( nr 367 ) - Shall number sub-statements for a change:
1. Unwittingly Father Nikon in The Hague "introduced" me to a young man, who was the closest "associate version or variant" to Russian Mafia, that I have met, seemingly open and naïve. Father Nikon has asked me after the service to help him drive the young Russian to his lawyer - who lived in the Schilderswijk, I think. The lawyer and his wife were from .... some place in the Carribean.
2. Markets: Upstairs in the Centraal Station in the Hague I heard during a market day 'pure' Russian spoken. It was a Russian man and I bought an authentic Australian Bumerang from him.
3. Russian men were 'visible' in Fareham market not long ago.
4. Yesterday I mentioned MOSSAD WOMEN and wrote: "Jews, French, Francophones ..." before I read about ISRAELIS in town - their Football Club in Southampton (?).
5. Roman Abramovich I heard runs/ran so-called ROMAN CUBS (?) for teens. I have seen rather suspect group of BOYS near Portsmouth COURT building and suspect groups of GIRLS in the Victoria Park. Any links?
6. Victoria Park: perhaps most extraordinary theatrics (live sculpture) was there by the old monument after I called attention to a photo from THE SUN newspaper, where by the pool side an arm of an under-aged boy was seen. Was it "Roger and Janet" article ?
7. FAKE embassies .... I wonder if that extraordinary 'offer'/question "Would you like to be an ambassador?" from the Music/English homosexual teacher (house next to Woolston Court in Gosport) was related to org. crime.
8. Ref. Roman Abramovich: the group of boys, who were actually PRE-TEENS (around 10-11 years old?) wore Pompey (Portsmouth Football scarfs in blue and white) and had some facial hair or bristle PAINTED on their faces.The Court case was HATHAWAY (homo-pedo-incest-nudist) org. crime.
Their demeanour was ...sceptical(?). The girls wore "Vougue" outfits, beyond their age, so to speak. They 'moved' close to young boys on the playground, who were there with their MUSLIM fathers.
When MUSLIM women appeared in the park, coming to their husbands and children, the "GIRLS" quickly moved away.
9. BLACK colour: balaklavas and black dogs for nefarious activities at night, such as retrieving contraband in waterproof packages attached to the underwater part of a boat or a ferry. Contraband may be narcotics, drugs, plastic explosives, microchips, nanochips, arms, etc.
10. Portsmouth Court case (HATHAWAY, Melissa NOON) - around Nov. 2011: my posts 298 and 299 on this site and one on the "002 ..." site:
11. I could see K-house sign opposite Woolston Court in Gosport from my sitting room window at appt. 4. Online there were RUSSIAN forum goings-on between "K" user and others incl. myself.
'Good Samaritan' (captain of the Isle of Wight ferry) lived in the K-house with his wife and children.
BOAT MODEL Club: by the Gosport Lake a man told me: ".... Antony Churchill is helping Russian Sailors on the Isle of Wight. "
Another user (Russian?) "Leonid" was 'tracked' down to KOREA or/and ISRAEL. Jewish Republic in Russia (capital Birobidjan) is not far from Korea. A young Jewish man at the PHOTO section in BOOTS in Portsmouth pronounced my name in pure Russian.
WW2 secret (Von Braun ?) project in the Isle of Wight.
Channel Islands under German occupation in WW2.
12. Dead dogs (23) found in the fridge: illegal trade, Eastern Europe, Northern Holland:
13. Sunday Times (11Dec. 2016) by Tom Harper - Home Affairs Correspondent:
Cressida Dick ( ref: shooting of electrician Charles de Menezes ) applies to head the Metropolitan Police.
She was born to 2 Oxford academics, studied (they never write what) there. .... smb. familiar with application process .... two leading roles in British policing already occupied by women.
The Home Office declined to comment.
14. I did not know Haifa in Israel is twinned with the city of PORTSMOUTH.
15. The Church collapsed in Nigeria (Uyo, Akwa Ibom State). Never heard of Reigners BIBLE, can't find any info.
16. Just posted a scan (did so earlier on this website) from Daily Mail, 30 Dec. 2015 ( by Sebastian Shakespeare): Roman Abramovich with his wife Dasha Zhukova and her friend Jen Meyer, wife of actor Tobey Maguire (aboard their £1.5 billion mega-yacht Eclipse.
17. Vladimir PUTIN and his BLACK LABRADOR - pictures online.
18. CAB now in UK stands for citizens advice bureau. CAB internat. - Criminal Assets Bureau ?
19. International Maritime Organisation: 4 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7SR.
As of 2002 (FCO London Diplomatic List) four member countries also have "designated principal permanent representatives to the org." - Cambodia, Korea, Liberia and RUSSIA.
PS: 'Made in Cambodia' and DEBRUSS LLC office address in Moscow on one label (textile-dress).
Links to NAZAROVA and her husband M.M. Friesner in PANAMA city.
20. Posted scan of the dress label on blue background:
Made in Cambodia on top and the Moscow address of DEBRUSS LLC:
ul Admirala Makarova, dom 41, stroenie 1, MOSCOW 125212 RUSSIA.
21. Labradors - WATER dogs - scan posted (on green background) from the DUTCH wikipedia entry.
22. IMO (Int. Maritime Org.) in 2002 lists 123 staff members. One is Mr. V. Lebedev -
Senior Technical Officer, Navigational Safety and Maritime Security Section, , Sub-Division for Navigation and Cargoes, M.S.D.
LEBEDEV (-A) multitude of names: 24 entries in Sov.Encycl. Dict.
I saw LEBEDEVA (woman) on a list of Bilderberger guests in around 2005. One Lebedeva, Tatiana (1850 - 1887) - narodnitsa (We, the People) took part in assassination attempt on Alexander II. Political parties had military 'wings' or sections.
KGB Lebedev in LONDON, etc.etc. The first African students I met in Moscow were Somali students in FRUNZE military academy (via Lena nee Lozhikova).
KGB=Mossad=Mafia. Also: MO-K-SS-GB-AD.
2 previous posts here:
Women and Crime (nr 365):
Life, Lies and Crimes (nr 366):
23. E-cigarette EXPLODES: two videos in a Belgian paper article:
Vaping Lounge in High Street: product Copyright 2016, Shenzhen IVPS technology Co.Ltd.
MADE in CHINA: domestic heater DeLonghi (bought in Argos, Gosport) mysteriously stopped working. The fuse is intact. De'Longhi Appliances s.r.l. Via L.Seitz, 47, 31100 Treviso - Italy. Made in China Ser. nr. 62524 JN.
24. Ole DAMMERGARD ( controversial) said smth. interesting in one short video about THEM being potentially LYNCHABLE, whereby they, having been "cut into pieces" are "fed to the dogs".
Disposal of dead bodies in Russian Mafia film BRAT is shown as a serious matter.
Well, how many dogs would a criminal need for such a task? ....
Ah, what about a VERY BIG DOG in addition to a BLACK LABRADOR as mafia tools?
25. Chinese Kong Cheung Tailor (Stoke Rd. - Prince of Wales Rd.) in Gosport opened in mid-sixties.
And IRINA sewing business in .... ?
26. Vera HUGHES and Nigel did some dog-breeding while in Brighton or .... - on Sea in Essex (?).
Nigel was her fourth husband. Twice divorced in the Soviet Union, her Nigerian husband died in Orthopaedic Hospital, Yaba, Lagos. Vera had worked in AEROFLOT traffic control dept. in Moscow. I remember she took sides with a Nigerian woman who moved in with an Italian man, with whom at the time another Russian woman and her baby were staying. One of those dramas.
Vera features prominently on my wedding pictures.
Remembered: SHORAM - on/by Sea. Hughes: namesakes? Donetsk was formally Youzovka. Russianised Youz for Hughes, British (?) family.
Both David Cohn family and Van, Diana Pidwell's partner moved NORTH from CHELMSFORD, assoc. with MARCONI.
27. Jewry Street, Winchester, Wed. 21 DECEMBER 2016:
Thugs and Clowns in uniform and otherwise.
1. Loch Fyne (Seafood): 18 Jewry Street, SO23 8RZ. tel. 01962 872 930
2. Wagamama/Sakura (Chinese-Japanese rest. ?): 32-33 Jewry Street, SO23 8RY tel. 01962 864 178.
3. Ian Middleton (?) number .... .
4. Woman, who said I had a nice writing pen, number .... .
Just corrected the date above from Sat. 17 Dec. to Wed.21 December 2016. On Sat. 17th there was a (failed) cabal's scenario which included events and people in Delft, Paris and Gosport.
By the way, Fyffes (commercial shipping?) of Portsmouth is bought by Japan and
WAGAMAMA in London was involved in "flash mob/hidden camera" tricks the day I went to American Embassy and contacted FBI.
Next to the two restaurants is United (Methodist and United) Church, which attracted my attention with .... very old but visible " BRITISH HALL" with "British and Foreign Schools" and "Entrance for Girls" underneath, - the right side of its old Church Building.
From 2009:
28. [ Wed. 28 Dec. 2016. 14:33 ] - See point 27 above. Just found the notes I made of the NUMBERS of two people in police (?) uniform, who did not behave like police, but in concert with the thug (ref. "health and safety issue" as I called it).
Woman: 96784, man - 99264. I wrote the numbers with my purple pen on the back of the receipt from Winchester Library (payment of 1 pound for one DVD borrowed, which I returned today in Gosport Library). The time on the receipt: 21/12/2016 13:02. I walked on the right side of the pavement past Loch Fyne restaurant.
Thursday, 8 December 2016
Friday, 25 November 2016
Life, Lies and Crimes.
( nr 366 ) Okke Ornstein is a Dutch free-lance journalist, now imprisoned (?) in PANAMA.
"Actors" in unfolding drama include French Canadian businessman Monte Morris Friesner and Tatiana Nazarowa, his wife.
Tatiana Nazarova is a Russian name.
Since yesterday, some relevant websites are "locked" or require registered entry by server/ICANN.
From tatiananazarova.com: Website dedicated to the many family, business and public victims (living & dead) of the Life, Lies & Crimes of career criminal Monte Morris Friesner and his wife Tatiana Nazarova.
Law Justia:
http://law.justia.com/cases/federal/appellate-courts/F3/61/917/492744/ - prints only 1/3 page.
http://narcosphere.narconews.com/notebook/okke-ornstein (Panama's President Martinelli accused of massive money laundering).
[ Sat. 26 Nov.2016] - WIKI questions: see my comments in prev. post 365 - link:
[ Mon. 28 Nov.2016] - WOMEN and CRIME:
[ Tue.29 Nov.2016] - British Aerospace 146 plane crash in COLOMBIA, Medellin area.
Only 5 survived, 76 dead. There were 15 journalists on board travelling with Brazilian football team. Colombian FARC ( has one Dutch woman fighter: Tania ) recently signed a peace treaty. I hope I got the names right.
Currently lots of lookalikes and people I pointed to in the past, whom I do not always 'acknowledge'. Included: Shell BP in Holland, Commonwealth Club, woman with very short brown hair, Christ Church, Singing (too good), Russian Spectacular, Children of Chernobyl, Polish Catholic priest from Southampton (tattoo and chain), etc.
I remember reading (one of those ex-spy memoirs?) that Fidel Castro's brother Raoul was turned (made homosexual) by one Soviet military/KGB/GRU officer. On a Russian forum smb. recalled how (young?) military advisers on CUBA were forbidden to have any contact with Cuban women.
T.K.Maxx in Fareham: when asked where the cashier was, I realised there was no sign on display, except confusing ones. Disorientation. Masonic? I remember how in Frankfurt airport (1992), following their signs, I made a complete circle. At the TKMaxx cashier: another chance to win 1000 pounds. I was told the winner does not have to declare this income to TAX authorities, it is tax-Free and they do not think it represents SOCIAL SECURITY FRAUD POTENTIAL. When I tried via JobCentre+ a business start-up, I asked what amount earned would represent an end/suspension of Social Security payments. The Answer was: FIVE POUNDS. I never do those loteries/gambling.
MI5 Catherine threatening young men in attempt to recruit them:
NEWS: Barak OBAMA and wife Michelle adopted two girls.
Michelle was born Michael?
[ Wed. 30 Nov. 2016] - Video of 14:54 minutes posted on RMN:
Obamas kids are adopted, the real parents found -
British Aerospace 146 crash (above) has more survivors: some passengers missed the flight.
FARC is a Spanish acronym, means Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia - People's Army.
From en.wikipedia entry of 31 pages: Active: 1964 - Present. Top 3 on the leaders list: Timochenko, Ivan Marquez, Pastor Alape.
Has Victor BOUT vanished from the news? Those mini submarines used for drug trade, etc.
British Football: BIG THANKS to real men, who came forward with the sex abuse testimonies, especially those who did so openly. There was a story in The News (years ago) with a similar revelation. The man (Aron?) at a young age did not even understand what was happening to him, he thought that the abuser (coach?) ... liked him very much. Was told others/all do it, etc.
Only when he became a father of a young boy, he understood the evil and decided to make a public statement. One video from a Dutch website:
Belgian MP Laurent Louis brought police photos of Julie and Melissa (ref. Marc Dutroux) with evidence of ....torture inflicted on the children. I have a link to the video of disgraceful walkout of parliamentarians on this site. The following text distorts the story:
FARC - Tanja Nijmeijer -
[ Thur. 1 Dec. 2016] - Scans did not post. May be tomorrow.
Dutch Football Club ADO Den Haag - problems at top management level:
[Friday, 2 Dec. 2016] - The 3 scans:
1 ----- NORTH YORKSHIRE (Settle) - Private Boarding school.
SIMON BALL (42) got seven and five years in jail for sex abuse of teen students. Music teacher, Oxford graduate.
2 ------ Top women British Theresa May and Polish Beata Szydlo had a positive meeting.
3 ------ Photo of Tatiana Nazarowa and her husband Monte Morris Friesner - see Okke Ornstein above.
My post 352 Addenda Five :
[ Sat. 3 Dec. 2016] - Gosport High Street. For the first time a "look-alike" said to me: "Yes, I am".
Regular Saturday market stall with Christmas+ Cards near the PARKER and TORRINGTON office is managed on the ground by Gosport Council Leader MARK HOOK.
I have asked in Fareham Library about what I thought was a spelling mistake in my name on a printer display: Calina instead of Galina. I was told "C" was upon examination G. Then I noticed on my library card yet another capital C.
How many fonts or mixtures of fonts are being used by HAMPSHIRE IT ?
Technically speaking any slight difference in a text/picture creates ANOTHER or EXTRA copy, the one with a visible or a hidden/secret mark. Just like a name spelled or transliterated differently. On a Russian Forum ( nvz or nvk ?) where one K (user name) confused me with another Galina from ISRAEL (same name in English and Russian fonts) made me wonder if there could be several K users (letter K looks very similar in several fonts or alphabets). Programming can see or ignore certain signs, etc. Different passports/ID documents and their "processing".
Hot or Dedicated telephone lines have some or certain weaknesses, which is another topic.
2009 January - my posts 186 and 187:
As I discovered earlier via WHOIS search, Gosport, Fareham and Portsmouth (all in Hampshire, UK) placed their government websites on a Chinese Server.
The website LARSONMEDIA had legal and technical documents about TORTURE with REMOTE CONTROL. I placed some scans on this site before larsonmedia.net was messed up with, such as an answer from CIA to request from David Larson (biomedical engineer?) for biographical details of four CIA contractors:
[ Mon. 5 Dec. 2016] -
Babak Zanjani - a very interesting case against this businessman in IRAN :
The High Court has confirmed DEATH SENTENCE against Babak Zanjani.
2.5 billion euros are de facto stolen from the Government. International network of corrupt businesses includes Turkey, Malaysia and Dubai.
Top gov. figures conspired in 'protecting' B. Z. and his org. crime mates throughout the court proceedings. Where did the money go? ... Times or Daily Telegraph discovered (last year?) mysteriously high number of expensive properties in Central London (?) - all unoccupied with owners listed in some Arab country or countries. Any links with RICS - Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyers ? Some other estate/property businesses in UK and Holland? ....
By the way, British lawyer with the helicopter pilot (from Gosport) died in a suspect air crash years ago. They worked for BORIS BEREZOVSKI. The lawyer (Curtis?) was in contact with the POLICE, he knew where big money was hidden away and warned his family: ... if anything happens to me in the next two weeks, it won't be an accident.
On a map (I bought a good world map in High Street for only 4 pounds) Medellin, COLOMBIA is not far from PANAMA city, where Tatiana NAZAROVA lives with her French Canadian (convicted criminal) husband M.M. Friesner. A vest in a Charity shop had a label with: made in Cambodia and a firm DEBRUSS LLC with an address in Moscow ( Admiral Makarov street.) That firm was registered and 'dissolved' in California, US (to do with PENSION fraud?).
Last Saturday search for Chinese Torture got zero result: blocked as so-called 'adult' content by HAMPSHIRE IT (on a Chinese Server). Torture with remote control was "re-named" TOUCHLESS ... .
My posts 300 and 301:
[ Tue. 6 Dec. 2016] - I subscribed to RUSSKAYA MYSL (Russian Émigre) paper in Paris around 1990 and got no answer when I expressed interest in the project of Russian Society of .... Officers/Engineers ( ref. Housing Construction in MOSCOW). Our Russian Orthodox priest in the HAGUE was said to have been a racing car driver in PARIS in his younger days. During WW2 he said: Da, my pomogali evreeyam (Yes, we did help Jews during WW2).
There was some disappointment about his finding a Romanian woman who was tasked with restoration of the Church interior paintings: she did an awful job, etc.etc.
"Actors" in unfolding drama include French Canadian businessman Monte Morris Friesner and Tatiana Nazarowa, his wife.
Tatiana Nazarova is a Russian name.
Since yesterday, some relevant websites are "locked" or require registered entry by server/ICANN.
From tatiananazarova.com: Website dedicated to the many family, business and public victims (living & dead) of the Life, Lies & Crimes of career criminal Monte Morris Friesner and his wife Tatiana Nazarova.
Law Justia:
http://law.justia.com/cases/federal/appellate-courts/F3/61/917/492744/ - prints only 1/3 page.
http://narcosphere.narconews.com/notebook/okke-ornstein (Panama's President Martinelli accused of massive money laundering).
[ Sat. 26 Nov.2016] - WIKI questions: see my comments in prev. post 365 - link:
[ Mon. 28 Nov.2016] - WOMEN and CRIME:
[ Tue.29 Nov.2016] - British Aerospace 146 plane crash in COLOMBIA, Medellin area.
Only 5 survived, 76 dead. There were 15 journalists on board travelling with Brazilian football team. Colombian FARC ( has one Dutch woman fighter: Tania ) recently signed a peace treaty. I hope I got the names right.
Currently lots of lookalikes and people I pointed to in the past, whom I do not always 'acknowledge'. Included: Shell BP in Holland, Commonwealth Club, woman with very short brown hair, Christ Church, Singing (too good), Russian Spectacular, Children of Chernobyl, Polish Catholic priest from Southampton (tattoo and chain), etc.
I remember reading (one of those ex-spy memoirs?) that Fidel Castro's brother Raoul was turned (made homosexual) by one Soviet military/KGB/GRU officer. On a Russian forum smb. recalled how (young?) military advisers on CUBA were forbidden to have any contact with Cuban women.
T.K.Maxx in Fareham: when asked where the cashier was, I realised there was no sign on display, except confusing ones. Disorientation. Masonic? I remember how in Frankfurt airport (1992), following their signs, I made a complete circle. At the TKMaxx cashier: another chance to win 1000 pounds. I was told the winner does not have to declare this income to TAX authorities, it is tax-Free and they do not think it represents SOCIAL SECURITY FRAUD POTENTIAL. When I tried via JobCentre+ a business start-up, I asked what amount earned would represent an end/suspension of Social Security payments. The Answer was: FIVE POUNDS. I never do those loteries/gambling.
MI5 Catherine threatening young men in attempt to recruit them:
NEWS: Barak OBAMA and wife Michelle adopted two girls.
Michelle was born Michael?
[ Wed. 30 Nov. 2016] - Video of 14:54 minutes posted on RMN:
Obamas kids are adopted, the real parents found -
British Aerospace 146 crash (above) has more survivors: some passengers missed the flight.
FARC is a Spanish acronym, means Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia - People's Army.
From en.wikipedia entry of 31 pages: Active: 1964 - Present. Top 3 on the leaders list: Timochenko, Ivan Marquez, Pastor Alape.
Has Victor BOUT vanished from the news? Those mini submarines used for drug trade, etc.
British Football: BIG THANKS to real men, who came forward with the sex abuse testimonies, especially those who did so openly. There was a story in The News (years ago) with a similar revelation. The man (Aron?) at a young age did not even understand what was happening to him, he thought that the abuser (coach?) ... liked him very much. Was told others/all do it, etc.
Only when he became a father of a young boy, he understood the evil and decided to make a public statement. One video from a Dutch website:
Belgian MP Laurent Louis brought police photos of Julie and Melissa (ref. Marc Dutroux) with evidence of ....torture inflicted on the children. I have a link to the video of disgraceful walkout of parliamentarians on this site. The following text distorts the story:
FARC - Tanja Nijmeijer -
[ Thur. 1 Dec. 2016] - Scans did not post. May be tomorrow.
Dutch Football Club ADO Den Haag - problems at top management level:
[Friday, 2 Dec. 2016] - The 3 scans:
1 ----- NORTH YORKSHIRE (Settle) - Private Boarding school.
SIMON BALL (42) got seven and five years in jail for sex abuse of teen students. Music teacher, Oxford graduate.
2 ------ Top women British Theresa May and Polish Beata Szydlo had a positive meeting.
3 ------ Photo of Tatiana Nazarowa and her husband Monte Morris Friesner - see Okke Ornstein above.
My post 352 Addenda Five :
[ Sat. 3 Dec. 2016] - Gosport High Street. For the first time a "look-alike" said to me: "Yes, I am".
Regular Saturday market stall with Christmas+ Cards near the PARKER and TORRINGTON office is managed on the ground by Gosport Council Leader MARK HOOK.
I have asked in Fareham Library about what I thought was a spelling mistake in my name on a printer display: Calina instead of Galina. I was told "C" was upon examination G. Then I noticed on my library card yet another capital C.
How many fonts or mixtures of fonts are being used by HAMPSHIRE IT ?
Technically speaking any slight difference in a text/picture creates ANOTHER or EXTRA copy, the one with a visible or a hidden/secret mark. Just like a name spelled or transliterated differently. On a Russian Forum ( nvz or nvk ?) where one K (user name) confused me with another Galina from ISRAEL (same name in English and Russian fonts) made me wonder if there could be several K users (letter K looks very similar in several fonts or alphabets). Programming can see or ignore certain signs, etc. Different passports/ID documents and their "processing".
Hot or Dedicated telephone lines have some or certain weaknesses, which is another topic.
2009 January - my posts 186 and 187:
As I discovered earlier via WHOIS search, Gosport, Fareham and Portsmouth (all in Hampshire, UK) placed their government websites on a Chinese Server.
The website LARSONMEDIA had legal and technical documents about TORTURE with REMOTE CONTROL. I placed some scans on this site before larsonmedia.net was messed up with, such as an answer from CIA to request from David Larson (biomedical engineer?) for biographical details of four CIA contractors:
[ Mon. 5 Dec. 2016] -
Babak Zanjani - a very interesting case against this businessman in IRAN :
The High Court has confirmed DEATH SENTENCE against Babak Zanjani.
2.5 billion euros are de facto stolen from the Government. International network of corrupt businesses includes Turkey, Malaysia and Dubai.
Top gov. figures conspired in 'protecting' B. Z. and his org. crime mates throughout the court proceedings. Where did the money go? ... Times or Daily Telegraph discovered (last year?) mysteriously high number of expensive properties in Central London (?) - all unoccupied with owners listed in some Arab country or countries. Any links with RICS - Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyers ? Some other estate/property businesses in UK and Holland? ....
By the way, British lawyer with the helicopter pilot (from Gosport) died in a suspect air crash years ago. They worked for BORIS BEREZOVSKI. The lawyer (Curtis?) was in contact with the POLICE, he knew where big money was hidden away and warned his family: ... if anything happens to me in the next two weeks, it won't be an accident.
On a map (I bought a good world map in High Street for only 4 pounds) Medellin, COLOMBIA is not far from PANAMA city, where Tatiana NAZAROVA lives with her French Canadian (convicted criminal) husband M.M. Friesner. A vest in a Charity shop had a label with: made in Cambodia and a firm DEBRUSS LLC with an address in Moscow ( Admiral Makarov street.) That firm was registered and 'dissolved' in California, US (to do with PENSION fraud?).
Last Saturday search for Chinese Torture got zero result: blocked as so-called 'adult' content by HAMPSHIRE IT (on a Chinese Server). Torture with remote control was "re-named" TOUCHLESS ... .
My posts 300 and 301:
[ Tue. 6 Dec. 2016] - I subscribed to RUSSKAYA MYSL (Russian Émigre) paper in Paris around 1990 and got no answer when I expressed interest in the project of Russian Society of .... Officers/Engineers ( ref. Housing Construction in MOSCOW). Our Russian Orthodox priest in the HAGUE was said to have been a racing car driver in PARIS in his younger days. During WW2 he said: Da, my pomogali evreeyam (Yes, we did help Jews during WW2).
There was some disappointment about his finding a Romanian woman who was tasked with restoration of the Church interior paintings: she did an awful job, etc.etc.
Monday, 17 October 2016
Women and Crime.
( nr 365 ) - mostly cont. from previous post (nr 364 ):
Red Rose Questions.
Yes, the role of Women in crimes remains understated, even though we have record numbers of women in uniforms - police and military.
Posted two scans: the one on a blue background is the so-called Contract signed back in 2014 by the Editor of Dutch weekly paper Panorama ( over 100 years old) F.Lomans and two No Surrender MC reps Ron and Bas on behalf of their boss Klaas Otto.
Note, that Maylene's signiture is 'missing' (mevr. M. de la Haye) - she did not sign it.
I marked and highlighted some places, such as: ... As from today 3 June 2014 ... , "Sisterhood Hallway", fine of 5000,00 per day in case of non-compliance, etc.
Notably the LEGALESE - strictly legal/professional style/phraseology is clearly beyond the man on whoose behalve it was drafted.
I noted the name of the lawyer in the previous post - advocaat Louis de Leon.
Having been invited to join the women's section of No Surrender MC, Maylene wrote/published only two reports ( highlighting/mentioning criminality), when trouble broke out.
Motor Club demanded (!) in a brutal and forceful way, that any 'negative' publicity stops, some documents returned, etc. , with a staggering 5000 euro per day fine in case of non-compliance.
Photos on the orange background are of Maylene de la Haye and a local (Hampshire)
police woman ALISON HEYDARI.
[ Tue. 18 October, 2016] - The CABAL - Cabal International is desperately blocking/hiding and censoring information about kgb=mossad=mafia, the inordinate role of women-criminals and so-called women in male criminality. In Germany (?) there was a case of an old prostitute who kept and 'cared for' a young man (former client) and gave him assignements.
Matriarchial/matrilineal societies and traditions carry dangerous 'hangovers' ... .
The scum of the Earth climbed high, to the very top of society.
Communism teaches family as oppression and exonerates prostitution. That I can testify from a personal experience of a Soviet education.
Olga Patta (KGB-Mossad) never told me why NIGERIAN MILITARY POLICE chased her to Murtalla Mohammed Airport, as she had to (?!) escape. Some points: she was insistent we 'borrow' horses from the POLICE BARRACKS, and not from the POLO Club. (Photos on other site). She once talked about child rapes (of young children) as if she was/ might have been involved in defending rapists.
And that incident in the CHINESE restaurant, when she promptly poured out the bleach/chlor smelling water into the sink behind her. She knew the people there, she said before going there.
She patronised Chinese Restaurant in Lagos. She sent her children for training to ISRAEL.
Soon enough I sent SOS querries about Identities and Backgrounds of COHN family members- to RUSSIAN and ISRAELI ambassadors in London - back in 2010.
To my brother in MOSCOW I wrote that SOVIET-JEWISH and CRIMINAL aspects are quite clear to me. MILITARY SPIONAGE (and sabotage) and hard crimes go together.
Post 364 (Red Rose Questions):
FBI: Biker gangs are serious 'criminal enterprises' - by Greg Toppo, USA TODAY, 19 May, 2015:
1. ....Military Installations: very near SKIPTON, North Yorkshire, where David and Elaine decided to move from for their retirement. They moved from Chelsmford in the South ( ...a high-tech city, he said once with a 'wink') near London, where they have relatives. David told me heating cost a lot of money, so he wanted to start deep underground digging for heating system and wanted me to get involved. A Jewish man ( soon after) in Gosport practically ... repeated the psychological line/strategy employed by David Cohn. After I refused to do engineering calculations, having asked him why me, and not his son, an engineer (?), there was a repeated ...push or soft pressure (?) in the same direction from a Jewish man at the Physics Society meeting and later - from a blond IRISH retired (from Portsmouth Uni.) engineer. Was MARCONI once in Chelsmford? Some lies/inconsistencies about family history. Russian names mentioned by Elaine, who has ovedone her 'acting'.
2. NB: a woman second to the right from me reminded me of SAAKIAN Armenian family in Unilag. Very nice family. I remember there was a quick friendship/affinity between the husband (Engineering lecturer) and a visiting .... Syrian ? engineer ? Either Syrian or Egyptian.
Still looking for two consecutive posts here, showing how a sofisticated computer programme "reacted" when I discovered online that MENWITH hill - ECHELON American/British secret Airbase was next to Skipton and Bradley village in North Yorkshire - new places of residence for COHN family members. I was not 'supposed' to know that !
[ Wed. 19 Oct.2016] - SPAM: The last NHS text message from my GP (?) of yesterday with announcement of my 'entitlement' to a flu vaccination addressed me unusually as Galina Antonovna Anikeeva (Russian/Soviet style).
Nota Bene! Capital letters have been 'recommended' on official forms for years. I thought it was strange, as handwriting and identity are thus obscured. Strange (putting it softly) is the requirement to use pencil (!) and not a pen in exams and voting ballots, which I also had criticised in the past.
DIGITALLY speaking, capital letters may produce a second document/copy. The code/programming is different, so .... ?.
My comment on/observation of the CAPITAL letters used for Alison Heidari's name in the company registration of POLICE CLUB in Southampton may be worth examining further. Her entry of nationality has changed from UNKNOWN to BRITISH, and changing capital lettering has acquired some logic: hers and other directors names are in capitals. She is also a secretary of POLICE CLUB.
I noticed only yesterday that VERKLARING (scan on a blue background) of so-called contract No-Surrender vs Panorama in its first paragraph specifically states that the name of the document (verklaring means statement or declaration) must be in capital letters.
I also suggested that SCRAP METAL (overlap with old cars) businesses may become a cover for weapons and machinery contraband. Will the x-ray/scanner detect a pistol/part of in a mass of wrangled metal ? There was a a big international police case after WW2.
Family Cohn had or have a succesful scrap-metal business. The Hague around 2000: Russian-Nigerian couple exporting used cars from St. Petersburg to Nigeria.
Klaas OTTO of No Surrender and his father ran or still running .... old/rented cars and/or scrap metal businesses.
The Hague: Arrest of a 38 year-old woman from Ministry of Defence (friend of Klaas Otto) who leaked info to Motor Club NS, such as ( civilian) plate numbers of police cars going to make arrests:
[ Friday 21 Oct. 2016] - just corrected the date of the entry in the previous post: Thurs. 13 Oct. of 2016, and not 2015.
Russian ships and submarines in 'mass' transfer? I wrote recently about local party and Russian submarine coincidence. Guests came from Southampton (?). Anything else happening?...
[ Sat. 22 Oct. 2016] - Christian grandmother accused of hate crime.
POLICE lectured Pauline Howe about her choice of words:
ECHELON Menwith Hill Air-Base and David Cohn's family deep-underground digging project idea:
Posts 186 and 187:
Just bought new batteries. The last phrase I heard on the radio when batteries went down was: Tories and Labour should work together. Printing problems in Gosport and Fareham 2 days ago were with articles from EUROPOL about arrests and smth. about American Elections on the RT (Russia Today) site. RT is not Russian in my opinion, but what I call Kitch Russian. I also coined the word 'lobotomiki' for young/not so young people, and not necessarily Russian, who show effects of brutal brainwashing.
Another 'mem' (ref. Russian forum) - untranslatable, quintessentially Russian satire:
Inogorodnia suka Tania -
Rachia i sobachia.
Diana Pidwell told me about hypnosis and auto state/suggestion.
That conversation was not finished.
My complaints to IT Hampshire:
[ Tue. 25 Oct. 2016] - Yesterday, I looked at persons targeted, COINTELPRO or gang-stalking videos. Amazingly, the old and outdated story/history of anarchists, homosexuals, communists, etc. targeted by FBI (?) is all one can find. When I entered Christians targeted , I got only stories about Christians targeted/persecuted in Pakistan and other muslim countries.
The dangerous high-tech has 'changed hands' for want of a better word. Another stale pro-communist idea is that it happens in NATO countries, in the West only.
As American Naval wife Kay Griggs said, "they" were never enemies with the Soviets.
REAL SPIES plant air-force document on smb. who wants to have nothing to do with them:
[ 26 Oct. 2016] - Example of anti-american and out of date comments to youtube material,
Ref. Dr John Hall by Crystal Starheat:
- Do not see any physician or any type of mental health practitioner - except Dr. Hall or someone he refers to ...
- Leave the country (asap) - to a non-NATO/US allied country ....
By the way, I wonder if Crystal Starheat is linked to Crystal River at RMN forum (Zionist provocateur, ref. N. Kuhrt at War Studies Dept. King's College, London).
As I wrote earlier, both Christianity and Islam are targeted by the Cabal, Cabal International.
About 20 years ago there was online material about Mind Control programmes/victims in Communist Countries.
Russian Ambassador in London YAKOVENKO's speech in Jan. 2012:
[ Friday, 28 October, 2016] - Yakovenko (Ukranian name) was born in Belorussia.
Maylene de la Haye works now in Het Parool (parool.nl) ? Her website page with a report (back in 2011) and pictures taken at a British Air-Show about F16 KGB Belorussia spy Chris Vaneker, went down very quickly. WHO took it down? The British? KGB? Mossad?
Russia, Ukraine and Belorussia are the 'closest' of ex-soviet republics: geographically, ethnically, culturally, linguistically.
Among "bikers" clubs I found one Called MASONIC WIDOWS SONS.
They have female section.
[ Mon. 31 Oct. 2016] - Early morning: a woman (cleaner?) locking the bank and leaving.
Special contract with temp agency?
I bought Italian newspapaer la Repubblica in Waitrose supermarket this morning. Corriere de la Serra (sp?) was unfortunately supplied without the Supplement.
I remember reading with dismay a newspaper ( which?) article about investigation of the sudden and unexplained death of UK Police Assoc. Chief officer. There it was reported that women police officers were excluded from witness interviews (?) because they were so/very upset (!).
[ Sat. 5 Nov. 2016 ] - JORDAN: yesterday security forces short three US military instructors after their car did not stop at a check point near Jordanian military base:
[ Mon. 7 Nov. 2016 ] - On Sat.had difficulty printing info ( wiki) about NABOKOV family, esp. in Russian. The grandfather of a man who wrote "Lolita" was the liberal Minister of Justice in Russian Empire. His activity included liberal reform of Judicial System and promotion of Jewish Rights.
Technically the printing difficulty was similar to one I experienced when trying to print (wiki-ru) JETP entry - Journal of Exp. and Theor. Physics.
Reading from www.abeldanger.net ( On Sat. there was a 'glitch' on that site from Raelan and Makow cabal/provocateurs or their imposters).
Weekend FT wrote about dangerous CULT and SHAMAN rituals ref. Park scandal in South Korea.
Top Police women: Belgian Catherine de Bolle - comm.-gen. van de fed. politie.
Another (French) woman (mislaid her name) is a top officer in INTERPOL . She was some sort of a commander in French Legion. Olga Patta had a friend from French Legion.
[ Tue. 8 Nov. 2016 ] - Online there were POLICE ( FBI) photoes of HELLARY CLINTON naked in bed with a black woman.
Ref. Polish INDYMEDIA website: ZHYDOWKA y PRESIDENTY ? - a few years ago.
There were also pictures of them with SCHOOLGIRLS in so called LESBIAN ROMP. When Bill-husband became president, photoes were to be destroyed, but were not. The Satanic Cabal is self-deluded about shredding and deleting, which is futile and technically impossible.
The first Bill (?) of/by Bill Clinton was legalisation of homosexuals/- recr. in the military (?).
[ Thursday, 10 Nov. 2016 ] - www.abeldanger.net does not load well since yesterday - on-off fliker.
The Russian wiki entry (unlike other lang.) does not give acronym BES for Dutch Carribean islands BES - eilanden. Bes in Russian is devil. Dostoevski wrote a novel BESY - plural for bes.
RUSI in London removed reference to FOUR services: land, sea, air and space.
I saw a Russian name in the SPACE section a couple of years ago.
Russian mil. space satellite specialist Domlatov (sp?) who asked for asylum in Holland was by mistake taken to det. centre for deportation and was (?) suicided. The computer mistake was of course, engineered.
Dr. Alexander Mirtchev is Vice President, RUSI:
[ Friday, 11 Nov. 2016 ] - This morning on Stoke Road a young boy (on his way to school) kept crying. Had an orange coat on.
Around 2000(?) it was discovered that Somali pirates were so 'dangerous' because they had a military intelligence about ships movements from their man (or woman?) in London, who worked in Maritime smth. org.
PORTSMOUTH has a Spinaker (watch?) Tower. Some story.
Portsmouth, Fareham and Gosport councils placed their ( gov.) websites on a Chinese (?) server. 'Chinese' characters appear on comp. monitor when Windows are loaded.
During Prof. Craven's Vice-Chancellorship there was a training course for lecturers: How to teach Chinese students.
BIG questions about Victoria WANG and ... a man (name begins with B) who was the org. of conf. at the Institute of Criminalistics in Portsmouth Uni. What an irony! And that incident in front of Central Library in Portsmouth when Jehova Witness people with some Chinese (?) posters almost ran off as I walked towards them.
Post ( nr 288 ) from 2011:
[ Tue. 15 Nov. 2016] - Lithuanian HOOKER Victoria Voronova and her husband exposed by the NEWS of the WORLD in May 2009:
Ukranian woman, RETIRED TEACHER Michailenko Hanna Vasilyevna was placed in a PSYCHIATRIC unit (prison) for eight years (1980-1988) after she refused a Ukranian KGB recruitment/invitation to become informer/infiltrator.
Doc. film was made by the Dutch film-maker Aliona van der Horst in 1997. Note the behavior of the dissident (?) Dr. Gluzman (sp.?) who, when Michaileko had asked him how long she had to tell her story (before EU audience) answered: FIVE minutes.
From Nov. 12, 2016 post on abeldanger.net:
Clinton to be indicted for child pedophilia, sex trafficking, satanic murder, and more.
[ Thurs. 17 Nov. 2016] - Far East POW website: the HISTORY page http://thejavafepowclub42.org/history.html prints only one page, thus without the Tortured memories and Stiff upper lip parts. Please read.
[ Sat.19 Nov.2015] - Urgent comment to a VIDEO ( 62463 - Gary Larrabee and Kent Dunn ) posted by M.Ed on rmn forum:
1. As was pointed out, it is not only 'America' and the 'West' that are guilty of most horrendous crimes against children.
2. "All cardinals" - is not true ! Three great Cardinals compiled a file of 300 pages about so-called HOMOSEXUAL lobby/mafia in Vatican and many other countries - many honest people with facts, testimonies and evidence.
3. Some of the sadistic murders of children may be a terrifying threat to others who resist/protest and talk about it.
4. Some violated children can be said to be satanically damaged/posessed, their bodies, minds and souls destroyed .... .
5. Kay Griggs, US naval wife, had said she did not get support from other mil. wives, but she is/was not alone: German and Italian women went to ALL main newspapers, and were turned down with their story/testimony.
[ Wed. 23 Nov. 2016] - Second day on front pages: British footballers COME OUT with confessions of ( (homo-) sexual abuse by their COACHES at a younger age onwards.
Daily Mail (Mon. 21 Nov.) - Soft sentence by Judge Johnathan Bennett in the case of a homosexual rape of a boy, 5, by a 15 year-old, who threatened the child:
"If you tell anyone, I will break you into pieces".
Red Rose Questions.
Yes, the role of Women in crimes remains understated, even though we have record numbers of women in uniforms - police and military.
Posted two scans: the one on a blue background is the so-called Contract signed back in 2014 by the Editor of Dutch weekly paper Panorama ( over 100 years old) F.Lomans and two No Surrender MC reps Ron and Bas on behalf of their boss Klaas Otto.
Note, that Maylene's signiture is 'missing' (mevr. M. de la Haye) - she did not sign it.
I marked and highlighted some places, such as: ... As from today 3 June 2014 ... , "Sisterhood Hallway", fine of 5000,00 per day in case of non-compliance, etc.
Notably the LEGALESE - strictly legal/professional style/phraseology is clearly beyond the man on whoose behalve it was drafted.
I noted the name of the lawyer in the previous post - advocaat Louis de Leon.
Having been invited to join the women's section of No Surrender MC, Maylene wrote/published only two reports ( highlighting/mentioning criminality), when trouble broke out.
Motor Club demanded (!) in a brutal and forceful way, that any 'negative' publicity stops, some documents returned, etc. , with a staggering 5000 euro per day fine in case of non-compliance.
Photos on the orange background are of Maylene de la Haye and a local (Hampshire)
police woman ALISON HEYDARI.
[ Tue. 18 October, 2016] - The CABAL - Cabal International is desperately blocking/hiding and censoring information about kgb=mossad=mafia, the inordinate role of women-criminals and so-called women in male criminality. In Germany (?) there was a case of an old prostitute who kept and 'cared for' a young man (former client) and gave him assignements.
Matriarchial/matrilineal societies and traditions carry dangerous 'hangovers' ... .
The scum of the Earth climbed high, to the very top of society.
Communism teaches family as oppression and exonerates prostitution. That I can testify from a personal experience of a Soviet education.
Olga Patta (KGB-Mossad) never told me why NIGERIAN MILITARY POLICE chased her to Murtalla Mohammed Airport, as she had to (?!) escape. Some points: she was insistent we 'borrow' horses from the POLICE BARRACKS, and not from the POLO Club. (Photos on other site). She once talked about child rapes (of young children) as if she was/ might have been involved in defending rapists.
And that incident in the CHINESE restaurant, when she promptly poured out the bleach/chlor smelling water into the sink behind her. She knew the people there, she said before going there.
She patronised Chinese Restaurant in Lagos. She sent her children for training to ISRAEL.
Soon enough I sent SOS querries about Identities and Backgrounds of COHN family members
To my brother in MOSCOW I wrote that SOVIET-JEWISH and CRIMINAL aspects are quite clear to me. MILITARY SPIONAGE (and sabotage) and hard crimes go together.
Post 364 (Red Rose Questions):
FBI: Biker gangs are serious 'criminal enterprises' - by Greg Toppo, USA TODAY, 19 May, 2015:
1. ....Military Installations: very near SKIPTON, North Yorkshire, where David and Elaine decided to move from for their retirement. They moved from Chelsmford in the South ( ...a high-tech city, he said once with a 'wink') near London, where they have relatives. David told me heating cost a lot of money, so he wanted to start deep underground digging for heating system and wanted me to get involved. A Jewish man ( soon after) in Gosport practically ... repeated the psychological line/strategy employed by David Cohn. After I refused to do engineering calculations, having asked him why me, and not his son, an engineer (?), there was a repeated ...push or soft pressure (?) in the same direction from a Jewish man at the Physics Society meeting and later - from a blond IRISH retired (from Portsmouth Uni.) engineer. Was MARCONI once in Chelsmford? Some lies/inconsistencies about family history. Russian names mentioned by Elaine, who has ovedone her 'acting'.
2. NB: a woman second to the right from me reminded me of SAAKIAN Armenian family in Unilag. Very nice family. I remember there was a quick friendship/affinity between the husband (Engineering lecturer) and a visiting .... Syrian ? engineer ? Either Syrian or Egyptian.
Still looking for two consecutive posts here, showing how a sofisticated computer programme "reacted" when I discovered online that MENWITH hill - ECHELON American/British secret Airbase was next to Skipton and Bradley village in North Yorkshire - new places of residence for COHN family members. I was not 'supposed' to know that !
[ Wed. 19 Oct.2016] - SPAM: The last NHS text message from my GP (?) of yesterday with announcement of my 'entitlement' to a flu vaccination addressed me unusually as Galina Antonovna Anikeeva (Russian/Soviet style).
Nota Bene! Capital letters have been 'recommended' on official forms for years. I thought it was strange, as handwriting and identity are thus obscured. Strange (putting it softly) is the requirement to use pencil (!) and not a pen in exams and voting ballots, which I also had criticised in the past.
DIGITALLY speaking, capital letters may produce a second document/copy. The code/programming is different, so .... ?.
My comment on/observation of the CAPITAL letters used for Alison Heidari's name in the company registration of POLICE CLUB in Southampton may be worth examining further. Her entry of nationality has changed from UNKNOWN to BRITISH, and changing capital lettering has acquired some logic: hers and other directors names are in capitals. She is also a secretary of POLICE CLUB.
I noticed only yesterday that VERKLARING (scan on a blue background) of so-called contract No-Surrender vs Panorama in its first paragraph specifically states that the name of the document (verklaring means statement or declaration) must be in capital letters.
I also suggested that SCRAP METAL (overlap with old cars) businesses may become a cover for weapons and machinery contraband. Will the x-ray/scanner detect a pistol/part of in a mass of wrangled metal ? There was a a big international police case after WW2.
Family Cohn had or have a succesful scrap-metal business. The Hague around 2000: Russian-Nigerian couple exporting used cars from St. Petersburg to Nigeria.
Klaas OTTO of No Surrender and his father ran or still running .... old/rented cars and/or scrap metal businesses.
The Hague: Arrest of a 38 year-old woman from Ministry of Defence (friend of Klaas Otto) who leaked info to Motor Club NS, such as ( civilian) plate numbers of police cars going to make arrests:
[ Friday 21 Oct. 2016] - just corrected the date of the entry in the previous post: Thurs. 13 Oct. of 2016, and not 2015.
Russian ships and submarines in 'mass' transfer? I wrote recently about local party and Russian submarine coincidence. Guests came from Southampton (?). Anything else happening?...
[ Sat. 22 Oct. 2016] - Christian grandmother accused of hate crime.
POLICE lectured Pauline Howe about her choice of words:
ECHELON Menwith Hill Air-Base and David Cohn's family deep-underground digging project idea:
Posts 186 and 187:
Just bought new batteries. The last phrase I heard on the radio when batteries went down was: Tories and Labour should work together. Printing problems in Gosport and Fareham 2 days ago were with articles from EUROPOL about arrests and smth. about American Elections on the RT (Russia Today) site. RT is not Russian in my opinion, but what I call Kitch Russian. I also coined the word 'lobotomiki' for young/not so young people, and not necessarily Russian, who show effects of brutal brainwashing.
Another 'mem' (ref. Russian forum) - untranslatable, quintessentially Russian satire:
Inogorodnia suka Tania -
Rachia i sobachia.
Diana Pidwell told me about hypnosis and auto state/suggestion.
That conversation was not finished.
My complaints to IT Hampshire:
[ Tue. 25 Oct. 2016] - Yesterday, I looked at persons targeted, COINTELPRO or gang-stalking videos. Amazingly, the old and outdated story/history of anarchists, homosexuals, communists, etc. targeted by FBI (?) is all one can find. When I entered Christians targeted , I got only stories about Christians targeted/persecuted in Pakistan and other muslim countries.
The dangerous high-tech has 'changed hands' for want of a better word. Another stale pro-communist idea is that it happens in NATO countries, in the West only.
As American Naval wife Kay Griggs said, "they" were never enemies with the Soviets.
REAL SPIES plant air-force document on smb. who wants to have nothing to do with them:
[ 26 Oct. 2016] - Example of anti-american and out of date comments to youtube material,
Ref. Dr John Hall by Crystal Starheat:
- Do not see any physician or any type of mental health practitioner - except Dr. Hall or someone he refers to ...
- Leave the country (asap) - to a non-NATO/US allied country ....
By the way, I wonder if Crystal Starheat is linked to Crystal River at RMN forum (Zionist provocateur, ref. N. Kuhrt at War Studies Dept. King's College, London).
As I wrote earlier, both Christianity and Islam are targeted by the Cabal, Cabal International.
About 20 years ago there was online material about Mind Control programmes/victims in Communist Countries.
Russian Ambassador in London YAKOVENKO's speech in Jan. 2012:
[ Friday, 28 October, 2016] - Yakovenko (Ukranian name) was born in Belorussia.
Maylene de la Haye works now in Het Parool (parool.nl) ? Her website page with a report (back in 2011) and pictures taken at a British Air-Show about F16 KGB Belorussia spy Chris Vaneker, went down very quickly. WHO took it down? The British? KGB? Mossad?
Russia, Ukraine and Belorussia are the 'closest' of ex-soviet republics: geographically, ethnically, culturally, linguistically.
Among "bikers" clubs I found one Called MASONIC WIDOWS SONS.
They have female section.
[ Mon. 31 Oct. 2016] - Early morning: a woman (cleaner?) locking the bank and leaving.
Special contract with temp agency?
I bought Italian newspapaer la Repubblica in Waitrose supermarket this morning. Corriere de la Serra (sp?) was unfortunately supplied without the Supplement.
I remember reading with dismay a newspaper ( which?) article about investigation of the sudden and unexplained death of UK Police Assoc. Chief officer. There it was reported that women police officers were excluded from witness interviews (?) because they were so/very upset (!).
[ Sat. 5 Nov. 2016 ] - JORDAN: yesterday security forces short three US military instructors after their car did not stop at a check point near Jordanian military base:
[ Mon. 7 Nov. 2016 ] - On Sat.had difficulty printing info ( wiki) about NABOKOV family, esp. in Russian. The grandfather of a man who wrote "Lolita" was the liberal Minister of Justice in Russian Empire. His activity included liberal reform of Judicial System and promotion of Jewish Rights.
Technically the printing difficulty was similar to one I experienced when trying to print (wiki-ru) JETP entry - Journal of Exp. and Theor. Physics.
Reading from www.abeldanger.net ( On Sat. there was a 'glitch' on that site from Raelan and Makow cabal/provocateurs or their imposters).
Weekend FT wrote about dangerous CULT and SHAMAN rituals ref. Park scandal in South Korea.
Top Police women: Belgian Catherine de Bolle - comm.-gen. van de fed. politie.
Another (French) woman (mislaid her name) is a top officer in INTERPOL . She was some sort of a commander in French Legion. Olga Patta had a friend from French Legion.
[ Tue. 8 Nov. 2016 ] - Online there were POLICE ( FBI) photoes of HELLARY CLINTON naked in bed with a black woman.
Ref. Polish INDYMEDIA website: ZHYDOWKA y PRESIDENTY ? - a few years ago.
There were also pictures of them with SCHOOLGIRLS in so called LESBIAN ROMP. When Bill-husband became president, photoes were to be destroyed, but were not. The Satanic Cabal is self-deluded about shredding and deleting, which is futile and technically impossible.
The first Bill (?) of/by Bill Clinton was legalisation of homosexuals/- recr. in the military (?).
[ Thursday, 10 Nov. 2016 ] - www.abeldanger.net does not load well since yesterday - on-off fliker.
The Russian wiki entry (unlike other lang.) does not give acronym BES for Dutch Carribean islands BES - eilanden. Bes in Russian is devil. Dostoevski wrote a novel BESY - plural for bes.
RUSI in London removed reference to FOUR services: land, sea, air and space.
I saw a Russian name in the SPACE section a couple of years ago.
Russian mil. space satellite specialist Domlatov (sp?) who asked for asylum in Holland was by mistake taken to det. centre for deportation and was (?) suicided. The computer mistake was of course, engineered.
Dr. Alexander Mirtchev is Vice President, RUSI:
[ Friday, 11 Nov. 2016 ] - This morning on Stoke Road a young boy (on his way to school) kept crying. Had an orange coat on.
Around 2000(?) it was discovered that Somali pirates were so 'dangerous' because they had a military intelligence about ships movements from their man (or woman?) in London, who worked in Maritime smth. org.
PORTSMOUTH has a Spinaker (watch?) Tower. Some story.
Portsmouth, Fareham and Gosport councils placed their ( gov.) websites on a Chinese (?) server. 'Chinese' characters appear on comp. monitor when Windows are loaded.
During Prof. Craven's Vice-Chancellorship there was a training course for lecturers: How to teach Chinese students.
BIG questions about Victoria WANG and ... a man (name begins with B) who was the org. of conf. at the Institute of Criminalistics in Portsmouth Uni. What an irony! And that incident in front of Central Library in Portsmouth when Jehova Witness people with some Chinese (?) posters almost ran off as I walked towards them.
Post ( nr 288 ) from 2011:
[ Tue. 15 Nov. 2016] - Lithuanian HOOKER Victoria Voronova and her husband exposed by the NEWS of the WORLD in May 2009:
Ukranian woman, RETIRED TEACHER Michailenko Hanna Vasilyevna was placed in a PSYCHIATRIC unit (prison) for eight years (1980-1988) after she refused a Ukranian KGB recruitment/invitation to become informer/infiltrator.
Doc. film was made by the Dutch film-maker Aliona van der Horst in 1997. Note the behavior of the dissident (?) Dr. Gluzman (sp.?) who, when Michaileko had asked him how long she had to tell her story (before EU audience) answered: FIVE minutes.
From Nov. 12, 2016 post on abeldanger.net:
Clinton to be indicted for child pedophilia, sex trafficking, satanic murder, and more.
[ Thurs. 17 Nov. 2016] - Far East POW website: the HISTORY page http://thejavafepowclub42.org/history.html prints only one page, thus without the Tortured memories and Stiff upper lip parts. Please read.
[ Sat.19 Nov.2015] - Urgent comment to a VIDEO ( 62463 - Gary Larrabee and Kent Dunn ) posted by M.Ed on rmn forum:
1. As was pointed out, it is not only 'America' and the 'West' that are guilty of most horrendous crimes against children.
2. "All cardinals" - is not true ! Three great Cardinals compiled a file of 300 pages about so-called HOMOSEXUAL lobby/mafia in Vatican and many other countries - many honest people with facts, testimonies and evidence.
3. Some of the sadistic murders of children may be a terrifying threat to others who resist/protest and talk about it.
4. Some violated children can be said to be satanically damaged/posessed, their bodies, minds and souls destroyed .... .
5. Kay Griggs, US naval wife, had said she did not get support from other mil. wives, but she is/was not alone: German and Italian women went to ALL main newspapers, and were turned down with their story/testimony.
[ Wed. 23 Nov. 2016] - Second day on front pages: British footballers COME OUT with confessions of ( (homo-) sexual abuse by their COACHES at a younger age onwards.
Daily Mail (Mon. 21 Nov.) - Soft sentence by Judge Johnathan Bennett in the case of a homosexual rape of a boy, 5, by a 15 year-old, who threatened the child:
"If you tell anyone, I will break you into pieces".

Tuesday, 27 September 2016
Red Rose questions.
( nr 364 ) - Red Rose emblem was worn by a man ( ginger hair, lemon jacket) not long ago, who very expressively supported and encouraged the Gosport Ferry man (staff) with an ear ring, critisized by me for standing in the way and touching passenges.
The scan I just posted is of a logo of one of the much discussed GULEN schools, now being closed in the Netherlands:
Among other things, Labour Party UK has had a Red Rose as historic symbol.
With new leader CORBYN making headlines, some history and revision may be overdue.
Definitions from the Soviet (textbook) history:
1. SOCIALISM - (ru)- ot kazhdogo po sposobnostiam, kazhdomu - po trudu.
2. COMMUNISM - (ru) - ot kazhdogo po sposobnostiam, kazhdomu - po potrebnostiam.
So, while Soviet citizens worked according to their abilities in both cases, under socialism they were rewarded/paid according to their WORK (labour), but under communism - according to their NEEDS. Schoolchildren asked: Is it possible? Would it be reasonable to satisfy a drankard's need in alchohol? The answer was: there would be no drankards, etc under Communism, everybody will be 'soznatelny', that is of a higher/developed conscience.
At whichever CPSU Congress in the 1960s, KHRUSCHEV announced ( in a radio broadcast) that building of SOCIALISM is now complete and The Party embarks on building Communism.
It was disappointing in the sense that there were no tangible, visible changes of such a grand transition.
WEST-EAST. Cold War was a ruse, and so was the End of Cold War.
The expectation was that the BEST of two systems would combine in a so-called Third Way.
Instead, the WORST of two systems emerged or was barbarically concocted - NWO or International Cabal's Disorder. 'They' control both sides, don't they?
My posts from 2012 and 2015:
Complaint number Three:
Refugees gone missing ?:
Reading about Internet and Computer CRIMES.
1. "Dark web trade exposed" in The Times Sat. 24 Sept.2016 by John Simpson Crime Correspondent.
'Detectives' are Dr. Sin Wee Lee and Dr. Andres Baravalle. Andres Baravalle got his first degree Summa Cum Laude in Mass Communications (Journalism?) in Turin, Italy in 2000.
2. FBI and Congress investigates Hillary Clinton's and her assistants' activities: her personal server, her e-mails, etc.
[ Wed. 28 Sept.2016] - PKK is mentioned in three of my posts:
2015 - UK, China, Russia, Syria, Israel.
2016 - Addenda Nine.
[ Thurs.29 Sept.2016] - Punch 1876 in post Addenda Four:
[ Sat. 1 Oct. 2016] - Russian Ambassador to the Netherlands ALEXANDER VAS. SHULGIN was called on the carpet yesterday morning by the Dutch Foreign Minister Bert Koenders.
Shulgin going back to Moscow is followed by Segei Lavrov announcing that Dutch Ambassador Renee Jones-Bos is no more welcome in Russia.
The Gosport U3A has a meeting next Wednesday. Curious about Current Affairs group.
[ Mon. 3 October, 2016 ] - October FOUR is the day, on which important events happened in Holland and in Russia in two consecutive years - 1992 and 1993:
[Tue. 4 Oct.2016] - Having seen ...."m.2014" ref. marriage (?) in Russian ambassador Aleksander V. Shulgin's biography, I decided to check again, but it seems his biography and online presence is now almost limited to the Russian Embassy website and a Luxembourg Ambassadorial list.
Instead, a lot about another Shulgin(s). Smth. to hide?
[ Thurs. 6 Oct.2016] - scan posted from ANP photo (in an NOS article) of 2015 ceremony of presentation of letters of accreditation of Aleksander Shulgin to the Dutch King Willem-Alexander:
Reported yesterday: All women.... A ship Zaytouna-Oliva under the Dutch flag (not official) approaches ISRAEL coast. The cause is support for Palestinians in GAZA. Women from nine countries include a Nobel Prize winner:
[ Friday, 7 October, 2016] - just posted a scan from chaplinbooks.co.uk with the scandalous and offensive cover image of King David and NEWS of the WORLD newspaper (a headline of Confessions of Christine ...). Met John Bull three times.
First he asked me if I knew IRINA, and when I told him I did not, he went on to say she is a very good/important person, that one 'has' to know/meet her.
Second time I took his picture by "Capita" building in Gosport and it is in one of my recent posts.
Third time - on a Gosport Library Chaplin Books stand, where he spoke revealing his Anti-Christian and unpleasant identity.
I did describe 'IRINA+' network as a criminal/spionage network.
Incidentally, the News of the World depicted as a FIG leave for King David is also a graphic ....swear at the EXPOSE by that paper if we remember the simple(-est) swear in Russian, which has preposition ON in it.
In one of my posts (in 2009?) I have scans of page(-s) from NoW article with the PHOTO of 21-year old Lithuanian Prostitute VICTORIA VORONOVA (Russian name), who, I remember was the daughter of a (ex-) SOVIET military officer, owned an appartement in Central London and was the wife (not just a girlfriend as I see in quotes now) of an British African/West Indian man.
His name - Brian Sirjuisingh sounds like a nick-name to me: Sir smth ? ...
From my notes in 2014 (02/12) on the printouts of Mil./KGB officers from NOOCOSMOLOGY dot com site:
1. FONAREV D.N. - smb. like him (older) spoke to me last Sat. in Gosport Library. There was some good singing - too good. Plus other coincidences.
2. SAVIN Alexey Yu. - the retired medical officer from Finland Rauni Kilder has recently mentioned, pointed accusing finger at 'Russian general Alexey Savin'. (Looking for her statement).
I was told (locally) that wrong people 'became rich' during and after Second World War.
(Ru) Iz narodnogo tvorchestva - not translatable:
1. Rossianskie obeziany,
Pederastki i Lesbiany -
Maloletnie bliadi.
Maloletnie bliadi
Stanoviatsa Mnogoletnimi.
2. A gebeshniki - huzhe zhidov.
WIKIPEDIA entry for News of the World is in English plus 38 other languages. A short and angry entry in Russia. NO entry in Lithuanian, Latvian or Estonian.
Are pages for Savin and Fonarev still there? -
My posts 190 and 193 from year 2009:
Post 237:
Pennsylvania, etc -
Post 300:
Victoria Voronova photo:
Brian Sirjusingh photo in online Daily Mail article 1353915 (Chauffeur who ...)
Trinidad and Tobago newspaper writes about Lithuanian hooker Victoria Voronova with photo of Brian Sirjusing included:
[ Sat. 8 Oct. 2016] - Slovo (or Slova?) run is another quote from News of the World giving statistics of influx of former Warsaw Pact countries citizens into UK - my post on this site (search did not work). More links/urls:
81 Communist and Workers parties statement of 1960:
An entry for McCarthyism in Wikipedia has a picture of a flyer issued in 1955 by Keep America Committee with 3 dangers depicted: FLUORIDATION of water, VACCINATIONS (Polio Monkey Serums) and MENTAL hygiene.
Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars was posted by Bill Cooper in 1996 with subject: REED BEFORE "THEY" DELETE! -
FEMINISM - mask for MARXISM ? -
Who is killing the STAR WARS scientists ? -
[ Mon. 10 Oct. 2016] - REPUBLICAN party in USA came out with a program, that shook the establishment. Not even the declaration of alliance with Israel (real or tactical?) helped.
I scanned and posted FULL TEXT of the election speech on this site, as almost instantly it became unavailable online - blocked/censored -
List of convenient deaths (ref.JFK) -
Major General Edwin Anderson Walker -
[ Tue. 11 Oct. 2016] - Posts from 2009 and 2011:
[ Wed. 12 Oct. 2016 ] - There were a few cars set on fire Mon. 10 Oct. in Gosport, as reported in The News and elsewhere yesterday. One car was a POLICE CAR.
Fewer children at school.
Dutch newspaper NRC and online nu.nl report threats and intimidation by NO SURRENDER motorclub of the Editor and Journalist of a weekly publication PANORAMA (record back in 2014):
Military Mob benefits from CRIMINALITY:
Mylene de la Haye reported on her website the presence of Dutch F16 pilot on British Air-Show (pictures taken, toys for boys, presence of YOUNG BOYS collecting autographs, etc.).
KGB Belorussia and business deals among active and retired military.
CHRIS VANNEKER still in Dutch Prison in Zoetermeer (?) - at least four links in Addenda Nine:
My 2011 post:
Just corrected my mistake above: PANORAMA is a weekly publication in the Netherlands and not a TV program. Motorclubs have an international network, so I wonder, for example, about MC(s) in Minsk, Belorussia and other countries. Whoever "empowered" smb. like Otto Klaas ? Who drafted their demands/contracts? PETER de VRIES ( and another American journalist) experienced similar threats and demands a couple of years ago - from a convicted criminal.
In the story so far, there seems to be a void of sorts - the role of female criminals.
[ Thurs. 13 Oct. 2016] - Corrected 'Red Pose' above - its Red Rose.
That new Motorclub No Surrender (founded by "Gypsy/Ciganos" from Zundert/Brabant on 25 Feb. 2013) has 28 branches in 5 countries, 500 members - as of 2013(?). -
Can't find more info about "Sisterhood Halfway" mentioned in the so-called Contract (Verklaring).
Hmm... Kardashian is an Armenian name. The father of Kim made famous via his defence of O.J. Simpson. Only yesterday I read that the robbery was carried out at night by 5 criminals dressed in POLICE UNIFORMS. Breivik learned sewing to make special uniforms (?).
I read today that arson incidents in Gosport took place last Sunday evening and Tuesday.
The female branch of No Surrender MC could be HALLWAY and not HALFWAY, but no info is found online. The name is mentioned only once in the photo of the so-called contract - bottom of page 1/2 obscured by the shade/shadow.
[ Friday 14 Oct.2016] - Posted two scans from Daily Star of yesterday - 'KATE CLAN ROADKILL SHOCKER' and 'Kate roadkill kids shocker' by LAURA NEIL. SCARY: Slenderman did not fit in into the second scan.
The Middletons .... When photoes of Kate's parents appeared in newspapers after William and Kate got engaged, I wondered if Kate's father had a (twin-) brother in Gosport.
A man spoke to me in front of the Gosport Library, who looked to me like he could have been ... a Russian/Kazach/from TATARSTAN. Kate's mother Carol is Jewish (?).
One colleague of NATASHA KUHRT (her maiden name?) in the Dept. of War Studies in King's College London is TATARKA (forgot her name).
HUHTA-MAKI (sp?) factory in Gosport makes party paper tableware and other party products.
Added initials O.J. to Simpson above.
KGB= Mossad= Mafia.
Addenda Ten: http://galina-a-anikeeva.blogspot.com/2016/09/addenda-ten.html
Hotmail has been difficult to access of recent.
ISRAEL angered by UN supporting the draft/resolution, submitted by seven Arab countries, about TEMPLE MOUNT:
www.nu.nl/buitenland/4336187/israel-schort-samenwerking-met-unesco-tempelberg-resolutie.html - the link 'resolutie' is to the ENGLISH text of Unesco item 25: OCCUPIED PALESTINE.
The Dutch King Willem-Alexander and Princess Beatrix are not aware of a secret deal with the Dutch Tax Authorities about reduced taxation signed back in 1973:
My e-letter to Natasha Kuhrt, FAMILY COHN and more:
Motor Club No Surrender: The Chief Editor of NRC Jan Meeus attended the Court sitting in Breda (South Holland) yesterday. Otto Klaas was repr. by his lawyer - advocaat Louis de Leon.
My post Tech-Mafia-2:
Big Questions about BODNARCHUK and BEDNARCHUK - I wrote about them on this site and on a Rus lang. site.. Ref.:
1. RUSSIAN Spectacular (3 satanised shows in Portsmoutrh: pro-homosexual for Soviet and American mil. with British/Scottish/Jewish/Masonic 'Widows' in charge. Link: Red ( Lenin-Trotsky)Army Theater in Moscow, next to Military Museum.
2. Man in a ginger leather (long coat) and white starched shirt who 'picked' an argument with me in a News Agent in Gosport High Street.
3. A man on SKIPTON (!) council - to do with markets.
And now ..... I discovered one LUBOS BEDNAR - on a list of Missing Adults (Vermiste Volwassenen) on DUTCH POLICE website. 5-year old boy was seen being picked by a car in 1988 in Puchov (Tsjechie):
[ Sat. 15 Oct.2016] -
From today's Daily Tel.: ... Lady Brittan is considering suing the police over raids on two homes in London and in Yorkshire that took place at the same time as the search of Lord Bramall's house in Hampshire.
Today's The News (portsmouth.co.uk) raises POLICE and CRIME issues. 2 names on the front page: Donna Jones and Supt Will Schofield. The two appear on 29 October 2014 photo:
Alison Heydari is there as a (new?) Police Chief Inspector, district commander Waterlooville and Havant. Her name led via online search to a TRUST - The Southampton Police Club Trust Fund Limited (all in capital letters), just like her name on the company check website: companycheck.co.uk/company/04539543/THE-SOUTHAMPTON-POLICE- ....... Just noticed that capital lettering seems to 'fluctuate'.
On www.highfieldresidents.org.uk a message from Alison Heydari was posted by Nadine Johnson on March 24, 2016 ref Brussels Attacks.

The scan I just posted is of a logo of one of the much discussed GULEN schools, now being closed in the Netherlands:
Among other things, Labour Party UK has had a Red Rose as historic symbol.
With new leader CORBYN making headlines, some history and revision may be overdue.
Definitions from the Soviet (textbook) history:
1. SOCIALISM - (ru)- ot kazhdogo po sposobnostiam, kazhdomu - po trudu.
2. COMMUNISM - (ru) - ot kazhdogo po sposobnostiam, kazhdomu - po potrebnostiam.
So, while Soviet citizens worked according to their abilities in both cases, under socialism they were rewarded/paid according to their WORK (labour), but under communism - according to their NEEDS. Schoolchildren asked: Is it possible? Would it be reasonable to satisfy a drankard's need in alchohol? The answer was: there would be no drankards, etc under Communism, everybody will be 'soznatelny', that is of a higher/developed conscience.
At whichever CPSU Congress in the 1960s, KHRUSCHEV announced ( in a radio broadcast) that building of SOCIALISM is now complete and The Party embarks on building Communism.
It was disappointing in the sense that there were no tangible, visible changes of such a grand transition.
WEST-EAST. Cold War was a ruse, and so was the End of Cold War.
The expectation was that the BEST of two systems would combine in a so-called Third Way.
Instead, the WORST of two systems emerged or was barbarically concocted - NWO or International Cabal's Disorder. 'They' control both sides, don't they?
My posts from 2012 and 2015:
Complaint number Three:
Refugees gone missing ?:
Reading about Internet and Computer CRIMES.
1. "Dark web trade exposed" in The Times Sat. 24 Sept.2016 by John Simpson Crime Correspondent.
'Detectives' are Dr. Sin Wee Lee and Dr. Andres Baravalle. Andres Baravalle got his first degree Summa Cum Laude in Mass Communications (Journalism?) in Turin, Italy in 2000.
2. FBI and Congress investigates Hillary Clinton's and her assistants' activities: her personal server, her e-mails, etc.
[ Wed. 28 Sept.2016] - PKK is mentioned in three of my posts:
2015 - UK, China, Russia, Syria, Israel.
2016 - Addenda Nine.
[ Thurs.29 Sept.2016] - Punch 1876 in post Addenda Four:
[ Sat. 1 Oct. 2016] - Russian Ambassador to the Netherlands ALEXANDER VAS. SHULGIN was called on the carpet yesterday morning by the Dutch Foreign Minister Bert Koenders.
Shulgin going back to Moscow is followed by Segei Lavrov announcing that Dutch Ambassador Renee Jones-Bos is no more welcome in Russia.
The Gosport U3A has a meeting next Wednesday. Curious about Current Affairs group.
[ Mon. 3 October, 2016 ] - October FOUR is the day, on which important events happened in Holland and in Russia in two consecutive years - 1992 and 1993:
[Tue. 4 Oct.2016] - Having seen ...."m.2014" ref. marriage (?) in Russian ambassador Aleksander V. Shulgin's biography, I decided to check again, but it seems his biography and online presence is now almost limited to the Russian Embassy website and a Luxembourg Ambassadorial list.
Instead, a lot about another Shulgin(s). Smth. to hide?
[ Thurs. 6 Oct.2016] - scan posted from ANP photo (in an NOS article) of 2015 ceremony of presentation of letters of accreditation of Aleksander Shulgin to the Dutch King Willem-Alexander:
Reported yesterday: All women.... A ship Zaytouna-Oliva under the Dutch flag (not official) approaches ISRAEL coast. The cause is support for Palestinians in GAZA. Women from nine countries include a Nobel Prize winner:
[ Friday, 7 October, 2016] - just posted a scan from chaplinbooks.co.uk with the scandalous and offensive cover image of King David and NEWS of the WORLD newspaper (a headline of Confessions of Christine ...). Met John Bull three times.
First he asked me if I knew IRINA, and when I told him I did not, he went on to say she is a very good/important person, that one 'has' to know/meet her.
Second time I took his picture by "Capita" building in Gosport and it is in one of my recent posts.
Third time - on a Gosport Library Chaplin Books stand, where he spoke revealing his Anti-Christian and unpleasant identity.
I did describe 'IRINA+' network as a criminal/spionage network.
Incidentally, the News of the World depicted as a FIG leave for King David is also a graphic ....swear at the EXPOSE by that paper if we remember the simple(-est) swear in Russian, which has preposition ON in it.
In one of my posts (in 2009?) I have scans of page(-s) from NoW article with the PHOTO of 21-year old Lithuanian Prostitute VICTORIA VORONOVA (Russian name), who, I remember was the daughter of a (ex-) SOVIET military officer, owned an appartement in Central London and was the wife (not just a girlfriend as I see in quotes now) of an British African/West Indian man.
His name - Brian Sirjuisingh sounds like a nick-name to me: Sir smth ? ...
From my notes in 2014 (02/12) on the printouts of Mil./KGB officers from NOOCOSMOLOGY dot com site:
1. FONAREV D.N. - smb. like him (older) spoke to me last Sat. in Gosport Library. There was some good singing - too good. Plus other coincidences.
2. SAVIN Alexey Yu. - the retired medical officer from Finland Rauni Kilder has recently mentioned, pointed accusing finger at 'Russian general Alexey Savin'. (Looking for her statement).
I was told (locally) that wrong people 'became rich' during and after Second World War.
(Ru) Iz narodnogo tvorchestva - not translatable:
1. Rossianskie obeziany,
Pederastki i Lesbiany -
Maloletnie bliadi.
Maloletnie bliadi
Stanoviatsa Mnogoletnimi.
2. A gebeshniki - huzhe zhidov.
WIKIPEDIA entry for News of the World is in English plus 38 other languages. A short and angry entry in Russia. NO entry in Lithuanian, Latvian or Estonian.
Are pages for Savin and Fonarev still there? -
My posts 190 and 193 from year 2009:
Post 237:
Pennsylvania, etc -
Post 300:
Victoria Voronova photo:
Brian Sirjusingh photo in online Daily Mail article 1353915 (Chauffeur who ...)
Trinidad and Tobago newspaper writes about Lithuanian hooker Victoria Voronova with photo of Brian Sirjusing included:
[ Sat. 8 Oct. 2016] - Slovo (or Slova?) run is another quote from News of the World giving statistics of influx of former Warsaw Pact countries citizens into UK - my post on this site (search did not work). More links/urls:
81 Communist and Workers parties statement of 1960:
An entry for McCarthyism in Wikipedia has a picture of a flyer issued in 1955 by Keep America Committee with 3 dangers depicted: FLUORIDATION of water, VACCINATIONS (Polio Monkey Serums) and MENTAL hygiene.
Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars was posted by Bill Cooper in 1996 with subject: REED BEFORE "THEY" DELETE! -
FEMINISM - mask for MARXISM ? -
Who is killing the STAR WARS scientists ? -
[ Mon. 10 Oct. 2016] - REPUBLICAN party in USA came out with a program, that shook the establishment. Not even the declaration of alliance with Israel (real or tactical?) helped.
I scanned and posted FULL TEXT of the election speech on this site, as almost instantly it became unavailable online - blocked/censored -
List of convenient deaths (ref.JFK) -
Major General Edwin Anderson Walker -
[ Tue. 11 Oct. 2016] - Posts from 2009 and 2011:
[ Wed. 12 Oct. 2016 ] - There were a few cars set on fire Mon. 10 Oct. in Gosport, as reported in The News and elsewhere yesterday. One car was a POLICE CAR.
Fewer children at school.
Dutch newspaper NRC and online nu.nl report threats and intimidation by NO SURRENDER motorclub of the Editor and Journalist of a weekly publication PANORAMA (record back in 2014):
Military Mob benefits from CRIMINALITY:
Mylene de la Haye reported on her website the presence of Dutch F16 pilot on British Air-Show (pictures taken, toys for boys, presence of YOUNG BOYS collecting autographs, etc.).
KGB Belorussia and business deals among active and retired military.
CHRIS VANNEKER still in Dutch Prison in Zoetermeer (?) - at least four links in Addenda Nine:
My 2011 post:
Just corrected my mistake above: PANORAMA is a weekly publication in the Netherlands and not a TV program. Motorclubs have an international network, so I wonder, for example, about MC(s) in Minsk, Belorussia and other countries. Whoever "empowered" smb. like Otto Klaas ? Who drafted their demands/contracts? PETER de VRIES ( and another American journalist) experienced similar threats and demands a couple of years ago - from a convicted criminal.
In the story so far, there seems to be a void of sorts - the role of female criminals.
[ Thurs. 13 Oct. 2016] - Corrected 'Red Pose' above - its Red Rose.
That new Motorclub No Surrender (founded by "Gypsy/Ciganos" from Zundert/Brabant on 25 Feb. 2013) has 28 branches in 5 countries, 500 members - as of 2013(?). -
Can't find more info about "Sisterhood Halfway" mentioned in the so-called Contract (Verklaring).
Hmm... Kardashian is an Armenian name. The father of Kim made famous via his defence of O.J. Simpson. Only yesterday I read that the robbery was carried out at night by 5 criminals dressed in POLICE UNIFORMS. Breivik learned sewing to make special uniforms (?).
I read today that arson incidents in Gosport took place last Sunday evening and Tuesday.
The female branch of No Surrender MC could be HALLWAY and not HALFWAY, but no info is found online. The name is mentioned only once in the photo of the so-called contract - bottom of page 1/2 obscured by the shade/shadow.
[ Friday 14 Oct.2016] - Posted two scans from Daily Star of yesterday - 'KATE CLAN ROADKILL SHOCKER' and 'Kate roadkill kids shocker' by LAURA NEIL. SCARY: Slenderman did not fit in into the second scan.
The Middletons .... When photoes of Kate's parents appeared in newspapers after William and Kate got engaged, I wondered if Kate's father had a (twin-) brother in Gosport.
A man spoke to me in front of the Gosport Library, who looked to me like he could have been ... a Russian/Kazach/from TATARSTAN. Kate's mother Carol is Jewish (?).
One colleague of NATASHA KUHRT (her maiden name?) in the Dept. of War Studies in King's College London is TATARKA (forgot her name).
HUHTA-MAKI (sp?) factory in Gosport makes party paper tableware and other party products.
Added initials O.J. to Simpson above.
KGB= Mossad= Mafia.
Addenda Ten: http://galina-a-anikeeva.blogspot.com/2016/09/addenda-ten.html
Hotmail has been difficult to access of recent.
ISRAEL angered by UN supporting the draft/resolution, submitted by seven Arab countries, about TEMPLE MOUNT:
www.nu.nl/buitenland/4336187/israel-schort-samenwerking-met-unesco-tempelberg-resolutie.html - the link 'resolutie' is to the ENGLISH text of Unesco item 25: OCCUPIED PALESTINE.
The Dutch King Willem-Alexander and Princess Beatrix are not aware of a secret deal with the Dutch Tax Authorities about reduced taxation signed back in 1973:
My e-letter to Natasha Kuhrt, FAMILY COHN and more:
Motor Club No Surrender: The Chief Editor of NRC Jan Meeus attended the Court sitting in Breda (South Holland) yesterday. Otto Klaas was repr. by his lawyer - advocaat Louis de Leon.
My post Tech-Mafia-2:
Big Questions about BODNARCHUK and BEDNARCHUK - I wrote about them on this site and on a Rus lang. site.. Ref.:
1. RUSSIAN Spectacular (3 satanised shows in Portsmoutrh: pro-homosexual for Soviet and American mil. with British/Scottish/Jewish/Masonic 'Widows' in charge. Link: Red ( Lenin-Trotsky)Army Theater in Moscow, next to Military Museum.
2. Man in a ginger leather (long coat) and white starched shirt who 'picked' an argument with me in a News Agent in Gosport High Street.
3. A man on SKIPTON (!) council - to do with markets.
And now ..... I discovered one LUBOS BEDNAR - on a list of Missing Adults (Vermiste Volwassenen) on DUTCH POLICE website. 5-year old boy was seen being picked by a car in 1988 in Puchov (Tsjechie):
[ Sat. 15 Oct.2016] -
From today's Daily Tel.: ... Lady Brittan is considering suing the police over raids on two homes in London and in Yorkshire that took place at the same time as the search of Lord Bramall's house in Hampshire.
Today's The News (portsmouth.co.uk) raises POLICE and CRIME issues. 2 names on the front page: Donna Jones and Supt Will Schofield. The two appear on 29 October 2014 photo:
Alison Heydari is there as a (new?) Police Chief Inspector, district commander Waterlooville and Havant. Her name led via online search to a TRUST - The Southampton Police Club Trust Fund Limited (all in capital letters), just like her name on the company check website: companycheck.co.uk/company/04539543/THE-SOUTHAMPTON-POLICE- ....... Just noticed that capital lettering seems to 'fluctuate'.
On www.highfieldresidents.org.uk a message from Alison Heydari was posted by Nadine Johnson on March 24, 2016 ref Brussels Attacks.

Wednesday, 21 September 2016
Addenda Ten.
( nr 363 ) - NIGERIA PRAYS, - I called it a dangerous CULT a year ago.
There is smth. of a cover-up online as I see it.
Their poster: http://www.ofnc.org.uk/events/nigeriaprays2016/ From their ideology as I came across it online two years ago (and which is somewhat hidden, i.e. in Wikipedia):
1. God is Powerful, ONLY prayer can save Nigeria.
2. Hate the Sin, love the Sinner - allegedly Bible teaching.
Some names from their video presentation: Dayo Balogun, Pastor Leke Sanusi and Dr. Albert Okoye.
Direct links to Britain and ( ex-) USSR.
The founder is a former Nigerian President Gen (Dr) Yakubu GOWON, Chairman Nigeria Prays.
The role of Yakubu Gowon as a president, who fought against separatists in BIAFRA Nigerian civil war was hailed (officially) in the Soviet Union, which assisted Nigerian Army against "The West".
Cross River State is where both Yakubu Gowon and my ex-husband have roots, although Victor Adekunle Udom was from a (tribally) mixed marriage: Youruba mother and Efik father.
The wedding dress my ex-husband bought in London for me was the replica of wedding dress Victoria Gowon wore.
KGB=MOSSAD=Mafia is certainly involved, plus their "western" brothers and sisters.
I did raise questions.
It was RAPHAEL COHN who suggested to my daughter that she should search for her father online.
The letters and tel calls I 'accepted' (at best) as only one tenth genuine, mostly forgery.
The Society of SOYUZNIKI (from Soyuz - ref. Soviet Union) - Nigerians, who studied in the Soviet Union, has familiar names, - I know the people. The word Soyuzniki also means ALLIES - word used in WW2, for example.
Does a strange "Mrs. WILLIAMS" who phoned my daughter from CANADA, have linkes to Apostle Alfred Williams ? - see middle photo on http://ofnc.org.uk/events/nigeriaprays2016/
The Medical Mafia branch of MO-K-SS-GB-AD is very strong. So, in my acronym, there are: KGB, Mossad, Mob, GB, SS and AD (Russian for Hell) and even MO(D) - ministry of defence.
Both Olga PATTA and Ada Akpan (Soviet Jewish women, medics), who worked in the Military Hospital, Ikoyi, Lagos, Nigeria had links to Cross River State (ref. Nigerian husbands).
Some similarity with ALADE family. More familiar faces on their photo gallery.
I wonder what happened to my e-mail sent to Cheam branch of Metropolitan Police on Tuesday, 13 Sept. The answer came from PC Andrew Peek, sent Sat. 17 Sept.2016.
[ Thurs. 22 Sept. 2016] - SORRY for placing Gen.Yakubu GOWON in Calabar/Cross River State.
Forgot he was from Jos State. The idea of choosing representatives of MINORITIES for governments is controversial but popular even today.
Posted TEN SCANS: seven scans of correspondence (not in full, just a sample , note drastically different signatures of Christine Kennard) about my TENANCY at 26 St. Matthews Court, Gosport and three scans at the bottom as follows:
1. Jewish Passover at Cape Verde. Amasingly, theatrics of recent in Gosport included black hats and Cape Verde/Nigerian Mafia mannerisms. The woman also resembles Mossad Woman as I called her, ref. flat 21 (young Paul) and anniversary of Loeb+ murder in Chicago 1925.
Sunday 6 May 2012 (Trinity Church Organ, Dutch musicians - Iconoclastic - Portsmouth Univ., etc) was the Second Jewish Passover and the Tenth Anniversary of Assasination of controversial Dutch polititian PIM FORTUIN.
2. David Gorski - does look like a relation of GORSKAYA :
3. Prof. GALBRAITH - new Vice-Chancellor of University of Portsmouth.
New Chancellor: Sandi TOKSVIG. Outgoing VC - Prof John Craven.
There is smth. of a cover-up online as I see it.
Their poster: http://www.ofnc.org.uk/events/nigeriaprays2016/ From their ideology as I came across it online two years ago (and which is somewhat hidden, i.e. in Wikipedia):
1. God is Powerful, ONLY prayer can save Nigeria.
2. Hate the Sin, love the Sinner - allegedly Bible teaching.
Some names from their video presentation: Dayo Balogun, Pastor Leke Sanusi and Dr. Albert Okoye.
Direct links to Britain and ( ex-) USSR.
The founder is a former Nigerian President Gen (Dr) Yakubu GOWON, Chairman Nigeria Prays.
The role of Yakubu Gowon as a president, who fought against separatists in BIAFRA Nigerian civil war was hailed (officially) in the Soviet Union, which assisted Nigerian Army against "The West".
Cross River State is where both Yakubu Gowon and my ex-husband have roots, although Victor Adekunle Udom was from a (tribally) mixed marriage: Youruba mother and Efik father.
The wedding dress my ex-husband bought in London for me was the replica of wedding dress Victoria Gowon wore.
KGB=MOSSAD=Mafia is certainly involved, plus their "western" brothers and sisters.
I did raise questions.
It was RAPHAEL COHN who suggested to my daughter that she should search for her father online.
The letters and tel calls I 'accepted' (at best) as only one tenth genuine, mostly forgery.
The Society of SOYUZNIKI (from Soyuz - ref. Soviet Union) - Nigerians, who studied in the Soviet Union, has familiar names, - I know the people. The word Soyuzniki also means ALLIES - word used in WW2, for example.
Does a strange "Mrs. WILLIAMS" who phoned my daughter from CANADA, have linkes to Apostle Alfred Williams ? - see middle photo on http://ofnc.org.uk/events/nigeriaprays2016/
The Medical Mafia branch of MO-K-SS-GB-AD is very strong. So, in my acronym, there are: KGB, Mossad, Mob, GB, SS and AD (Russian for Hell) and even MO(D) - ministry of defence.
Both Olga PATTA and Ada Akpan (Soviet Jewish women, medics), who worked in the Military Hospital, Ikoyi, Lagos, Nigeria had links to Cross River State (ref. Nigerian husbands).
Some similarity with ALADE family. More familiar faces on their photo gallery.
I wonder what happened to my e-mail sent to Cheam branch of Metropolitan Police on Tuesday, 13 Sept. The answer came from PC Andrew Peek, sent Sat. 17 Sept.2016.
[ Thurs. 22 Sept. 2016] - SORRY for placing Gen.Yakubu GOWON in Calabar/Cross River State.
Forgot he was from Jos State. The idea of choosing representatives of MINORITIES for governments is controversial but popular even today.
Posted TEN SCANS: seven scans of correspondence (not in full, just a sample , note drastically different signatures of Christine Kennard) about my TENANCY at 26 St. Matthews Court, Gosport and three scans at the bottom as follows:
1. Jewish Passover at Cape Verde. Amasingly, theatrics of recent in Gosport included black hats and Cape Verde/Nigerian Mafia mannerisms. The woman also resembles Mossad Woman as I called her, ref. flat 21 (young Paul) and anniversary of Loeb+ murder in Chicago 1925.
Sunday 6 May 2012 (Trinity Church Organ, Dutch musicians - Iconoclastic - Portsmouth Univ., etc) was the Second Jewish Passover and the Tenth Anniversary of Assasination of controversial Dutch polititian PIM FORTUIN.
2. David Gorski - does look like a relation of GORSKAYA :
3. Prof. GALBRAITH - new Vice-Chancellor of University of Portsmouth.
New Chancellor: Sandi TOKSVIG. Outgoing VC - Prof John Craven.
Tuesday, 30 August 2016
Addenda Nine.
( nr 362 ) - Have difficulty finding Italian Major-General Luigi Bianchi, who was appointed Commander, Allied Fifth Tactical Air Force in August 1958 ( 5 ATAF ).
Info only about Mathematitian Luigi Bianchi.
My post ( nr 342 ) Jewish Goat Syndrome and IT:
[ Wed. 31 Aug.2016] - just posted scan of INTERSPUTNIK entry in 1984 edition of (Soviet) Diplomatic Dictionary.
Ru: Kosmicheski Kompleks i Zemnye Stantsii.
En: Space Complex and GROUND STATIONS.
And where are those (Star Wars) Ground Stations? - Everywhere.
My post "Who is What ? ..." :
[ Friday, 2 Sept. 2016] - Addenda Four post:
Soviet Jewish Immigration ( sixties, seventies) started from the South, Caucasian Republics:
Georgia, Armenia, etc. Armenian Mafia in New York ... Sergey Lavrov is Armenian/Jewish.
Where are Saakian family from Unilag now? The husband was a lecturer in the Engineering Faculty, the wife - a medical doctor. Yougoslavia, Ukraine, Armenia had independent representations at UN during Cold War.
The scan from Diplomatic Dictionary about INTERSPUTNIK has a book by Kamenetskaya E.P. as a reference. The marriage of Rita Kamenetskaya (daughter of Samuil Efimovich) was talked/gossiped about as a 'new' type/trend of what was called in the Soviet Union a 'mixed marriage' (a marriage between Jew and Russian) , as she was marrying a Russian man, a 'simple' factory worker (ru: prostoi rabochiy). Give and take.
Did not like names/faces of Armenian 'friends' on the facebook page of Nkem, the daughter of my friend Lynn Nwuneli. Couldn't really talk to Nkem, when she was in London. She might not know what went on in Unilag in those years.
Small correction: I sort of mixed two issues above: some Warsaw Pact countries were allied with USSR, but allowed their citizens to work abroad, which was not the case with Soviet citizens, as I knew it at the time. I learned from Eng. Saakian, however, that Armenia, like Ukraine, could use their UN representation to negotiate international work contracts, etc. ANASTAS MIKOYAN ....
Soviet Physics -
SPUTNIK as Russia's Desinformation Media campain? Branch in Edinburg, Scotland ?
Soviet Media 1987:
Novosti Press Agency: Satanic Agenda by Nikita Moisseyev:
"Man, Nature and the Future of Civilization", Nikita Moisseyev (b. 1917):
- specialist in Applied Mathematics,
- deputy dir. of Computing Centre of the USSR Academy of Sciences,
- member of All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences,
- member of International Academy of Astronautics.
The work involved Western scientists and organisations, such as Club of Rome.
p. 31: "The first experiments conducted with the help of the Gaea system took place in 1982."
Soviet research was systemic, multi-disciplinary, globalist, operated notions of biosphere, noosphere, and so-called human block. The book ends ( on page 93) with proclamation of an "... onset of an epoch that needs new ethics and new morals.
But this is a separate subject. "
Saw smth. online a few years ago: Nkem's sister-in-law Ndidi has some roots in Russia (ref. Soviet Jewish Emigration to US) and if so, speculations about Barak Obama, Hellary Clinton and Condaleeza Rice being "Soviet" as was discussed on Russian/American Forum may also be true. There was a family picture with Condaleeza Rice. It's a very small world. Could not find anything about Nancy online.
[ Sat. 3 Sept. 2016] - Gosport apart from Frankenstein Navy Laboratories, is a home to Children of Chernobyl and Children of BESLAN "charities". Today is the 12th anniversary of tragic events ( 3 Sept. 2004) in Beslan, North Ossetia (South Russia/Caucases), when Chechen separatists occupied SCHOOL and held SCHOOL children and teachers hostage.
Interestingly, a good book "On this day" (2011 revised edition, ISBN: 978-0-753722-15-2) has a so-called typing error in the heading of the entry: Chechuan separatists hold school hostage: 2004 Russian forces stormed school in Beslan, etc. Hmm, Chechuan instead of Chechen! I checked the Index, where there is no entry for Chechen or Chechuan.
I noticed similar trick/deception in one Geography Atlas, where Index does not have entry for BIROBIDJAN - capital of Jewish Republic in USSR/Russian Federation - close to Chinese border in the Far East and Khabarovsk (corr. 28.11.2017) Area/Krai where ROMAN ABRAMOVICH ( friend of Putin) is ( still is?) a Governor. ( Atlas index scan is somewhere on this or other blogspot site).
Anna Politkovskaya was investigating how KGB destroyed families and traditions during Chechen Wars.
Daily Mail of 25 July, 2016 - Obama's brother: I'm voting Trump ( from Daniel Bates in New York).
"Malik Obama [ B.O.'s half brother] said he was switching from being a life-long Democrat as he felt Republican Mr Trump is 'something fresh' - and he hates his brother's support for same-sex marriages."
Kenia and Nigeria are among countries which made homosexuality illegal.
PKK stands not only for Kurdistan Party (K for ? ...) but in Russian letters (similar sounding) means Political Consultative Committeee of countries - participants of WARSAW Treaty ( est. 1955) . Their Conferences (ru: soveschania) in the (Soviet) Diplomatic Dictionary ( 3 volumes, 1984) are 18 in number: from 1956 to 1983 (in Moscow, Prague, Warsaw, Bucharest, Sofia, Budapest, East Berlin) - pages 390-396 (vol.2).
NO entry for Anastas Mikoyan in the Diplomatic Dictionary. In the DVD set from US (army educ.?) news chronicle Mikoyan is shown flying into America for an "unofficial" visit with a young clearly HOMOSEXUAL interpreter.
My post of 2 October 2013:
[ Mon. 5 Sept. 2016]
SMOLENSK in Russia has historic and geographical links to Poland and Belorussia.
Ridden with org. crime. Electronics industry. High Military School. KGB/Polish fake priests.
A Russian (-speaker) in Gosport told me he had roots in Smolensk/Poland but is a Russian Orthodox and attends Russian Orthodox meetings/services in University of Portsmouth (smth. about being accepted by students). Had DDR and Scottish (?) badges. Told me Scottish Communist Party was "very strict". I wrote earlier about depraved behaviour of Orth. Priest (Russian-Polish) family (young couple and child or children) in the All Saints Church in Portsmouth, years ago (also Mr Ushanka e-mail, etc.). Another 'character' was involved in Smolensk Theatrics only recently (ref. Polish food in Iceland supermarkets).
[ Tue. 6 Sept. 2016] - The "Scottish badge" above was Shetland, I think. There was another man with US Air Force badge, whom I thought was Yougoslav. Said he worked with IT/Computers and Medical smth. ....Psychiatry?
A very hot "baking" weather came to a holt the day China and US signed Environmental Treaty. What a coincidence.
Since I have a post here about Perugia in Italy ( LEEDS to Italy) I wondered about recent earthquake in that region.
What a surprise to discover a new International Festival of Journalism takes place in Perugia since 2007, I think. One speaker there is Evgeny MOROSOV ( a Russian name) born in Belorussia. Soros scholaship, etc. I can't really read Italian, but here are interesting (key) words from Repubblica.it:
24 marzo 2016: Volo privato diretto a Parma atterra in emergenza a Perugia. ... aeroporto dell'Umbria San Francesco di Assisi. ... problemi tecnici. A bordo ....umbro Brunello Cucinelli .... conferenza al Labirinto della Masone a Fontanellato.
Dutch F16 pilot worked for Belorussian KGB:
I have post here with a better picture of Chris Vanneker. He came to UK for Air Shows. The story, pictures (incl. young boys collecting autographs) by a Dutch journalist (a woman) on her website was taken down. By whom? Link later.
Evgeny Morozov:
GORCY is a Russian for mountain Caucasian tribes in USSR. Often did horce riding in TSIRK (Circus). Mountain Jews trained in Israel.
Police in GOSPORT:
International School EERDE in Holland:
My ex-student Carlos de Bourbon is now a Herzog of PARMA. His mother - Princess IRENE ref. my chat on FACEBOOK with (?) McGrath (sp?) .
[ Wed. 7 Sept. 2016] - Frank! Frank McGrath. Herma, Dutch lang. teacher, whom I thought was from South Africa or lived there (Frank disagreed) is on a photo/scan of Eerde, blond and wearing African dress.
The rain coming after prolonged and intense heat, must have been 'spiked' - two pairs of shoes gone in one day, damaged physically and chemically.
Police websites info in Hampshire: found (in red, which came out black on a color photo) a bold italic phrase: *This location is permanently closed. Please select a nearby branch.
There was a recent "Spanish Royals" theatrics in Fareham, Portsmouth and Gosport Morrisons supermarket - hapless as the rest.
[ Friday, 9 Sept. 2016] - Right now behind me (comp. 13) at the staff desk there is a woman ( on the phone now) whom I "dabbed" (ru: GeBeshnitsa) - KGB, as over the years she was an actor of very clear scenarios, all to do with KGB=Mossad=Mafia, such as Tatiana Tihonova/Aquino tales and years ago a very pointed suggestion about British Passport (getting one) plus display of KGB swine face of KALUGIN on a cover of a thick book. Close in time to MILITARY document (RAF, something financial, may be a purchase or tender) planted on me in the copy machine upstairs.There was also WW2 - Belorussia-Jews project or desk at the Social Sciences of Portsmouth University.
The scanner I requested does not work. Shall try again.
Two scans of DM (Daily Mail) articles from June 2015:
1.8 June, by Sam Greenhill - "With a school party on a Commons visit, two Labour grandees who 'abused children' ( 1976: Westminster - MPs Greville Janner and George Thomas).
2. 24 June, by Daniel Martin, Chief Political Correspondent - LABOUR PEER 'RAPED BOYS IN PARLIAMENT', - LORD Janner 'violated, raped and tortured' children inside the Houses of Parliament.
MAYLENE de la HAYE webpage:
May 2011:
Degenerate(s) MALNIK+ want other people's children:
Oct. 2010 (nr 277):
British Parliament to close for renovation? So-called industrial cleaning included?
Yesterday I saw "Red Rose" logo on Gulen schools in Holland, which are now closing.
Similar or same Red Rose ( I thought it was Labour symbol) was on a jacket of a man (ginger hair) who demonstrated his support and ecouragement to the notorious man with an earring on the Gosport Ferry.
World War Two documents missing (?) in the American Library of Congress,
as was posted on rmn forum.
Are documents/records safe in the Westminster- British Parliament?
What about CHURCHILL archives in the University of Oxford?
From post 259:
Local Retired Engineer Brian Hart was an indep. candidate ( see Haslar and other scandals) in Gosport 2010.
A good diagram showing GROUND stations, relating to SPIONAGE.
Readable Italian:
Sistema di spionaggio elettronoco su ignari civili microcippati:
[ Mon. 12 Sept. 2016] - Just posted two scans from Daily Mail as described earlier in this post.
Family Janner: Greville Ewan Janner, Baron Janner of Braunstone QC ( 1928- 2015 ).
From wikipedia: He became a Leicester Labour MP in the 1970 general election as a last-minute candidate, succeeding his father. 1978-1984: chairman of the Board of Deputies of British Jews. Janner was born in Cardiff, Wales, to Lithuanian Jewish (Litvak) parents.
Readable German:
Janner wurde als Sohn judischer Eltern geboren. Er war ein Sohn Barnett Janners, eines Vorsitzenden der Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland.
Bought newspapers yesterday and today to read about Rent Boys (male prostitutes) scandal of Labour MP ( for Leicester East ward) Keith Vaz. Some points: proposed trip ( to Romanian rent boys) to Tunis or Marocco. Morocco was judged 'safer' than Tunis. Morocco (Moroccan boys) if I remember correctly, was a subject in Demmink Case in The Netherlands. Turkey, Morocco?...
From today's Daily Mirror: "Former Labour city councillor Paul Gosling, who has given police a statement, said Nigel Philpot-Jones ran a suspected brothel at a council block, Oriel House."
A Russian word Eagle can be transliterated as Orel/Oriel/Oriol.
Names again: Dolphin Square Flats in London, Dolphin HMS (emblem near Gosport Ferry), and Dolphin holiday flat in Gosport, which I mentioned in my post (nr 354) Addenda Seven. of Friday, 18 March 2016:
Moldova (former Soviet Republic) people were issued with ROMANIAN passports.
[ Tue. 13 Sept. 2016] - Back in 2012 when a spate of "irregularities" followed Sunday 6 May theatrics, my neigbour Bob from flat 22 downstairs made a report/complaint at the Gosport Police Station. Letters and complaints were written by others, including myself.
However, when at a later stage I asked Bob to give me the reg. number of his report, he ... somewhat apologetically and sadly told me that his son had committed suicide and he has to think about his other son (in Afganistan?). It was so incredible, I even wondered if some professional acting was involved. I happenned to witness (by chance) at least two other people in Gosport (men) who had some tragic events about their sons.
[ Wed. 14 Sept.2016] - No access to hotmail this morning due to "this site temporarily unavailable due to maintenance." Sent an e-mail to Metropolitan Police yesterday.
Yes, the party I was suspicious about, that was held the day a Russian submarine passed along UK coast ( Tuesday?) and was attended by neighbours and outsiders, was held/hosted at Flat 22.
WW2 and Other Wars. The so-called Communist/Chinese Brainwashing is mentioned in connection with Prisoners of War (Americans). Many thousand GERMAN ( and other) prisoners were involved. Least of all Civil wars unleashed by foreign invasions are spoken about.
GREEK civil WAR 1945-46 resulted in Many Thousand CHILDREN (Greek children) abducted by Communist Rebels and transfered to Albania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Romania, Poland, etc. Red Cross and UN Sp. Committee for BALKANS tried to negotiate their return. Communist Block countries accused them of being "Monarchist-Fascist".
Greek Royal Family (I read) had one Princess IRENE, who, although healthy and attractive, never married. In the Soviet Union, when children were adopted, original birth certificates were destroyed and new ones written out.
Star Wars: http://galina-a-anikeeva.blogspot.com/2012/07/star-wars.html
RAF document planted:
[ Thurs. 15 Sept.2016] - From Keesing's Archives ( 1948-50):
... Abduction of BBC correspondent (Kenneth Mathews?) ... Yugoslavia refused to return abducted children ... Martial Law in Greece ... 1948 June 25- 26 Communists executed of whom 20 found guilty of sabotage of RHN (Royal Hellenic Navy) ... Greek Communists (7000?) escaped to Albania ... 2 Dec. 1948 Red Cross/UNBC: 23,696 Greek children retained in East Europe:
10 000 - in Yugoslavia
3 801 - in Romania
3000 - in Hungary
2660 - in Bulgaria
2235 - in Czechoslovakia
2000 - in Albania, etc.
My post nr 303:
My post nr 288:
[ Friday 16 Sept.2016] - Stories abound about a "mix-up" of new-born babies in different countries.
Interestingly, a 'mistake' if true, is almost never suspected to begin with, with all possible explanations at hand. Without mentioning names, I recall two striking cases (both with mixed race couples) in Lagos, Nigeria, when in one case the baby was 'very dark', and in another - 'very white'. There were plausible reasons in both cases.
ONLINE: On a Russian-lang. Forum (could have been Military History), a Russian man 'complained' that Jewish men are 'very fast', as he saw his new baby look like he/she had a Jewish father.
FYIO - for your information only.
THIMC - to whom it may concern.
[ Mon. 19 Sept. 2016] -
just posted CHECHUAN instead of CHECHEN from a good book - see entry of 3 Sept. in this post.
Communist Manifesto, Eurocommunism, etc. etc.
FULL(?) text of Protocols (of Cabal International):
Patchy news about explosions and knife attacks (?) in New York and elsewhere.
Knife/Syringe (filled with water) attacks a year or so ago in North West China ? Were they UIGURS, so-called Muslim persecuted minority in China? How do Uigurs fare in other parts of the world?
British HACKER (what a misleading term) LAURIE LOVE is the son of a BAPTIST minister, Reverend Alexander Love and his Finnish wife Sirkka-Liisa Love, who both work in a prison HMP High Point North.
Finland .... Finnish Factory HUTA-MAKI, which may be linked to Middleton's family business (paper plates, etc.) is in GOSPORT. Huta-Maki sponsored Job Fare in Gosport Leasure Centre last year.
ASPERGE again? ...
Prof. Simon Baron-Cohen gave evidence in person ... He is Professor of Developmental Psychopathology at the University of Cambridge and Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge.
He is Director of the Autism Research Centre in Cambridge. .... has been a consultant in the NHS for 15 years specialising in the diagnosis of Asperge Syndrome in adults. Among other medical specialists in the case: Prof. Kopelman and Dr. Thomas Kucharski.
... Prof. Michael Kopelman ( also spelled Kopleman) is Emeritus Professor of Neuropsychiatry at King's College London.
One Dr. or Prof. David King (?) from King's College London was the medical expert in Garry McKinnon's case.
Natasha KURHT, who has not yet replied to my e-mail, works in War Studies Department at
King's College London.
My previous post: http://galina-a-anikeeva.blogspot.com/2016/08/natasha-k.html
From Daily Mail Oct. 2013 article about Lauri Love, arrested by NCA:
" ... Home Secretary Theresa May blocked his {ref. Garry McKinnon} extradition on the grounds that it would be 'incompatible with Mr McKinnon's human rights' due to high suicide risk { ref. Asperge}. Two months later, he learned that he would not stand trial in Britain either.
Keir Starmer, the Director of Public Prosecutions, ruled that the chances of a successful conviction were 'not high' and that it was therefore not in public interest to pursue Mr McKinnon further."
2010 post: http://002-gaa-draft-notes.blogspot.com/2010/09/david-cohn-disappointment.html
2014 post: http://002-gaa-draft-notes.blogspot.com/2014/08/scotland-plus.html ("X" is Olga Patta).
2015 post: http://002-gaa-draft-notes.blogspot.com/2015/02/cambridge-500.html
Info only about Mathematitian Luigi Bianchi.
My post ( nr 342 ) Jewish Goat Syndrome and IT:
[ Wed. 31 Aug.2016] - just posted scan of INTERSPUTNIK entry in 1984 edition of (Soviet) Diplomatic Dictionary.
Ru: Kosmicheski Kompleks i Zemnye Stantsii.
En: Space Complex and GROUND STATIONS.
And where are those (Star Wars) Ground Stations? - Everywhere.
My post "Who is What ? ..." :
[ Friday, 2 Sept. 2016] - Addenda Four post:
Soviet Jewish Immigration ( sixties, seventies) started from the South, Caucasian Republics:
Georgia, Armenia, etc. Armenian Mafia in New York ... Sergey Lavrov is Armenian/Jewish.
Where are Saakian family from Unilag now? The husband was a lecturer in the Engineering Faculty, the wife - a medical doctor. Yougoslavia, Ukraine, Armenia had independent representations at UN during Cold War.
The scan from Diplomatic Dictionary about INTERSPUTNIK has a book by Kamenetskaya E.P. as a reference. The marriage of Rita Kamenetskaya (daughter of Samuil Efimovich) was talked/gossiped about as a 'new' type/trend of what was called in the Soviet Union a 'mixed marriage' (a marriage between Jew and Russian) , as she was marrying a Russian man, a 'simple' factory worker (ru: prostoi rabochiy). Give and take.
Did not like names/faces of Armenian 'friends' on the facebook page of Nkem, the daughter of my friend Lynn Nwuneli. Couldn't really talk to Nkem, when she was in London. She might not know what went on in Unilag in those years.
Small correction: I sort of mixed two issues above: some Warsaw Pact countries were allied with USSR, but allowed their citizens to work abroad, which was not the case with Soviet citizens, as I knew it at the time. I learned from Eng. Saakian, however, that Armenia, like Ukraine, could use their UN representation to negotiate international work contracts, etc. ANASTAS MIKOYAN ....
Soviet Physics -
SPUTNIK as Russia's Desinformation Media campain? Branch in Edinburg, Scotland ?
Soviet Media 1987:
Novosti Press Agency: Satanic Agenda by Nikita Moisseyev:
"Man, Nature and the Future of Civilization", Nikita Moisseyev (b. 1917):
- specialist in Applied Mathematics,
- deputy dir. of Computing Centre of the USSR Academy of Sciences,
- member of All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences,
- member of International Academy of Astronautics.
The work involved Western scientists and organisations, such as Club of Rome.
p. 31: "The first experiments conducted with the help of the Gaea system took place in 1982."
Soviet research was systemic, multi-disciplinary, globalist, operated notions of biosphere, noosphere, and so-called human block. The book ends ( on page 93) with proclamation of an "... onset of an epoch that needs new ethics and new morals.
But this is a separate subject. "
Saw smth. online a few years ago: Nkem's sister-in-law Ndidi has some roots in Russia (ref. Soviet Jewish Emigration to US) and if so, speculations about Barak Obama, Hellary Clinton and Condaleeza Rice being "Soviet" as was discussed on Russian/American Forum may also be true. There was a family picture with Condaleeza Rice. It's a very small world. Could not find anything about Nancy online.
[ Sat. 3 Sept. 2016] - Gosport apart from Frankenstein Navy Laboratories, is a home to Children of Chernobyl and Children of BESLAN "charities". Today is the 12th anniversary of tragic events ( 3 Sept. 2004) in Beslan, North Ossetia (South Russia/Caucases), when Chechen separatists occupied SCHOOL and held SCHOOL children and teachers hostage.
Interestingly, a good book "On this day" (2011 revised edition, ISBN: 978-0-753722-15-2) has a so-called typing error in the heading of the entry: Chechuan separatists hold school hostage: 2004 Russian forces stormed school in Beslan, etc. Hmm, Chechuan instead of Chechen! I checked the Index, where there is no entry for Chechen or Chechuan.
I noticed similar trick/deception in one Geography Atlas, where Index does not have entry for BIROBIDJAN - capital of Jewish Republic in USSR/Russian Federation - close to Chinese border in the Far East and Khabarovsk (corr. 28.11.2017) Area/Krai where ROMAN ABRAMOVICH ( friend of Putin) is ( still is?) a Governor. ( Atlas index scan is somewhere on this or other blogspot site).
Anna Politkovskaya was investigating how KGB destroyed families and traditions during Chechen Wars.
Daily Mail of 25 July, 2016 - Obama's brother: I'm voting Trump ( from Daniel Bates in New York).
"Malik Obama [ B.O.'s half brother] said he was switching from being a life-long Democrat as he felt Republican Mr Trump is 'something fresh' - and he hates his brother's support for same-sex marriages."
Kenia and Nigeria are among countries which made homosexuality illegal.
PKK stands not only for Kurdistan Party (K for ? ...) but in Russian letters (similar sounding) means Political Consultative Committeee of countries - participants of WARSAW Treaty ( est. 1955) . Their Conferences (ru: soveschania) in the (Soviet) Diplomatic Dictionary ( 3 volumes, 1984) are 18 in number: from 1956 to 1983 (in Moscow, Prague, Warsaw, Bucharest, Sofia, Budapest, East Berlin) - pages 390-396 (vol.2).
NO entry for Anastas Mikoyan in the Diplomatic Dictionary. In the DVD set from US (army educ.?) news chronicle Mikoyan is shown flying into America for an "unofficial" visit with a young clearly HOMOSEXUAL interpreter.
My post of 2 October 2013:
[ Mon. 5 Sept. 2016]
SMOLENSK in Russia has historic and geographical links to Poland and Belorussia.
Ridden with org. crime. Electronics industry. High Military School. KGB/Polish fake priests.
A Russian (-speaker) in Gosport told me he had roots in Smolensk/Poland but is a Russian Orthodox and attends Russian Orthodox meetings/services in University of Portsmouth (smth. about being accepted by students). Had DDR and Scottish (?) badges. Told me Scottish Communist Party was "very strict". I wrote earlier about depraved behaviour of Orth. Priest (Russian-Polish) family (young couple and child or children) in the All Saints Church in Portsmouth, years ago (also Mr Ushanka e-mail, etc.). Another 'character' was involved in Smolensk Theatrics only recently (ref. Polish food in Iceland supermarkets).
[ Tue. 6 Sept. 2016] - The "Scottish badge" above was Shetland, I think. There was another man with US Air Force badge, whom I thought was Yougoslav. Said he worked with IT/Computers and Medical smth. ....Psychiatry?
A very hot "baking" weather came to a holt the day China and US signed Environmental Treaty. What a coincidence.
Since I have a post here about Perugia in Italy ( LEEDS to Italy) I wondered about recent earthquake in that region.
What a surprise to discover a new International Festival of Journalism takes place in Perugia since 2007, I think. One speaker there is Evgeny MOROSOV ( a Russian name) born in Belorussia. Soros scholaship, etc. I can't really read Italian, but here are interesting (key) words from Repubblica.it:
24 marzo 2016: Volo privato diretto a Parma atterra in emergenza a Perugia. ... aeroporto dell'Umbria San Francesco di Assisi. ... problemi tecnici. A bordo ....umbro Brunello Cucinelli .... conferenza al Labirinto della Masone a Fontanellato.
Dutch F16 pilot worked for Belorussian KGB:
I have post here with a better picture of Chris Vanneker. He came to UK for Air Shows. The story, pictures (incl. young boys collecting autographs) by a Dutch journalist (a woman) on her website was taken down. By whom? Link later.
Evgeny Morozov:
GORCY is a Russian for mountain Caucasian tribes in USSR. Often did horce riding in TSIRK (Circus). Mountain Jews trained in Israel.
Police in GOSPORT:
International School EERDE in Holland:
My ex-student Carlos de Bourbon is now a Herzog of PARMA. His mother - Princess IRENE ref. my chat on FACEBOOK with (?) McGrath (sp?) .
[ Wed. 7 Sept. 2016] - Frank! Frank McGrath. Herma, Dutch lang. teacher, whom I thought was from South Africa or lived there (Frank disagreed) is on a photo/scan of Eerde, blond and wearing African dress.
The rain coming after prolonged and intense heat, must have been 'spiked' - two pairs of shoes gone in one day, damaged physically and chemically.
Police websites info in Hampshire: found (in red, which came out black on a color photo) a bold italic phrase: *This location is permanently closed. Please select a nearby branch.
There was a recent "Spanish Royals" theatrics in Fareham, Portsmouth and Gosport Morrisons supermarket - hapless as the rest.
[ Friday, 9 Sept. 2016] - Right now behind me (comp. 13) at the staff desk there is a woman ( on the phone now) whom I "dabbed" (ru: GeBeshnitsa) - KGB, as over the years she was an actor of very clear scenarios, all to do with KGB=Mossad=Mafia, such as Tatiana Tihonova/Aquino tales and years ago a very pointed suggestion about British Passport (getting one) plus display of KGB swine face of KALUGIN on a cover of a thick book. Close in time to MILITARY document (RAF, something financial, may be a purchase or tender) planted on me in the copy machine upstairs.There was also WW2 - Belorussia-Jews project or desk at the Social Sciences of Portsmouth University.
The scanner I requested does not work. Shall try again.
Two scans of DM (Daily Mail) articles from June 2015:
1.8 June, by Sam Greenhill - "With a school party on a Commons visit, two Labour grandees who 'abused children' ( 1976: Westminster - MPs Greville Janner and George Thomas).
2. 24 June, by Daniel Martin, Chief Political Correspondent - LABOUR PEER 'RAPED BOYS IN PARLIAMENT', - LORD Janner 'violated, raped and tortured' children inside the Houses of Parliament.
MAYLENE de la HAYE webpage:
May 2011:
Degenerate(s) MALNIK+ want other people's children:
Oct. 2010 (nr 277):
British Parliament to close for renovation? So-called industrial cleaning included?
Yesterday I saw "Red Rose" logo on Gulen schools in Holland, which are now closing.
Similar or same Red Rose ( I thought it was Labour symbol) was on a jacket of a man (ginger hair) who demonstrated his support and ecouragement to the notorious man with an earring on the Gosport Ferry.
World War Two documents missing (?) in the American Library of Congress,
as was posted on rmn forum.
Are documents/records safe in the Westminster- British Parliament?
What about CHURCHILL archives in the University of Oxford?
From post 259:
Local Retired Engineer Brian Hart was an indep. candidate ( see Haslar and other scandals) in Gosport 2010.
A good diagram showing GROUND stations, relating to SPIONAGE.
Readable Italian:
Sistema di spionaggio elettronoco su ignari civili microcippati:
[ Mon. 12 Sept. 2016] - Just posted two scans from Daily Mail as described earlier in this post.
Family Janner: Greville Ewan Janner, Baron Janner of Braunstone QC ( 1928- 2015 ).
From wikipedia: He became a Leicester Labour MP in the 1970 general election as a last-minute candidate, succeeding his father. 1978-1984: chairman of the Board of Deputies of British Jews. Janner was born in Cardiff, Wales, to Lithuanian Jewish (Litvak) parents.
Readable German:
Janner wurde als Sohn judischer Eltern geboren. Er war ein Sohn Barnett Janners, eines Vorsitzenden der Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland.
Bought newspapers yesterday and today to read about Rent Boys (male prostitutes) scandal of Labour MP ( for Leicester East ward) Keith Vaz. Some points: proposed trip ( to Romanian rent boys) to Tunis or Marocco. Morocco was judged 'safer' than Tunis. Morocco (Moroccan boys) if I remember correctly, was a subject in Demmink Case in The Netherlands. Turkey, Morocco?...
From today's Daily Mirror: "Former Labour city councillor Paul Gosling, who has given police a statement, said Nigel Philpot-Jones ran a suspected brothel at a council block, Oriel House."
A Russian word Eagle can be transliterated as Orel/Oriel/Oriol.
Names again: Dolphin Square Flats in London, Dolphin HMS (emblem near Gosport Ferry), and Dolphin holiday flat in Gosport, which I mentioned in my post (nr 354) Addenda Seven. of Friday, 18 March 2016:
Moldova (former Soviet Republic) people were issued with ROMANIAN passports.
[ Tue. 13 Sept. 2016] - Back in 2012 when a spate of "irregularities" followed Sunday 6 May theatrics, my neigbour Bob from flat 22 downstairs made a report/complaint at the Gosport Police Station. Letters and complaints were written by others, including myself.
However, when at a later stage I asked Bob to give me the reg. number of his report, he ... somewhat apologetically and sadly told me that his son had committed suicide and he has to think about his other son (in Afganistan?). It was so incredible, I even wondered if some professional acting was involved. I happenned to witness (by chance) at least two other people in Gosport (men) who had some tragic events about their sons.
[ Wed. 14 Sept.2016] - No access to hotmail this morning due to "this site temporarily unavailable due to maintenance." Sent an e-mail to Metropolitan Police yesterday.
Yes, the party I was suspicious about, that was held the day a Russian submarine passed along UK coast ( Tuesday?) and was attended by neighbours and outsiders, was held/hosted at Flat 22.
WW2 and Other Wars. The so-called Communist/Chinese Brainwashing is mentioned in connection with Prisoners of War (Americans). Many thousand GERMAN ( and other) prisoners were involved. Least of all Civil wars unleashed by foreign invasions are spoken about.
GREEK civil WAR 1945-46 resulted in Many Thousand CHILDREN (Greek children) abducted by Communist Rebels and transfered to Albania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Romania, Poland, etc. Red Cross and UN Sp. Committee for BALKANS tried to negotiate their return. Communist Block countries accused them of being "Monarchist-Fascist".
Greek Royal Family (I read) had one Princess IRENE, who, although healthy and attractive, never married. In the Soviet Union, when children were adopted, original birth certificates were destroyed and new ones written out.
Star Wars: http://galina-a-anikeeva.blogspot.com/2012/07/star-wars.html
RAF document planted:
[ Thurs. 15 Sept.2016] - From Keesing's Archives ( 1948-50):
... Abduction of BBC correspondent (Kenneth Mathews?) ... Yugoslavia refused to return abducted children ... Martial Law in Greece ... 1948 June 25- 26 Communists executed of whom 20 found guilty of sabotage of RHN (Royal Hellenic Navy) ... Greek Communists (7000?) escaped to Albania ... 2 Dec. 1948 Red Cross/UNBC: 23,696 Greek children retained in East Europe:
10 000 - in Yugoslavia
3 801 - in Romania
3000 - in Hungary
2660 - in Bulgaria
2235 - in Czechoslovakia
2000 - in Albania, etc.
My post nr 303:
My post nr 288:
[ Friday 16 Sept.2016] - Stories abound about a "mix-up" of new-born babies in different countries.
Interestingly, a 'mistake' if true, is almost never suspected to begin with, with all possible explanations at hand. Without mentioning names, I recall two striking cases (both with mixed race couples) in Lagos, Nigeria, when in one case the baby was 'very dark', and in another - 'very white'. There were plausible reasons in both cases.
ONLINE: On a Russian-lang. Forum (could have been Military History), a Russian man 'complained' that Jewish men are 'very fast', as he saw his new baby look like he/she had a Jewish father.
FYIO - for your information only.
THIMC - to whom it may concern.
[ Mon. 19 Sept. 2016] -
just posted CHECHUAN instead of CHECHEN from a good book - see entry of 3 Sept. in this post.
Communist Manifesto, Eurocommunism, etc. etc.
FULL(?) text of Protocols (of Cabal International):
Patchy news about explosions and knife attacks (?) in New York and elsewhere.
Knife/Syringe (filled with water) attacks a year or so ago in North West China ? Were they UIGURS, so-called Muslim persecuted minority in China? How do Uigurs fare in other parts of the world?
British HACKER (what a misleading term) LAURIE LOVE is the son of a BAPTIST minister, Reverend Alexander Love and his Finnish wife Sirkka-Liisa Love, who both work in a prison HMP High Point North.
Finland .... Finnish Factory HUTA-MAKI, which may be linked to Middleton's family business (paper plates, etc.) is in GOSPORT. Huta-Maki sponsored Job Fare in Gosport Leasure Centre last year.
ASPERGE again? ...
Prof. Simon Baron-Cohen gave evidence in person ... He is Professor of Developmental Psychopathology at the University of Cambridge and Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge.
He is Director of the Autism Research Centre in Cambridge. .... has been a consultant in the NHS for 15 years specialising in the diagnosis of Asperge Syndrome in adults. Among other medical specialists in the case: Prof. Kopelman and Dr. Thomas Kucharski.
... Prof. Michael Kopelman ( also spelled Kopleman) is Emeritus Professor of Neuropsychiatry at King's College London.
One Dr. or Prof. David King (?) from King's College London was the medical expert in Garry McKinnon's case.
Natasha KURHT, who has not yet replied to my e-mail, works in War Studies Department at
King's College London.
My previous post: http://galina-a-anikeeva.blogspot.com/2016/08/natasha-k.html
From Daily Mail Oct. 2013 article about Lauri Love, arrested by NCA:
" ... Home Secretary Theresa May blocked his {ref. Garry McKinnon} extradition on the grounds that it would be 'incompatible with Mr McKinnon's human rights' due to high suicide risk { ref. Asperge}. Two months later, he learned that he would not stand trial in Britain either.
Keir Starmer, the Director of Public Prosecutions, ruled that the chances of a successful conviction were 'not high' and that it was therefore not in public interest to pursue Mr McKinnon further."
2010 post: http://002-gaa-draft-notes.blogspot.com/2010/09/david-cohn-disappointment.html
2014 post: http://002-gaa-draft-notes.blogspot.com/2014/08/scotland-plus.html ("X" is Olga Patta).
2015 post: http://002-gaa-draft-notes.blogspot.com/2015/02/cambridge-500.html
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