Monday, 14 January 2019

Addenda Thirty Six.

( nr 404 ) - VIDEO: A woman bus driver saves a baby in Milwaukee, Wisconsin:
Strangely, the search for this video on CNN, American videos results in other videos with an older child ... .
[ Tue. 15 January, 2019] - Scans as above:

Natasha K+
Addenda Twenty Five.
David Cohn of Bradley village in North Yorkshire (near secret American Airbase in Harrogate) has a sibling (sister?) who is married to Iranian Jew. He joked about his friend whose lighting (up hill) he used to save energy (ref. his project for deep underground digging to get heat). Very spacious garage - can accommodate a drone, etc.)
I remember reading about princes William and Harry [Harry Krishna?] having friends in Blackpool.
Also Harry mentioned on a Russian language forum as ..." just two rooms away in Sundringham(?)".
One giveaway (Cohn family) was the stark discrepancy between when they moved or since when they lived in the house in Bradley. Just a couple of years was "contradicted" with a recall by Rafael of how he and his younger brother ... urinated into the fireplace (downstairs, near the piano).
Interview of Egyptian president Sisi by CBS (?) where admits to extensive military cooperation with Israel was banned in Egypt.
Adam Schonberger, Director of Jewish Youth group Marom Budapest -
George SOROS terrorist:
Gdansk, POLAND:
Pawel Adamowicz participated in 4th Gdansk GAY Pride Parade in 2018.
His 27 year-old assassin shouted from the stage, that he was tortured in prison, where he was placed as a result of false accusation. Adamowicz was born in Gdansk of parents, who were resettled from LITHUANIA in 1946.
By the way, DANISH submarine/space enthusiast jailed for sadistic murder of Kim Wall took part in some Charity event: LITHUANIAN KIDS.
Addendas: 7, 10, 19, 31, 20, 23, 31, etc.
Adamowicz somewhat resembles CHILD ABUSIVE participants on bus 9/9a - passengers and driver(s), - all under control and supervision of British Women. Next to CENTURION and SULTAN military bases.
[ Wed. 16 January, 2019] - Mexican Sizzler ... in Gosport:
Russian Wikipedia entry for Guzman does not name his parents, only that he was from a poor family.
Post ( nr 162 ) from 2008:
ALBION ... - in my Oxford dictionary (sixth ed.) I find no entry for Roman/Greek heroes Albion or Brittanik, smth about brothers. Well there is on page 23 Albion - orig. Greek and Roman name for Britain. Perfidious Albion - England, ref. to her alleged treachery to other nations.
[ Friday 18 Jan. 2019] - Reading
Daily Mail today: HOW DID HE WALK AWAY?
Prince Philip, 97 in high-speed smash ... Two women in second car injured, their baby is unharmed.
Pages 1-5.
[ Sat. 19 January, 2019] - The husband of British Queen Elizabeth 2 had an accident at 2:45pm on the 17 Jan. 2019 at a busy A149 road near the Quenn's Sandringham estate.
A friend in GOSPORT: a few years ago local paper The News published a photo of Prince Philip driving at a late hour (alone) his car in Gosport to visit a friend.
An 18-year old Lithuanian girl went missing. Her body was found (in a shallow grave?) near Sandringham. It was just before Christmas, in December 20011(?).
USA TODAY 01.17.19: Federal judge bars question on citizenship status from 2020 census.
Judge Jesse M. Furman in a 277-page decision (that won't be the final word on the issue) ruled that while such a question would be constitutional, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross had added it arbitrarily and not followed proper administrative procedures. Undercounting immigrants?
Jim Stone, Freelance Journalist:
Read posts:
Vaccine scam is far worse than anyone realizes of 17 Jan. 2019 and
Jews are scared sh*tless of 17-18 Jan. 2019.
Another website:
Russian "slang": Anton Chehov wrote a short story "Doch Albiona" - Daughter of Albion.
West Asian International Conference and other news on Tehran Times:
[ Monday, 21 January, 2019] - My post ( nr 212 ) from 2009: British Royals, News of the World paper, Gosport MP and Lithuanian prostitute with a Russian (?) name:
My post ( nr 328 ) from 2014 about TV-licence:
My post ( nr 293 ) from 22 June 2011 has a scan from a Russian Jewish website (in Russian about Jews and Israel) :
The link to the article in does not work. The red headline is a quote from ex-Soviet Russian Jew Viacheslav Kantor ( president of European Jewish Congress ):
Kantor: Iran is at the root of Anti-Israelism and Anti-Semitism.
My post ( nr 331 ) from 2015: 1991 plus Star Wars :
My post ( nr 300 ) from 1 Dec. 2011:
[ Tuesday, 22 January, 2019] - Royal chauffeur 'who allowed reporters to sit in the Queen's Bentley' is suspended - by Rebecca English for The Daily Mail, updated 16:17, 24 May 2009:
SKY News:
 P and O post brexit plan to register channel fleet in CYPRUS:
[ Wed. 23 January, 2019] - Specific tech. problems link to the same Mossad presence ... .
KGB=Mossad=Mob. Opaque blue/grey eyes.
Background almost black in copy - colour or black and white.
Photos to display:

-Vladik Tyminski,
- Military Museum,
- Smolensk,
- Lena Lozhikova,

- NATASHA AKWA/VOWELLS - Russian BBC, Reading, Petrozavodsk, Brazil.

- Olga PATTA, etc. etc.
Addenda Thirty:
[ Thursday, 24 January, 2019] - Another Daily Mail report: Queen's driver, an escort girl and a new royal security fiasco -
Polish official visits Tehran ...

My posts for year 2017 ( twenty) -
[ Sat. 26 January, 2019] - SCANS:






I shall post comments to the scans (of 12 photos) next week.
British Establisment, IT Hampshire blocks (with signal: PDL GL Memory Full, Suspended)  printing of AP and Daily Mail report: Undercover agents target cybersecurity watchdog- - Khashoggi, Israeli software used on his associates, Michel Lambert, Bowman, Munk School of Global Affairs at the University of Toronto, ...
Also blocked are reports about Sala's disappearance.
 [ Mon. 28 January, 2019] - Last Friday was Scottish Poet ROBERT BURNS day. Very bad weather, which was called during weather forcasts in Soviet times (transl.) unfavourable geomagnetic conditions. My porridge bowl "Beste Oma" got broken, etc.
The "new wikileaks" from Russia and about Russia ( 175 gigabytes) was "born" Friday, 25 January 2019:
I can't get any info/sites DDoSecrets right now.
I shall speak about photos above and more this morning in Fareham.
The first photo: Moscow, Kuntsevo, South West, Stalin's dacha, PRAVDA residential complex.
Vladik Tyminsky's family: father Alexandr Ludvigovich, mother Anastasia Ivanovna, sister Nadia.
[ Friday, 1 February, 2019] - The other day, words that were just on the tip of my tong, but ... - Bloomberg, Yiddish, and the name of the (Echelon type) secret air/military base in UK North Yorkshire, by Harrogate, which even now I have to look for ! Ref. posts about 'blanking' that name, I think 186 and 187.
BRAZIL. The dancers in British Museum on African Diaspora Day:

I wrote about it and posted photos on my site(s).
That burglary at the Brazilian Museum in San-Paulo ... .
BBC, British Museum and people like Mr. Vowels (if he is still in Brazil), ABB Moscow manager Ivanov, etc. may know smth. about it. Ivanov praised meat - very tasty and cheap.
Gosport Library computer went offline instantly when I entered seach for " Elaine Lambert Cohn" on the The previous seach for Elaine Cohn Lambert was without problems.
Elaine Cohn ( wife of David Cohn and mother of Rafael Cohn) told me emphatically that her maiden name was LAMBERT. Name Lambert appeared on notice posted on the building of Gosport Police Station, which is ... sold off. All windows are BLACK. Printer is very busy now. I wanted to check the search results.
It's Menwith Hill ...
Two posts (186 and 187) from January 2009:
English entry for Menwith Hill on Wikipedia:
Alan Maple of ABB Lumus in Holland was said to have died of a tropical disease in Brazil (?).
LUKOIL Chief Engineer and Professor Rubinstein went to visit the widow and young daughter of Alan Maple in WASSENAAR near The Hague.
CANADA: I went to a World Solar Energy congress in Montreal, Canada.
My daughter went to a World Debating (schools) competition in ... Lilihammer (?) with the National Dutch winning team "Aloisius College" - Catholic school in the Hague.
She gave a brief interview on Canadian TV news channel.
Teenages visited a Native Indian Museum called Medicine Hut.
GOSPORT has remarkable features from a Russian book "Twelve Chairs" by Ilf (Illiffe?) and Petrov, such as a Turkey geographical/historical link, Ostap Bender who was 'not interested in women' and kept saying: Rio-de-Janeiro ... the dream of my childhood! Many funeral parlors and barbers, also a Russian tale "gusi-lebedi" by the Gosport Lake (swans that also looked like geese).
Scottish Doctor turned writer (author of Sherlock Holmes) - Arthur Conan DOYLE wrote a story "The Parasite" - found on Gutenberg Org. -
British Establishment ( Hampshire IT) blocks printing of "Former child star Jackie Evancho reveals struggle with eating disorder" on GMA:
[ Tue. 5 Feb. 2019] - My quote above for Ostap Bender has word CRYSTAL missing: crystal dream etc.  I expressed my suspicions about CrystalRiver on RMN forum for some times.
Her post about baby girl in a hotel speaking to .... imaginary friend ! And it is not a baby-talk.
Another so-called celebrity? -
I had two strange/engineered falls yesterday: one in Gosport opposite SCOPE charity shop, another - in Fareham, at the bus station. Knie grazed at exactly the same spot.
There were two remarkable "accidents" in the past: one on board the train to London (Fusco time) when standing up from my seat I suddenly experienced right knie "giving in". Man sitting opposite  had simultaneous "micro-smile". Another years ago opposite Aldi (before it came up) and where recently a lorry driver aggressively climbed the pavement ( I just ignored him). There was another truck driver who simply stared at me, I stumbled over much longer distance than normal "mechanics" would warrant and fell down. I remember a man with his son (about 10 years old) who had his arm in a plaster, who looked at me with understanding - the boy must have had a strange fall as well.
British establishment blocks printing of -
1. Independent report about reception of Pope in Abu Dhabi;
2. "Foreign Spygate Roads Lead to 'LONDON' - An America First Response to the Scandal" by Andrew Aleksi-Lankinen on  Conservative Daily News website :
The link to the article is at the end of RMN post:
My old posts from 2007, 2008, 2009 - nr 37, 149, 150 and 217:
ALL posts from 2009:
{ Friday, 8 February, 2019} - Correction: CALGARY, not Lillehammer above in CANADA entry.

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