earth (!), all natural resources. Crazy stuff !
My post from 2008:
It turns out the loud-mouthed, American sounding group of people this morning, sitting next to computer area were not booked, did not leave their names/reference. Friends of Gosport Library.
Interesting topics discussed: China, languages, Brune school, etc.
Anti-American stuff ! Gosport is quintessentially British Establisment: Tori (Conserv.), Royal family, Navy, MI6, mysterious JOINT trainings, military medicine, etc.
Rotten Royals = Gnilaya Aristokratia.
Russian writer Nabokov, who wrote "Lolita", was the grandson of the Liberal Minister of Justice in Tsarist Russia. Poland was part of Old Russia.
Old posts: 2009 -
  2010 -
  2015 -
 2018 -
[ Mon. 5 Nov. 2018] - Correction (ru):  rysaki, not skakuny (see above).
10:19. A man next to me at comp. 03 has a huge red plastic bag and also huge bottle of milk.
Names and online records:
1. Kolonel bij de Rijkswacht Herman Vernaillen werd 26 Oktober 1981 slachtoffer van een aanslag.
2. Two overlapping Russian forums NVK and NVZ, one socio-political, ref. Sergei Kara-Murza, the other - military history:
Sorcha Faal ? Faal for Alfa ?
GOSPORT is full of CHARITIES, one is in Alverstoke, for AUTISTIC children, adults.
Mental Health brochure from Fareham Library(ref. Psychopolitics in Lenin Universities abroad by Lavrenty BERIA):
8. Etc, etc.
 There was a Russian website

Wednesday, 10 October 2018

Addenda Thirty Two.

( nr 399 ) - This morning Hampshire IT (British government network) blocks printing of two articles, both about handling paedophiles and criminals who target children:

1. U.S. Marshals: 123 missing kids found during 1-day operation in Michigan -
 the link to UPI (Top News) is on RMN forum:

2. Moment paedo hunters confront man by Neil Docking (Liverpool Echo):

From my personal perspective (the context of news online and offline), the sudden disappearance of INTERPOL boss came in the footsteps of two events:

-  Japanese announcement of support and welcome of post-Brexit Britain in South-East and South-Pacific regions;

- INTERPOL announcement of interest and participation in reopening of Baby John investigations.
On 14 April 1984 in IRELAND a five-days old baby boy was found in a plastic bag with 28 stab wounds.
[ Thursday, 11 October, 2018] - Renewed my membership of the Physics Society (called Portsmouth & District Physical Society ).

 Received a letter ( acknowledgement) from Commissioner's Private Office, Metropolitan POLICE - ref. DPS ( Directorate of Professional Standards) Complaints Support Team.

[ Friday, 12 October, 2018 ] - Some GYPSY links:

1. Serbian Gypsy singer in a Yougoslav restaurant in the Hague (centre).

2. Gypsy Queen pub in GOSPORT.

3. A special site/territory marked for Gypsies on a map of Gosport Development till 2020.
   Upstairs in the Gosport Borough Council.

4. A few months ago there was a violent criminal assault (stones thrown, etc.) against JOURNALISTS by GYPSY mourners. A case of violent WAR between British GYPSY families.
There were many newspaper reports. The WOMEN looked .... "ordinary".
The gypsies did not want their pictures taken.

5. Crime and violence in MC (motorcycle clubs) in HOLLAND. Klaas OTTO of No Surrender - from Dutch Gypsy family. His woman friend worked in the Ministry of Defence and passed civil car plate numbers to him, when military police were going to make arrests.
 BIG STORY of female members (bikers) "HOLLOWAY" or HALLWAY SISTERS sending male thugs to Panorama office.
The threats and so-called contract they had in their hands was against DUTCH woman journalist Mylene de la Haye. Hell broke out after Mylene wrote about criminality by women bikers.
Her savings and investments in Germany just got lost (?).
Earlier her website disappeared with a notice: website parked for free by GoDaddy.
On her website she had reports and photos about F-16 pilot (was imprisoned for military spionage for Belorussian KGB). His Dutch nick-name was Pancake.
She took pictures of children (blond blue-eyed boys, 8-10 years old) collecting autographs from some (homosexual) pilots at the Newcastle (?) Air-Show.

6. Dictionary of UNDERWORLD disappeared from Gosport Library.
 Gypsies have Matriarchal traditions, culture.
The Dutch word for Gypsy is Ziguener (sp?). Would some names with prominent Z, G relate to Gypsy culture?
Women and Crime:

Mama Cash:
One other form of HIDING things ( Cabal has a lot to hide! ) is the way my photos are developed and the way photos appear when I scan them and post here.
The photos of my POST BOX key and (multiple) damage to the lock came too vague and fuzzy !
My neighbours also were obscured on the photo when I scanned it and posted here.
Another detail: my handwritten No date! on a poster downstairs led to the poster being angrily torn off. I now see OVERDONE notice (dated 9 October 2018) under the staircase ref. bicycles : laminated, framed, color big fonts, etc.
It's my neighbours.

Josephine! Diana Pidwell, on her way to Holland to visit me, met Josephine and we all went to Alphen-aan-de-Rijn to visit her Dutch Gypsy family.
[ Sat. 13 October, 2018] - Yesterday, there came a woman to Gosport Library (comp.1) just before I left, about one o'clock,  who looked "gypsy" and extremely angry. S-theatre today? ... .
The Gosport Development plan with "gypsy provisions" is actually up to 2029.
Very long-term planning. On what basis?
Funeral of gypsy Henry Vincent (37), who was shot by the 78-year-old pensioner in his bedroom - story details in my post Addenda Twenty Six:
The pensioner is not a gypsy, only Henry Vincent is. So, I made a mistake about two gypsy families.
Must have been another story.
Can my S-theatre expression be expanded with two more words for S: Soros and Sarkozy?
Pedo has his head blown off :
Book "WITCHES-history of a persecution" (2004) by Nigel Cawthorne, 143 pages:
ISBN-13: 978-1-84193-521-8
ISBN-10: 1-84193-521-2
Late Henry Vincent, career criminal and his family:
[ Monday, 15 October, 2018 ] - I noticed another mistake above: Henry Vincent died from stab wounds, during his burglary, in the kitchen of the house he broke into during the night.
Time and Place ! After my "appearance" today in Fareham, I shall experiment with flexible Hyde Park or Think Aloud presentations, in the next 2-3 months (?).
Topics today: The Red Book, Semitism and Anti-Semitism, TRUTH definitions, LINGO lies, my postbox key, GYPSY tribes from India (Wikipedia), Portugese India, Crimean GREEKS, ugly sculptures and architecture, RESONANCE, etc.
[ Tuesday, 16 October, 2018] - Yesterday I might have wrongly mentioned Golitsyn instead of Gumilev ref. geological faults in Balkan region, Vernadski, Gaia, Didenko (KGB rewrite?), works of P.... (shall check his name) about Human Predators (anthropofagi) who uniquely hunt their own species, - cannibals.
What  a find ! -  In February 2016, the International Roma Conference ... ended with a recommendation to the Government of India to recognize the Roma community spread across 30 countries as a part of the Indian Diaspora ( Romani people entry in Wikipedia).
The Red Book cover:
[ Wed. 17 October, 2017] - Gottingen-Yale-Bosnia.
RMN forum hides old post? The link to 2007 post about 1998 murder of Suzanne Jovin in Yale university does not work:
I also notice censorship(?) of the story on other sites.
Nelson and Lloyds ? -
WHO wants to De-Stalinize ? -
Dutch participation in NATO training - Den Helder to Norway:
[ Thursday, 18 October, 2018] - Yesterday:

1.  the window cleaner did thoroughly clean or scrubbed upper-right corner of my window. I refer to FIRE incident and my neighbours, Bob and Michael downstairs shooting at me with a high-tech LASER GUN (infra-red sensor or sight). One neighbour from another block had asked me if the infra-red sight was green or white (?). My curtains are green and the light was out, so I do remember a small  light grey (?) circle with sharp contrast moving promptly to aim at me directly, as I moved behind the curtain in a dark room to the right, behind the wall. Photos are on this website.

2. The man with two young children (boys) on a BUS 9/9A swore at me with extreme anger: F*** OFF !!! Will You?!!! as I got off the bus at Grange Road bus stop around 14:25.
 The woman downstairs (flat 24), who looks like Michael's aunt or mother, also takes BUS 9/9A to work. I saw her downstairs, as I was helping with the children's bicycles. Any possible links?

3. I found a brown envelope at 19:30 in my post box with letter from Metropolitan POLICE signed by Debbie Arnold, Police Sergeant, Complaints Support Team.  I am to fill the Forms enclosed.
The contrast between high quality stationary of the first letter from Commissioner's Private Office ( acknowledgement) signed by David Searle and the letter in brown envelope, is almost staggering.
The man who asked me (it is 13:45 now) where Gosport CAB (Citizen's Advice Bureau) was, just outside the Library, strangely did not look in the direction I was giving him, but kept looking at me (!).
See scan of a photo:

My model and illustration of :

1. Points of View.
2. Observer Effect.

The man on the bus had an extraordinary behavioural peculiarity! The EYES ! I have never seen such a thing before. May link to my questions about my neighbours, some grey eyes, their exotic dances, RUSSIAN SUBMARINES, strange parties, children and babies, aggressive reaction to being photographed, etc.
Many very good photographs on the websites ref. Gypsy/Romany conferences !
Some URLs:

Roma LGBT conference - 2016, Prague:
The man outside the library today had a distant likeness to ....David COHN.
What happened to my Post-Box KEY ? - (scan):

British Values:

Today's Irish Independent, pages 1, 4 and 5:

- Presidential Candidate Peter Casey : I say what I think and I think what I say (Too much PC !)
- Mr Casey has been critical of the role played by Pavee Point [ charity for Travellers ] in the dispute, saying, it should tell the Travellers about people "sleeping on the streets of Dublin".
[ Sat. 20 October, 2018 ] - Another British Royal:
 PRINCESS ANNE, who organizes PARTIES for GIRLS ... . Is she still the CAB patron ?
I left my window open this morning and found cigarette ash 'balls' on my window sill. What do my neighbours upstairs in flat 30 smoke? I collected the sample in a plastic bag.
Ref. recent post by Son of the wind on RMN post about gypsies! Russian spy Katia Zatuliveter  has an exotic name (I likended it to American Indian names). Veter is Russian for Wind. Zatuli ????
I found name Hancock (the Portsmouth MP who was assisted by K.Z.) on a Patrin Timeline of Romani History (online, on I have 28 page long printout, but can't find that text again and URL is a long one. On page 27/28: 1997 - Ian Hancock receives the Thorolf Rafto Prize for Human Rights on behalve of the Romani people.
Also: 1967 - First Gypsy Council summer school in Essex, England. Chelmsford is in Essex (?).
[ Mon. 22 October, 2018] - CHELMSFORD: Both Diana's Van (Dutch roots) and David Cohn family moved North from Chelmsford. In a conspiratory tone: Chelmsford is a high-tech city! ... (David Cohn). MARCONI in Chelmsford. Unexplained deaths of British Star War Scientists.
Secrets of Semitism unravel ... .
Yet another good police and anti-crime work report made difficult to read/print.
"Northampton Police use 'trap cars' to catch thieves" -
FBI knows better than British spooks !
From report dated 19 October 2018 on
The FBI agent went to great pains to describe efforts by Khusyaynova and others ..... to appeal to Americans at both ends of the political spectrum as well as ethnic, racial and sexual orientations.
Also mentioned: translated Russian-language instructions to the social media team members.
My questions are now reinforced ! Where is the original Russian text ?
Should write to David Holt !
[ Wed. 24 October, 2018] - There may be a grand revelation and enlightenment if we look at the history of White Trash expression, which I heard in Lagos, Nigeria many years ago. I now realize that I and perhaps the man who used the expression did not understand the real meaning of it.
Transportation and deportation to COLONIES and Remote Areas of different "undesirable- socially dangerous groups and individuals".
So-called White Priviledge was in fact extra pay to "white" labourers or unqualified work force, which was stopped by the South African mines managers, as they employed local Africans who did the work equally well. It was women(!), wives of white labourers who protested.
What was the Apartheid Racial classification like?
Were Jews and Gypsies, for example classed as whites/blanken ?
The Dutch word boerjoden (jewish farmers) has disappeared from internet.
Torture with Remote Control:
South Africa Plus:

About two weeks ago three known locals were seen by me very-very pale, grey-green:
1. Younger man with the pony-tail,
2. Chinese woman in the Paper Kiosk (longish face),
3. Polish woman bus driver.
Evil harassment and harm by RAMBLERS (?) : more dangerous than disruption of Fox Hunts is trespassing and worse on the land and by farm houses. I did go on a few trips with Ramblers locally years ago and it all makes sense now. The people may be the same lot involved in Anti-Christian activities, incl. Waterside/Pentecostal church in Gosport.
11:04. - Two corrections above, which I underlined.
From of last Friday:
Tory MP calls Government a 'shit show' in very angry rant. by Jane Warton.
Can't find any photos of Khusyaynova, Elena Alexeevna (44) the accountant for Project Lakhta in St. Petersburg, Russia.
Another English drama, tragedy, the murder of a midwife: the photo in the Sun paper yesterday depicts four people. I think the real victim is Katie, who is called "killer's wife".
Samantha Eastwood, before she was murdered, broke off engagement to Katie's brother John and perhaps humiliated him by placing the wedding dress for sale on Facebook. She then (may be earlier) had an affair with Katie's husband, Michael Stirling and was going to tell his wife Katie about the affair. So very strange ... .
Today's The News paper:
Dutch warship to deploy alongside QE.
Corrected url, link to South Africa Plus above:
OPCW is in the Hague, Holland. And where is the OPBW ?
BW stands for Biological Weapons.
[ Thursday, 25 October, 2018] - The CABAL (British Establishment - Hampshire IT) blocks printing of articles about Kiss of Death - newborn babies dying from cold sore-herpes-meningitis with advice: Do not kiss babies !
CNN has a very good article with clear explanations and definitions, one CNN report is from last year - 2017:
South African report - also from 2017:
SCANS posted below:




I numbered 10 scans above going from top downwards:

1 - Midwife murdered. Questions arising.

2. - Ex-British Army officer Plymouth MP (ref. 'shit show' by Conservative Government)

3. - Christina Blasey with SOROS (rmn post 108150).

4. Brittan and Bramall (Lady and Lord) refusing to meet Met (Metropolitan Police) demanding to be given/to see The Henriques report. From Daily Telegraph (Sat.15 Oct. 2016):
"Yard (Scotland Yard) refuses to publish damning sex report" by Robert Mendick and Christopher Hope.

5. Peter Casey (third from left) with other presidential candidates. Today's Irish Independent.
Elections tomorrow.

6. Elena Alexeevna Khusyaynova (44) - another Russian Woman (monkey): KGB=Mossad=Mafia.

7. Anastasia Pomiateeva, 39 - Another horror Russian Woman ? (Daily Mirror, Wed.18 july.2018).

8. Nigeria Prays ... Dirty game by the British. Anti-Christian. Birmingham, August 2016 - Gen (Dr) Yakubu Gowon, Apostle Alfred Williams and Revd (Dr) Moses Aransiola.

9. Photo by Mary Humphrey of a man at a 2018 Gypsy Lore meeting. He is a look-alike of a local man, who for years, publicly sexually abused his daughter with approval of his wife - a woman on crutches, who looks like a Mexican or similar.

10. Mobster MALNIK. This picture almost got lost in the temp.file. It is from my post (nr 277) - October, 2010. ref. // .
[ Friday, 26 October, 2018] - Corrected the spelling of Birmingham above.
"Jared Kushner" actor was upstairs on Gosport Ferry in a counterproductive effort to demonstrate his looks. Gosport Masonic Lodge, adjacent to St. Mathews Court, had full lights on yesterday. It is Prince of Wales Lodge number smth (into thousands I think).
Were they the producers of sadistic abuse of a child in ASDA supermarket S-theatre? And that follows the BUS 9/9a horror, when I said first: Hey! that man has his hands between the little boy's legs! The man's eyes moved horizontally back and forth, scanning the passengers, but his eyes passed mine in an extraordinary non-stopping (calculated ?) manner, machine-like. I said to myself: Oh! Sviniachi glazki - zyrk-zyrk! On my way out at Grange Road stop, looking at his hands (grabli) I said: This is absolutely wrong! Child abusive! His reaction: his eyes moved very very fast verticaly, sizing me up, and he screamed at me: Fuck Off !!! Will you ?!?!
That episode was a reminder of my experience in Skipton.
I stood upstairs holding  two-days old Aurora, when Ralph emerged from the bathroom and shouted in extreme anger: Give me the baby!!!
I was terrified and felt the baby stiffen in my hands from the shock. There was an agonising minute or less, when I thought, that if he tried to physically take Aurora from my hands, I'd have to give her to him.
One passenger was a woman I see often on that bus, a look-alike of Clare Short, who resigned years ago, saying she was ashamed of her government.
By the way, David Cohn had/has a very irritating habit of moving or twitching his leg (foot, ankle) when in a sitting position.
My post January 2017. -
It was the page with Kushner Brothers standing under the KENNEDY painting that I misplaced or have thrown out by mistake. On another occasion, when I posted a scan of a photo from Irish Independent where horror women sexually abuse little boy in front of the camera (touching, poking at his genitals), I had hostile lesbians upstairs in TexMaxx shop in Fareham watching me.
My post Addenda Twenty. -
I just corrected the name: Anastasia Pomiateeva. Her father is a Korean Martial Arts expert.
Russian Forums over ten years ago: there was one Leonid from Korea. And one member K who, having confused me with another Galina from ISRAEL, eventually "apologised" as follows: What have done?! I haven't thrown a brick at you, etc. K seemed an academic type and his outburst made me wonder if there was a second K. A different alphabet, font or ASCI would register as a different user name, while visually K would look the same to forum users. Their registration had no warning for me that there was another Galina. English (Latin) and Russian (Cyrrilic) fonts registered as different names, users.
There was a hapless online attempt at the time (ref. Pomiateeva) to suggest/associate name Anastasia with Nicolas II family. There was a mafia man Anastasia.