( nr 324 ) ECHELON in Yorkshire, Menwith Hill, which I was not supposed to know about, although someone wanted me to get involved in engineering calculations for deep underground project .... in Bradley Village, North Yorkshire. Read my posts 186 and 187, which I made in 2009 on January 26 and 27:
Quotes and scans from "Psychology - the science of mental life" by George A.Miller 1962 are to be found in my post 221 dated 24 June 2009.
Dutch F16 pilot Chris Vaneker is in prison for spying for Belorussian KGB.
Dutch singer, writer and journalist Mylene de la Haye wrote an article and took pictures of Chris Vaneker and friends in Britain, at Newcastle/Sunderland Airshow:
Is her website/page taken down? The link is at the end of my post 291 of 4 May 2011:
UNITED KINGDOM. - Nov. 1968 - Defence Secrets Trial.
(from Keesing's Cont. Archives) :
Douglas Ronald Britten (36), an R.A.F. chief technician, was sentenced to 21 years' imprisonment .... He had pleaded guilty to spying for the Russians over a period of six years and passing on to them "highly sensitive information" about his work in the R.A.F. ... Britten, a married man with four children and 19 years' service in the R.A.F., had admitted selling secrets to the Russians "to buy a house" ....
... his first meeting with a Russian contact during a visit to the Science Museum in London in 1962, ....another Russian contact in Cyprus ...[who] asked him not only for details of R.A.F. communications and signals but also for "harmless information" about whether any of the officers he knew had mistresses or engaged in "wife-swapping" parties, and if any airmen's wives had prostituted themselves with other Britons or local males.
.... In his statement Britten said that he had been threatened several times, and on one occasion punched ...
On the same day (Nov.4) the Lord Chief Justice also passed sentence of five years' imprisonment on a naval rating, Robin Douglas Cloude (29) ...
....Soviet Agencies in London - eg the Moscow Narodny Bank, Tass news agency, Aeroflot, the Black Sea and Baltic General Assurance Company, the Anglo-Soviet Shipping Company, the Baltic Shipping Company, Nafta (?) and Soviet Film agencies.
I shall look for a link to my post: RAF document planted. At a glance it was a financial document ....
[Thurs. 17 July 2014] - The search results for RAF - in addition to post nr 291 (link above):
NB: speakers corner (regular) suspended till further notice.
[Wed.23 July, 2014] - Malaysian Airplanes crashes controversies continue. The first airplane from Harkov with dead bodies (103 ? - to check) lands in Eindhoven in Holland this afternoon (16.00 ?).
The black boxes were first given to Malaysian Airlines and now are reported to be analysed in London.
1 in 3 Americans have been implanted with RFID chips: most unaware -
MH17 sabotaged by Israeli Security ? -
MH-17 and NATO Exercise "Breeze 2014" -
Ihor Kolomoyskyi - Ukranian/Jewish/Cypriot/Israeli 'oligarch with Benya nickname (wikipedia).
Post 911: Russian speaking forums had a post with humorous remark about Ben (laden) being like 'nash Benya' - implying Benjamin/jewish rather than arab persona. There was a report about Ukranian engineer working in the building before the tragedy.
Russian entry on Ihor Kolomoyskyi has a long list of his businesses.
More from Wikipedia: Peretz Smolenskin (1842-1885) was interested in schemes for the colonozation of Palestine.
The Russian diplomat who British spy Douglas Ronald Britten met in 1966 (see story above) was Alexander Ivanovich Borisenko.
What about SPACE BASED weapons ? Space satellites, stations and space weapons are all up there,
above our heads - The Star Wars.
The article: MH-17 and NATO Exercise "Breeze 2014" is by Wayne Madsen. The subtitle is Beware of the Chameleon. US Vice President Joe Biden's son. Hunter Biden, is a newly-named director of the Ukranian natural gas and oil company Burisma Holdings, Ltd., owned by Ihor Kolomoisky (sp?), the Ukranian-Israeli mafia oligarch, who is known as Chameleon.
[ Tue. 5 Aug. 2014] - Read Scotland Plus 'update' I made yesterday on one of my other blogspot websites:
[ Thurs. 7 Aug. 2014 ] - The link above is to my 002- ... website, which I kept for my own private notes. It has been so depleted over time (by the Cabal, of course) that I now decided to make much more information much less private, laying emphasis on what they don't want us to know. One post ( among many) on that website that was quietly deleted is "David Cohn dissapointment ..." dated
1 September 2010. I also have been using a lot of understatement and that may need to be also clarified.
A couple of times during posting I noticed I was not on the blogspot site, which I logged into. I re-logged on those occasions, but it's much more difficult to correct if they do 'scrambling' later on.
[ Wed. 13 Aug. 2014 ] - History of South Africa in Keesing's Archives - May-June 1959 discussions of University Apartheid legislation: Dr. Hendrik F. Verwoerd, the Prime Minister, pointed out that non-White students were excluded from social, sporting, and other non-academic facilities in the "open" universities, and alleged that the Opposition wanted to make "second-class students" of the non-Whites, which would create hatred towards the Whites.
14:44. Thurs. 14 August, 2014.
Wednesday, 16 July 2014
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