Wednesday, 29 August 2007

(nr. 24 ) Bogrov/Bogrov ?... "On the evening of 1 September 1911, during a royal performance of Rimski-Korsakov's Tale of the Tsar Saltan at the Kiev Opera House, Stolypin [russian PM] was shot at point-blank by a revolutionary, Bogrov. Misteriously, the assasin was executed before a full inquiry could be made;..." [Mordechai Bogrov was executed September 11, 1911]
- from "The Most Evil Men and Women in History" by Miranda Twiss.
From the same book on Ivan the Terrible: " Just before his death the Tsar summoned sixty soothsayers who .... told him he would die on 18 March 1584 . That day....he felt well... . But the soothsayers were adamant. ... Having taken a bath, the Tsar settled down to play chess and dropped dead. An Englishman, who happened to be present, Jerome Gorsay, wrote that the Tsar was 'asphyxiated'."
Kay Griggs spoke about PINK TRIANGLES illegally transported to America from Nazi Camps.

Were there special SYMBOLS for female perverts/sodomites?

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