Thursday, 29 November 2018

Addenda Thirty Four.

( nr 402 ) - From about 2003 I had a feeling that online users and their websites are somewhere very close, in Gosport. Example: What Does It Mean website.
Opposite Gosport Memorial Hospital one can see shops and business: Lilli's, AndyBiggs, Domino Pizzeria, King Pizza, etc. Word Queen appeared in businesses opposite Cocked Hat pub.
Currently on RMN forum there are users LilliHart, LuellaMay, CrystalRiver, etc.
Conservative MP for Fareham is Luella Fernandez, who married (recently) a Cypriot man.
I also conjectured about RMN users Son of the Wind, Sorcha Faal.
Malaysia: strange news about Malaysian King and Russian Beauty Queen followed in the footsteps of news about M 370 Malaysian airplane (almost?) found somewhere in Colombia (?).
I also remember that one Malaysian plane ( two crashed/disappeared)  had scientists going to attend a conference on New/Alternative forms of Energy. Was it M 370 ?
Guildford in Surrey:
Jenny Oduko's friend was married to a Malaysian man. I wonder if Lindsay is Malaysian or Indian.
Shola Oduko was an engineer (?) with NEPA in Lagos, Nigeria.
NEPA stands for Nigerian Electric Power Authority.
Dr. Anna Sandor published a book "From Plan to Market in Eastern Europe" in Dutch in 1990.
Year 1989 is called wonderjaar. I visited her in Amsterdam. Her office telephone kept ringing: Joint Ventures were popular.
"Anna Sandor, economist and journalist, studied economics at the University of Budapest. In 1971 she met one Dutch man in Moscow and came to the Netherlands in 1974."
ISBN 90-6962-056-1.
[ Friday, 30 November, 2018] - G-20 meet today?
Online user K on a Russian (language) forum might have had an English (language) persona in Gosport, - an Isle of Wight ferry captain whose family lived in a K-house just facing Woolston Court block of flats where I lived at the time. There are scans of photos on this website.
2016: Tech-Mafia -
2017: Addenda Fourteen -
2018: Addenda Twenty Four -
SHELL has not been paying taxes for years. I remember hearing (in Eerde) that Shell actually has registered as non-profit organization.
Gansters international ... 1% extortion rate on their emblem? Again?
Dutch Caloh Wagoh motorcycle gangs, linked to Crips in Los Angeles:
OMG for Outlaw Motorcycle Gang. What does Caloh Wagoh mean? I have some ideas.
[ Sat. 1 Dec. 2018] - My posts from 2011 and 2015:
( nr 295 ) -
( nr 345 ) -
May be of interest to POLICE plus:
Websites of American David Larson (ref. Torture with Remote Control) and
Dutch Mylene de la Haye (ref. 1. young boys,homosexual pilots and military espionage; ref. 2. criminality in FEMALE chapters of Motorcycle Clubs in Netherlands) have been hacked in peculiar ways, definitely by org.criminals.
I have discovered Japanese and Russian links and wrote about it in Bende van Nijvel post in 2015:
I now discovered somewhat similar "hack" of the website (2005, 2007) of Belgian MP Tanguy Veys, who is mentioned in the Breivik British Connection post above as one of the 1002 recipients of the e-mail from Breivik.
the website displays familiar JAPANESE only text, this time about dieting. Linked to AS9371 SAKURA Internet Inc. (Tokyo, Japan) and German registrant (ref. BvN ?).
Mylene de la Haye's site with reports and photographs just vanished, GoDaddy server (?) maliciously stating "This website is parked for free". American link.
Now, smth. is better than nothing! The name of new Dutch MC Caloh Wagoh is not explained, but one of the authors/leaders is IWAN (Russian name Ivan?).
Plus-minus letter change or different sounds suggest:
1. Salon Vagon (in Russian).
2. Oh! in Russian is exclamation. Cal ( kal is feases in Russian ) and Wag (?) may be related to pederasty and .... mysterious ( I tried to find out) meaning of WAG in Wagamama (Restaurant). Wagamama restaurant in Winchester and London (defined as Chinese-Japanese). Wagamama was part of S-theatre/obstruction in my investigative activity.
It also seems (I am not sure) that some reg. of "hackers" predates the websites which were "hacked".
Post-Gorbachev lingo: one Russian/Hungarian Mafiosi was Japonchik (little Japaner) and Russian woman MP (Hakamada) ) had Japanese Communist father.
Hungarian media reported MEP discovering his Russian wife was married (before) to a Japanese Physicist. Victor A.Udom had a Ph.D. Japanese girl-friend.
[ Mon.3 Dec. 2018] - Name: Irina Hakamada. One Russian Mafiosi was Mogilevich, who married Hungarian woman (?). Was he nick-named Japonchik or was there another one?
Dutch singer and journalist Mylene de la Haye published report with photos of a BRITISH (in Britain) International Air Show in Newcastle. Convicted military spy Dutch ex-F16 pilot was there with his friends. Pilot Chris Vanneker spied for KGB Belorussia and was imprisoned in Zoetermeer in Netherlands. See Addenda Nine:
Link(s) to url with photos hacked more and more often?
WAR on WITCHES declared by Pope Innocent VIII on 5 Dec. 1484:
Post (nr 284 ) -

RAF doc. planted. By ... MI6 ?  - I wrote by hand on the printout of my e-mail, dated 7 Sept. 2005.
One of the people who received (copy) of that e-mail was Diana Pidwell. Her reaction was disappointing. At CAB office I was told "We can't do that" when I asked for an investigation. The advisor was the best - retired chemistry engineer. I asked them to file my request and keep it on record. Did they?
My post of 22 January 2013: RAF doc. planted ! -
I checked Russian websites ( and
Eureka ! The secret hidden in the open?
Not a word about British invasion of Ukraine or their(?) blowing up of Kerch bridge, but still that incessant Anti-Americanism: American Spy-plane, American bases ... .
British Cabal lingo control of the media in George Orwell style, such as Russian Spies instead of British Spies, forgetting all about Anna Chapman and Garry McKinnon cases. Now MI6 renaming itself .... SIS !. No confusion about IS and ISIS? How about AI messing up archives about MI5 and MI6 ?
New neighbours in flat 27 ?
 Bob (flat 22) does not want bushes (cover entrance to St. Matthews Court and to our block (flats 21-32) to be cut.
Post from last year:
[ Tuesday, 4 December, 2018] - Bought seven papers today, - 5 in Gosport and 2 in Fareham.
Yesterday at 8:00 in the evening my door bell rang .... 12 times, without pausing or normal intervals.
Familiar 'style'. This morning, finding a letter in my post-box (still vandalized by a neighbour and not  repaired) I wondered if that was KARLA's idea (Bob called her Katy) of "delivering a letter by hand".
Some news:
1. Plymouth University has voted to leave the National Union of Students, saying that it fails to offer value for its £ 60, 000 annual affiliation fees and lacks political clout. ... NUS has a £3 million budget deficit.
2. New Royal Navy chief: Vice Admiral Tony RADAKIN. Plus other promotions and appointments.
3. Mystery of Vice-Admiral's "suicide" death. The body of Scott Stearney, 58 was found  at his 'residence' in Bahrain.
[ Wed. 5 Dec. 2018] - It took EU police to arrest one big Mafiosi in Britain a couple of years ago.
Britain is a safe haven for Mafia/Mob-criminals.
GOSPORT: The threatening letter from KLARA (criminal) replicates theatrics of correspondence with Cressida Dick. While plastic table, rotting sofa and Morrisons supermarket trollies disappeared from the back of St. Matthews Court 21-32only a few days ago, the following is a list of drug making, criminal and spionage parafenalia:

1. tall ladder inside ground floor corridor (lying flat),
2. satellite dish - larger one, but lower position (flat 22),
3. BARRELS and CISTERNS in the back garden,
4. rubbish hanging on trees,
5. A bucket with  American flag painted on it,
6. Budda, gong,  etc. ( rubbish, meant as a distraction).
So-called neighbours putting up a show.
Meanwhile, some Russian spies are supposed to be on the run, with SAFE HOUSES laid out for them by their British friends and relatives.
There were multiple break-ins in Brune park school last week.
WOMEN figure prominently in Mafia International.
Italian POLICE in action:
When I received a response from ONE neighbour/resident in another block of St. Matthews Court, he also asked me how many other people responded to my letter(s). I told him he was the only one.
He then said to me: Criminality. It is pure CRIMINALITY.
My post MAMA CASH:
Addenda Thirty One:
[ Thursday, 6 December, 2018] - {12:00} - At about 11:41 Bob (flat 22) drove out in the dark green (reg.51) car with a metal box (steel plus black) which looked more "high-tech" than an ordinary tool box. I first thought it was Michael because of the sports black cap. He was busy talking on his mobile and used blue plastic in the booth. Michael drives that car and Mazda as well. He drove in just before Bob drove out. Time-wise Michael and his mother (?- flat 24 with blackened windows) today seemed to have pulled the plastic tape from my post-box.
Three docs must have come from the same computer/text-processor:

1. The "overdone" as I called it (laminated and framed) so-called Fire Safety notice under the staircase about No Bycicles etc. My post box got broken and Bob announced (via third parties) that he is now the Caretaker for the whole of St.Matthews Court complex. All within ...48 hours.
Another A4 on board was angrily torn off, when I wrote on it: No date !.

2. The letter from David Searle  of the Private Office of Cressida Dick - Metropolitan POLICE London.

3. Letter from KARLA (to check surname) on the same Parker and Torrington Ltd. letterhead. Shall post a scan or scans.
By the way, as I wrote on this site, Local Gov. websites of GOSPORT, FAREHAM and PORTSMOUTH were some time ago placed on Chinese Server. Huawei? V-C Prof. Craven introduced courses for lecturers "How to Teach Chinese Students".
Portsmouth is "twinned" with a city in ISRAEL.
Does the woman from flat 24 (Michael's mother?) work at or near military bases (HMS) SULTAN/CENTURION ? she takes bus 9-9a every morning to work.
Well, not Huawei but USUI and HAYASHI. There was also one woman Dr. WANG (Chinese?) at the Portsmouth University Institute of Criminalistics.  -
[ Friday, 7 December, 2018] - 3 scans: two of a letter from Mrs KARLA-JEAN BAILEY of Parker Torrington Ltd and one of an emergency poster I made on the eve of a supposed fire safety treatment of our doors, - which never happened ! The notice (A4 poster) never identified WHO was supposed to be coming that day, but we were asked ..... to leave our doors OPEN. That notice was signed by .... John TORRINGTON himself, the scan can be seen in my previous post Addenda Thirty Three:

This morning I have asked the man at the far entrance of Morrison if he was Italian. I assumed he and another one were Italians.  He said no, and fell silent. As I asked at the Gosport Borough Council desk who the Leader was, I was surprised it was Mark HOOK. I thought he was retired. Well, it then occurred to me, that there was some likeness between the two men. As for Mark Hook, I had once noticed he seemed to have "gypsy spark" in him. Josephine, who Diana met on her way to Holland by Ferry, and her gypsy family in Arnhem, it's a small world ! ELAINE I spoke to the other day in Gosport Morrison supermarket, revealed her surname as Wallis, ref. dutchess Simpson Wallis. When I told her that she had a strong resemblance with Diana Pidwell, she was not as curious and enthusiastic about meeting Diana. Strange.
The dancing group and prison (!) visitations I had to tell her,  I had misgivings about.
My work for ABB Lummus in Holland .... .
One of the managers told me during lunch in the canteen:
"Galina, we worked with RUSSIANS, but you are different !"
My immediate reply was: They are not Russian. I was there to solve problems of inter-cultural communications and ran into extremely hostile reactions from 3 Russians, who were already there and saw my appearance on a corporate scene as a threat (?). One was SHELL top manager from London, Elena Baylis (sp?). Back in Lagos, I heard about her in the Greek church, which was surprising, as it was Cold War time. Another was manager Ivanov from Moscow office, who, entering  P.Beest office and seeing me, said: I don't want Galina here. P. Beest told him I was his consultant  and we sat at the table piled up with faxes, sent to Moscow, which were not replied to. Third Russian was the translator from Perm.
NB: How come the staff of the SAUDI embassy/consulate in TURKEY did not hear SCREAMS of  a man brutally beaten, tortured and killed ?????
Was the building "treated" by Fire Prevention criminals, so that it became sound proof ?
The body of Kashogi was not found.
Not a word about his ideas and substance of his criticism.
Hungary, SOROS, Israel. The wife of the Dutch extreme-right (?) politicus is  Hungarian, Jewish, citizen of Israel. There was another very business-like Hungarian woman at a SIETAR conference in Brussels. Was her name KLARA ?
My interest in inter-cultural studies (used to be called cross-cultural and comparative) was primarily in education, which spread into popular at the time research areas of Identity and National Character.
Next was Communications Model, thanks to Onuora for inviting us to Open Day at the Mass Communications Department. Thanks to Lynn for her book on cultural anthropology.
My work for SHELL and ABB. Plus Lukoil project.
There was a major change in independent/free-lance work for big corporations such as SHELL, - you had to work via THIRD PARTIES (middlemen), who actually made their living via professional translators, but had no understanding what and how was being done. I opted out. It was also time when so-called Emergency/Fire drills were introduced, - rather primitive algorithm, just as depicted in university series of humor-satire books "Jokular Physics" in US and "Fiziki Shutiat" - in Soviet, (Russian+) universities.
Some photographs and documents:
SHELL pays NO income tax in Netherlands for years ! - Dutch paper TROUW reported:
What about UK?
In New Russia one businessman included crystal chandeliers in his garage and toilet seat made of pure gold into COSTS/EXPENSES. Perhaps vague and irrelevant investments and diversification into other business areas also reduce income and profit figures.
Still to read about Kathleen KANE, Pensylvania Attorney General going to prison.
In June 2008 Female MASONS celebrated their Centenary.
American Fathers of Korean POWs came to Moscow and met Oleg Rakito: ( post 136).
Another post from 2008 (137):
South Africa plus:
- mobile tel. problem linked to and
Post 288 from 2011:
From BBC report of arrest of Huawei CFO:
Ms Meng has sought a publication ban on the details of the arrest, which has been granted by the courts. Rather strange ?

Tuesday, 6 November 2018

Addenda Thirty Three.

( nr. 401) - Going to Fareham to develop my photos.
Strategy of Tension ? ...
Hacked/blocked by Hampshire IT:

1. ITH Pharma Ltd charged over baby deaths and illnesses at hospitals from Cornwall's Pirate FM 6 days ago.
2. Some reports about barbaric treatment of autistic patients.
3. SkyNews continue to be questioned ref. its security certificates. Pop-up: Do you still want to continue?
Herman Vernaillen (belgaimage):
HighTech criminal APP:
RUSSIA: gru, high-tech....
Voronezh was one place where Germans were stationed (?) during WW2 Stalingrad battle:
My mother said they saw the Germans.
Sozvezdie or Constellation website is back:  - SU stands for Soviet Union.
Apps for VIOLENCE.
1934 - Russian Women's Fascist Movement members in Harbin, CHINA:
[ Thursday, 8 November, 2018] -
ASDA plus. My payment by card of 31.09 pounds on Tuesday 6 Nov. 08:52:07 came through (is deducted) only today. Strangely, the amount did not "show" in the balance as it usually does, as the payment is processed, on its way. I also 'misplaced' the receipt, found it when I stopped looking for it.
I wondered if I paid by cash. Bar codes of newspapers Daily Echo and Irish Independent were on occasions difficult or impossible to scan by ASDA cashiers. Incredibly, a woman cashier once refused to accept a separate cash payment for DE and give me a handwritten receipt, saying ... I should just take/have it !
One (?) bus driver in Skipton, North Yorkshire, had a "charitable" attitude, saying to passenger(s): Pay/DONT PAY (!).
American mid-term elections. I bought "USA Today" yesterday and "Financial Times" and "The Guardian" today.
Both Democrats and Republicans want RUSSIA investigations to continue.
Voronezh. My mother was in Lagos and met Natasha Nkumah (nee Kopytina) briefly.
I brought some of Natasha's books to Moscow. My mother wrote to Natasha's brother in Voronezh, but did not receive a reply.
Lagos: Olga Patta's brother came to visit. We had a funny incident in Chinese Restaurant.
My story about Natasha having been targeted by torture with remote control, was noisily interrupted by local witches in Gosport Library (downstairs).
Another rude interruption by a woman who looked like Russian prisoner, with a scar on her face, in Portsmouth, Guildhall, who faced me and shouted: ARE YOU ALLRIGHT ???!!!
I was saying that in the Soviet Union Police/KGB were known to 'administer' beatings, which would leave no external marks' but cause internal injuries and bleedings, hence Russian expression: emu otbili pochki [ they 'damaged' his kidneys; bil/bit - from beating].
I have posted scans (somewhere on this site) from Russian book about Masonic Lodges of Russian Empire. On page 65 there is entry for Iziz lodge (lozha IZIDY). Lodge founded on 12 October, 1773 in Revel. Some exhibit in Tallinn (Estonia) Museum. Two lodges (pages 67 and 104) have women on their symbols.
Soviet joke or quotation from Lenin, which was misquoted recently on RMN: Capitalists are so greedy, they will sell to us a rope, on which we shall hang them.
My 2013 post:
Both Democrats and Republicans:
[ Friday 9 Nov. 2018] - The woman with a big scar on her face shouted (I think): Are you MAD ??!! or Are you CRAZY ??!! as I stood and spoke in front of Sainsbury supermarket in Guildhall, Portsmouth. An Afro-American (?) man also questioned me, but not so aggressively. I also recall some teams (black and white), around that day.
Portsmouth is TWINNED with Israeli city. Haifa ?
The same unsavoury man with a huge bottle of milk on comp. 03 - it's 10:05 now.
The following handwritten notice on St. Matthews block of flats 21-32:
Any parcels for number 22 please could you Leve with a Neighbour 21/23/24/28/30/  or in electric cupboard or post Box
Thank you [signature]
Please Leave card to say where
The notice from Mr J E Torrington of is not trustworthy, making reference to previous fire safety risk assessment, see my scans and illegal ID (no ID ) posted.
The notice is on display in every block of Private (!) Residential complex St.Matthew Court.
They keep closing inner doors to hide people coming in/out of the building.
That was the criminal purpose of erecting a huge Recycling Garbage unit with bushes around ( too close to the building) hiding people coming in/out of the block. A serious fire/explosion risk plus a 'dropping' place. Bushes cut in another block revealed a square cut out in a wooden fence.
The Russian book about MASONS in Russian Empire is written by Daria D.Lotareva (plus A.V. Nemaltsev , Moscow 1994, ISBN - 5-85209-007-7.
SCANS below:
notice in St. Matthews Court and 3 scans from Masonic Signs of RUSSIAN EMPIRE book.



The scan just above is of Unknown POLISH lodge.
The globe a woman holds is placed on a ... beehive.
Saudi Arabian POLICE cought MOSSAD assassination team a few years ago. Israelis got into a hotel in Dubai and used some high-tech bio-chemical substance (?) which left almost invisible mark on the skin of their victim.
Austrian POLICE traced MOSSAD team in Vienna, where Israeli used some APP on their telephones. Was it the same case?
Soviet Jewish Emigration used VIENNA as a transit point. I do remember a very conspicuous KGB type of man in Vienna airport.
We had a family friend in the Hague - Michael (AUSTRIAN) who worked in the European PATENT Agency in Rijswijk, near The Hague.
For some reason, Diana Pidwell (was visiting us) disapproved of him, and Russian Jewish doctor Galina Edwardowna Izmailovskaya (KGB husband) was, I am sure, involved in family relationship and friendship ending. G.E.Izmailovskaya worked in Institute of SPACE Medicine.
Latvian Embassy in the Hague (must have been involved) organised LATVIAN language SCHOOL, which rented a room in ....European PATENT Bureau in Rijswijk.
Homosexual Robert Michelson - born in Riga, Latvia, sexually abused over hundred of babies and toddlers in Amsterdam Nursery.
RM was "married" to an older Dutch truck driver.
Robert Michelson abused both boys and girls, but preferred boys.
Robert Michelson was a qualified computer encryption expert.
RM was sexually abused by his mother.
My posts from 2011:
1934 - Russian Women Fascists in China:
[ Sat. 10 Nov. 2018] - The Soviet Rope joke (by Lenin?) may be about the rope sold to or bought from the capitalists - both ways are true metaphorically.
read about Ms Debbie Platz - Assistant Commissioner of the Australian Federal Police:
[ Tue.13 November, 2018] - Should close Facebook soon -
 I don't like his FACE, I don't like his BOOK.
Addenda Seven:
[ Wed. 14 Nov. 2018] - This afternoon in the Launderette:
1. Group of women with baby and their mentors (a man and a woman who came next).
2. Car black, FL-59- NRJ (?).
3. The old, native "strategy of tension" was employed. I watched with interest!
4. I was invited to use a big (middle) dryer, as it became available.
I declined the offer, as I had put my clothes in another drum already, having figured out how to correct the defect with 50 pence.
5. I looked inside the big drum (door left open) and saw human hair in the form of a small pillow, a square of about 5x5 cm. They quickly threw it away. Did they? I noticed human hair on top of another machine earlier.
Romanian Non-Presidency of EU in January.
 1. That politically incorrect joke/assertion of a Russian or Ukranian (?) man years ago in Holland: There is no such a thing as Romanian nation/nationality, they are all gypsies ! Considering Russian Empire, Soviet Union, Warsaw block countries and New Russia, I imagine Russian Count Orlov's interest in and promotion of GYPSIES (their promotion and status continued in the Soviet Union), it may very well be a ....GRU/MOSSAD operation to replace/repopulate Romanians (significant number of) with Gypsies (Romanian, Bulgarian, Moldovan, etc.). May be also Mexican, Texan?
2. The native strategy of tension had a lot to do with SPACE, causing irritation and destroying human habitat or ecology.
3. ROMANIA was always a country of strategic importance - in WW2, for example.
4. My questions on Bende van Nijvel website forum about Belgian General DeVijver (sp?) who authored (Military) Strategy of Tension, remained unanswered.
5. Frauds with Romanian, Bulgarian and Moldovan passports. Soviet Jewish Emigration? One of my classmates, Asia Gertsikova, was going to visit relatives in Romania.
Romanian Securitate General PACEPA books.
One important point from Belgian website
Belgian aristocrat was discovered as an organizer and financier of BOTH extreme left and extreme right groups.
LANE ?.....
 1. John Lane Insurance on High Street Gosport, opposite Gosport Library.
 2. Michael Lane Police Commisioner - for the whole of Hampshire County, not just Gosport, lives in Gosport, almost behind Waitrose supermarket.
WHO is the Private owner of St. Matthews Court flats and the land ?
Does John Lane Insurance has secret (?) insurance of St. Matthews Court?
Local Estate Agents published telling graph of two diverging curves - people selling their property for far below the actual price of houses, including flats in St. Matthews Court.
Just fleeing criminal intimidation, vandalism ?
710-500 was a tel. number on Gosport Taxis for many years. Not seen of recent (by me).
7-10 for 7 October, the birthday of Vladimir PUTIN, which was brought to light when Russian Journalist Anna Politkovskaya was assassinated.
Another prominent person who was born on 7 October is Col. Oliver NORTH ref. Iran-Contra Affair.
I never asked Suzan North (Skipton, North Yorkshire), friend of my daughter, if her family was related to US Col. North. You usually do not ask such questions. Her husband worked with Raphael Cohn on a Cambridge/Apple related project (relating geological data to insurance costs). That was before floods in Yorkshire a few years ago. Are JTEP and Geological Journals still in Portsmouth University Library?
[ Friday, 9 November, 2018] - Linden Grove in Gosport (where Michael Lane lives, as Cllr Burgess had pointed out to me) is not behind Waitrose, but behind Pub White Hart.
On that street yesterday I saw a Nissan GRIMERA car parked near 45 with a remarkable number plate - K 666 ROW. A "Russian" reading of Row is ditch, Krow - cover/shelter OR ... Blood.
By the way, two Russian words in recent crime stories:
1. Novichok (gas) - Newcomer.
2. Mokro - Mafia - Wet meaning bloody/murder.
INSURANCE conspiracies? - I noticed that after DUTCH - 911 on October 4, 1992, during Parliamentary investigation/hearings, a young newly appointed (or transferred from another department) civil servant was told or rather made to understand, that there would be no insurance paid to residents of the tower block of flats.
----------------------------------------------------[ Sat. 17 Nov. 2018] - Letter K has so many "meanings", - Homosexual brothel, Kosher, King, etc. etc. How did letter K come into EDUCATION ??? I mean strange K-levels and targets jargon, which I was shocked to discover in 2002.
Letters and sounds: V and W, C and K, etc.
Reading from right to left (ref. reg. K666ROW) we have WOR - "Russian" for THIEF.
California fires: many posts about DEW laser weapons and radioactive ashes.
DEW- direct energy weapons.
I did write (on Expatica?) back in 2004(?) about the SYSTEM:
1. deliberately making people homeless,
2. categorizing them as homeless even if they are not homeless.
Deliberate humiliation ! There were many homosexuals "managing" bureaucracy and its abuse at the time. Concurrent with teachers and others experiencing bullying, false accusations, etc. Ref. Tim Field forum.
Ex-military, young and old targeted.
IT-Hampshire (British Government) blocks printing of info and scandals about Universal Credit system, namely by Independent and The SUN papers. Now even search results are censored. Criticism coming from Academia, MPs, Church, UN, etc.
[ Mon.] - May I also ask if  "any other country", that is, apart from Britain, introduced such an abomination as Zero Hours Contract.
Since we know about so-called Flower Power and some secret societies named after Flowers, is there a cult of Opium Flower? NLP at work, no doubt. Opium Wars?
Daniel Best (of HHS) found dead:
Smart Meters used to implode buildings:
Loren Culp POLICE chief in Washington:
(URL very long. Later)
NISSAN: Carlos GHOSN looks very exotic to me:
POLICE chief in Washington:
EVERYTHING I have written about St.Matthews Court (where I live) is directly relevant to FIRES+ in America. My neigbours, shooting by Bob and Michael at myself with a high-tech laser gun (infra-red sight), my supposed landlady Mrs. Kennard and her husband, tech. manual  for gas heater STOLEN by Mr. Kennard, wrong instruction to have the gas boiler ON by default (I did not follow that "advice").
The mighty mess around the house, strange fires, which set the fire alarm ON inside the building,
Burgess, POLICE incl. Michael Lane, etc.
Only a few photos were developed today in Fareham. Questions: Linden Grove street, K666 Nissan car, big White-Orange Anglian van (could it be the repainted Cleaner van with woman's face, which was directly involved in Laser gun shooting) which I saw packed yesterday in 71/72 parking lot.
British Police women, military mob, some American characters (uni and Marines).
And of course, that note about  some parcel, which BOB (flat 22) suggested selected neighbours should accept and/or place ... in an electric cupboard ! My Polish neighbours over the years. WHO owns St. Matthews Court? Who are Parker and Torrington people?. One of them years ago put his finger on the word drugs in my letter (I gave copies to neighbours) and told me: We can't have this in writing!. A meeting of/with residents in Matthews Court (which I have asked for) never happened.
Another post about FIRES in US of yesterday:
[ Tuesday, 20 November, 2018] - Rather than 'manual', I should have written (above) tech.testing and certification journal (multiple coloured pages). Last time the technician (?) said to Mr. Kennard: It's boiling! Where is the warranty? Then followed 2 somewhat strange utterances:
1. Do you mind if I visit/come alone ? (without Kennard),
2. It is between myself and Mr. Kennard - as an 'answer' to my question ('answer' to 1.) about warranty/guaranty installation of a new boiler.
British Establishment tampers with online (The Sun) article about Romanian gypsy wedding: girl 8, boy 10 in Dolj County in ROMANIA.
About 3 weeks ago Daily Telegraph paper had a headline about British Military Top decision to recruit foreigners who never lived in Britain. That was as a result and consequence of inability of MOD to find recruits among the British people.
The so-called JOINT trainings (weekly arrivals of different nationalities) which I called S-theatre, definitely includes KGB=MOSSAD=MOB and criminal+spionage FEMALE network, which I called IRINA plus.
Many historic JOINTS, such as mentioned in history of Stalin's assassination and American Mafia meeting places (clubs and restaurants).
Jewish Organisation International ?
12:37 - my former (?) Polish neighbour (flat 32 upstairs) left computer 01 (I am at 02) about 2 minutes ago. He kept saying yes, yes to what I was saying and asking him about, but I am not sure he did follow or 'understood' me. The man at 09 complained I was too loud. Yes, I was!...
16:34 - the latest S-theatre ( for me ):
1.  bus 9 this afternoon had none of usual passengers, but women, whom I have not seen before.
2. the driver deliberately  "missed" two stops, - one and still another one.
3. I said: This is an Abramovitch-Polish-Soviet company, look at him !
Names that came to my mind: Cressida Dick, Amber Rudd, Theresa May, Princess Anne, Elaine Cohn, Hillary Clinton.
[ Wed. 21 November, 2018] - Carlos Ghosn news yesterday in FT ( The Financial Times) by Kana Inagaki (Tokyo), Leo Lewis (Yokohama), Peter Campbell (London) plus David Keohane (Paris).
NISSAN MOTOR: "In regards to Ghosn, numerous significant acts of misconduct have been uncovered".
"Nissan's disclosures came shortly after Tokyo prosecutors raided the company's offices yesterday. Mr.Saikawa said Mr Ghosn was then arrested. The Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office declined to comment."
 Nissan, Renault, Mitsubishi.
INTERPOL website:
Addenda Twenty:
Renault-Nissan Alliance owns .... AvtoVAZ ( linked to BEREZOVSKY, LITVINENKO ...).
Alexander Valterovich Litvinenko was poisoned on the eve of his departure to SPAIN to give evidence in court case against Russian Mafia. I also recall Italian Professor and some nuclear (?) links. In early 1990s there was a documentary in Holland about a young Polish man, who lifted his shirt to show extensive erosion, which he was dying from. He thought he was a a drug/narcotic carrier, but the powder in packets turned out to be radioactive material. Avtovaz-Logovaz ... .
Drugs can hidden in something else, and "something else" can be hidden in drugs.
Blue Beam (1994):
The first/top photo is of myself, Elspeth Hunponu-Wusu and Lynn Nwuneli -
Events of 10 October (1992,1993) in Holland and Russia:
[ Sat.24 November, 2018] - I did log into Bende van Nijvel website forum (online with other 3 members: Bero, club le-happy-few, Reneke) , but search for my 16 posts resulted in zero finds.
Shall try again next week. Weekends in GOSPORT are bad, - online and offline.
I also tried search word Potanin, Russian self-proclaimed Energy Evangelist, who expressed wish to donate a lot of money to good courses. No finds. Link to member LEO (Stroobants?)
Addenda Thirty One:
[ Mon. 26 November, 2018] - Did Saudi Consulate in TURKEY have ... soundproof and airtight offices?
Word-play: Paradise Lost ...
In 911 and many other cases people were given WRONG instruction and many ... jumped from windows.
In middle ages one form of execution was with a so-called Wika-Man, where many people were burning ... . Any analogies?