Saturday, 6 July 2019

Addenda Forty Three.

( nr 411 ) - Prominent display in Gosport Library of a book
 Hong Kong Diner by Jeremy Pang with Adrienne Katz Kennedy as contributing author.
Hampshire County Council date: 4-10-17.
A post on Feb. 1, 2019 by John Klyczek:
The attempted assassination of Sam Iserbyt ?

Charlotte Iserbyt in my post nr 278 from 2010:
Izerbyt ? Iserbyt?
[ Monday, 8 July, 2017] - Continued Protests against homosexuality plus lessons to ALL British government funded schools as from 2020.
Primary school Anderton Park in Birmingham - report in Belgian media
[ Wed. 10 July, 2019] - Had a nice talk with Aurora yesterday !
FOX pub in Gosport ( Beer Garden since 1735 ) must be linked to Fox (Lis) the Criminal. Reading the book "The Fox and The Flies" by Charles Van Onselen (2007 Walker:
Prof. Charles van Onselen is Research Professor in the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Pretoria, South Africa since 1999.
MAFIA behind Stonewall and other Gay Bars, child prostitution and white slavery:
[ Friday, 12 July, 2019] - My post ( nr 398,  Addenda Thirty One )  from 2018:
[  Saturday, 13 July, 2019 ]  - 
My next presentation (Monday, 15 July, Fareham, 11-12) is cancelled.
Regular  presentations stop till further notice, - need to catch up on reading, etc.
Only two top scans get printed in my post Addenda Four:
Addenda Nine post:


{ 13:02 } - Ursula von der Leyen ...." has seven children" ? ...

From Wikipedia entry dated TODAY 13 July 2019, at 08:04 (UTC) on page 11/20:

Same-sex marriage -

When the Federal Constitutional Court ruled in favour of tax equality to same-sex couples in 2013, von der Leyen came forward in support of equal adoption rights, arguing that "I know of no study that says that children growing up in same-sex partnerships fare any differently than children who grow up in heterosexual marriages or partnerships." [ 143] In June 2017, von der Leyen voted against her parliamentary group's majority and in favour of Germany's introduction of same-sex marriage. [ 144]


[ Monday, 15 July, 2019 ] - Four of my posts from 2012, 2016, 2017 and 2019:
October 4
Natasha K+
501 crimes
Addenda Thirty Six

[ Thursday, 25 July, 2019] - Nasty post addressed to one Fitzearne  ( 2 letters ) in my post box ( flat 26) again, also idiotic and unwanted PIZZA ads (Domino near the Gosport launderette), although without number 26 written by hand. See post Addenda Thirty One - link above in this post.
RMN forum:  posts by ( or linked to her websites)  Anna von Reitz I consider suspicious. Perhaps it is some computer program.
Years ago smb/wistleblower posted on RMN info about ... Big Money, Diman (?), old rich or the richest woman, etc. It was at the time of some unknown/suspicious offer to UK (?) gov. of very big amount of money. Also some fin. legalese, secret services, families infiltrated, etc.
Far East, Alaska ? ...
OLD international organized crime networks ?
FOX pub in Gosport, FOX estate agents ( High Street) - mismanaging PRIVATE residential complex St. Matthews Court, where I live.
Zero results when I searched for Mr. Fitzearne. The nearest I found is Fitzanne Estates in PRETORIA South Africa.
Fitz - earne. Fitz - anne.
NLP, names and codes ?
Anna von Reitz renders itself to a breakdown and regrouping or reshuffling of letters, where von (in Dutch) is pronounced with F and not V.
So: Fitz Anne , Fitz Anna,  Nero,  Enron.
PS. Saw many serious complaints about Fitzanne Estates in Pretoria, South Africa:
See posts of "Unhappy Customers" of Fitzanne Estates on a website Hello Peter:
Scan from letter from UTILITA to Mr M Fitzearne alledgedly living in my appartement (!) in Addenda Thirty One:

MEDICAL DOCTOR sexually abused at least 95 boys - very young children in AUSTRIA.
Abuse in the clinic and at his home 2000-2019.
Urologist ( 55 y. o.) from Salzkammergut, east of Salzburg.
link to Austrian news site APA:

[ Sat. 27 July, 2019] - Scan of two letters from Utilita (again !)  addressed to mysterious/criminal Mr M Fitzearne at flat 26 - where I live.
Utilita in High street Gosport did not want to listen to me and refused to give me contact details for Fitzearne, saying they have customer PRIVACY (!) policy.

[ Monday, 29 July, 2019] - Local paper The News today: Sea traffic/cruise to increase 3 times to and from Portsmouth Harbour.
Ancient music instruments: Alphorn - Didgeridoo - Drum:
1. ( 2:15 min)
2.  (1:29 min)
[ Tuesday, 30 July, 2009 ] -
Sent an e-mail to MOSCOW.
The "new" key (given to me by BOB from flat 22 via my daughter) to my post box does not work, the lock, the key and the box itself is more damaged than before. Professional criminality.
Scans of 2 keys:
Reading the Dutch book "Islands" by Boudewijn Buch:

When I met VANESSA in London, she took me to a Cultural Center, where I noticed very long and big (diameter) musical pipes, laid on the ground. Indian?
Church bells, talking drums, pipes or horns were used to communicate, send information before the advent of radio, Morse code, electronics and batteries.
[ Thursday, 1 August, 2019] - "John PA Sheehan, refr. engineer" ? ....
Military Mob - links to MC - motor clubs:
It is about sergeant-major Maurice Vissers - vice-president of Veterans motor club.
His legal rep. is Michael Ruperti.
Bende van Nijvel in LUXEMBURG ? - - Bombings at strategic places in May 1984 to March 1986. One terrorist act in the airport Findel coincided with the last ter. act at Delhaize in Aalst on 9 November 1985.
The people involved are 5 ex-police and 3 security officers. The police boss among them Pierre Reuland actually led the hunt for the Bomber - Bommeleeer.
SHELL ( top man Ben van Beurden ) profits go down:
DIESEL - scandal: computer programmes developed by criminals.
Volkswagen, Audi, Porsche ...

[ Friday, 2 August, 2019 ] - See scan of the postcard
I am sending now to
Parker Torrington Ltd. ( or Limited ?) :

[ Sat. 3 August, 2019 ] -  Scan of photos from the link above of sergeant- major Maurice Vissers.

I think he looks familiar ! A friend of my neighbour Bob in flat 22 is just that kind of man.
Smth. else: soon after I posted my card (see above) the Gosport Borough Council sent me an e-mail. which is actually an old e-mail (?) reposted Friday afternoon.
Many questions there, and I did write about civil/electoral register before. Apart from Linda (?) Burgess in the Electoral Office there was a look-alike of an American ( Chicago, Rahm Emmanuel? )who was in Obama Cabinet and was sacked with immediate effect together with a few other JEWISH cabinet members. Barak Obama just got mad at their constant pressure and interference: they had lists, names of people who they wanted Barak Obama to appoint, promote, etc. He was quoted as saying smth. like: All of you - out! You are fired.
I remember there was a sort of silence on RMN forum and then posts alleging a fake story or misrepresentation of facts: smb. posted that people found Obama a difficult person to work with/for and were deciding to resign ... .
So, then the so-called annual check of civic register was of a different format and in my opinion bad.
PS: some local people think Maurice Vissers looks familiar.
[ Mon. 5 August, 2019 ] - My post from 2014:
General Lebed also said that control of Nuclear weapons was taken from the Military by the KGB.
[ Tuesday, 6 August, 2019 ] - The background (top bar) today is BEIGE-CACAO colour. I called it "Mossad" this morning, as that was the colour change or interference I associate with people I "identify" as Mossad Team - in Gosport and Fareham Libraries. The first time background colours changed ( to light green? ) was when Arrival of American Royal Marine Engineers ( or Afro-American engineers ?) was announced in local media. Today the so-called "Unknown Region" has appeared again on my stat pages - I complained about it last year.
"Mossad" team man in Gosport Library reacted unexpectedly ( after I heard rather cynical denials: It does not matter !) to my complaint about BLACK background colour on a SCANNER window. His face suddenly turned pale-grey-green when I said angrily:
It does matter! When you record sound, you subtract background noise. Same with aero/space photography ! If you change or play with background colours, you interfere or sabotage work of space satellites and space weapons.
Next came obviously SUSPECT black holes in white textile covering buildings "under construction or repair". The 2-dimentsional bar code keeps changing. I posted my photos of 2 buildings in Gosport on this site. Next: they "removed" the bar code on the building sides visible from the Gosport Ferry, but the funny black squares (changing) remain on the opposite side.
Spoke this morning to Dan Francis (apprentice) in the Election/Civic Register Dept. of the Gosport Borough Council and to the The News freelance journalist (forgot his name) in Gosport Library.
YELLOW EDGE picture Gallery opened in Stoke Road. Spoke to the artist Steve Buggle.
Svetlana Kalistratova online:
The photo at her exhibition in Moscow:
The politics (!) of Abstract Art in the Soviet Union on this website somewhere. I criticised the official criticism of abstract art (but refrained from defending it) in secondary school.
Things real and realistic turn "abstract" under microscope.
My post (nr 218) from 2009:
And I recently posted scan of an embroidery set to illustrate spectrograms.
Addenda Forty One -
KGB=Mossad=Mafia ...
Kay Griggs: They were never enemies with the Soviets.
[ 15:43 ] - Wrong colours no more this afternoon, although a pink tab appeared briefly. Uknown Region still there. By the way, I did not see funny colours this morning on other computers in the library.
Wow! There is one British Kennard, ex-soldier, who changed his name to Fu-Kennard ...
URL is very long for news article by Jack Wright & John Shammas on, newsmanchester. .....
My post to mysterious husband of my mysterius landlady:
 Dear Mr. Kennard ! -

[ Thursday, 8 August, 2019] - The unwanted colours (beige) are back this morning. AND mini-glitch on this site: pink tabs above changed to lemon yellow after ERROR message "from" .... Kaspersky Labs ! -
icap_error: An error occurred while performing an ICAP operation: Antivirus engine error; File: addenda-forty-three.html; Sub File name available; Vendor: Kaspersky Labs; Engine error code: 0x00000000; Engine version:; Pattern version: 190710.022300.9789446; Pattern date: 2019.07.10 02:23:00.
I am using BRITISH government computer in Gosport Library ( 08 ).
---------------------------18:18 - colours are OK now, but there remains a tiny quirk: of the two horizontal tabs (top bar, right) there is a gradual change on the right tab from white below to blue above. It was there with other colours, pink and yellow.
The look-alike (plus same objectionable behaviour) of 
Dr. Galina Edvardovna Izmailovskaya was on bus E2 from Fareham. She must have gotten off the bus before Cambridge (Street?) stop.
She is well known here, incl. MORRISONS supermarket people and Irina Plus network.

[ Sat. 10 August, 2019 ] - Important CORRECTION in my
 post ( nr 37) about LESBIAN headmistress, who got rid of me:

Post (nr 25) -

14:35 - AGAIN an Error message ref. Kaspersky Lab. popped up.
"Unknown Region" is there among Pageviews by Countries. It appeared first when British Royal ship QE2 sailed of from Portsmouth Harbour.
That List of Countries never shows Norway and India which are often TOP of Traffic Sources.
BRAZIL : drug gang or cartel members arrested with the DUTCH leader. Funny, that big intern. media has not reported it, giving info of past (2014 etc.) arrests: ....

[ Monday, 12 August, 2019] - Jewish Secret Code ?


What looks like an ABSTRACT painting is 1957 work by Ben Shahn.
It is a Hebrew Alphabet with Middle Age symbols of Creation and Cabala.
A synthesis of text, symbols and pictures/graphics. Can easily be 'photoshopped' to look like ... anything. Reminds one of a LOGO dubbed Broken Britain, Olympic Logo, where word ZION was discovered. I posted scans from the Dutch Book "Joodse Wijsheid" before on this site.

[ Tuesday, 13 August, 2019] - Yesterday there was a medical attack against me - at home, evening and night.
Today in the morning on Stoke Road, opposite FUNERAL bureau, I recreated/talked about Satanic Ballet a few years ago (when horse drawn carriages were sometimes used) a procession had a young blond woman (similar to RBW - Russian Blond Woman as I called her) walking behind a very small size coffin literally (OVER) performing grief/mourning by dance-run-choreography. A mother would not do that ...
It was something else. Not normal and sinister S-theatre.
A woman inside the office looked East-European (?).
Another woman on Clarence Road wore Red and Brown (krasno-korichnevye in Russian metaphor) also looked to me East-European.
The HEBREW Alphabet image plus the Date 1957 (another car with 57 reg. number today on Stoke Road - the driver carried 3 fur coats to the Cleaners) were missing yesterday as I checked Wikipedia entries for Ben Shahn - in Lithuanian, Russian, Hebrew, etc.
I remember in about 1995 (?)  there was a complaint, scandal about Coca-Cola or Pepsy Cola labels containing "hidden" words or symbol offensive to Muslims.
Yesterday I read the article " US, UK responsible for consequences Israeli presence in Persian Gulf: ... " - and today Tehran Times reports that UK may return the ship arrested on 4 July:
My posts from 2010 (with scans ofrom "Jewish Wisdom" book), 2015 -Refugees gone missing ? and 2017 post - January 2017:

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